Dealing with judgment from other people can be tough. Judgmental people are just unavoidable. ____1____ The tips below will show you the best ways to respond when someone judges you.
Try not to take any judgmental words personally. Remember that a judgmental person’s words are a reflection of their own beliefs — and not yours. Remind yourself of all the things you do well and keep a list of your best traits and achievements to boost your confidence.
Be sympathetic.
____3____ It could be that they were judged themselves by parents, family, or friends, in which case this person’s critical attitude would be something they learned. While that doesn’t excuse their behavior, having compassion can inform your response. Say things like “I’m not sure I agree, but I understand your position and I’ll take time to think it over. Thank you for sharing.”
Ask for clarification.
____4____ Ask this person to explain what they said, and find out their motivation for saying it. Some people have good intentions but end up sounding judgmental when they’re trying to help. Before you interpret this person’s words a certain way, make sure you know their true meaning and why they felt the need to judge you.
Calm down and respond rationally(理性地).
Being judged is never fun, and it’s natural for you to feel hurt and emotional right after it happens. So you should stay collected. Getting defensive or judgmental in return is unlikely to help them see the error of their ways, and more likely to start a fight. If you get angry, take several deep breaths until you feel yourself calming down. Excuse yourself briefly if you need to. ____5____
A.Separate yourself from the judgment.
B.Try understanding the source of this person’s judgment.
C.But you can deal with their criticism using positivity and sympathy.
D.Think of each situation where you feel judged as a learning experience.
E.Take a quick walk, and return to the conversation when you feel ready.
F.Judgmental people may not know they’re being rude or unreasonable.
G.Explain why their words have bothered you and make sure this won’t happen again.
For some people, income, fame, and a good work-life balance are the most important aspects when choosing a career (职业) path.____6____. Looking for a job where you can make a difference? Here are some choices worth exploring.
Emergency services
Whether you choose to join the police, ambulance, or fire and rescue service, there are plenty of roles in this field.____7____. You’ll never have a boring day at work, but you’ll also have to deal with a lot of pressure and stress on a regular basis since a job as a first responder is both mentally and physically demanding.
Caring for those in need can give you a sense of purpose and help you connect with people on a deeper level, so it’s a very rewarding job. But this career path can be equally demanding, stressful, and exhausting. Empathy, patience, compassion, great communication skills, good observation, initiative, and physical strength are some of the most important caregiver skills and qualities you need in this field.
Charity work
Working for a charity is the very definition of helping and supporting people in need. From working in communications, HR, or IT to choosing a job in administration or fundraising, there are different ways in which you can bring your contribution.____9____.
Social work
____10____. You’ll be working with some of the most weak groups of people in society such as the elderly, children, adults with mental health issues, and so on. You’ll help people deal with challenging situations, which can be both frightening and extremely rewarding.
A.Care giving
B.Nursing and healthcare
C.Thus, you’ll be able to help people
D.It will put you at the forefront of social change and development
E.They allow you to serve your community and make the world a better place
F.For others, the possibility to help others far outweighs the rest of the benefits
G.Besides, charity jobs may also provide free working hours and conditions of employment
How to Train Your Brain to Show Kindness
It is always good to learn new things, especially kindness. ____11____, here are some ways for you.
Show kindness to yourself first
You might think that the first step should be helping others, but that won’t make a lasting change. If you keep being strict with yourself, that attitude will show how you treat others. If you are always in a bad mood, this feeling will also influence others in your actions.____12____.
If you want to be kind, you need to listen to people. Most of the time, if a stranger on the street asks for some money, you may first think they are trying to cheat. But what if you’re wrong? You’ll never know unless you listen. Therefore, from now on, make an effort to listen actively.
Build positive thinking skills
A positive thought is one of the most important things you can do when learning to be kind. If your life is full of negativity, you will never be able to spread positive emotions into the world. How to build positive thinking skills? One of the best ways to do it is to practise gratitude.____14____, always try to see the good in things. Make an effort to take some time and enjoy the small things.
Be active
Practice makes perfect ____15____. And kindness is a skill you need to learn, much like riding a bike. All it takes is just a little bit of practice. Once being kindness becomes part of your daily routine, you’ll internalize(内化)it.
A.Make an effort to listen
B.Offer to help strangers
C.If you try your best to do it
D.If you want to train your brain to show it
E.No matter how dark the world might seem
F.This saying is true when you want to gain any new skill
G.So, to make a lasting change, you must learn to be kind to yourself first
Wanting to be more responsible is admirable. Being responsible can seem hard at first, but if you keep at it, it will become second nature to you! Below are some tips on how to become responsible.
Place others’ needs before your own. When you have a family, friends, or pets, being responsible may mean placing their needs above your own. That doesn’t mean you don’t take care of yourself. ____16____ .
Learn to think about other people’s thoughts and feelings. Empathy is feeling what other people feel. When you say something or do something, think about how it will make the other person feel. If you’re not sure, consider how it would make you feel. ____17____.
Make a schedule to plan your time. Whether you have a daily planner or use a phone app, a schedule helps you stay on top of your responsibilities. It reminds you of what you need to be doing. ____18____. Write out the appointments you have, the places you go every day, and the chores you need to get done each day.
____19____. One aspect of being responsible is not putting off your tasks until after you’ve had fun. Start by doing what you need to get done first, and then you can relax and have fun afterward.
Keep your long-term commitments. When something is fun and new, it’s easy to be committed to it.
____20____. Whether it’s being in a club, taking a leadership role in a community organization, or volunteering, you have to be in it for the long term.
A.Your personal feelings aren’t an issue.
B.Take care of your tasks before having fun.
C.Pick a few goals that you want to achieve.
D.In addition, it shows you where you’ re spending your time.
E.However, it becomes a little more difficult when the novelty wears off.
F.If it would make you feel bad, reconsider what you were thinking about doing or saying.
G.It does mean you may need to take care of yourself later if someone you love has a need now.
Does gardening leave you feeling happy and relaxed? Your brain might be telling you something! ____21____With all the digging, lifting, watering, planting and moving, it is clear how gardening can have many physical benefits. But research shows that these benefits can also affect our minds as well!
In Japan, there is a growing trend called forest bathing, where people immerse themselves in the outdoors as a way to relax and improve concentration. Why has this caught on? ____22____Studies have shown that forest bathing forces people to disconnect from distractions and be more mindful of their immediate surroundings. This can also happen while gardening. If you’ve ever weeded a garden bed, you will know that it requires a high degree of focus in order to identify unwanted plants. ____23____
Another important aspect of gardening is getting your hands dirty, and research show that this can improve your mental health. Scientists have discovered that the mycobacterium (分枝杆菌) found in soil can improve brain function. The micro bacteria found in the soil increases serotonin produced in the brain (also known as the “happy” chemical). ____24____
There’s also the sentimental (情感的) attachment to your garden. Gardening takes effort and because of this, a natural responsibility for the survival of your plants starts to rise with you. Sometimes you see them from seed to plant. Other times you forget to water them and they die.____25____In addition, the hard work will provide you with delicious little vegetables.
A.Because it is effective.
B.Because you don’t have a backyard.
C.You should look for areas to put planters.
D.By getting your hands dirty, you are also making your brain happy.
E.Gardening is a useful way of improving your physical and mental health.
F.By noticing the smallest details, you are also improving your concentration.
G.Regardless, caring for something other than yourself can be satisfying and purposeful.
Money Tips for Teenagers: Your Future Self Will Thank You
Starting good money habits now will put you ahead for the rest of your life.
Understand the power of time.
You probably aren’t making much money right now, but that doesn’t matter. ___26___ Let’s look at an example: At the end of your summer job, you have $1,000. You put your money in the bank. The bank will pay you interest (利息) at an annual rate of 5%. You don’t use one cent for 50 years. At the end of those 50 years, you will have $11,467.4.
The power of habit is almost as important as the power of time when it comes to money. If you start the habit of saving money now, that habit will always be with you. Every dollar you get, whether it’s a gift, an allowance (零钱), or pay from a job, get into the habit of saving it. ___28___ But if you started saving much more than that at an early age, it wouldn’t seem hard to you because it’s just a habit.
Avoid FOMO.
FOMO is fear of missing out. When you’re a teenager, it’s easy to think everyone is having more fun than you are. And sometimes, people are having more fun than you. That’s true no matter how young or old you are. ___29___
If you ask people older than you what their biggest financial (经济的) regret is, a lot of them will tell you that they wished they had started getting serious about money much earlier than they did. ___30___
A.Time flies.
B.What matters is time.
C.Start a money saving habit.
D.Start now so you don’t have that same regret.
E.The older you get, the harder it can seem to save your money.
F.What’s the most important is to save money as much as possible.
G.It’s important, though, not to give up what you want most for what you want now.
How similar are language and music?
Language is part of our daily lives, no matter where we live in the world. ____31____ Both language and music play a huge role in our culture and here are some of their similarities.
Both language and music have a writing system.
In English we record language using the alphabet, which is a collection of letters. Similarly, we use notes (音符) to keep a record of music. Musicians read notes and create meaning in the form of music. ____32____ By writing pieces of text or music, we are able to share experiences through time. We can read the ideas or hear the composition (作品) of someone who lived hundreds of years ago.
You can make a good guess at where someone is from by listening to the language he uses. In the same way, we know that styles of music are different around the world, giving us the opportunity to explore many different cultures through their music and providing us with music for every situation.
Both share emotion.
____34____ Of course you may be able to see it in my face, but you will know for sure through my words. Similarly, music can sound angry, sad or happy. Music can show you exactly how the composer was or is feeling, and allows us to share that emotion. When you feel happy, you might want to sing and dance to a happy song to celebrate your happiness. ____35____ I think we have all used music to express or process our emotions, often combining it with language in the form of song lyrics (歌词).
A.Both are expressive.
B.Both vary with culture.
C.How do you know that I am angry?
D.We use language to express our thoughts.
E.Similarly, music is part of many people’s lives.
F.So just as you read English, you can read music.
G.In contrast, you probably also listen to sad music when you are feeling down.
Unforgettable Book Throws Light on Racism (种族歧视)
Today, I would like to recommend a book to you, which taught me an important lesson about prejudice and racism. ____36____ The story is set in Alabama in the southern US, where the author grew up.
The main character in this novel is a lawyer named Atticus Finch from the American South. The American South in the 1960s was known to be a place where many white people looked down upon black people, except for Finch. When the local judge asked him to defend a black man named Tom Robinson, who was wrongly accused of raping a white woman, Finch agreed. ____37____ Still, Finch fought to discover the truth, even though he was under threat. He proved that Robinson is innocent (清白的). As Finch’s son Jem and daughter Scout grew up, they started to see more racial prejudice around them. ____38____
The author Lee was born in Monroeville, Alabama in 1926. In her childhood, she, like Scout and Jem, learned about racial prejudice and the damage it could do. To Kill a Mockingbird was her first and only novel published. ____39____
For me, the most memorable quotes in the book are “Mockingbirds don’t do one thing but… sing their hearts out for us. ____40____” The description of childhood innocence in the story through Scout and Jem is connected with the dark evils of prejudice in the town, which provides a dramatic contrast and enables you to understand how dangerous racism and prejudice are. I want to recommend this book because it contains slightly complex and interesting sentence structures. It is a book that you will never forget.
A.It took her seven years to complete.
B.Racism exists at all levels of society.
C.People worked for the rights of black people.
D.But many people tried to stop Finch from doing his job.
E.That’s why it is morally and totally wrong to kill a mockingbird.
F.To Kill a Mockingbird is a novel published in1960 by American author Harper Lee.
G.And they finally understood the importance of looking at the world with an unprejudiced mind.
Self-forgiveness has been defined as the process by which you become aware of any damage you’ve caused, seek to repair it, and eliminate or reduce your feelings of self-condemnation and guilt.
Forgiving yourself entails experiencing feelings of self-condemnation. ____41____ However, you must be careful not to confuse self-forgiveness with self-indulgence, self-deception, and narcissism. Forgiving yourself, on the other hand, means reestablishing your self-concept, rejoining your recognized path, and amending your mistakes.
Self-forgiveness involves changing the way you think about your past mistakes. It’s of vital importance to stop interpreting them as sources of shame and regret. ____42____ In reality, relating in a healthier way with your past is essential to recognize and value your changes and to help your personal growth.
____43____ In order to forgive yourself, you must, first of all, recognize your mistakes in the situation that’s causing you to feel guilty. From there, you can clearly express your will to repair the damage and to empathize with those who’ve been affected by your actions.
The ability to forgive yourself also implies your firm belief that change is possible. ____44____ As a matter of fact, it simply means you’re aware of it. In addition, you’re aware of the importance of identifying what you can change in yourself to avoid repeating the same mistake in the future.
Finally, the last dimension of self-forgiveness is the awareness that you’re only human, hence, not perfect. Consequently, you’re capable of failing at any point in your life. Recognizing yourself as part of humanity can also help you to be more compassionate towards others. ____45____
A.Self-forgiveness goes beyond feelings of self-pity.
B.This doesn’t refer to ignoring the fault you committed.
C.Self-forgiveness promotes your justice and reparation to others.
D.These are later replaced by the feeling of need to repair your mistakes.
E.You need to regard them as part of the process of becoming who you are.
F.Realizing this may be the first step you need to better face your future mistakes.
G.This means you’ll be more understanding and flexible in the face of others’ mistakes.
Why is Eating Colourful Food Good for You?
Most of us are faced with the same choice numerous times a day: what to eat. Along with price, accessibility and preference, we’ll often use a food’s healthfulness to help us make a decision. ___46___
It’s widely accepted by researchers that we need a varied diet. ___47___ The proof may be in the Mediterranean diet, which contains a lot of fruit, vegetables and healthy fats such as extra virgin olive oil, and is frequently rated the healthiest diet by scientists.
Eating lots of colours may lower your risk of missing out on all vital nutrients. “If we’re missing a colour of the rainbow, we may be missing a function of that food,” says Minich. This is because plant foods contain thousands of natural compounds, which have anti-inflammatory (抗炎的) benefits.
___48___ Blue and purple foods, including blueberries, have a high content of the plant anthocyanin (花青素), which has been linked to lowering the risk of heart disease and type 2 diabetes. Flavones (黄酮类化合物), which give foods a yellow colour, may reduce the risk of heart disease.
A research fellow at Harvard TH Chan School of Public Health says eating a colourful diet can also help people avoid possible side effects of eating too much of one food. “___49___ For example, research has found that orange juice is associated with a lower risk of cognitive decline, but too much intake is associated with type 2 diabetes,” she says. Although, this is because of its sugar content, not flavonoids (黄酮类).
Eating a rainbow diet may also be complex. ___50___ We could get into trouble. We also need to eat from other food groups to get all the nutrients we need, such as protein.
A.Food is very complex.
B.A varied diet is packed with different vegetables.
C.Different coloured foods come with different benefits.
D.But how do we know we’re getting enough nutrients?
E.It could be really difficult to get every colour every day.
F.However, is colour the best guide to getting all the nutrients?
G.And one way to do this is by eating all the colours of the rainbow.
3 Ways to Create an Exercise Habit
A lot of people want to know how to get motivated to work out and build an exercise habit that sticks. Of course, wanting to make exercise a habit and actually doing it are two different things. Changing your behavior is difficult. ____51____. But there are some strategies that can make it easier to stick with an exercise habit.
Develop a routine to make starting easier.
____52____. That means they are also behaviors that you start over and over again. If you can develop a routine that makes starting your workout mindless and automatic, then it will be much easier to follow through. You can start building your own routine by adding your exercise habit on top of a current habit or by setting a schedule for yourself.
The best way to make exercise a habit is to start with an exercise that is so easy that you can do it even when you can’t get motivated to work out. Struggling to find motivation to go for a run? ____54____. That’s all you have to do to consider today’s workout a success. Often, this little start will be enough to get your motivation flowing and help you finish the task.
Focus on the habit first and the results later.
____55____. Most people start with some type of goal. “I want to lose 20 pounds in the next 4 months.” Or, “I want to squat (蹲举) 50 pounds more six months from now.”This is the wrong approach. What matters most in the beginning is establishing a new normal that you will stick to, not the results that you get.
A.Living a new type of lifestyle is hard.
B.Start with an exercise that is very small.
C.Never work out while you are running low on willpower.
D.Habits are behaviors that you repeat over and over again.
E.Just fill up your water bottle and put on your running shoes.
F.If you don’t consistently get started, then you won’t have a habit.
G.The typical approach to diet and exercise is to focus on results first.
Nowadays, many of us are finding ourselves tired out, struggling to build balance back into our lives. ___56___ Spending time near oceans, lakes, rivers and other bule spaces can provide a range of benefits including reducing anxiety, easing mental tiredness and refreshing us. Here is some advice on how to take advantage of the healing power of water.
___57___ You likely have some water close by, even if it is just a pond alongside the road. Start there. Then get out to water you can visit on the weekend or a vacation. Urban water counts—rivers, canals and fountains. ___58___ If you can’t get to actual water, then paintings, photographs, videos and movies can produce some of the same benefits. Even virtual reality helps.
Go often. A little bit makes a big difference. ___59___ But an environmental psychologist found that spending a similar amount of time near water has the same benefits. Even people who look into aquariums(水族箱) have lower heart rates and better moods after just 15 minutes.
Listen. One of the most calming characteristics of water is its sound, typically steady and soft. The water sounds people find having the strongest healing power are rain in a rainforest, waves patting a beach, and a running stream. When the sounds of living things are added to the sounds of water, people like them even better. Make an audio recording of your favorite water. ___60___
A.Remember that all water counts.
B.It will bring back happy memories.
C.Stay in a place surrounded by water.
D.According to researchers, water can help us.
E.So does domestic water-in pools, bathtubs, even by fish tanks.
F.Spending some time every day near water can speed up our recovery.
G.It takes at least two hours a week in nature to improve our well-being.
Looking for a way to be happier? Are you seeking deeper connections with friends or looking for more friends? ____61____ Try a little compassion.
Compassion, as one scholar describes, is “experiencing feelings of loving kindness toward another person’s suffering”. The compassionate tend to have deeper connections with others and have more friends, who are more forgiving and have a stronger sense of life purpose. The compassionate also tend to be happier, healthier, more self-confident, and less self-critical. ____62____
Practicing compassion doesn’t have to cost you money. All you need is a quiet place. ____63____ Focus on your breath and try to clear your mind. Then mentally focus on your heart area and think about someone you feel tenderness toward. This could be your friend or your family.
____64____ Inner sunshine warms not only the heart of the owner, but all who come in contact with it. As time allows, add more people to this circle. This may sound a little strange, but studies have shown this simple exercise really strengthens your sense of compassion.
Even short-term exercises like this broaden your attention, your thinking and your overall sense of well-being in a way that lasts. ____65____ Compassion helps your brain become more flexible, and lets your brain have a wider sense of what’s going on, and it gives you access to more ideas on how to act.
This practice is beneficial to physical health and can help reduce physical signs of stress. And the happiness that can come from compassion training is the kind that lasts.
A.Want to relate better to other people?
B.That’s in part because it changes your brain.
C.Compassion training is helpful to reduce stress.
D.In that quiet space, sit in a comfortable position.
E.Then expand that feeling to yourself and to others.
F.Consequently, compassion has direct personal benefits.
G.However, it is important to create a comfortable environment.
The transportation industry is one of the economy’s oldest and most crucial parts.The biggest challenge for this business is being unique and attracting customers in an industry where everyone offers similar services.___66___That is because it can make a memorable first impression on your customers.
When selecting a name, it’s essential to consider how it aligns (使一致) with your value. If you’re offering luxury transportation services, you should pick a name that expresses this sense.___67___.
Metaphors (暗喻), visual imagery, and emotions can be powerful tools when selecting a name for your transportation business.___68___For example, Greyhound is a symbol of speed and agility (敏捷). And this name perfectly expresses the idea of a speed-focused transportation company.
Brainstorming is vital when searching for the perfect name for your transportation business. So, start by listing words and phrases that describe your business. Think of words that express what your business really is.___69___Make sure that you apply your creativity to this process and think outside the box. It also pays to consider crowd sourcing and other creative ways to generate potential names. Ask friends, family, and fellow workers for their ideas.
___70___It’s better to be carried out among people from different backgrounds. After all, the last thing you want is to pick a name that will annoy your audience.
A.A great example is Luxe Rides.
B.Getting a great name will be of great help.
C.Different people may have different preferences.
D.Let’s quickly explore some trusted ways to help you.
E.Then, consider combining them to create a unique name.
F.Remember to test your name before making your final decision.
G.That’s because these types of names form a clear image in the audience’s minds.
Everyone knows that the choices we make affect our future. Suppose I am an intelligent student with good marks. However, being lazy, I do badly in my examinations. I am refused entry to university and cannot find a good job. The golden future will never be.____71____
However, your choices affect your future in a way that is more complicated.____72____ Your character is displayed through your choices, but it is also formed by them. Whenever you make a choice, your character changes or grows, depending on whether the decision you made is wise or foolish. ____73____ And so, you become the sort of person who will make a certain kind of choice in a certain situation.
____74____ After all, the field of human choice is a narrow one. Most of the things that form us in our lives are not subject to choice. We cannot choose when and where to be born, whether our families will be rich or poor, kind or cruel. We cannot even entirely control who we will meet in our lives. With so much that we cannot choose, how can we be said to be responsible for anything?
However, we do have some power of choice, and we do control the most important thing of all: how we respond to circumstances.____75____ It is our key to having confidence in the future. It is human nature to fear the future, as the future is unknown. You cannot entirely control what will happen to you tomorrow. But if you have confidence in your character, then you do know one thing for certain about the future: no matter what happens, you will make a choice that you will be proud of.
A.Some will argue this is not true.
B.All these are from a bad choice!
C.Too many choices can be confusing.
D.This ability to choose how we behave is a great gift.
E.We can choose to keep struggling in hard times, or to give up.
F.Your character is being made by you, bit by bit, choice by choice.
G.This is because nearly all the choices you make affect your character.
Knowing how to get the conversation started is important, however, keeping it going is even more important. Here are some conversation skills that make people like you.
Invite people to share their lives
The most important conversation skill is to invite people to talk about their lives. ____76____ Show an interest in learning about a person’s history, family, ideas, or goals and it will likely get the conversation going right away. ____77____
Ask open-ended (开放式的) questions
Open-ended questions require more than just a yes-or-no answer. Ask open-ended questions that encourage other people to start discussing a topic in detail. ____78____ These questions really encourage other people to offer information about their story and invite them to share their opinion.
Wait for your turn to talk
Whatever you do, don’t interrupt. Instead, wait patiently for your turn to talk. Interrupting is one of the quickest ways to shut down a conversation and make other people uncomfortable. Show that you value what others are saying. ____79____
Request advice
Asking for advice shows that you value someone else’s opinion. Just because you ask for advice doesn’t mean you have to follow it. ____80____ Ask your co-worker if she likes your new jacket or ask a friend how you should handle a situation. Asking for advice can make others feel important.
A.Almost everyone enjoys talking about themselves.
B.You can ask for advice on both simple and serious things in life.
C.This shows that you are listening and helps clarify what you have heard.
D.If a person appears uncomfortable sharing something personal, change the subject.
E.If someone is talking about something you don’t understand, ask for an explanation.
F.Truly listen to what is being said rather than try to think of what you will say next.
G.For example, ask, “What made you decide to pursue nursing?” or “How did you like living in Hawaii?”
Body language is a form of communication and it plays an important role in our everyday life. ___81___. Let’s look at some of the benefits of body language.
It makes your speaking skills better
Students’ public speaking skills improve as a result of body language. It not only engages the audience but is also able to convey the right message across. ___82___. Having good body language while publicly speaking is half the battle won, such as keep eye contact with listeners and use gestures and hand signals while publicly speaking.
Body language is important when pupils wish to express their opinions when words fall short. People around you can see the confidence you have with just a look at your body language. In order to influence the opinions of others around you as a student, it is important to have appropriate body language.
It improves self-confidence
Another importance of body language is that it improves sell-confidence. How confident you are as a student and as a person is demonstrated by your body language. For example, making eye contact while speaking, using hand gestures while speaking, and holding your chin up while speaking. ___84___
It develops the power of the sixth sense
The sixth sense is a skill that you can know a true person’s feelings and emotions without the person being verbal about it. For example, if you ask a person how a particular food tastes, they may reply with “awesome” or “yum”. ___85___ . Therefore, the importance of body language lies in the fact that it gives you a sixth sense of power to figure out people and their emotions.
A.It is often ignored
B.It helps express your opinions
C.Words is more powerful than body language
D.They are all signs that you have great belief in yourself
E.Students and professionals can benefit from body language
F.So the importance of body language in speech making is evident
G.However, their body language can show how they feel about the food
How to Choose the Right Career?
Choosing the right career can be difficult, and consequently you will find many of us can hardly find a suitable job in our daily life. ____86____
Evaluating your interests
Assess your hobbies. It is very easy to turn your hobbies or something you love doing into a future career. Many hobbies are related to real world needs and positions. Consider what you like to do and how that might fit into a career. Remain humble as you work toward your goal.
Consider what skills you are good at. If you are particularly good at certain skills, such as fixing things or making things, this can provide you with a great future career, since skilled labor is often in demand and you will find it fairly easy to find work. ____88____ People who interact with others well can easily get careers as social workers or in marketing and similar business positions.
Considering your current state
Explore yourself. Figuring out what you should do with your life may sometimes require you to get to know yourself better. If you want a career that will really make you happy, you have to have an impressive awareness of what you want and what you enjoy. ____89____
Thinking about your future
Examine your future financial security. One of the most important things to consider is if the career path you’re choosing will provide you with an acceptable level of financial security. In other words, will you be able to make enough money to support yourself and your family? Meanwhile, you are supposed to pay special attention to your future job stability, ____90____ Accordingly, you will need to consider if the career you choose is stable enough for you and your desires for the future.
Admittedly, the combination of the above four steps proved extremely effective when choosing the future career. Once you get started, you’ll find it quite beneficial and even enjoyable!
A.Assessing your skills
B.Assessing your personality
C.Therefore, having a defined career direction will help you achieve your goal.
D.Job markets changes a lot as society needs different things at different times.
E.For some people, this means taking some time off to decide what’s vital to them.
F.If you have a good command of communicating with others, there are jobs for you as well.
G.However, with serious self-planning and self-reflection, you can set yourself on path towards a fulfilling career.
Ways to Relax With Your Family
Family time is precious.
___91___ If you are also troubled by that, here are some suggestions that can help you get relaxed with your family.
Take a walk
Tough day? ___92___. Getting close to nature can help everyone relax. Explain to your kids that relaxing not only feels good, but it can also help make us healthier. When we’re stressed, we’re more likely to make unhealthy choices such as picking junk Food. By hiking, we can clear our minds and gain the energy and focus to make good choices.
Play a game
Set aside one evening a week for family game night. It’s easy to deal with stress by falling asleep in front of the TV with a bag of chips, but teach your kids that there are much better choices. ___93___ . They can be just silly rules to get kids and parents to get up and move. For example, “If you land on green, get up and act like a chicken.”
For a relaxing activity, let your inner artists out. Cover the kitchen floor with papers and paint pictures right on them, or make mini sculptures with clay. Grab paper and pencils and draw sketches of each other in notebooks. Break out the sidewalk chalk and create masterpieces right outside your front door. ___95___
Of course there are many other ways that deserve trying. But remember, whatever the way is, make sure everyone is involved and happy.
A.Be creative
B.Paint some pictures
C.Go out for a walk as a family
D.Take turns choosing games to play and make fun
E.These artistic activities are a great way to ease stress
F.Playing outdoor games is often considered as silly by some people
G.However, sometimes it can be hard to figure out proper ways to enjoy it
Good Manners Everyone Should Know
Manners are something used every day to make a good impression on others and to feel good about oneself. So practicing good manners is extremely important. ____96____Good manners will also keep your name on the guest list, add to your friends and boost your confidence, etc. Now let us move on to some good manners a person should possess.
These three words are taught in the elementary classes to little ones. Truly the three magic words should be included in our daily life more often. The words gain power and relevance from the underlying meaning. In fact, in European countries, people use “sorry” instead of “excuse me”. This makes things even more polite without doing anything extra.
Respecting Elders.
____98____In Chinese culture, younger members of the family have a duty to care for the aging members of the family. And even outside the family unit, Chinese are socialized to show respect to older individuals. In Greek and Greek-American culture, old age is honored and celebrated, and respect for elders is central to the family.
Waiting for Your Turn.
Whether it is for speaking, for playing or standing in bank’s queue, waiting for your turn patiently is a great manner to display.____99____Waiting for your turn in a queue gives out a strong message of self-discipline.
All these good manners make us a good person in the eyes of others and when you are good to others, you are also good for you. You will always benefit from your good manners.____100____
A.Saying “I love you” frequently.
B.Using “Please”, “Sorry” and “thanks”.
C.But as people grow they lose out on this.
D.Most cultures in the world follow this custom.
E.Good manners will always give you positive attention.
F.So wherever you go always follow these basic manners.
G.While in conversation, this also helps one in becoming a better listener.
If you miss one of the old friends you’ve lost touch with and think about reaching out to them, you may worry about whether it’ll be just like old times, or uncomfortable and awkward. Here are some ways to help you avoid any awkwardness while reconnecting with an old friend.
Reach out through social media. Connect with them through social media, text message or other means if you’re too nervous to make a phone call or to begin a meet up. Follow up on one of their most recent posts. ____101____
Show some love. If you’re really happy to connect with your old friend, make it a point to communicate that to them. ____102____ Sincere warmth can help lessen some of the awkwardness that may build up in a relationship.
____103____ Start conversation by bringing up a fun time you shared. It will transport you both back to that moment when you were close and help smooth over the “What are you up to now?” conversations that sound too rigid (死板).
Display your interest. As you chat with your friend, try to pay attention and ask follow-up questions. ____104____ Empathizing (共鸣) with them can help you connect with them and get to know who they are today.
Move past conflicts. Don’t talk a lot about your conflicts or the reasons why your friendship became less close. If it happens to come up naturally down the line, then feel free to address any possible hurt feelings. ____105____ In the beginning, just focus on what you had in common and the good times you shared together.
A.Bring back a happy memory.
B.Make detailed plans for the future.
C.But better avoid taking the risk too soon.
D.Update your friend on everything going on in your life.
E.This shows you’re interested in what they’re sharing with you.
F.Be warm with them and let them know how much it means to you.
G.Then starting conversation about what they’re up to will be a natural thing.
Food waste contributes to ever-growing landfills (垃圾堆).____106____ If you want to help the environment in your own way, you can start by reducing, or better yet, completely erasing food waste in your home. To give you an idea of where to start, here are some tips:
Don’t buy too much food whenever you go grocery shopping.____107____ However, if your family cannot eat all the food before it goes bad, then it just adds to food waste. Taking several short grocery shopping trips every week instead of one long trip may help keep you from buying too much food, thereby cutting back on food waste.
Always make a shopping list.____108____ That’s because you already know what things you need. Moreover, a list will prevent you from buying food items that you already have at home, which can help reduce the amount of potential food waste.
____109____ For meats, you have to keep them in the freezer while fruits and vegetables should be stored in the crisper compartment (保鲜室). Although these tips may seem simple, they can help greatly reduce the amount of food waste that your family produces.
Use the “First-In-First-Out” method. For example, placing the newly bought foods at the back of the fridge or cupboard will encourage people to use the ones that are in the front row. This will ensure that you know what you have and reduce food waste. ____110____
A.It can help keep your grocery trips short.
B.Having a fully filled fridge may look nice.
C.Your fridge may be too crowded to function well.
D.It is a waste of your money, as well as your effort.
E.Some people like to store up food for emergencies.
F.Foods need proper storage to prevent them going bad.
G.If you can’t see what foods you have, you’ll forget them.
Do you want to live in a healthy lifestyle? Practicing yoga is one of the best choices. Yoga has a well-deserved fame for helping to improve balance and flexibility and for gaining calm and relaxation. ___111___. Here’s more about how doing yoga is a complete body and mind workout.
Reducing Stress, Reducing Pounds
Several studies have confirmed that doing yoga does reduce cortisol (皮质醇) levels.___112___. It can also increase your desire for high-fat and high-sugar foods and drinks while reducing your muscle mass.
In a 2016 study, participants involved in practicing yoga realized that they tended to notice not only the amount of food they ate, but what type of foods they ate and the impact of eating those foods as well. “Subjects are reported becoming aware of the effect of certain foods on their bodies during their yoga practice, including sugar, dairy, meat and alcohol,” wrote the authors of the study.
Making Weight Loss Last
___114___. This can be attained through improvements in sadness tolerance, mindfulness and self-sympathy. For example, if someone experiences improvements in mindfulness, they may be less likely to ‘mindlessly’ eat in response to emotions such as boredom, stress, anger and other external stimulation like the presence of tasty foods.
Choosing the Right Type
Ultimately, the best yoga is the practice that fits you—the one you’ll commit to. There are now many accessible styles of yoga that meet you where you are no matter what your weight, age, physical challenge or background. ___115___.
A.Finding the best food
B.Moving Well, Eating Well
C.Everybody and every body can benefit from a certain style
D.Yoga is also well-known for helping you burn more calories
E.High levels of cortisol, a stress hormone, can lead to an increase in fat
F.Another study shows that someone in a more positive mood are less likely to overeat
G.Recent research shows that yoga may help to improve long-term weight loss outcomes
I love travelling. One of my fondest memories of travel is when I spent a few days backpacking in Bucharest, Romania. An unexpected act of kindness from a stranger truly made me feel moved. _____116_____
The first day I arrived in Bucharest I had to take the bus from the train station to my accommodation. I boarded the bus and found out that none of my cards worked and I wasn’t able to buy a ticket. _____117_____ Although I explained that it wasn’t my intention and I had just arrived from Brasov, they still didn’t believe me and fined me for not having a ticket.
After doing some research online, I found that most buses in Bucharest do not accept cash or any form of payment onboard. You have to purchase a card at certain places in the city, top it up with money, and then pay onboard. _____118_____ You can use wireless pay to purchase a ticket. I was delighted after finding out such good news as I did not want another fine.
_____119_____ After I got on the bus, I found the ticket machine to be the same as the one I had met with on my first day in Bucharest. I tried in vain every method, including wireless pay, Apple Pay and cash. _____120_____ At that moment, a kind middle-aged man standing next to me handed me a card. I understood that it was a card for the bus. The man paid for my bus ride.
A.I started to panic.
B.Few things seemed to work.
C.It is still vivid in my mind now.
D.One place I will never forget is Romania.
E.Worse still, I was stopped by policemen on the bus.
F.However, the buses connecting to the airports are more modern.
G.Fast forward to my last day, I planned to take the bus to Bucharest Airport.
You probably already know what self-regulation is, even if you are not aware of the term. ___121___
Self-regulation refers to the ability to control your behavior and manage your thoughts and emotions in appropriate ways. It involves being aware of your behavior and how it helps you reach your goals. ___122___ The Cambridge dictionary defines it as “The ability to make yourself do things you know you should do even when you do not want to”. The American Psychological Association defines it as “the control of one’s behavior through self-monitoring, self-evaluation, and self-reinforcement.”
Self-regulation is very important because it can help us deal with stress. We all know that sometimes stress is bad for our health, which can cause mood swings and difficulty concentrating. ___123___ For example, if a person is upset, sad, or angry, self-regulation helps him regulate his feelings and then behave in an acceptable and productive way.
In addition, self-regulation can also help people handle conflict and strengthen relationships and overall well-being. It can help people calm down after something annoying has happened and refocus their attention on other tasks. ___124___ People with good self-regulation skills are able to assess whether their behavior is appropriate and can redirect themselves as needed.
___125___ So we can try different approaches to find the proper one. You may be able to keep stress under control by using stress management techniques such as deep breathing, exercise, and getting enough sleep.
Self-regulation is an essential skill for physical, social, emotional and mental well-being. It does not always come easily to people, but there are techniques that can help you develop and strengthen your self-regulation.
A.There are different definitions of self-regulation.
B.Take time each day to make new plans for tomorrow.
C.In fact, like many coping skills, self-regulation can be improved.
D.It takes firm determination and a strong mind to develop a new habit.
E.Then try to behave properly and adjust to getting along with other people.
F.It is essential to learn more about self-regulation and understand how to strengthen it.
G.But self-regulation can help people handle emotions like frustration or disappointment.
At a Loss for Words
Imagine a friend is heading out to face a difficult task. As a last word before they disappear, you want to encourage them. What might you say? If you are speaking English, the likeliest choice is “good luck”.
If you stop to think about it, that is a little odd. Though you might indeed hope luck smiles on your friend, neither they nor you can do much about the probability. ____126____ That is why the French, in this situation, say “bon courage”, not “good luck”.
English does not allow you to pair any old adjective with any old noun in a fixed expression. You may wish someone “good morning”, “good afternoon” or “good night”, but not “good weekend”. ____127____ However, in other languages it is perfectly usual.
____128____ English-speakers wish each other a happy birthday, but speakers of many other languages say “congratulations” as if the birthday girl had done something impressive merely by surviving another year. The Dutch also say “gefeliciteerd” to members of the family, including the one who really deserves congratulating: the mother. This is close to obligatory, while it would come as a strange surprise in English.
It is natural to be critical of languages that lack expressions you consider essential. For instance, the Scandinavian languages lack a word for “please”, one of the first taught in other tongues because it softens what otherwise might be a rude-sounding request from a novice speaker. ____129____ They express this from “May I ask for?” in public to tacking on “so you are sweet” in a request to a friend or family member.
It is attractive to draw deep cultural conclusions from the presence of this or the absence of that in a language. ____130____ For example, the English do say the typical French words bon voyage and bon appétit, and there’s no reason to stop there. Congratulate your mother-in-law on your wife’s birthday, and you can prepare for a delighted smile back. It may seem awkward or tricky at first but you can make it stick if you try. Bon courage!
A.Special occasions are another way in which languages differ.
B.It is natural to be critical of languages that lack expressions you think necessary.
C.What you really want to wish them is courage not fortune.
D.Having no English equivalent is annoying for those who are used to it.
E.You can say that phrase if you like, but your neighbour would look at you strangely.
F.But not having a word for something doesn’t mean you can’t coin one — or borrow it.
G.But they are not rude: they achieve the same end through other, longer formulations.
A recent study found that only eight percent of people actually end up achieving their new year’s resolution. Here’s a couple of tips and tricks on how to do just that.
No one has ever said “oh, I’m going to be healthier this year” and the next day woke up healthy. There has to be a plan, goals, and action that need to be taken. So you can say something like “I’m going to go to the gym every other day this year.”
Choose resolutions wisely.
____132____. The majority of resolutions involve some sort of habit change, and habit changes have a huge consumption on your body’s willpower. Willpower is like a battery that needs to be charged every night. When you have too many resolutions, the burden on this battery causes it to run out before you have a chance to charge it.
Write your resolutions down.
This makes the resolution feel like a contract. ____133____. You can write down every resolution for the entire year. Every time you look at it, you will feel a tremendous amount of pressure to make sure that you continue to keep your resolution.
Don’t tell anyone about your new year’s resolution.
Usually, when you talk about something that you haven’t accomplished, you will trick their brains into visualizing a situation where you have accomplished it.____134____
Find yourself an accountability buddy.
An accountability buddy is somebody who makes sure that you’re going out there every single day, and doing the things that you promised yourself that you would do. ____135____. At the same time, you help them keep themselves in lines too!
A.Have a plan
B.Keep healthy
C.Don’t choose too many resolutions
D.It creates pressure for you to complete it
E.It’s interesting how physical a contract can feel
F.It’s somebody who helps you keep yourself in line
G.This causes you to lose tons of motivation that you had beforehand
From writing Shakespeare-style poetry to making music, ChatGPT has amazed the world since its launch in late 2022 by the US-based company Open AI. The AI program can answer questions on a whole host of topics, and write essays, stories and any other written texts you can think of. It does this by drawing on information collected from a large corpus (语料库) of text data.
___136___ As Sam Altman, the CEO of Open AI, said in an interview with Forbes, “it’s not actually fundamentally new technology that made this (ChatGPT) have a moment.”
One breakthrough behind today’s model is a network called Transformer, which was invented by Google researchers in 2017. ___137___ Transformer can therefore understand the meaning of texts more accurately with the help of the context.
The GPT models built by Open AI combined Transformer with unguided learning. ___138___ ChatGPT can now generate human-like responses instantly due to the large scale of texts it learned from.
“One of the biggest problems with ChatGPT is that it comes back, very confidently, with mistakes,” Michael Wooldridge at the Alan Turing Institute in London, UK, told The Guardian, “because it learns information from various resources. ___139___ So, at this point, ChatGPT doesn’t know the truth about the world, yet.”
Some argue that ChatGPT will be used to generate fake news, spread misunderstanding, or be used for ill purposes. As for education, many US schools recently banned students from using ChatGPT on school networks since students began to use it as a shortcut for essays and research projects. ___140___
A.Why is ChatGPT so questionable?
B.What makes ChatGPT so impressive?
C.However, deciding what is true or false is another story.
D.Long story short, it takes time to make proper use of this powerful AI.
E.That is to say, the models can learn by themselves without being guided.
F.It can infer word meanings by tracking where the word appears in a sentence.
G.It can refer to limitless online dictionaries to identify the meaning of the word.
As we walked along the street recently, my friend suddenly sighed, “How I miss the ice-cream my grandma used to buy me after school!”____141____, which cost her 9.8 yuan, almost 10 limes higher than the “grandma ice cream”.
But it was just one of the fair-priced treats.____142____ It was written by a user who claimed he “randomly picked a plain-looking ice-cream” in a store, and was shocked when the register showed it was 68 yuan. He bought it anyway, but said that every bite tasted more bitter than sweet. “Never pick any brand of ice-cream you’re not familiar with,” the Weibo user wrote.
I miss the good old days too, but on second thoughts, I don’t believe that some expensive ice-cream means the market is “corrupted”. ____143____. Consumption upgrades may boost demand and expensive ice-cream exists because some consumers like it.
Zhao Xuekuan, a senior ice-cream dealer agrees with me. His shop has probably the widest variety of ice-creams m the market.____144____, but young customers favor fancier ones. They are quite particular about the ingredients, expecting they provide not only good tastes, but also high protein and low calories.
____145____. It’s a good thing that recently, the State Administration for Market Regulation issued a new rule that goods must be sold with a clearly marked price tag, or the retailer will be fined up to 100, 000 yuan. Let the fair play carry on and consumers will make their own choices.
A.They don’t choose cheaper ones
B.The other day I read a post on Weibo
C.While walking, she was licking on one
D.The development of a market has its own rules
E.For the past few months, many cities went through lockdown
F.Of course, market supervisors should still monitor ice-cream pricing closely
G.He said that the bestsellers in his shop are always classic types that cost less than 5 yuan each
Do you have a lot of pre-loved jeans (牛仔裤) that you can never seem to let go of? If your jeans really do not fit you anymore or have fallen out of style, you can always make changes to them! ____146____Check them out!
New Shorts
If you are tired of your old jeans, all you need is a pair of scissors to get some new cute shorts for the summer. _____147_____Then, get a pencil to mark where you will cut them off. After that, carefully cut each leg straight.
Reusable Bags
_____148_____ Just cut squares with the same sizes using an old pair of jeans. Then, sew (缝) them up according to your preferred bag size. You can also mix and match the squares from different sets of jeans.
Stylish Accessories (配饰)
Denim (牛仔布) accessories will never go out of style._____149_____Just cut some pieces of the old jeans and twist (搓) them together. Then, shape it by sewing or using a glue gun. For kids, you can also make friendship bracelets for fun.
Denim Organizers
Old jeans can be turned into organizers for your things. For example, you can cut out the pocket of your jeans and glue them onto a hard surface._____150_____.
A.Old jeans can be made into cleaning tools.
B.These pocket organizers are perfect as key holders.
C.You can make some wonderful home accessories too.
D.You can use your old jeans to create a new headband or hairband.
E.First, wear the trousers and choose how short you would like them to be.
F.There are many ways to change old jeans into bags that can be useful in daily life.
G.We have collected some of the easiest ways to change them into a new favorite of yours.
1.C 2.A 3.B 4.F 5.E
1.根据空前“Dealing with judgment from other people can be tough. Judgmental people are just unavoidable.(处理来自他人的评判可能很困难。吹毛求疵的人是不可避免的。)”可知因为吹毛求疵的人不可避免,所以要想处理来自他人的评判可能是很困难的,根据空后“The tips below will show you the best ways to respond when someone judges you.(下面的建议将告诉你当别人评判你时最好的回应方式。)”可知下文是在就如何回应别人的评判提出建议,空处承上启下,所以空处应该讲的是既然评判不可避免那么我们该怎么应对评判,C项But you can deal with their criticism using positivity and sympathy.(但是你可以用积极和同情来应对他们的批评。)指出我们应该以积极和同情来应对别人的评判,承接上文,引出下文,而且C项中的But表明空前后语意方面是一种转折关系,符合上下语境。故选C项。
2.空处为本段小标题,根据空后“Try not to take any judgmental words personally. Remember that a judgmental person’s words are a reflection of their own beliefs — and not yours. (不要把任何评头论足的话当成是针对你个人的。记住,一个吹毛求疵的人的话反映的是他们自己的信仰,而不是你的。)”及本段其他内容可知,本段主要是围绕着不要将自己置于别人的评判中来展开,所以空处应该讲是要将自己置身于别人的评判之外,A项Separate yourself from the judgment.(把你自己从评判中分离出来。)概括全段内容,符合上下文语境。故选A项。
3.根据本段小标题Be sympathetic.(要有同情心。)可知本段主要讲的是对于爱评判的人要有同情心,根据空后“It could be that they were judged themselves by parents, family, or friends, in which case this person’s critical attitude would be something they learned. (可能是父母、家人或朋友对他们进行了评判,在这种情况下,这个人的批评态度可能是他们学到的东西。)”可知吹毛求疵的人对别人进行评判是有原因的,所以空处应该讲如何同情爱评判的人,B选项“Try understanding the source of this person’s judgment.(试着理解这个人评价的原因。)”指出要通过理解对方评价的原因来同情对方,符合上下文语境。故选B项。
4.根据本段小标题Ask for clarification.(要求澄清。)可知本段主要讲的是要让吹毛求疵的人对自己的话进行澄清,根据空后“Ask this person to explain what they said, and find out their motivation for saying it.(让这个人解释一下他们说了什么,并找出他们这么说的动机。)”可知空后讲的是如何让吹毛求疵的人进行澄清,所以空处应该讲要求爱评判的人进行澄清的原因,F项Judgmental people may not know they’re being rude or unreasonable.(吹毛求疵的人可能不知道自己很粗鲁或不讲道理。)指出让吹毛求疵的人进行澄清的原因,符合上下文语境。故选F项。
5.根据本段小标题Calm down and respond rationally(冷静下来,理性地回应。)以及空前“If you get angry, take several deep breaths until you feel yourself calming down. Excuse yourself briefly if you need to.(如果你生气了,深呼吸几次,直到你感觉自己平静下来。如果需要的话,你可以简单地找个借口。)”可知本段主要讲的是要冷静和理性地应对评判,所以空处应该继续讲如何理性和冷静地应对,E项Take a quick walk, and return to the conversation when you feel ready.(快步走一走,当你觉得准备好了再继续谈话。)紧接着上文继续告诉我们如何理性地处理和应对评判,符合上下文语境。故选E项。
6.F 7.E 8.A 9.G 10.D
6.空前说“For some people, income, fame, and a good work-life balance are the most important aspects when choosing a career (职业) path.(对于一些人来说,在选择职业道路时,收入、名声和良好的工作与生活平衡是最重要的因素。)”,空格处应该说对其他人来说意味着什么,F选项“For others, the possibility to help others far outweighs the rest of the benefits(对其他人来说,帮助别人的可能性远远超过了其他的好处)”说明了对其他人的意义,因此承接上文,符合语境,故选F。
7.空前说“Whether you choose to join the police, ambulance, or fire and rescue service, there are plenty of roles in this field.(无论你选择加入警察、救护车、消防和救援服务,在这个领域有很多角色。)”,空格处应该说明这些工作有什么具体的作用,E选项“They allow you to serve your community and make the world a better place(它们让你服务你的社区,让世界变得更美好)”说明了这些工作的意义,因此承接上文,符合语境,故选E。
8.空格处是本段小标题,由空格下方的“Caring for those in need can give you a sense of purpose and help you connect with people on a deeper level, so it’s a very rewarding job.(照顾那些有需要的人可以给你一种使命感,帮助你在更深层次上与人建立联系,所以这是一份非常有意义的工作。)”可知,本段主要讲的是照顾别人,A选项“Care giving(照顾人)”概括了本段主要内容,可作为小标题,故选A。
9.空前说“Working for a charity is the very definition of helping and supporting people in need. From working in communications, HR, or IT to choosing a job in administration or fundraising, there are different ways in which you can bring your contribution.(为慈善机构工作就是帮助和支持有需要的人,从通信、人力资源或IT工作到选择行政或筹款工作,你可以通过不同的方式做出贡献。)”,空处应该继续说做慈善工作的意义,G选项“Besides, charity jobs may also provide free working hours and conditions of employment(此外,慈善工作还可以提供免费的工作时间和就业条件)”说明了慈善工作的意义,因此承接上文,符合语境,故选G。
10.本段主题句是“Social work(社会工作)”,空后说“You’ll be working with some of the most weak groups of people in society such as the elderly, children, adults with mental health issues, and so on. You’ll help people deal with challenging situations, which can be both frightening and extremely rewarding.(你将与一些社会上最弱势的群体一起工作,比如老年人,儿童,有心理健康问题的成年人,等等。你会帮助人们处理具有挑战性的情况,这些情况既可怕又非常有益。)”,因此空格处应该说明做社会工作的意义,D选项“It will put you at the forefront of social change and development(它会让你站在社会变革和发展的最前沿)”阐明社会工作的意义,因此符合语境,故选D。
11.D 12.G 13.A 14.E 15.F
11.上文“It is always good to learn new things, especially kindness.”(学习新事物总是好的,尤其是友善。)引出话题,提到学习新事物,尤其是友善。下文“here are some ways for you.”(这里有一些方法给你。)提到方法。故可推断空格处内容为如果想学习的话。结合选项D项If you want to train your brain to show it(如果你想训练你的大脑表现出来)符合此推断,上下文语意连贯。故选D项。
12.由该空格处位于该段句尾可知,为总结该段内容或与上文内容相关。该段上文“You might think that the first step should be helping others, but that won’t make a lasting change. If you keep being strict with yourself, that attitude will show how you treat others. If you are always in a bad mood, this feeling will also influence others in your actions.”(你可能认为第一步应该是帮助别人,但这不会带来持久的改变。如果你一直严格要求自己,这种态度将表明你如何对待他人。如果你总是心情不好,这种感觉也会影响别人的行为。)以及本段小标题Show kindness to yourself first(首先要善待自己)可知,该段主要讲的是要善待自己。结合选项G项So, to make a lasting change, you must learn to be kind to yourself first.(所以,要想做出持久的改变,你必须先学会善待自己)意思一致,为总结该段内容。故选G项。
13.由该题为段落小标题可知,为总结该段内容。该段下文“If you want to be kind, you need to listen to people. Most of the time, if a stranger on the street asks for some money, you may first think they are trying to cheat. But what if you’re wrong? You’ll never know unless you listen. Therefore, from now on, make an effort to listen actively.”(如果你想变得善良,你需要倾听别人。大多数时候,如果一个陌生人在街上向你要钱,你可能首先认为他们在试图欺骗你。但如果你错了呢?除非你倾听,否则你永远不会知道。因此,从现在开始,努力去积极倾听。)可知,主要讲的是如果你想变得善良,你需要倾听别人。结合选项A项Make an effort to listen.(努力去倾听)意思一致,为总结该段内容。故选A项。
14.上文“One of the best ways to do it is to practise gratitude.”(最好的方法之一就是学会感恩。)下文“always try to see the good in things.”(总是试着看到事物好的一面。)可推知,空格处内容为不管事情有多糟糕。结合选项E项No matter how dark the world might seem(不管世界看起来有多黑暗)符合此推断,起到上下文的承上启下作用,上下文语意连贯。故选E项。
15.根据上文“Practice makes perfect.”(熟能生巧)引出话题,提到熟能生巧。结合选项F项This saying is true when you want to gain any new skill.(当你想获得任何新技能时,这句话是正确的。)可知,空前“Practice makes perfect”和选项中关键词This saying相呼应,即当你想获得任何新技能时,“熟能生巧”这句话是正确的。上下文语意连贯。故选F项。
16.G 17.F 18.D 19.B 20.E
16.根据上文“That doesn’t mean you don’t take care of yourself. (你的免疫系统通过识别和消灭有害细菌来保护你的身体免受传染性冠状病毒的侵害。它还可以帮助你建立免疫力……)”可知,上文介绍免疫系统的作用。G项“It does mean you may need to take care of yourself later if someone you love has a need now. (这确实意味着,如果你爱的人现在有需要,你以后可能需要照顾好自己。)”中的It does mean与上一句中的That doesn’t mean在形式上并列;take care of yourself later 与上文的 Place others’ needs before your own 以及 placing their needs above your own 相照应。故G项。
17.根据上文“If you’re not sure, consider how it would make you feel. (如果你不确定,考虑一下它会给你带来什么感觉。)”可知,上文讲到当你不确定你的所说所做会给他人带来什么感受时,考虑一下它会给你带来什么感觉。F项“If it would make you feel bad, reconsider what you were thinking about doing or saying. (如果这会让你感觉不好,重新考虑你想做什么或说什么。)” 是对上一句的进一步解释说明。F项中的 If it would make you feel bad是对上文consider how it would make you feel的举例说明,reconsider 与上文的 think about和consider相照应。故选F项。
18.设空处与上一句之间是递进关系。D项“In addition, it shows you where you’ re spending your time. (此外,它还向你展示了你把时间花在哪里。)”中的In addition 是表示递进关系的提示信息。D项中的 it 与上一句中的It均指代a schedule。故选D项。
19.设空处是对本段内容的概括总结。Start by doing what you need to get done first, and then you can relax and have fun afterward 是本段的关键句,其中的 first,then,afterward 均是表示先后顺序的词。B项“Take care of your tasks before having fun. (在玩得开心之前先处理好你的任务。)”中的tasks和having fun在本段中均有原词复现,且B项中的before意为“在……之前”,与 first,then,afterward相照应。故选B项。
20.设空处与上一句之间是转折关系。E项“However, it becomes a little more difficult when the novelty wears off. (然而,当新鲜感逐渐消失时,这就变得有点困难了。)”中的difficult与上一句中的easy 是反义关系,E项中的novelty对应上一句中的fun and new。故选E项。
21.E 22.A 23.F 24.D 25.G
21.根据下文“With all the digging, lifting, watering, planting and moving, it is clear how gardening can have many physical benefits. But research shows that these benefits can also affect our minds as well!(所有的挖掘、提水、浇水、种植和移动,很明显园艺对身体有很多好处。但研究表明,这些好处也会影响我们的思想!)”可知,园艺对我们的身心都会产生影响。由此可知,E. Gardening is a useful way of improving your physical and mental health.(园艺是一种改善身心健康的有效方法)能够衔接下文,符合语境。故选E。
22.根据上文“In Japan, there is a growing trend called forest bathing, where people immerse themselves in the outdoors as a way to relax and improve concentration. Why has this caught on?(在日本,有一种名为“森林浴”的趋势正在兴起,人们把自己沉浸在户外,作为放松和提高注意力的一种方式。为什么这个会流行起来?)”可知,有一种名为“森林浴”的趋势正在兴起,并提出了问题。由此可知,A. Because it is effective.(因为它是有效的)能够衔接上文,回答why开头的问题,符合语境。故选A。
23.根据上文“If you’ve ever weeded a garden bed, you will know that it requires a high degree of focus in order to identify unwanted plants.(如果你曾经在花床上除草,你就会知道它需要高度的关注,以识别不需要的植物)”可知,做园艺需要高度的关注,即高度的注意力。由此可知,F. By noticing the smallest details, you are also improving your concentration.(通过注意最小的细节,你也在提高你的注意力)能够衔接上文,符合语境。故选F。
24.根据上文“Another important aspect of gardening is getting your hands dirty, and research show that this can improve your mental health. Scientists have discovered that the mycobacterium (分枝杆菌) found in soil can improve brain function. The micro bacteria found in the soil increases serotonin produced in the brain (also known as the “happy” chemical).(园艺的另一个重要方面是让你的手脏起来,研究表明这可以改善你的心理健康。科学家们发现,在土壤中发现的分枝杆菌可以改善大脑功能。在土壤中发现的微细菌增加了大脑中产生的血清素(也被称为“快乐”化学物质))”可知,D. By getting your hands dirty, you are also making your brain happy.(通过弄脏你的手,你也在让你的大脑快乐)能够衔接上文,说明弄脏手的积极作用。符合语境。故选D。
25.根据上文“There’s also the sentimental (情感的) attachment to your garden. Gardening takes effort and because of this, a natural responsibility for the survival of your plants starts to rise with you. Sometimes you see them from seed to plant. Other times you forget to water them and they die.(还有对花园的眷恋。园艺需要努力,正因为如此,你对你的植物生存的自然责任开始上升。有时你会看到它们从种子到植物。有时你忘了给它们浇水,它们就死了)”可知,此处指园艺能够让我们关注自己以外的东西,提升责任感。由此可知,G. Regardless, caring for something other than yourself can be satisfying and purposeful.(不管怎样,关心自己以外的东西是令人满意和有目的的)能够衔接上文,符合语境。故选G。.
26.B 27.C 28.E 29.G 30.D
26.根据主题句“Understand the power of time. (了解时间的力量。)”和下文“Let’s look at an example: At the end of your summer job, you have $1,000. You put your money in the bank. The bank will pay you interest (利息) at an annual rate of 5%. You don’t use one cent for 50 years. At the end of those 50 years, you will have $11,467.4. (让我们来看一个例子:在你的暑期工作结束时,你有1000美元。你把钱存在银行。银行将按年利率5%付给你利息。50年不用一分钱。50年后,你将拥有11467.4美元。)”可知都在说时间的重要性,选项B“重要的是时间。”符合本段题意,故选B。
27.根据下文“The power of habit is almost as important as the power of time when it comes to money. If you start the habit of saving money now, that habit will always be with you. (在金钱方面,习惯的力量几乎和时间的力量一样重要。如果你现在就养成了存钱的习惯,那么这个习惯就会一直伴随着你。)”可知本段是关于养成存钱的习惯的,而且设空处是小标题,概况本段主旨,C选项“养成省钱的习惯。”正好概况本段主旨,符合题意,故选C。
28.根据下文“But if you started saving much more than that at an early age, it wouldn’t seem hard to you because it’s just a habit. (但如果你在很小的时候就开始存更多的钱,这对你来说似乎不难,因为这只是一种习惯。)”可推测出上文和本句为转折关系,而E选项“你年纪越大,存钱似乎就越难。”正好和下文互为转折关系,并且符合本段中心-养成了存钱的习惯,故选E。
29.根据本段第一句“FOMO is fear of missing out. (FOMO是害怕错过。)”和设空处上文“When you’re a teenager, it’s easy to think everyone is having more fun than you are. And sometimes, people are having more fun than you. That’s true no matter how young or old you are. (当你还是个青少年的时候,很容易认为每个人都比你玩得开心。有时候,别人比你更开心。这是事实,无论你是年轻还是年老。)”所以可知本段主要讲的是避免害怕错过,要从长远考虑,G选项“重要的是,不要为了你现在想要的而放弃你最想要的。”紧密承接上文,符合本段题意,故选G。
30.根据上文“If you ask people older than you what their biggest financial (经济的) regret is, a lot of them will tell you that they wished they had started getting serious about money much earlier than they did. (如果你问比你年长的人,他们在财务上最大的遗憾是什么,很多人会告诉你,他们希望自己能更早开始认真对待金钱问题。)”可推测下文是让你尽早开始理财,选项D“从现在开始,这样你就不会有同样的遗憾。”符合题意,故选D。
31.E 32.F 33.B 34.C 35.G
31.根据上文“Language is part of our daily lives, no matter where we live in the world. (无论我们生活在世界的哪个角落,语言都是我们日常生活的一部分。)”和下文“Both language and music play a huge role in our culture and here are some of their similarities. (语言和音乐在我们的文化中都扮演着重要的角色,以下是它们的一些相似之处。)”可知,上文指出语言是我们日常生活的一部分,后文说语言和音乐在文化中都扮演着重要的作用。由此可知,音乐和语言一样——是日常生活的一部分。E项“Similarly, music is part of many people’s lives. (同样,音乐也是许多人生活的一部分)”符合题意,承接上下文。故选E项。
32.根据上文“In English we record language using the alphabet, which is a collection of letters. Musicians read notes and create meaning in the form of music. (在英语中,我们用字母表记录语言,字母表是字母的集合。音乐家们阅读音符,并以音乐的形式创造意义)”可知,英语是一种以字母记录的语言,音乐是音符组成的篇章,也有可读性。F项“So just as you read English, you can read music.(所以就像你读英语一样,你也可以读音乐)”,音乐也可以像英语一样进行阅读,上下文衔接连贯。故选F项。
33.空处为本段小标题。根据下文“You can make a good guess at where someone is from by listening to the language he uses. In the same way, we know that styles of music are different around the world, giving us the opportunity to explore many different cultures through their music and providing us with music for every situation. (你可以通过听一个人使用的语言来猜测他来自哪里。同样,我们知道世界各地的音乐风格是不同的,这让我们有机会通过他们的音乐来探索许多不同的文化,并为我们提供适合各种情况的音乐。)”可知,音乐和语言一样都承载了很多不同的文化。B项“Both vary with culture. (两者都带着各种各样的文化)”,both指代下文的language和music,可以作为小标题。故选B项。
34.根据小标题“Both share emotion. (双方共享情感)”可知,本段和情绪有关。C项“How do you know that I am angry? (你怎么知道我生气了?)”符合题意,且与下文“Of course you may be able to see it in my face, but you will know for sure through my words. (你当然可以从我的脸上看出来,但你也一定会通过我的话知道。)”承接C项,是对选项问题的回答。故选C项。
35. 根据上文“When you feel happy, you might want to sing and dance to a happy song to celebrate your happiness. (当你感到快乐的时候,你可能想跟着快乐的歌曲唱歌跳舞来庆祝你的快乐)”可知,快乐的时候,想听令人快乐的歌曲。由此推知,下文陈述,当不快乐的时候,可能想听悲伤的音乐。G项“In contrast, you probably also listen to sad music when you are feeling down. (相反,当你情绪低落时,你可能也会听悲伤的音乐。)”,与上文形成对比。故选G项。
36.F 37.D 38.G 39.A 40.E
36.根据前文“Today, I would like to recommend a book to you, which taught me an important lesson about prejudice and racism.(今天,我想向你推荐一本书,它给我上了关于偏见和种族主义的重要一课)”可推知,空处会说明这是哪本书。F项“《杀死一只知更鸟》是美国作家哈珀·李于1960年出版的一部小说。”符合语境,承接前文,和后文呼应。故选F。
37.根据前文“When the local judge asked him to defend a black man named Tom Robinson, who was wrongly accused of raping a white woman, Finch agreed.(当地法官要求他为一个名叫汤姆·罗宾逊的黑人男子辩护时,芬奇同意了,罗宾逊被错误地指控强奸了一名白人妇女)”和后文“Still, Finch fought to discover the truth, even though he was under threat.(尽管芬奇受到了威胁,但他仍在努力寻找真相)”可知,本段在介绍小说的情节,空处可能会叙述芬奇遇到的阻挠,和后文形成语义的转折。D项“但是很多人试图阻止芬奇做他的工作。”符合语境,后文的“Still”与此形成转折。故选D。
38.空处位于段末,应承接前文。根据前文“As Finch’s son Jem and daughter Scout grew up, they started to see more racial prejudice around them.(随着芬奇的儿子杰姆和女儿斯各特逐渐长大,他们开始看到身边越来越多的种族偏见)”可知,空处会讨论芬奇的儿子杰姆和女儿斯各特对种族偏见的认识。G项“他们终于明白了以不带偏见的心态看待世界的重要性。”符合语境,其中的“an unprejudiced mind”呼应前文的“racial prejudice”。故选G。
39.根据前文“To Kill a Mockingbird was her first and only novel published.(《杀死一只知更鸟》是她出版的第一部也是唯一一部小说)”可知,本段介绍小说的作者,空处位于段末,应继续围绕作者展开。A项“她花了七年时间才完成”符合语境。故选A。
40.根据前文“For me, the most memorable quotes in the book are “Mockingbirds don’t do one thing but… sing their hearts out for us.(对我来说,书中最难忘的一句话是“知更鸟没有做任何事,只不过……为我们唱出他们的心声)”可知,此处表现了知更鸟的无辜,空处可能会承接前文讨论杀死知更鸟的不道德。E项“这就是为什么杀死一只知更鸟在道德上是完全错误的。”符合语境,其中的“mockingbird”和前文呼应。故选E。
41.D 42.E 43.A 44.B 45.G
【导语】这是一篇说明文。 自我宽恕被定义为一个过程,文章主要简述了自我宽恕的几个过程。通过这些过程,你意识到自己造成的任何伤害,寻求修复它,消除或减少自我谴责和内疚的感觉。
41.根据上文“Forgiving yourself entails experiencing feelings of self-condemnation. (原谅自我需要经历种种自责的感觉)”可知,空处应承接前文,继续讨论这些感觉,D项“这些(感觉)之后会被需要修复错误的感觉所取代。”选项中 “These”指代“feelings”,符合题意,故选D。
42.结合上一句“It’s of vital importance to stop interpreting them as sources of shame and regret. (停止将过错解释为羞愧和遗憾的根源是重要的)”可知,下文应该提出正确的做法。E项“你需要把它们当作成为你自己的过程的一部分。”说明了正确的做法应该是将过错视为自我成长的一部分,且有相同代词“them”的复现。符合题意,故选E。
43.根据下文“In order to forgive yourself, you must, first of all, recognize your mistakes in the situation that’s causing you to feel guilty. From there, you can clearly express your will to repair the damage and to empathize with those who’ve been affected by your actions. (为了原谅自己,首先,你必须认识到自己在导致你感到内疚的情况下所犯的错误。从那里,你可以清楚地表达你的意愿,修复损害,并同情那些已经受到你的行为影响的人)”可知,本段主要为要对自己的过错负责任,修复伤害并且对受影响的他者抱有同理心。因此,作为段落主旨句应该起概括作用。A项“自我宽恕超越了自怜的感觉。”说明要超越自怨自艾的小我情怀。符合题意,故选A。
44.结合上文“The ability to forgive yourself also implies your firm belief that change is possible. (原谅自己的能力也意味着你坚信改变是可能的)”及下文“As a matter of fact, it simply means you’re aware of it. (事实上,这意味着你注意到了)”可知,空处的内容应该承接前文,且与下文意思相反。B项“这并不意味着忽略您所犯的错误。”符合题意,故选B。
45.根据上文“Finally, the last dimension of self-forgiveness is the awareness that you’re only human, hence, not perfect. Consequently, you’re capable of failing at any point in your life. Recognizing yourself as part of humanity can also help you to be more compassionate towards others. (最后,自我宽恕的最后一个维度是意识到你只是人类,因此,不是完美的。因此,你在人生的任何时候都有可能失败。认识到自己是人性的一部分也可以帮助你对他人更有同情心)”可知,要意识到自己作为人的属性可以帮助你更加富有同情心,延续这个优点和好处,因而空处应该是对前文内容的总结。G项“这意味着当你在面对其他人的过错时,你会变得宽容和柔软。”总结上文,符合题意,故选G。
46.D 47.G 48.C 49.A 50.E
46.根据上文“Along with price, accessibility and preference, we’ll often use a food’s healthfulness to help us make a decision.(除了价格,是否容易获得,以及个人喜好外,我们通常会根据食物是否健康有益来选择)”可知,我们通常会根据食物是否健康有益来选择,下文作者介绍的是如何选择食物,故D项“但是,我们如何知道我们获取了足够的营养呢?”符合语境。故选D。
47.根据上文“It’s widely accepted by researchers that we need a varied diet.(研究者们认为我们需要各种各样的饮食)”可知,我们需要丰富多元的饮食,选项G“做到这的一个方法是通过吃彩虹颜色的食物”说明如何做到丰富多元的饮食,G项中的“this”指代上文的“a varied diet”。故选G。
48.根据下文“Blue and purple foods, including blueberries, have a high content of the plant anthocyanin (花青素), which has been linked to lowering the risk of heart disease and type 2 diabetes. Flavones (黄酮类化合物), which give foods a yellow colour, may reduce the risk of heart disease.(蓝色和紫色的食物,包括蓝莓,含有大量的植物花青素,花青素可以降低患心脏病和2型糖尿病的风险。黄酮类化合物使食物呈现黄色,可降低患心脏病的风险)”可知,本段列举了蓝色、紫色和黄色食物如何对人体有益的例子,故本段的主题句应该陈述不同颜色的食物对人体有不同的好处,C项“不同颜色的食物有不同的好处”符合语境。故选C。
49.根据下文“For example, research has found that orange juice is associated with a lower risk of cognitive decline, but too much intake is associated with type 2 diabetes,’ she says. Although, this is because of its sugar content, not flavonoids (黄酮类).(例如,研究发现,橙汁与认知能力下降的风险较低有关,但摄入过多与2型糖尿病有关,’她说。虽然,这是因为它的糖含量,而不是黄酮类)”可知,研究发现,橙汁可以降低认知能力下降的风险,但是摄入太多会导致二型糖尿病。这说明我们不能用一个标准来衡量食物。选项A“食物是非常复杂的”符合语境,下文是对食物的复杂性举例说明。故选A。
50.根据上文“Eating a rainbow diet may also be complex.(彩虹饮食是复杂的)”和下文“We could get into trouble.(我们可能会陷入麻烦)”可知,彩虹饮食是复杂的,很难做到,E项“每天都吃到每一种颜色的食物真的很难”和上下文意思一致。故选E。
51.A 52.D 53.B 54.E 55.G
51.根据前文“Changing your behavior is difficult. (改变你的行为是困难的。)”与下文“But there are some strategies that can make it easier to stick with an exercise habit. (但是有一些策略可以更容易地坚持锻炼习惯。)”可知,空处与上一句并列与下一句构成转折关系,A项“Living a new type of lifestyle is hard. (过一种新型的生活方式是困难的。)”中hard与前文difficult为同义词复现,与下文easier构成反义同现,故选A项。
52.根据下文“That means they are also behaviors that you start over and over again. (这意味着它们也是你一遍又一遍地开始的行为。)”可知they应该在设空处所填内容中找到相对应的指代内容,D项“Habits are behaviors that you repeat over and over again. (习惯是你一遍又一遍地重复的行为。)”中的Habits符合所指,且其中的behaviors、over and over again和“That means they are also behaviors that you start over and over again.”的behaviors和over and over again构成词汇复现,句意上构成递进,故选D项。
53.空处应为本段小标题,第一句“The best way to make exercise a habit is to start with an exercise that is so easy that you can do it even when you can’t get motivated to work out. (让锻炼成为习惯的最好方法是从一项非常简单的锻炼开始,即使您没有动力锻炼,您也可以这样做。)”与B项“Start with an exercise that is very small. (从非常小的练习开始。)”之间为具体与概括的关系,符合文意,故选B项。
54.前文“Struggling to find motivation to go for a run? (努力寻找跑步的动力?)”为问句,设空处所填内容应该能回答该问题,E项“Just fill up your water bottle and put on your running shoes. (只需装满水瓶,穿上跑鞋。)”可以回答设空处上一句的内容,故选E项。
55.下文“Most people start with some type of goal. (大多数人都是从某种类型的目标开始的。)”提到了目标,下文中lose 20 pounds、squat 50 pounds more与G项“The typical approach to diet and exercise is to focus on results first. (典型的饮食和运动方法是首先关注结果。)”中的diet、exercise构成词汇同现,结合小标题“Focus on the habit first and the results later. (先关注习惯,后关注结果。)”及下文“This is the wrong approach. (这是错误的方法。)”可知,G项“The typical approach to diet and exercise is to focus on results first. (典型的饮食和运动方法是首先关注结果。)”与上下文一致,故选G项。
56.D 57.A 58.E 59.G 60.B
56.根据空前的“Nowadays, many of us are finding ourselves tired out, struggling to build balance back into our lives.(如今,我们中的许多人都发现自己疲惫不堪,努力恢复生活的平衡)”可知,当前,很多人处于疲惫状态,在努力地建立生活中的平衡,根据空后的“Spending time near oceans, lakes, rivers and other bule spaces can provide a range of benefits including reducing anxiety, easing mental tiredness and refreshing us.(在海洋、湖泊、河流和其他蓝色空间附近度过一段时间可以带来一系列好处,包括减少焦虑、缓解精神疲劳和让我们精神焕发)”可知,与水相关的环境在一起一段时间会有很大帮助,由此可推断,此空处应是承上启下的作用,指出水可以帮助我们缓解疲惫。D选项“According to researchers, water can help us.(据研究人员称,水可以帮助我们)”符合题意。故选D项。
57.根据分析语篇可知,此处应为本段的主题句,应为祈使句,根据空后的“You likely have some water close by, even if it is just a pond alongside the road. Start there. Then get out to water you can visit on the weekend or a vacation. Urban water counts—rivers, canals and fountains.(你附近可能有一些水,即使它只是路边的一个池塘。从这里开始。然后到你可以在周末或假期参观的水里去。城市用水——河流、运河和喷泉)”可知,该段讲述的只要是有水的地方就可以,无论是哪里的水,A选项“Remember that all water counts.(记住,所有的水都可以)”符合题意,概括了本段的主题。故选A项。
58.根据上题分析的内容,本段讲述的是无论哪里的水都很重要,由此可知,此空处讲述的内容与此相关,根据空前的“Then get out to water you can visit on the weekend or a vacation. Urban water counts—rivers, canals and fountains.(然后到你可以在周末或假期参观的水里去。城市用水——河流、运河和喷泉)”可知,此处讲述的是在周末时间去接触外界的水,E选项“So does domestic water-in pools, bathtubs, even by fish tanks.(家庭水池、浴缸,甚至鱼缸也是如此)”讲述的内容是家里的水也很重要,与本段主题相符,且内容一致。故选E项。
59.根据本段主题句“Go often.”可知,该段建议人们经常接触水,与时间相关,根据空后的“But an environmental psychologist found that spending a similar amount of time near water has the same benefits.(但一位环境心理学家发现,在水附近呆同样长的时间也有同样的好处)”可知,在水附近花费类似的时间有一样的好处,根据but可知,此空处的内容与空后内容为转折关系,G选项“It takes at least two hours a week in nature to improve our well-being.(我们每周至少要花两个小时在大自然中才能改善我们的健康)”可知,每周在大自然中待至少两个小时会改善健康,与空后的“在水边花费相似的时间”以及“起到一样的效果”意义相符。故选G项。
60.根据本段的主题句“Listen.”以及空前的“Make an audio recording of your favorite water.(录制您最喜欢的水的录音)”可知,本段讲述的是听水声对身体健康是有用的,空前讲述的是录制一段最喜欢的水的录音,由此可知,此空处应是这样做的效果,B选项“It will bring back happy memories.(它会带回快乐的回忆)”符合题意,承接空前内容。故选B项。
61.A 62.F 63.D 64.E 65.B
61.根据空前“Looking for a way to be happier? Are you seeking deeper connections with friends or looking for more friends? (正在寻找一种让自己更快乐的方法?你是在寻求与朋友之间更深层次的联系,还是在寻找更多的朋友?)”以及空后“Try a little compassion.(尝试一点同情心。)”可知,空后提供了上文问题的解决方法,由此推断空处为疑问句。选项A“Want to relate better to other people?(想更好地与他人相处?)”内容上和上文“寻找更多的朋友保持一致?”;形式上为疑问句形式,可用来引出下文。故选A项。
62.根据空前“The compassionate tend to have deeper connections with others and have more friends, who are more forgiving and have a stronger sense of life purpose. The compassionate also tend to be happier, healthier, more self-confident, and less self-critical.(富有同情心的人与其他人有更深的联系,也会有更多的朋友,朋友也会更有连接新,并有生活的目的。富有同情心的人也会人往往更快乐,更健康,更自信,更少自我批评。)”可知,空前主要说明了富有同情心的人的好处,故F项“Consequently, compassion has direct personal benefits.(因此,同情心也有直接的个人利益。)”符合,空前说明具体的好处,本空得出结果,有直接的个人利益,故选F项。
63.根据空前“All you need is a quiet place.(你只需要一个安静的地方。)”以及下文“Focus on your breath and try to clear your mind. Then mentally focus on your heart area and think about someone you feel tenderness toward.(专注于呼吸,试着理清思绪。然后在心里把注意力集中在你的心脏部位,想一个你感到温柔的人。)”可知,本段主要讲述的是如何练习富有同情心。而空前则建议读者找到一个安静的地方。选项D“In that quiet space, sit in a comfortable position.(在那个安静的空间里,坐到一个舒适的位置。)”延续上文内容,同时引出下文。故选D项。
64.根据上文“Then mentally focus on your heart area and think about someone you feel tenderness toward. This could be your friend or your family.(然后在心里把注意力集中在你的心脏部位,想一个你感到温柔的人。这可能是你的朋友或家人。)”可知,作者建议读者想一个让你感到温柔的人,有可能是朋友或家人。而空后“As time allows, add more people to that circle. (如果时间允许,把更多的人加入那个圈子。)”则建议读者想象更多温暖的人。选项E“Then expand that feeling to yourself and to others.(然后将这种感觉扩展到自己和他人身上。)”承上启下,符合上下文内容。故选E项。
65.根据下文“Compassion helps your brain become more flexible, and lets your brain have a wider sense of what’s going on, and it gives you access to more ideas on how to act. (同情帮助你的大脑变得更灵活,让你的大脑对正在发生的事情有更广泛的感觉,它让你获得更多关于如何行动的想法。)”可知,这里讲述的是同情心对大脑的影响。选项B“That’s in part because it changes your brain.”(这部分是因为它改变了你的大脑。)”与下文内容一致。故选B项。
66.B 67.A 68.G 69.E 70.F
66.根据下文“That is because it can make a memorable first impression on your customers.(这是因为它可以给你的客户留下难忘的第一印象)”可知,选项处说明有一个好名字有很大的帮助。故B选项“为公司取一个好名字很有帮助”切题。故选B项。
67.根据上文“If you’re offering luxury transportation services, you should pick a name that expresses this sense. (如果你提供豪华交通服务,你应该选择一个能表达这种感觉的名字)”可知,选项承接上文具体说明上文的内容。故A选项“Luxe Rides就是一个很好的例子”切题。luxury呼应Luxe。故选A项。
68.根据上文“Metaphors (暗喻), visual imagery, and emotions can be powerful tools when selecting a name for your transportation business.(在为你的运输业务选择名字时,隐喻、视觉图像和情感可能是强大的工具)”及下文“For example, Greyhound is a symbol of speed and agility (敏捷).(例如,灰狗是速度和敏捷的象征)”可知,该项讲的是这样的名字为什么好,下文是对上文的举例。故G选项“这是因为这些类型的名字在观众的脑海中形成了一个清晰的形象。”切题。故选G项。
69.根据上文“So, start by listing words and phrases that describe your business. Think of words that express what your business really is.(所以,从列出描述你的业务的单词和短语开始。想一些词语来表达你的业务到底是什么)”可知,该项为“Brainstorming“的第二步,其中的“Then”与上文中的“So, start by”相呼应。故E选项“然后,考虑将它们组合起来创建一个唯一的名字。”切题。故选E项。
70.上文介绍的是给公司命名的几条建议。再根据下文“It’s better to be carried out among people from different backgrounds. After all, the last thing you want is to pick a name that will annoy your audience.(最好是在不同背景的人中间进行。毕竟,你最不想要的就是选择一个会惹恼你的观众的名字)”可知,该项位于文章最后一段,最后提醒我们在决定前要测试名字,接下来讲如何测试和为什么测试。故F选项“记得在做最终决定之前测试一下你的名字。”切题。故选F项。
71.B 72.G 73.F 74.A 75.E
71.根据上文“Everyone knows that the choices we make affect our future. Suppose I am an intelligent student with good marks. However, being lazy, I do badly in my examinations. I am refused entry to university and cannot find a good job. The golden future will never be.(每个人都知道我们所做的选择会影响我们的未来。假设我是一个聪明的学生,成绩好。然而,由于懒惰,我在考试中表现很差。我被大学拒之门外,也找不到好工作。美好未来永远不会有)”以及下文陈述对选择对我们的影响推知,空处应引出话题。故B选项“所有这都来自一个坏的选择”符合语境,these指代上文提到的“I do badly in my examinations. I am refused entry to university and cannot find a good job. The golden future will never be”,“a bad choice”指上文的“being lazy”。故选B。
72.根据上文“However, your choices affect your future in a way that is more complicated.(然而,你的选择以一种更复杂的方式影响着你的未来)”以及后文“Your character is displayed through your choices, but it is also formed by them.(你的性格是通过你的选择展现出来的,但它也是由你的选择形成的)”可知,后文提到了性格会影响选项,本句解释上文“更复杂的方式”指的是性格。故G选项“这是因为你所做的几乎所有选择都会影响你的性格”符合语境,故选G。
73.根据上文“Whenever you make a choice, your character changes or grows, depending on whether the decision you made is wise or foolish.(每当你做出选择时,你的性格就会改变或成长,这取决于你做出的决定是明智的还是愚蠢的)”以及后文“And so, you become the sort of person who will make a certain kind of choice in a certain situation.(因此,你成为了那种在特定情况下会做出特定选择的人)”可知,性格是由选择塑造的。故F选项“你的性格是由你一点一点、一个又一个选择塑造出来的”符合语境,故选F。
74.根据后文“After all, the field of human choice is a narrow one. Most of the things that form us in our lives are not subject to choice. We cannot choose when and where to be born, whether our families will be rich or poor, kind or cruel. We cannot even entirely control who we will meet in our lives. With so much that we cannot choose, how can we be said to be responsible for anything?(毕竟,人类选择的领域是狭窄的。在我们的生活中,构成我们的大多数事情都是无法选择的。我们无法选择出生的时间和地点,无法选择家庭的富裕还是贫穷,无法选择善良还是残酷。我们甚至不能完全控制我们在生活中会遇到谁。有这么多我们无法选择的东西,我们怎么能说对任何事情负责呢?)”可知,事实上人们的选择很小,因此不可能对任何事情负责。由此推知,空处句子指出,有人反对“性格是由选择塑造出来”这个观点。故A选项“有些人会认为这不是真的”符合语境,this指上段提到的“性格是由选择塑造的”。故选A。
75.根据上文“However, we do have some power of choice, and we do control the most important thing of all: how we respond to circumstances.(然而,我们确实有一些选择的权力,我们确实控制着最重要的事情:我们如何应对环境)”以及后文“It is our key to having confidence in the future. It is human nature to fear the future, as the future is unknown. You cannot entirely control what will happen to you tomorrow. But if you have confidence in your character, then you do know one thing for certain about the future: no matter what happens, you will make a choice that you will be proud of.(这是我们对未来充满信心的关键。害怕未来是人类的天性,因为未来是未知的。你不能完全控制明天会发生什么。但如果你对自己的性格有信心,那么你对未来有一件事是肯定的:无论发生什么,你都会做出一个令你自豪的选择)”可知,本句主要说明我们可以选择的事情:在困难时期,我们可以选择继续奋斗,也可以选择放弃。故E选项“在困难时期,我们可以选择继续奋斗,也可以选择放弃”符合语境,故选E。
76.A 77.D 78.G 79.E 80.B
76.根据空前内容“The most important conversation skill is to invite people to talk about their lives.(最重要的谈话技巧是邀请别人谈论他们的生活)”可知,文章建议你在和别人谈话时邀请别人谈谈他们的生活。选项A“Almost everyone enjoys talking about themselves.(几乎每个人都喜欢谈论自己)”解释了为什么邀请别人谈论他们生活的原因,是上文内容的延续。故选A。
77.根据空前内容“Show an interest in learning about a person’s history, family, ideas, or goals and it will likely get the conversation going right away.(表现出对了解对方的历史、家庭、想法或目标的兴趣,这很可能会让谈话马上开始)”可判断,本段主要讲述的是邀请对方分享他们的生活,而上文则认为如果表现出对了解对方的历史、家庭、想法或目标的兴趣,那么对方很有可能开始谈话。选项D“If a person appears uncomfortable sharing something personal, change the subject.(如果对方看起来不太愿意分享私人的事情,那就换个话题)”讲述的是如果对方并不是很想分享自己的事情,那么不要继续。与上文内容一致,故选D。
78.根据空前内容“Open-ended questions require more than just a yes-or-no answer. Ask open-ended questions that encourage other people to start discussing a topic in detail.(开放式问题需要的不仅仅是一个是或否的答案。问一些开放式的问题,鼓励其他人开始详细讨论一个话题)”可知,作者建议我们如果想要继续一段谈话,可以问对方一些开放式问题。选项G“For example, ask, “What made you decide to pursue nursing?” or “How did you like living in Hawaii?”(例如,你可以问:“是什么让你决定从事护理工作?”或者“你觉得在夏威夷的生活怎么样?”)”则举例说明什么叫开放式问题,与上文内容相一致。故选G。
79.根据上文内容“Whatever you do, don’t interrupt. Instead, wait patiently for your turn to talk. Interrupting is one of the quickest ways to shut down a conversation and make other people uncomfortable. Show that you value what others are saying.(无论你做什么,都不要打断。相反,耐心地等待轮到你说话。打断别人是结束谈话、让别人不舒服的最快方式之一。表现出你重视别人所说的话)”可知,本段讲述的是在倾听对方的过程中,要有耐心,等着轮到你说话。选项E“If someone is talking about something you don’t understand, ask for an explanation.(如果有人在说一些你不明白的事情,要求解释)”指的是在倾听的过程中,如果听到别人在说自己不懂的事情,可以请求对方解释。故选E。
80.根据空前内容“Asking for advice shows that you value someone else’s opinion. Just because you ask for advice doesn’t mean you have to follow it.(征求意见表明你重视别人的意见。仅仅因为你寻求建议并不意味着你必须遵循它)”以及空后内容“Ask your co-worker if she likes your new jacket or ask a friend how you should handle a situation. Asking for advice can make others feel important.(问问你的同事是否喜欢你的新夹克,或者问问你的朋友你应该如何处理这种情况。征求意见会让别人觉得自己很重要)”可知,在本段中,作者建议我们多问问别人建议,因为那会让别人感到自己很重要。选项B“You can ask for advice on both simple and serious things in life.(你可以在生活中简单和严肃的事情上征求意见)”符合上下午内容,指的都是征求他人的建议。故选B。
81.E 82.F 83.B 84.D 85.G
81.空前说“Body language is a form of communication and it plays an important role in our everyday life. (肢体语言是一种交流方式,在我们的日常生活中扮演着重要的角色。)”,说明肢体语言对我们是重要的,空后说“Let’s look at some of the benefits of body language. (让我们来看看肢体语言的一些好处。)”,说明人们可以从肢体语言中得到好处,E选项“Students and professionals can benefit from body language (学生和专业人士都能从肢体语言中受益)”说明了人可以从肢体语言得到好处,因此承上启下,符合语境,故选E。
82.空前说“Students’ public speaking skills improve as a result of body language. It not only engages the audience but is also able to convey the right message across. (学生的公开演讲技巧会因为肢体语言而提高。它不仅能吸引听众,而且能传达正确的信息。)”,说明肢体语言在演讲中能起到很好的作用,空后说“Having good body language while publicly speaking is half the battle won, such as keep eye contact with listeners and use gestures and hand signals while publicly speaking. (在公开演讲时拥有良好的肢体语言是成功的一半,比如在公开演讲时与听众保持目光接触,使用姿势和手势。)”,说明肢体语言在公开演讲中很重要,F选项“So the importance of body language in speech making is evident(因此,肢体语言在演讲中的重要性是显而易见的)”说明了肢体语言在演讲中很重要,因此承上启下,符合语境,故选F。
83.空格处是本段的小标题,由上一段小标题“It makes your speaking skills better (它能提高你的口语能力)”和下一段的小标题“It improves self-confidence (它能增强自信)”可知,本段小标题也以“It”开头,由空后内容“Body language is important when pupils wish to express their opinions when words fall short. (当学生想要表达自己的观点时,肢体语言是很重要的。)”可知,本段主要讲的是肢体语言帮助人表达观点,B选项“It helps express your opinions (它有助于表达你的观点)”说明了肢体语言可以帮助人表达观点,因此概括了本段主旨,可作为小标题,故选B。
84.空前说“How confident you are as a student and as a person is demonstrated by your body language. For example, making eye contact while speaking, using hand gestures while speaking, and holding your chin up while speaking. (作为一个学生和一个人,你有多自信是通过你的肢体语言来体现的。例如,说话时眼神交流,说话时使用手势,说话时抬起下巴。)”,这是举的一些肢体语言的实际例子,空格处应该对这些肢体语言进行评论,说它和展示自信有关,D选项“They are all signs that you have great belief in yourself (这些都表明你对自己很有信心)”说明这些肢体语言可以表明自信,因此承接上文,符合语境,故选D。
85.空前说“The sixth sense is a skill that you can know a true person’s feelings and emotions without the person being verbal about it. For example, if you ask a person how a particular food tastes, they may reply with “awesome” or “yum”. (第六感是一种技能,你可以知道一个真实的人的感受和情绪,而不需要这个人说出来。例如,如果你问一个人某种食物的味道如何,他们可能会回答“awesome”或“yum”。)”,说明人们可能不会通过言语表达真实的感觉,空后说“Therefore, the importance of body language lies in the fact that it gives you a sixth sense of power to figure out people and their emotions. (因此,肢体语言的重要性在于它能给你第六感,让你了解别人和他们的情绪。)”,说明肢体言语可以展示出一个人真正的感受,G选项“However, their body language can show how they feel about the food (然而,他们的肢体语言可以显示他们对食物的感觉)”说明了肢体语言可以表现出人的真实感受,因此承上启下,符合语境,故选G。
86.G 87.A 88.F 89.E 90.D
86.上文“Choosing the right career can be difficult, and consequently you will find many of us can hardly find a suitable job in our daily life. (选择正确的职业可能很困难,因此你会发现我们很多人在日常生活中很难找到合适的工作)”提出我们所面临的问题:我们很多人在日常生活中很难找到合适的工作。下文每段的小标题“Evaluating your interests(评估你的兴趣)”,“Considering your current state(考虑到你现在的状态)”,“Thinking about your future(想想你的未来)”都是关于如何做能让自己找到合适工作的方法,G项“然而,通过认真的自我规划和自我反省,你可以让自己走上一条充实的职业道路”切题,承上启下,故选G。
87.此处是本段小标题。下文“Consider what skills you are good at. If you are particularly good at certain skills, such as fixing things or making things, this can provide you with a great future career, since skilled labor is often in demand and you will find it fairly easy to find work(想想你擅长什么技能。如果你特别擅长某些技能,如修理东西或制造东西,这可以为你提供一个伟大的未来职业生涯,因为熟练的劳动力往往是需要的,你会发现它相当容易找到工作)”可知,本段主要介绍了要评估你的技能,A项“评估你的技能”能概括本段内容,故选A。
88.根据下文“People who interact with others well can easily get careers as social workers or in marketing and similar business positions.(与他人互动良好的人可以很容易地获得社会工作者或市场营销和类似的商业职位)”可知,能很好地与他人沟通有助于你获得一些领域的工作,F项“如果你能很好地与他人沟通,那么这里也有适合你的工作”切题,引起下文,“have a good command of communicating with others”呼应下文“interact with others well”,故选F。
89.上文“If you want a career that will really make you happy, you have to have an impressive awareness of what you want and what you enjoy.(如果你想要一个真正让你快乐的职业,你必须对你想要什么和你喜欢什么有一个令人印象深刻的认识)”指出如果你想要一个真正让你快乐的职业,你需要对自己想要什么和喜欢什么有一个认知,换句话说,要了解什么对自己是至关重要的,E项“对于一些人来说,这意味着要花一些时间来决定什么对他们来说是至关重要的”承接上文,对上文做出了进一步解释,故选E。
90.根据下文“Accordingly, you will need to consider if the career you choose is stable enough for you and your desires for the future.(因此,你需要考虑你所选择的职业是否足够稳定,是否能满足你对未来的渴望)”可知,空处应该是介绍为什么你需要考虑你所选择的职业是否足够稳定,是否能满足你对未来的渴望,D项“就业市场变化很大,因为社会在不同的时间需要不同的东西”切题,和下文构成因果关系,故选D。
91.G 92.C 93.D 94.A 95.E
【导语】这是一篇说明文。本文主要通过举例等方式介绍了可以用来与家人一起放松的三种活动方式, 即徒步、玩互动游戏和艺术创作。
91.下文“If you are also troubled by that, here are some suggestions that can help you get relaxed with your family.(如果你也对此感到困扰,这里有一些建议可以帮助你与家人放松)”中的 also可知,上文谈论的话题也是很难找到和家人放松的方式,G项“有时候却很难想出如何恰当地度过它”和下文承接自然。故选G项。
92.根据下文“By hiking, we can clear our minds and gain the energy and focus to make good choices. (通过徒步旅行,我们可以理清思路,获得精力和注意力来做出正确的选择)”可知,这里提到了带全家徒步旅行的好处,由此推知,空处内容应与散步有关。C项“一家人出去散步”是对下文内容的总结概括,也是对上文“Tough day?(艰难的一天?)”的回答。故选C项。
93.过呢据上文“It’s easy to deal with stress by falling asleep in front of the TV with a bag of chips, but teach your kids that there are much better choices.(拿着一袋薯片在电视机前睡着很容易应对压力,但要教会你的孩子有更好的选择)”可知,孩子们在周末除了看电视还有更好的选择,D项“轮流选择游戏来玩”是对上文中“much better choices”的举例说明。故选D项。
94.根据下文“Cover the kitchen floor with papers and paint pictures right on them, or make mini sculptures with clay. Grab paper and pencils and draw sketches of each other in notebooks. Break out the sidewalk chalk and create masterpieces right outside your front door. (在厨房地板上铺上纸,在上面画画,或者用粘土做迷你雕塑。拿起纸和铅笔,在笔记本上互相画草图。拿出人行道上的粉笔,在你的前门外创作出杰作)”可知,本段讲述的是如何做一些有创意的活动,A项“要有创造力”是对本段内容的概括,同时也是本段的小标题。故选A项。
95.根据上文“Cover the kitchen floor with papers and paint pictures right on them, or make mini sculptures with clay. Grab paper and pencils and draw sketches of each other in notebooks. Break out the sidewalk chalk and create masterpieces right outside your front door. (在厨房地板上铺上纸,在上面画画,或者用粘土做迷你雕塑。拿起纸和铅笔,在笔记本上互相画草图。拿出人行道上的粉笔,在你的前门外创作出杰作)”可知,上文陈述了一些在家可以做的创意活动。空处位于段末,由此推知,空处应陈述这些活动的好处。E项“这些艺术活动有利于减压”符合题意。故选E项。
96.E 97.B 98.D 99.G 100.F
96.下文“Good manners will also keep your name on the guest list, add to your friends and boost your confidence, etc.(良好的礼仪也会让你的名字留在客人名单上,增加你的朋友,增强你的信心等等)”是描述良好的礼仪带来的好处,根据下文关键词“also”可知,空处也是描述良好的礼仪带来的好处,E项“良好的礼仪会给你带来积极的关注”符合语境,故选E。
97.根据本段中“These three words are taught in the elementary classes to little ones. Truly the three magic words should be included in our daily life more often.(这三个词是小学里教小孩子的。的确,这三个神奇的词应该更经常地出现在我们的日常生活中)”可知,本段是关于三个词语,B项“使用‘请’,‘对不起’和‘谢谢’”符合语境,故选B。
98.根据本段小标题“Respecting Elders.(尊重长辈)”和本段中“In Chinese culture, younger members of the family have a duty to care for the aging members of the family.(在中国文化中,年轻的家庭成员有责任照顾家里的老人)”以及“In Greek and Greek-American culture, old age is honored and celebrated, and respect for elders is central to the family.(在希腊和希腊-美国文化中,老年人受到尊敬和庆祝,尊重老人是家庭的核心)”可知,本段是说中外文化中都有尊重长辈的习俗,D项“世界上大多数文化都遵循这一习俗”符合语境,故选D。
99.上文“Whether it is for speaking, for playing or standing in bank’s queue, waiting for your turn patiently is a great manner to display.(无论是说话、玩耍还是在银行排队,耐心等待是一种很好的表现方式)”提到在谈话中或是玩耍或排队时耐心等待是一种很好的行为,分析选项,G项中的“also”承接上文,进一步描述耐心等待的好处,G项“在谈话中,这也有助于一个人成为一个更好的倾听者”符合语境,G项中的“this”指代上文的“waiting for your turn patiently”,故选G。
100.空处位于文章末尾,是总结上文,结合上文“You will always benefit from your good manners.(你将永远受益于你良好的礼仪)”可知,良好的礼仪使人受益,故要遵循这些礼仪,F项“所以无论你走到哪里,都要遵循这些基本礼仪”符合语境,故选F。
101.G 102.F 103.A 104.E 105.C
101.根据上文“Reach out through social media. Connect with them through social media, text message or other means if you’re too nervous to make a phone call or to begin a meet up. Follow up on one of their most recent posts. (通过社交媒体联系。如果你太紧张而不敢打电话或开始见面,可以通过社交媒体、短信或其他方式与他们联系。跟进他们最近的一个帖子)”可知,本句承接上文说明跟进帖子之后的做法:开始谈论他们在做什么将是一件很自然的事情。故G选项“然后开始谈论他们在做什么将是一件很自然的事情”符合语境,故选G。
102.根据上文“Show some love. If you’re really happy to connect with your old friend, make it a point to communicate that to them. (表达一些爱。如果你真的很高兴和你的老朋友联系,那就把这一点告诉他们)”以及后文“Sincere warmth can help lessen some of the awkwardness that may build up in a relationship. (真诚的温暖可以帮助减少一些可能在关系中建立起来的尴尬)”可知,后文提到了真诚的温柔,说明要温柔对待老朋友。故F选项“温暖地对待他们,让他们知道这对你有多重要”符合语境,故选F。
103.根据后文“Start conversation by bringing up a fun time you shared. It will transport you both back to that moment when you were close and help smooth over the “What are you up to now?” conversations that sound too rigid (死板). (用你们一起度过的一段有趣的时光来开始谈话。它会把你们两个都带回到你们亲密的那一刻,并帮助平息“你现在在做什么?”听起来太死板的对话)”可知,后文提到了带回到亲密的那一刻,说明要用对话回忆美好的记忆,故A选项“唤起快乐的回忆”符合语境,故选A。
104.根据上文“Display your interest. As you chat with your friend, try to pay attention and ask follow-up questions. (表现出你的兴趣。当你和你的朋友聊天时,试着集中注意力并问一些后续问题)”可知,本句继续说明这些问题的作用:表明你对他们和你分享的东西很感兴趣。故E选项“这表明你对他们和你分享的东西很感兴趣”符合语境,故选E。
105.根据上文“Move past conflicts. Don’t talk a lot about your conflicts or the reasons why your friendship became less close. If it happens to come up naturally down the line, then feel free to address any possible hurt feelings. (放下过去的冲突。不要过多地谈论你们之间的矛盾或你们的友谊变得不那么亲密的原因。如果这是自然而然地发生的,那么就随意地说出任何可能的伤害感)”以及后文“In the beginning, just focus on what you had in common and the good times you shared together.(刚开始的时候,只关注你们的共同点和你们一起度过的美好时光)”可知,本句与上文构成转折,指出避免太早说出别人对自己的伤害。故C选项“但最好避免过早冒险”符合语境,故选C。
106.D 107.B 108.A 109.F 110.G
106.根据空格前的句子“Food waste contributes to ever-growing landfills(食物浪费导致垃圾填埋场不断增加)”可知,浪费掉的食物都被扔进了垃圾场,购买这些食物同样需要花费金钱和精力,所以,这是金钱和精力的浪费。所以D项“It is a waste of your money, as well as your effort.(这是在浪费你的钱,也是在浪费你的精力)”符合题意,和上一句是顺接关系。故选D项。
107.根据空格后的句子“However, if your family cannot eat all the food before it goes bad, then it just adds to food waste.(然而,如果你的家人不能在食物变质之前吃完所有的食物,那么这只会增加食物浪费)”可知,空格处的句子一定提到家里储存大量的食物。所以B项“Having a fully filled fridge may look nice.(一个装满食物的冰箱看起来不错)”符合题意,与上文形成明显的转折关系。故选B项。
108.空格前的句子“Always make a shopping list.(总是列一个购物清单)”建议列购物清单。空格处的句子应该提到这样做的好处。所以A项“It can help keep your grocery trips short.(它可以帮助你缩短购物之旅)”符合题意,A项中的it就是指上一句中的a shopping list。故选A项。
109.空格处的句子是该部分的主题句。空格后的句子“For meats, you have to keep them in the freezer while fruits and vegetables should be stored in the crisper compartment (保鲜室). Although these tips may seem simple, they can help greatly reduce the amount of food waste that your family produces.(对于肉类,你必须把它们放在冰箱里,而水果和蔬菜应该存放在保鲜盒里。虽然这些建议看起来很简单,但它们可以帮助你大大减少家庭产生的食物浪费)”指出不同的食物要用不同的储存方式,所以空格处的句子一定是建议“妥善储存食物”,所以F项“Foods need proper storage to prevent them going bad.(食物需要妥善储存以防止变质)”符合题意。故选F项。
110.空格前的句子“For example, placing the newly bought foods at the back of the fridge or cupboard will encourage people to use the ones that are in the front row. This will ensure that you know what you have and reduce food waste.(例如,把新买的食物放在冰箱或橱柜的后面会鼓励人们使用前排的食物。这将确保你知道你有什么,减少食物浪费)”解释为什么应该把新买的食物放在冰箱或橱柜的后面,空格处的句子应该接着说如果不这样做的弊端。所以G项“If you can’t see what foods you have, you’ll forget them.(如果你看不到你有什么食物,你就会忘记它们)”符合题意。故选G项。
111.D 112.E 113.B 114.G 115.C
111.根据前文“Yoga has a well-deserved fame for helping to improve balance and flexibility and for gaining calm and relaxation.(瑜伽有一个当之无愧的名声,有助于提高平衡和灵活性,并获得冷静和放松)”以及后文“Here’s more about how doing yoga is a complete body and mind workout.(这里有更多关于如何做瑜伽是一个完整的身心锻炼)”可知,此处是在讲述瑜伽的好处,所以D项“Yoga is also well-known for helping you burn more calories(瑜伽还能帮助你燃烧更多的卡路里)”符合文意,描述的是瑜伽的好处,与上下文承接自然。故选D项。
112.根据前文“Several studies have confirmed that doing yoga does reduce cortisol (皮质醇) levels.(一些研究已经证实,做瑜伽确实能降低皮质醇水平)”推知,设空是对本句进一步说明,所以E项“High levels of cortisol, a stress hormone, can lead to an increase in fat(高水平的皮质醇,一种压力荷尔蒙,会导致脂肪增加)”符合文意,其中cortisol为同词复现。故选E项。
113.分析设空可知,空处是本段的小标题,是对本段的高度概括,根据下文“In a 2016 study, participants involved in practicing yoga realized that they tended to notice not only the amount of food they ate, but what type of foods they ate and the impact of eating those foods as well. “Subjects are reported becoming aware of the effect of certain foods on their bodies during their yoga practice, including sugar, dairy, meat and alcohol,” wrote the authors of the study.(在2016年的一项研究中,练习瑜伽的参与者意识到,他们不仅会注意自己吃了多少食物,还会注意自己吃了什么类型的食物,以及吃这些食物的影响。该研究的作者写道:“据报道,研究对象在练习瑜伽时意识到某些食物对他们身体的影响,包括糖、乳制品、肉类和酒精。”)”可知,练瑜伽的人会注意自己吃了多少食物,还会注意自己吃了什么类型的食物,以及吃这些食物的影响,所以B项“Moving Well, Eating Well(运动好,吃好)”符合文意,适合作本段小标题。故选B项。
114.分析设空可知,空处位于段首,是本段的中心句,也是对小标题的进一步说明,所以根据小标题“Making Weight Loss Last(让减肥持续下去)”可知,本段主要讲述练瑜伽有助于减肥,所以G项“Recent research shows that yoga may help to improve long-term weight loss outcomes(最近的研究表明,瑜伽可能有助于改善长期的减肥效果)”符合文意,其中weight loss为同词复现。故选G项。
115.分析设空,位于段尾,是本段的总结句,根据前文“Ultimately, the best yoga is the practice that fits you—the one you’ll commit to. There are now many accessible styles of yoga that meet you where you are no matter what your weight, age, physical challenge or background.(最后,最好的瑜伽是适合你的练习——你会坚持的练习。现在,无论你的体重、年龄、身体挑战或背景如何,都有许多适合你的瑜伽风格)”可知,本段主要讲述了选择合适的瑜伽风格,所以C项“Everybody and every body can benefit from a certain style(每个人都可以从某种风格中受益)”符合文意,是对前文的总结。故选C项。
116.C 117.E 118.F 119.G 120.A
116.根据前文“One of my fondest memories of travel is when I spent a few days backpacking in Bucharest, Romania. An unexpected act of kindness from a stranger truly made me feel moved.(我最美好的旅行回忆之一是我在罗马尼亚的布加勒斯特背包旅行了几天。一个陌生人出乎意料的善举真的让我感动。)”和下一段中“The first day I arrived in Bucharest I had to take the bus from the train station to my accommodation.(到达布加勒斯特的第一天,我必须从火车站乘公共汽车到我的住处。)”可知,前文在说明罗马尼亚的布加勒斯特之旅令作者难忘,下一段开始回忆具体的旅行情况,空处需起到衔接的作用,过渡到下一段的回忆。C项“那件事至今仍历历在目。”符合语境,其中的“It”指前文的“An unexpected act of kindness from a stranger”,“vivid in my mind”可以引起下一段开始的回忆。故选C。
117.根据前文“I boarded the bus and found out that none of my cards worked and I wasn’t able to buy a ticket.(我上了公共汽车,发现我的卡都不能用,我无法买到票。)”和后文“Although I explained that it wasn’t my intention and I had just arrived from Brasov, they still didn’t believe me and fined me for not having a ticket.(虽然我解释说这不是我的本意,我刚从布拉索夫来,但他们仍然不相信我,并因为我没有票而罚款。)”可知,前文叙述作者遇到了困难,无法付款买票,后文叙述作者还被罚款,空处需起到衔接的作用,说明情况更糟糕了。E项“更糟糕的是,我在公共汽车上被警察拦住了。”符合语境,后文的“they”指代其中的“policemen”。故选E。
118.根据前文“You have to purchase a card at certain places in the city, top it up with money, and then pay onboard.(你必须在城市的某些地方买一张卡,充满钱,然后在车上付款。)”和后文“You can use wireless pay to purchase a ticket.(你可以用无线支付买票。)”可知,前文解释了布加勒斯特的大部分公共汽车付款的方式,后文提到的方式更为方便先进,空处应该会有转折,过渡到后文这种更便捷的方式。F项“然而,连接机场的公共汽车更加现代化。”符合语境,其中的“more modern”指后文的“use wireless pay”。故选F。
119.根据后文“After I got on the bus, I found the ticket machine to be the same as the one I had met with on my first day in Bucharest.(上车后,我发现售票机和我在布加勒斯特第一天遇到的那台一样。)”可知,本段讨论旅程中另外一天的事情,空处需从上面段落的内容过渡到这一天。G项“快进到我的最后一天,我计划乘公共汽车去布加勒斯特机场。”符合语境,呼应后文的遭遇。故选G。
120.根据前文“I tried in vain every method, including wireless pay, Apple Pay and cash.(我尝试了各种方法,包括无线支付、Apple Pay和现金,但都徒劳无用。)”可知,作者之前以为去机场的公共汽车上可以无线支付,但是实际上各种支付方式都不行,结合第一天就被罚款的经历可以推测,空处会叙述作者开始紧张慌乱。A项“我开始恐慌起来。”符合语境,承接前文。故选A。
121.F 122.A 123.G 124.E 125.C
121.根据上文“You probably already know what self-regulation is, even if you are not aware of the term.(你可能已经知道什么是自我调节,即使你不知道这个词)”结合后文提到了自我调节的作用,可知空处应该引起下文,即指出要建议了解自我调节。故F选项“有必要更多地了解自我调节并了解如何加强自我调节”符合语境,故选F。
122.上文“Self-regulation refers to the ability to control your behavior and manage your thoughts and emotions in appropriate ways. It involves being aware of your behavior and how it helps you reach your goals.(自我调节是指以适当的方式控制自己的行为和管理自己的思想和情绪的能力。它包括意识到你的行为以及它如何帮助你实现目标)”提到自我调节的定义,后文“The Cambridge dictionary defines it as “The ability to make yourself do things you know you should do even when you do not want to”. The American Psychological Association defines it as “the control of one’s behavior through self-monitoring, self-evaluation, and self-reinforcement.”(剑桥词典将其定义为“即使你不想做,但你知道自己应该做的事情的能力”。美国心理学会将其定义为“通过自我监控、自我评价和自我强化来控制自己的行为”)”提到了自我调节不同的定义,由此可知,空处引起下文,指出自律有不同的定义,故A选项“自律有不同的定义”符合语境,故选A。
123.根据上文“Self-regulation is very important because it can help us deal with stress. We all know that sometimes stress is bad for our health, which can cause mood swings and difficulty concentrating.(自我调节非常重要,因为它可以帮助我们应对压力。我们都知道有时候压力对我们的健康有害,它会导致情绪波动和注意力不集中)”以及后文“For example, if a person is upset, sad, or angry, self-regulation helps him regulate his feelings and then behave in an acceptable and productive way.(例如,如果一个人心烦意乱、悲伤或生气,自我调节可以帮助他调节自己的感觉,然后以一种可接受的、富有成效的方式行事)”可知,本句与上文构成转折关系,指出自律可以帮助人们处理沮丧或失望等情绪。故G选项“但是自我调节可以帮助人们处理沮丧或失望等情绪”符合语境,故选G。
124.根据上文“In addition, self-regulation can also help people handle conflict and strengthen relationships and overall well-being. It can help people calm down after something annoying has happened and refocus their attention on other tasks.(此外,自我调节还可以帮助人们处理冲突,加强人际关系和整体幸福感。它可以帮助人们在一些恼人的事情发生后冷静下来,并将注意力重新集中到其他任务上)”以及后文“People with good self-regulation skills are able to assess whether their behavior is appropriate and can redirect themselves as needed.(具有良好自我调节能力的人能够评估自己的行为是否合适,并在需要时重新调整自己)”可知,本句承接上文说明自我调节帮助人处理冲突的过程,故E选项“然后试着举止得体,适应与他人相处”符合语境,故选E。
125.根据后文“So we can try different approaches to find the proper one. You may be able to keep stress under control by using stress management techniques such as deep breathing, exercise, and getting enough sleep.(所以我们可以尝试不同的方法来找到合适的方法。你可以通过使用压力管理技巧来控制压力,比如深呼吸、锻炼和充足的睡眠)”可知,本段主要说明了提高自我调节的方法。故C选项“事实上,像许多应对技巧一样,自我调节是可以提高的”符合语境,故选C。
126.C 127.E 128.A 129.G 130.F
126.根据前文“Though you might indeed hope luck smiles on your friend, neither they nor you can do much about the probability.(虽然你可能真的希望好运向你的朋友微笑,但他们和你都无法对这种可能性做太多的事情。)”和后文“That is why the French, in this situation, say “bon courage”, not “good luck”.(这就是为什么法国人在这种情况下会说“bon courage”,而不是“good luck”。)”可知,本段在讨论英文中“good luck”这一表达的不合理,前文在解释其不合理之处,后文转到法语中相应的表达,空处需继续进行解释,起到衔接的作用。C项“你真正希望他们的是勇气而不是运气。”符合语境,后文的“That”即指该项的内容。故选C。
127.根据前文“You may wish someone “good morning”, “good afternoon” or “good night”, but not “good weekend”.(你可能会说“good morning”、“good afternoon”或“good night”,但不会说“good weekend”。)”可知,本段在讨论英语中一些不被允许的表达,前文用“good weekend”这一不常见的表达举例说明,空处应该会继续讨论“good weekend”这一表达。E项“如果你愿意,你可以说这句话,但你的邻居会奇怪地看着你。”符合语境,承接前文,和后文形成语义上的转折,其中的“strangely”和后文的“perfectly usual”形成对比。故选E。
128.空处位于段首,需统领本段内容。根据后文“English-speakers wish each other a happy birthday, but speakers of many other languages say “congratulations” as if the birthday girl had done something impressive merely by surviving another year. The Dutch also say “gefeliciteerd” to members of the family, including the one who really deserves congratulating: the mother. This is close to obligatory, while it would come as a strange surprise in English.(说英语的人互祝对方生日快乐,但说其他许多语言的人只会说“congratulations”,仿佛过生日的女孩仅仅是又活了一年就取得了令人印象深刻的成就。荷兰人还对家庭成员说“gefeliciteerd”,包括真正值得祝贺的人:母亲。这几乎是必须的,但在英语中却是一个奇怪的惊喜。)”可知,本段在讨论生日这一特殊场合中不同语言的表达差异,空处需说明特殊场合和语言差异之间的联系。A项“特殊场合是语言差异的另一个方面。”符合语境,可统领本段内容。故选A。
129.根据前文“For instance, the Scandinavian languages lack a word for “please”, one of the first taught in other tongues because it softens what otherwise might be a rude-sounding request from a novice speaker.(例如,斯堪的纳维亚语中没有“please”这个词,这是其他语言中最早教的词之一,因为它可以软化初学者发出的听起来粗鲁的请求。)”和后文“They express this from “May I ask for?” in public to tacking on “so you are sweet” in a request to a friend or family member.(他们在公众场合用“May I ask for?”,在向朋友或家人的请求中加上“so you are sweet”来表达这一点。)”可知,此处用斯堪的纳维亚语中缺少“请”这一表达举例子,前文说明缺少“please”可能会造成请求比较粗鲁,后文说明斯堪的纳维亚人有其他表达替代,空处应该会和前文形成语义转折,过渡到后文中他们其他的表达。G项“但他们并不粗鲁:他们通过其他的、更长的表达达到了同样的目的。”符合语境,和后文呼应,其中的“But”和前文形成转折。故选G。
130.根据前文“It is attractive to draw deep cultural conclusions from the presence of this or the absence of that in a language.(从一种语言中这个或那个的存在或缺失中得出深刻的文化结论是很有吸引力的。)”和后文“For example, the English do say the typical French words bon voyage and bon appétit, and there’s no reason to stop there.(例如,英国人确实会说典型的法语单词bon voyage和bon appétit,而且没有理由止步于此。)”可知,本段从分析语言差异背后的文化因素转移到语言表达之间的借用,空处会说明语言之间的借用,从而过渡到后文的例子。F项“但没有一个词并不意味着你不能创造一个或借用一个词。”符合语境,和前文形成转折,其中的“not having a word”呼应前文的“absence”。故选F。
131.A 132.C 133.D 134.G 135.F
131.设空句是段首小标题,根据上文“No one has ever said ‘oh, I’m going to be healthier this year’ and the next day woke up healthy. There has to be a plan, goals, and action that need to be taken. So you can say something like ‘I’m going to go to the gym every other day this year.’(从来没有人说过:“哦,我今年要更健康”,第二天醒来就健康了。必须有一个计划、目标和需要采取的行动。所以你可以这样说:“今年我打算每隔一天去一次健身房。”)”可知,本段主要讲要制定计划,A项“Have a plan (有一个计划)”是最佳标题。故选A项。
132.小标题“Choose resolutions wisely.(明智地选择新年决心)”提出要选择新年决心,C项“Don’t choose too many resolutions (不要选择太多的决心)”承接上文,说明新年决心不能太多,需要挑选,下文“The majority of resolutions involve some sort of habit change, and habit changes have a huge consumption on your body’s willpower. Willpower is like a battery that needs to be charged every night. When you have too many resolutions, the burden on this battery causes it to run out before you have a chance to charge it.(大多数新年决心都涉及到某种习惯的改变,而习惯的改变会极大地消耗你身体的意志力。意志力就像一块需要每天晚上充电的电池。当你有太多的决心时,电池的负担会导致它在你有机会充电之前就耗尽了)”解释了选择不能太多的原因,上下文语意连贯。故选C项。
133.小标题“Write your resolutions down.(把你的决心写下来)”提出写下自己的决心,上文“This makes the resolution feel like a contract.(这让决议感觉像是一份合同)”和D项“It creates pressure for you to complete it (它会给你压力去完成它)”一起说明了要写下决心的原因:写下决心像签了一份合同,它会给你压力去完成它。上下文语意连贯。故选D项。
134.上文“Usually, when you talk about something that you haven’t accomplished, you will trick their brains into visualizing a situation where you have accomplished it.(通常,当你谈论你还没有完成的事情时,你会欺骗他们的大脑,让他们想象出你已经完成的场景)”提出谈论还没有完成的事情会让大脑受欺骗,想象出已经完成计划的场景,G项“This causes you to lose tons of motivation that you had beforehand (这会让你失去很多之前拥有的动力)”承接上文,说明这件事情的后果:失去动力,上下文语意连贯。故选G项。
135.上文“An accountability buddy is somebody who makes sure that you’re going out there every single day, and doing the things that you promised yourself that you would do.(负责任的伙伴是一个能确保你每天都去那里,做你答应自己要做的事情的人)”提出“负责任的伙伴”这一角色,F项“It’s somebody who helps you keep yourself in line (他是一个能帮你守规矩的人)”承接上文,继续介绍“负责任的伙伴”的作用,说明要找一个“负责任的伙伴”的原因。故选F项。
136.B 137.F 138.E 139.C 140.D
【导语】本文为一篇说明文。文章主要讲述了由美国Open AI公司推出的ChatGPT可以回答一系列的主题问题,并撰写散文、故事和你能想到的任何其他书面文体。
136.根据空后“As Sam Altman, the CEO of Open AI, said in an interview with Forbes, “it’s not actually fundamentally new technology that made this (ChatGPT) have a moment.” (正如Open AI公司的首席执行在一次采访中说道:‘实际上并不是新技术让这项技术(ChatGPT)有了一席之地’。 )”可知,空后提出并不是新的技术让ChatGPT有了一席之地,故此处B项“什么让ChatGPT如此的令人印象深刻呢?”符合语境,本空出提出问题,空后用Sam Altman在采访中的话回答问题,故选B项。
137.根据空后“Transformer can therefore understand the meaning of texts more accurately with the help of the context. (因此,Transformer可以在上下文的帮助下更准确地理解文本的意思。)”可知,空后提出了结果,故F项“通过判断单词出现在句子中的位置来推断单词的意思。”符合,F项说明原因,它可以根据单词在句中的位置来判断其意思,因此能更准确地理解文本的意思,故选F项。
138.根据空前“The GPT models built by Open AI combined Transformer with unguided learning. (Open AI构建的GPT将Transformer与非指导学习相结合。)”可知,E项“也就是说,模型可以在未被指导的情况下自学。”是前文的顺义承接,是对前文的解释说明,Open AI构建的GPT将Transformer与非指导学习相结合,也就是说模型可以在未被指导的情况下自学,故选E项。
139.根据空后“So, at this point, ChatGPT doesn’t know the truth about the world, yet. (因此,在这一点上,ChatGPT还不知道世界的真相。)”可知,空后给出结果,因此它不知道世界的真相,故此处C项“然而,决定什么是真的,什么是假的又是另一回事了。”符合,因为它无法决定什么是真,什么是假,因此它并不知道世界的真相,故选C项。
140.根据空前“As for education, many US schools recently banned students from using ChatGPT on school networks since students began to use it as a shortcut for essays and research projects. (对于教育,很多美国学校最近禁止学生在学校网络上使用ChatGPT,因为学生开始将它作为论文和研究项目的快捷方式。)”可知,空前提出学校禁止学生使用,是因为学生通过它在学习上走捷径,故D项“长话短说,正确使用强大的AI 还需要时间。”符合,因为学生的不正当使用,因此正确使用AI还需要时间,故选D项。
141.C 142.B 143.D 144.G 145.F
141.上文“As we walked along the street recently, my friend suddenly sighed, “How I miss the ice-cream my grandma used to buy me after school!”(最近,当我们走在街上时,我的朋友突然叹了口气:“我多么想念奶奶放学后给我买的冰淇淋啊!”)”提到了走在街上时,突然想念奶奶买的冰激凌;下文“which cost her 9.8 yuan, almost 10 limes higher than the “grandma ice cream”.(售价9.8元,比“奶奶牌冰淇淋”贵了近10倍。)”提到了冰激凌的价格。由此可推知,作者的朋友买了一个冰激凌。C项“While walking, she was licking on one(走的时候,她嘴上添了一只冰激凌)”与上下文对应。故选C项。
142.上文“But it was just one of the fair-priced treats.(但这只是其中一种价格公道的款待。)”提到了这只是其中一种价格比较公道的款待;下文“It was written by a user who claimed he “randomly picked a plain-looking ice-cream” in a store, and was shocked when the register showed it was 68 yuan.(该帖子是由一名用户撰写的,他声称自己在一家商店“随机挑选了一个看起来很普通的冰淇淋,当收银机显示它的价格为68元时,他感到震惊。”)”提到了一位用户买冰激凌花了68元。由此可推知,此处为一位用户发的帖子。B项“The other day I read a post on Weibo(前几天我在微博上看到了一篇帖子)”与上下文对应。故选B项。
143.上文“I miss the good old days too, but on second thoughts, I don’t believe that some expensive ice-cream means the market is “corrupted”(我也怀念过去的美好时光,但转念一想,我不认为一些昂贵的冰淇淋意味着市场“腐败”了。)”提到了“市场”这一概念;下文“Consumption upgrades may boost demand and expensive ice-cream exists because some consumers like it.(消费升级可能会刺激需求,昂贵的冰淇淋之所以存在,是因为一些消费者喜欢它。)”提到了消费升级可能会刺激需求,这是一种市场发展规律。D项“The development of a market has its own rules(市场的发展有其自身的规律)”与上下文对应。故选D项。
144.上文“Zhao Xuekuan, a senior ice-cream dealer agrees with me. His shop has probably the widest variety of ice-creams m the market.(资深冰淇淋经销商赵学宽同意我的观点。他的店可能是市场上种类最多的冰淇淋店。)”提到了冰激凌经销商赵学宽的店是市场上种类最多的冰激凌店;下文“but young customers favor fancier ones.(但是年轻的顾客更喜欢花哨的。)”转折提出了年轻顾客喜欢花哨的。由此可推知,设空处与下文语义相反相对。G项“He said that the bestsellers in his shop are always classic types that cost less than 5 yuan each(他说,店里卖得最好的总是单价不到5元的经典款式)”与上下文对应。故选G项。
145.设空处位于段首,应与下文大意保持一致;下文“It’s a good thing that recently, the State Administration for Market Regulation issued a new rule that goods must be sold with a clearly marked price tag, or the retailer will be fined up to 100, 000 yuan. Let the fair play carry on and consumers will make their own choices.(最近,国家市场监督管理总局发布了一项新规定,规定商品销售必须明确标价,否则零售商将被处以最高10万元的罚款。这是件好事。让公平竞争继续下去,消费者会做出自己的选择。)”提到了市场监督管理局发布的新规定。F项“Of course, market supervisors should still monitor ice-cream pricing closely(当然,市场监管机构仍应密切关注冰淇淋的定价)”与下文的新规定对应。故选F项。
146.G 147.E 148.F 149.D 150.B
146.根据上文“ If your jeans really do not fit you anymore or have fallen out of style, you can always make changes to them! (如果你的牛仔裤真的不适合你了,或者已经过时了,你可以随时改变它们!)”以及下文“Check them out! (了解他们的情况)”可知。上文中关键词make changes to them与G选项“change them into a new favorite of yours”有对应关系,说明G项符合语境,故选G项。
147.根据上文“If you are tired of your old jeans, all you need is a pair of scissors to get some new cute shorts for the summer. (如果你厌倦了你的旧牛仔裤,你所需要的只是一把剪刀来剪一些新的可爱的短裤。)”以及下文“Then, get a pencil to mark where you will cut them off. After that, carefully cut each leg straight. (然后,用铅笔标出你要切断的地方。然后,小心地把每条腿切直。)”可知,上文中关键词a pair of scissors与下文中cut them off,与E选项“how short you would like”有对应关系,说明E项符合语境,故选E项。
148.根据小标题“Reusable Bags (可重复使用的袋子)”以及下文“Just cut squares with the same sizes using an old pair of jeans. Then, sew (缝) them up according to your preferred bag size. (只要用一条旧牛仔裤剪出同样大小的方块即可。然后,根据您喜欢的袋子大小缝制他们。)”可知,小标题关键词Bags与下文bag size与F选项“change old jeans into bags”有对应关系,说明F项符合语境,故选F项。
149.根据上文“Denim (牛仔布) accessories will never go out of style. (牛仔配饰永远不会过时。)”以及下文“Just cut some pieces of the old jeans and twist (搓) them together. (只要剪一些旧牛仔裤的碎片和搓他们在一起。)”可知,上文中关键词“accessories”与下文关键词“cut some pieces”与D选项“to create a new headband or hairband”有对应关系,说明D项符合语境,故选D项。
150.根据小标题“Denim Organizers (牛仔的收纳)”以及前文“Old jeans can be turned into organizers for your things. (旧牛仔裤可以变成你物品的收纳器。)”可知,小标题关键词Organizers与首句organizers for your things与B选项“These pocket organizers”对应,说明B项符合语境,故选B项。
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