专题03 七选五
1. 2023届安徽省皖豫名校联盟第三次联考试题
2. 2023届甘肃省武威市凉州区三模诊断试题
3. 2023届广西壮族自治区贵港市三模试题
4. 2023届广西壮族自治区河池市三模试题
5. 2023届河南省开封市三模试题
6. 2023届河南省新乡市高三三模试题
7. 2023届黑龙江省大庆市(三模)试题
8. 2023届吉林省白山市高三三模英语试题
9. 2023届江西省景德镇市高三三模试题
10. 2023届内蒙古赤峰市八校高三试题
11. 2023届陕西省安康市高三三模试题
12. 2023届陕西省咸阳市高三三模试题
13. 2023届陕西省榆林市高三三模试题
14. 2023届四川省成都市第三次诊断试题
15. 2023届四川省大数据精准教学联盟三联试题
16. 2023届四川省德阳市高三三诊试题
17. 2023届四川省宜宾市高三三诊试题
18. 2023届新疆维乌鲁木齐市三模试题
19. 2023届浙江省温州市高三三模试题
20. 山东省聊城市2023年高三三检试题
Protecting Your Eyes During Computer Use
Sit far enough away from the screen.___36___.To make sure your computer is positioned right, try the high-five test: if you can properly high-five your computer screen with a full arm extension, you’re sitting too close.
Position reference materials properly. If they're too low, your eyes will have to refocus every time you glance at them, leading to eye tiredness. You can also strain (损伤) your neck by moving it to look down too often.___37___
Blink (眨眼) often. We naturally blink about 20 times every minute.___38___.This means your eyes are at much greater risk of drying out when working on the computer. Since your body won’t blink as much naturally, you’ll have to be conscious of this and force yourself to blink. Deliberately blink every five seconds or so.
___39___.Your screen should be brightened in relation to your environment. If you’re working in a brightly lit room, you can increase your brightness settings; if the room is dim, lower the settings. While the screen should be the brightest object in the room, it shouldn’t be on the brightest setting in a darkroom.
Reduce glare from your screen. Surrounding lights can reflect off your screen and strain your eyes. Keep your computer screen clean. Dust on your screen can further reflect light into your eyes. Dust your screen on a regular basis with either a specialized cleaning cloth or spray.____40____.The sun’s rays will reflect off the screen and back into your eyes. If this is unavoidable, cover the window with a sheet to help reduce the glare.
A.Adjust your screen lighting
B.During the time you should blink
C.Avoid sitting with a window behind you
D.Walk around to prevent the long sitting by a window
E.But when we are focusing on a screen this can drop by as much as half
F.This is usually considered at least an arm’s length away from the screen
G.They should be located above the keyboard and below the computer's monitor
2. 【2023届甘肃省武威市凉州区三模诊断试题】
Leave a book in a public place, so that someone else can pick it up and read it, then leave it again for another person. In an ideal situation, the book, once brought into the bookcrossing movement, can travel for years. ____16____
One can always go through bookshelves and find a few books that do not quite belong there anymore. ____17____Quite the opposite, bookcrossing is about giving books which you no longer like a new life. Someone will certainly like the books you did not enjoy.
After choosing the book you want to share with others, use its ISBN code or a title and register it at the official bookcrossing site. ____18____Either print a label or write the rules of bookcrossing on the first page of the book. Include the unique code.
____19____In big cities, there may be special bookcrossing zones that cafes and libraries choose to open. However, it is a frequent practice to leave books “in the wild”: on a bench in a park, or in a tourist spot. It is a good idea to pack the book in a transparent plastic bag, in case of the bad weather.
Once the book has been found and registered, you will get e-mails. You will keep getting them every time someone finds your book in the future. Since its launch in 2003,the movement has gathered over a million members who have sent almost eleven million books out to travel. ____20____A very noble goal, indeed!
A.Leave the book somewhere in public.
B.Attract the attention of potential readers.
C.Its purpose is to connect people through books.
D.You will get a unique code for the book from the site.
E.Are some authors fond of sending their own books around?
F.Must you contribute your favourite books to bookcrossing?
G.And it changes owners around the world and spreads love for reading.
The most successful people all have certain habits in their daily routines. These habits help contribute to their success. Forming a new good habit can be a struggle, but it is well worth the effort.____16____
Set your goal.
Before you can begin to work on your new habit, figure out exactly what you hope to accomplish.____17____Make sure that your goal is specific, measurable and realistic to increase your chances of success.
It is important to choose the habits that are most likely to help you achieve your goal. After you have set your goal and worked out all the specifics of achieving that goal, identify a habit that is part of achieving that goal. Consider what good habit would help you accomplish that goal.
Consider your motivation.
Once you have identified your goal and the new habit you need to accomplish this goal, then take some time to consider your motivation.____19____It is your good motivation that can help you change from possible failure to certain success with your new habit.
Give yourself time.
Forming a new habit can take a long time. Some people can form a new habit in as little as a few weeks, while other people will take several months. As you work to form your new habit, just keep in mind that it may be a while before it comes true.____20____
A.Identify ways to achieve goals.
B.Find the habit you want to form.
C.It is worthwhile to consider your goal.
D.Good habits are sure to make you a success.
E.Try to be patient with yourself as you form your new habit.
F.Here are the four steps you can follow to form good habits.
G.Your motivation is the reason why you want to form this new habit.
How to Plan the Perfect Vacation
When you are looking to enjoy the perfect vacation, the best thing you can do is to plan your trip in advance. Travel is so important because it lets you see the world as much as possible.____16____The way to do this is to plan out the trip, and take the opportunity to maximize the experience you have while you’re here.
Packing is the most annoying part of the vacation process, but it is also a necessary part.____17____But coming up with some kind of packing structure or plan will help a lot. You will be able to ensure that the process is less stressful.
____18____This means doing a bit of research into what there is to do and see when you are on your travels. Planning out your sightseeing and tourist activities is so important for getting the most fulfilled trip possible.
Another thing you need to keep in mind is how much spending money you are going to need on your travels. Taking too little with you is going to put a dampener (令人扫兴的事) on your trip.____19____This is really important for ensuring you get to enjoy all the things you want to.
As you can see, there are so many wonderful ways of being able to plan and achieve the ideal vacation experience. These will help improve your vacation plans.____20____
A.There are a lot of things you might need to pack.
B.So you need to bring enough money in advance.
C.This is something you need to keep in mind moving forward.
D.Seeing the world is vital to improve your cultural experiences.
E.Maybe the whole point of your vacation is to do nothing but relax.
F.Sightseeing is also a pretty important part of any vacation experience.
G.These will also help assess the right ways of having a perfect vacation.
Criticism hurts even when it’s constructive.____16____ Do you pretend you didn’t hear or do you argue back to defend yourself? In fact, there are actually other ways of handling criticism! The next time someone gives you feedback, try doing the following things instead.
Don’t react immediately.
Getting angry can happen really fast. Sometimes all it takes is a misplaced word or the wrong one. While it’s normal to feel this way, try to cool off and stay calm.____17____After all, you don’t want to say something you’ll end up regretting later!
Assess the criticism.
Sometimes the best thing to do is to take a quick step back and assess the criticism: who said it and why? ____18____Or are they just trying to be mean? Taking a step back allows you to determine if perhaps the criticism has some real value, you hadn’t seen before or if it’s better to just brush off the comment.
Don’t take it personally.
Remember that sometimes people do things not to attack you personally, but to vent anger or frustration. So calm down and be as understanding as you can.____19____Meanwhile, let the other person know that their criticism was uncalled for.
If the criticism does actually have some truth to it, then the best thing to do is figure out how you can use it to improve. Get straight to the point and ask the person which part of your work they’d improve and how. That way you not only show you are interested in doing things better, but you are also involving the person who criticized you.
A.So how do you react?
B.Use it to your advantage.
C.Polish your work carefully.
D.How about negative feedback catching us by surprise?
E.Give yourself some time to process what you’ve heard before reacting.
F.Are they trying to help you, but did not communicate their point of view nicely?
G.Choosing to take the right path is doing yourself a favor and not getting angry.
Left-handed people make up around 12% of the global population. One really interesting fact that I picked up was from a scientist who believed that left-handed people tended to be more independent as a result of having to adapt to a world that is largely built for right-handed individuals.___36___!
More likely to have allergies and sleep disorders
A study found that left-handed people were 11 times more likely to suffer from allergies than right-handed folk.___37___.
Left-handed people use the right side of the brain the most
___38___, meaning that the right side controls the left side of the body and the other way around. Hence there is a well-known saying “only left-handed people are in their right minds”. The right-hand side of the brain is thought to control the left side of the body and tasks to do with the arts and creativity.
Are left-handed people smarter?
___39___! One 2007 study “Effect of handedness on intelligence level of students”shows that lefties are more likely to have higher IQ. However,another 2010 study “The relationship between hand preference, hand performance, and general cognitive ability” suggests the exact opposite!
Experiments showed that when given two tasks to complete simultaneously (同时), lefties performed best. This is because right-handed people tend to solve problems by breaking them down into parts and analyzing each piece one at a time. While left-handed people tend to look at the problem as a whole and use pattern-matching to try and solve it.
A.Better at multi-tasking
B.Smarter than the right-handed
C.As we know, the brain is cross-wired
D.This one varies depending on how dated your source is
E.Here are a few more fascinating left-handed people facts
F.Mixed-handed children are more likely to experience language issues
G.And lefties were two and a half times more likely to suffer from sleep disorders
Have you ever thought about traveling to new places, but you can’t afford it? If so, consider a work exchange program. Basically, you work a few hours each week in exchange for free housing. Both meals and other benefits are often thrown in. The jobs range from cleaning to computer work. Hosts around the world list volunteer opportunities through different work exchange programs. ____16____
One-benefit of the more popular programs is that they assist you in different ways. For example, Workaway’s site lists more than 50,000 places to choose from. And Worldpackers pride themselves on their attention to safety and security. ____17____ They also provide a 24/7 support network for volunteers and hosts.
____18____ You can gain new skills in creativity, leadership, languages and more. You can make yourself completely involved in a new culture. You’ll make new friends because you stay in one place for a while and work. Practically anyone at any age can join a program and travel throughout the year.
Your length of stay depends on your host. It can be from one week to many months. ____19____ This gives you plenty of free time to explore the area.
When it comes to work exchange opportunities, the sky’s the limit! You can help on a dairy farm in Ireland. ____20____ Or you might help at a South African surf camp. The opportunities are endless!
Consider a travel work exchange. It might be the most exciting trip you ever take!
A.They carefully check out each potential host.
B.Typically, you’ll work 20 to 30 hours a week.
C.What are some reasons to do a work exchange?
D.You could work in reception in a Japanese guest house.
E.Why are work exchange programs so popular among the young?
F.There are plenty of work exchange opportunities provided for you.
G.You can search by location or for the type of work you’re interested in.
Sustainability for kids can start with a seed. We put together some ways to involve the whole family in protecting the environment.
Go on a hike. Parental involvement in early childhood education looks different in various settings from preschool to home and to the grocery store. ___16___ Going on a hike together can be an ideal thing to investigate a local ecosystem, look for signs of the changing season, and gain an overall appreciation of the world outdoors. Plus, by bringing an extra garbage bag and gloves to pick up trash along the way, parents can show kids some educational activities.
Go green for holidays. Make holidays fun while also supporting a green environment for kids. Use LED lights for decorative lighting. ___17___ Decrease your carbon footprint and purchase holiday gifts from local shops.
___18___ Parents don’t need an acre of land to teach their children that food doesn't grow at the grocery store. All they need is sunlight, water and dirt. A windowsill is the perfect spot to grow herbs. A back deck can grow beautiful tomatoes. Plant peach seeds in a small container. ___19___
Recycle together. Recycling activities for kids can be fun and support family involvement in education at the same time. ___20___ Then work with them to make something new out of the recycled items, such as making boxes out of recycled cardboard and storage tins out of recycled cans.
A.Plant a “garden”.
B.Don’t buy food from the grocery.
C.Protecting the environment for kids is important.
D.Parents should tell children what they can recycle.
E.And the children can watch a little peach tree grow.
F.Recycle Christmas trees instead of throwing them away.
G.To a child, every setting and every moment can be a teachable one.
How to Stay Motivated for the Entire School Year
Every new school year brings the same age-old problem:____16____. What I want to do today is give you four different strategies that you can use to maintain a high level of motivation to do your work, to study diligently all throughout the entire semester.
Focus on a good start.
From the moment you walk into your very first class this semester,____17____.If you can do this right from the start, you’re going to gain an implicit psychological pressure to keep doing it throughout the entirety of the rest of the semester.
Have a plan for your homework and study time.
If you think about your class time, that is highly regimented. You have a specific place you’re supposed to be and the class is happening at a specific time. ____18____. Maybe at the beginning of every single week, look ahead at your calendar and block out planned spaces of study time.
If you’re realizing that your attention is fragmented or you’ve taken on too many commitments,then it could be a good strategic decision to give up that in order to raise your motivation to tackle the other things on your plate.
Make real fun a priority of the new semester.
You need that cycle of actual rest, which isn’t just sleep, but it’s, you know, respite from your work and actual fun time,and work.____20____.So, make time for real fun this semester and you’re going to find that your motivational reserves maintain themselves throughout the entirety of that semester.
A.make the commitment to sit up front and wring class for all it’s worth.
B.So,apply that logic to your homework and study time.
C.Learn to avoid some difficulties.
D.your motivation to learn is constantly drained as the semester passes slowly.
E.You need that actual interplay between those two states of being.
F.lack of motivational mantras or mindset hacks to maintain a hardworking attitude.
G.Know when to quit.
Language is part of our daily lives, no matter where we live in the world. Similarly, music is a part of many people’s lives. ____16____ Here are some of their similarities.
Both language and music have a writing system
____17____ Similarly, we use notes to keep a record of music. Just as you are reading this collection of letters on the paper and find meaning in it, musicians read notes and create meaning in the form of music which we can hear. By reading pieces of text or music, we are able to share experiences through time. For example, we can read the ideas or hear the composition of someone who lived hundreds of years ago, which is really quite exciting.
You can make a good guess at where someone is from by listening to the language they use. In the same way, we know that styles of music are different around the world, which gives us the opportunity to explore many different cultures through their music and providing us with music for every situation.
Both share emotion
How do you know that I am angry? Of course, you may be able to see it in my face, but you will know for sure through my words. ____19____ Music can show you exactly how the composer was or is feeling, and allows us to share that emotion. When you feel happy, you might want to sing and dance to a happy song. ____20____
A.Both vary with culture.
B.Different culture makes different music.
C.Similarly, music can sound angry, sad or happy.
D.Both language and music play a huge role in our lives.
E.In English we record language using the alphabet, which is a collection of letters.
F.We use music to express emotions, combining it with language in form of lyrics.
G.In contrast, you have probably also listened to sad music when you feel down.
No More Negative Energy
It’s been a hard year but, while we attempt to change what’s happening in the world, we can focus on boosting our positive emotions.
Accept sufferings.
Hard times are rubbish, but they make you what you are. It’s a lucky person indeed who manages to avoid upset as they go through life. What’s important is how you deal with it. ____16____
Embrace negative feelings.
____17____ It’s a defence mechanism (机制) that flags up danger so you can avoid it. So, although you don’t want to be controlled by negativity, you should know that it’s actually a healthy response to unpleasant situations.
Count your nice things.
Try writing a list of the things you’re thankful for or spend a few minutes every evening writing down three nice things that have happened to you that day. ____18____ Stroked a dog in the park? Write it down. Laughed at a silly meme on social media? Put that on the list too.
Freshen up your home.
Nothing cheers you up quite like improving where you live. ____19____ You might want to redecorate a room, or do something as simple as hanging a new picture, or putting out a vase of tulips.
A good morning routine will give you the best possible chance of picking up good mood every day. Get up at the same time, do some exercise physical activity is proven to help mental health—and have a good breakfast.
A.Start the day well.
B.A well beginning is half done.
C.Feeling down is actually normal.
D.You should start from the small things.
E.It doesn’t matter if they are small and insignificant.
F.Try to find something good in all the bad you’re going through.
G.That’s because your environment has a big impact on the way you feel.
How to Look Good in Photos
Anyone can look good in pictures by figuring out how best to pose in front of the camera. Even if you feel like you aren’t photogenic, learning some simple tricks can make a huge difference. Here are five ways to make your look more attractive in photos. Once you get these methods down, you’ll be ready to strike a pose at any moment!
____16____ . A fake smile can make you look bad in a photo. It looks forced and doesn’t meet your eyes. When you take a photo, you need to give your best, most natural smile so you look your best.
Tilt your head. When you look at the camera, don’t look straight at the camera. ____17____. Then, tilt your head up or down slightly.
Position your body correctly. Instead of having straight, limp arms and stiff legs, try bending them to give them life. Bend your arms and hold them slightly away from your body. This also helps create shape to your midsection (腰腹) instead of bulk. ____18____.
Take a lot of photos. One of the best ways to get the best picture is to take more than one! Even models go through numerous frames to get that one perfect picture. ____19____, the better likelihood you will get a great photo.
Feel confident. Make sure you feel proud of who you are. ____20____. Focus on that instead of any faults you think you have. Being happy and giving a genuine smile in the photo can make a world of difference.
A.Keep smiling
B.The taller you are
C.Have a natural smile
D.The more pictures you take
E.Look slightly above or slightly below
F.You are unique and have great features
G.Keep your hands relaxed and slightly bent
Productive people have one thing in common: a solid routine consisting of small habits that help them to keep a healthy mindset and lifestyle. ____16____. Research has shown that a habit takes approximately 21 days to become normal behavior. So here are some habits you can start to practice to become a productive person.
Establish a morning routine
The most effective way of staying productive is to wake up at the same time every day, even on the weekends.____17____. By performing small, routine tasks like opening your windows as soon as you wake up, your body and mind will know that it’s time to begin your day’s work. You should also take a couple of minutes to stretch before getting ready, and then make your bed. These may seem like unimportant tasks, but they set the tone for remaining productive throughout the day.
Make daily to-do lists
____18____. Some people prefer to make their to-do lists first thing in the morning, while others like to do them each night to prepare for the day ahead. Either way, it will help you to keep on track and to manage your time and workload efficiently.
Writing down and organizing your thoughts can help you to track and achieve goals. You should even write down your accomplishments in your diary, no matter how small, to help motivate you to keep going. You can also track the progress of your bigger goals and make notes of the smaller tasks you can accomplish to achieve them.____20____.
A.Keep a journal
B.Having enough sleeping is important
C.Motivate someone else to make notes
D.This helps your body maintain its biorhythm
E.Making a list of priorities for the day helps you to stay on track
F.For many of them, it doesn’t take long to integrate into their routine
G.The process of recording will help you to reflect and boost brain function
The human brain is the command centre for the nervous system and enables thoughts, memory, movement, and emotions.
____16____As the population ages, the challenges for the preservation of brain health increase. It is therefore vital for seniors to understand how to protect it.
Exercise regularly. Regular physical exercise tends to help fight against the natural reduction in brain connections that occur during aging. Multiple studies show that physically active people are less likely to experience a decline in their mental function and have a lower risk of developing brain disease. ____17____
Have a “right” nap. Having a nap after lunch can be good for your brain and many seniors have developed such a good habit for long. ____18____ While a 30-min to 90-min nap has brain benefits, anything longer than an hour and a half may create problems with cognition, the ability to think and form memories.
____19____ Your brain is similar to a muscle - you need to use it or lose it. There are many things that you can do to keep your brain in shape, such as doing crossword puzzles, reading, or playing cards. You can also learn something new such as musical instruments, drawing, or even digital devices. Combine different types of activities to increase the effectiveness.
Eat a Mediterranean diet. Studies show people who closely follow a Mediterranean diet are less likely to have brain disease than people who don’t follow the diet. ____20____ However, we at least know that omega fatty acids found in olive oil and other healthy fats are vital for your cells to function correctly.
A.Stay mentally active.
B.Explore new interests if possible.
C.But keep in mind that the length matters.
D.Your diet plays a large role in your brain health.
E.The benefits result from increased blood circulation.
F.Maintaining a healthy brain is the primary goal in pursuing health.
It’s normal for friends to experience conflict, disagreements, and even fight.____16____Most times conflict with a friend is easily solved. But in some cases, the disagreement and the conflict grow leading to anger, sadness and even the end of a friendship. Learning to handle the conflict with friends in a healthy way is beneficial for both sides. Here are some tips.
Calm down. The first thing is to calm down.____17____Prevent further damage to the relationship by taking a moment to calm down. Get some alone time. Tell your friend that you need a moment to clear your head. You can either go for a walk or just take a warm bath.
____18____It may feel as if it helps you explain your concerns more thoroughly if you bring in related examples from past events. Avoid this at all costs. Past issues for discussion only make things worse. Remember it’s important to focus on the issue at hand, not past events.
Work towards a compromise. Unfortunately, some people believe that a compromise means a “lose/lose situation” because each person has to give up something. While this is true, every healthy relationship usually involves compromise and adjusting to others’ needs or wants. It takes two to make it work.____19____
Be careful of unhealthy friendships. It’s generally a good idea to work through conflicts with friends.____20____If you are in a friendship that is based more on conflict or you seem to be the one always apologizing, you need to re-evaluate if this friendship is worth keeping and consider when to walk away.
A.Remain on the current matter.
B.You can’t always agree on everything.
C.Avoid explaining your concerns repeatedly.
D.Just “give a little” to allow your friend to “get a little”.
E.In a heated situation, it’s easy to say or do things we later regret.
F.But it isn’t in your best interest if the friendship causes more harm than good.
G.It’s important to surround yourself with people who positively influence your life.
There are a few ways to make more space for feline(猫科的)service in your home. ____16____Here many more things are offered to add to this list.
Let your cat pick his litter(猫砂) substance and location.____17____Let him pick.Also,providing more than one litter box in more than one location in the house will give your cat alternatives about where he’d prefer to do his business on any given day. ‘Don’t get mad at your cat for scratching the litter after doing it. It seems that he spreads his scent and telling other cats,“Milo was here.”
____18____ Let your cat try a variety of foods- wet, dry, different flavors, textures, temperatures; try bowls or plates of different shapes, textures, materials: try feeding in various locations and at different times of the day. See what preferences your cat has.Offer several different water sources for your cat-maybe a bowl in the kitchen and a kitty fountain in the hallway.
Always ask for permission before petting or picking up a cat. The easiest way to ask permission is to let a cat approach you and establish a social interaction. Watch their body language for signs of pleasure or annoyance. ____19____It is especially important to protect it from unwanted touching by children whose movements might make your kitty nervous.
All in all, paying attention to feline agency will make us better guardians to our furry friends and will increase our cat’s happiness.____20____
A.Expand food and feeding-related selections.
B.This, in turn, should make us happy, too.
C.Give access to as much space as allowed within the house.
D.Each of those ways requires that we observe our cats attentively.
E.Stop petting here and there and see if the cat will ask you to continue.
F.Give your cat a choice of different litter substrates to see which he prefers.
G.A cat should be able to control when, how closely and with whom they interact.
How to deal with silent treatment?
Is someone you know giving you the silent treatment? Maybe you did something wrong: you embarrassed or humiliated the other person; You let them down or failed to give them your support when they needed it.____36____.
Be clear about what happened
You probably already know what it was that you said or did.____37____. You could say, “ I feel like there’s a problem between us and that you might be upset with me.” If you do know what happened between you to cause this gap, ask if you can talk.
Explain that you know what happened between you wasn’t good and that you’d like to be friends again. Ask them what their thoughts and feelings are now about what happened. Acknowledge what they say about how they feel, and then say how you feel. For example, “ I understand why you are upset and that you are angry. I feel sad/upset/bad about what happened, and I’d like to put things right. ”
Take responsibility and apologize
This doesn’t mean taking all the blame.____39____. For example, “ I know you wanted our situation to be kept private and I’ve really upset you by telling other people about it. I’m sorry I did that. I thought that talking about it to others would help me make sense of what was going on.”
Try only once
____40____. You’ve done your best. Now, it is up to them. They may need more time to process what happened between you, so give them some space.
A.But if not, ask.
B.Share your past experiences.
C.Ask about thoughts and feelings.
D.It also means that we should keep it to ourselves.
E.No matter what it is, here’s a handful of ways that will set you in the right direction.
F.If the other person refuses to restart talking to you, there’s nothing else you can do.
G.It simply means admitting your part in any wrongdoing and expressing that you’re sorry.
Misfortune is a part of life. Dealing with challenges and overcoming difficulties are something we all encounter, from childhood until old age. People who remain calm in the face of misfortune have what psychologists call resilience. Resilient people experience the same amount of stress as others. ___16___. Resilient people make lemonade when life gives them lemons. They always find alternate solutions to a problem.
Resilience is like a muscle. Even if you consider yourself resilient, you may need to develop and strengthen it. To build resilience, experts suggest the following list:
●Nurture ( 培 育 ) relationships
Set up and maintain a support network before you need it. ___17___, a supportive friend with good listening skills can make a big difference. And if you want your friends and family to support your resilience, remember to support theirs too.
● ___18___
When somebody needs you, you just cope with stress that much better. Your sense of purpose doesn’t have to come from school or work. It can also come from hobbies or volunteer projects, like cleaning up litter in a neighborhood park.
●Don’t try to remove misfortune completely
Resilience usually refers to how we handle serious misfortune, but our reactions to big problems may be informed partly by the many smaller setbacks we face in daily life. ___19___.
___20___. Think about the things that help you deal with stress, which can also help you become more resilient. Healthy habits such as getting good sleep, doing breathing exercises, … these all help us achieve greater mental balance, allowing us to successfully ride out the storms we encounter on the great sea of life.
A.This list is endless
B.Find meaning in stress
C.Find a sense of purpose
D.When misfortune strikes
E.When conflicts between friends exist
F.The only difference is that they are not overcome by it
G.Everyday stress may gradually improve our adaptive systems
There are hundreds of genres (流派) of music, so while some might like one kind, others might like something completely different. Why do people like different kinds of music?
____16____ At the same time, music can also help us feel like part of a group or a culture, especially one that shares an interest in a certain kind of music.
Music can also be nostalgic, that is, it creates a kind of longing for the past. Musicians leave behind a footprint with their music.____17____ Even long after the musicians are gone, people still find something in the musicians’ recordings that they can enjoy.
We may also find that the music we like is strongly tied to our memory. Maybe there was a song that someone sang to us when we were little that brings up good memories. ____18____
When we listen to music that we like, a chemical called dopamine is sometimes released in the brain, which can make us feel good. ____19____ There are some algorithms (算法) today that can help pick up on the kind of music we like. When we are streaming music, some programs will let us like or dislike songs.
People’s taste in music can remain the same in their whole life or it can change many times. But the truth is, we don’t know all the exact answers to why people like different kinds of music — or sports, or food, or colors. ____20____ We are all different people who like different things.
A.It’s music to our ears.
B.Music can be a part of our identity.
C.It becomes a mirror that we are holding up.
D.They leave a permanent mark in people’s lives.
E.Therefore, we might want to listen to a song on repeat.
F.Other times, we might find music can bring up sad memories.
G.There are lots of different factors that can influence our preferences.
When you learn how to set intentions, you may tap into your inner drive and reach your dreams. Just remember that motivation is not a constant. Like the tide, it rises and it falls ,so be prepared for this.___16___
Finish a small task early on.This can be as simple as making your bed.___17___When this becomes a habit,add something that can help you access your inner self and be sure to do it early on in the day. This could be a nature walk, yoga stretches or spiritual practices.
Write a journal.___18___It is also beneficial to make sure you write down three things you feel gratitude for every day. This can help you re-frame and see your situation in a more positive light. Just keeping a gratitude journal can help you think positively,
Be optimistic.___19___A positive attitude can really make dreams come true.Practice gratitude in the journaling tip. If you slip up,tell yourself you will work on this or treat it as an opportunity to learn and to grow. If you feel like you are losing your drive, optimism will get you back on track.
___20___That negative voice is always there, ready to appear. Some call this voice the ego (自尊心). The ego is something that plays out in our head to convince us of our unworthiness. Tell your ego you appreciate it wanting to protect you and care for you.
A.Talk to your negative voice.
B.Optimism is fuel for achieving goals.
C.You can divide your task into small pieces.
D.Optimistic people often have higher goals.
E.Put down your goals in your journal and read them every day.
F.Here are some tips to keep you focused on your meaningful projects.
G.Completing a task right when you get up can set the tone for the rest of the day.
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