人教版 (2019)选择性必修 第二册Unit 1 Science and Scientists教学课件ppt
展开人教新版选择性必修二 Unit 1 Using language2教学设计
Write about what makes a great scientist?
授课教师 |
| 学校、年级 | 高二 |
课型 | 读写课 | 时长 | 40分钟 |
教学设计理念 | |||
本课时根据课标提出的六要素整合的英语学习活动观理念,关注学生学习参与的实际获得,创设与主题意义密切相关的语境,引导学生对文本主题意义的探究。依据英语学科能力要素及表现指征框架进行学习理解类,应用实践类和迁移创新类活动过程中培养学生语言理解和表达能力,推动学生对主题意义的深度学习,构建新知,发展思维。探究科学家的必备品质和科学精神的基本要素,达到学科育人,落实对学生学学科素养的培育。 | |||
文本解读 | |||
主题语境:该部分的活动主题是“写一写伟大科学家的必备素养”(Write about what makes a great scientist),要求学生阅读钱学森和斯蒂芬.霍金的人物传记,掌握此类文章的文体结构、行文特点及语言特色,并分析他们身上体现的科学精神,最后写一篇关于伟大科学家的短文。 语篇类型:记叙文 语篇研读: 【what】前面的读思板块重点为科学家的精神和和理解质疑精神的意义,而此处的读写板块则聚焦“人物传记”。教材选取了钱学森和斯蒂芬.霍金的人物传记。 【why】人物传记记叙文通常按时间顺序展开。学生理解两篇文章的重要细节和关键问题,通过两位科学家的经历和事迹分析他们的性格特点以及他们所具备的科学精神,同时引导学生从语言和语篇结构两方面分析阅读文本,具体包括:衔接词语的使用、段落拓展方式、描述科学家品格的词汇,以及如何使用恰当的事例说明观点,为深入理解写作话题作准备。 【How】该板块要求学生写关于伟大的科学家的短文,目的引导学生分析语篇结构进而掌握文体的结构,熟悉文中标识性语言,同时合理组织语言,关注语篇的衔接和连贯,有效使用了一些衔接词语,如:however、nevertheless、 because、in general、besides、furthermore、above all等。其次,通过模仿写作,让学生熟悉文中的语言及句型,迁移运用为写作的语言及句式。
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学情分析 | |||
本节课授课对象是高二普通班学生。学生英语基础个体差异较大,但是大部分学生思维活跃、英语学习热情高,模仿能力强。本节课是本单元学习的第三个课时,深入了解文本内容和文章架构。让学生在讨论新科技的利弊时表达自己对其的观点,达到学科育人,落实对学生学学科素养的培育。主要内容为研读文本后,以文章中的句式和词语为架构模板,为学生搭建如何写作的“脚手架”,使其顺利完成接下来的写作任务做好铺垫。由于本班学生的词汇量和写作能力还较为薄弱,因此在授课过程中给学生提供相关的词汇和写作的句式。 【语篇话题】活动主题是“写一写伟大科学家的必备素养”(Write about what makes a great scientist), 要求学生通过阅读钱学森和霍金的人物传记,以及约翰 ·斯诺研究霍乱病源的过程,并结合自身体验和知识积累写一篇文章,分析伟大科学家的品格和素养,阐述科学精神的内涵。 【语篇语言】人物传记是记叙文的一种形式,语言精辟简练,标识性语言明显,语篇结构清晰。大部分学生认为难度适中,能较好的理解语篇中伟大科学家的品格和素养,及其科学精神的内涵。 【语篇理解】学生已经基本具备在阅读中获取细节信息的能力,部分学生能用英语描述人物品质。但是多数学生在理解和整合知识,以及在写作框架等方面学科能力要素上需要提升。
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教学目标 | |||
本节课 1个课时,设计如下: 阅读及写作课 课,1.进行语篇分析,理解文章结构和内容;2.通过本节课的学习,学生学会掌握文体的结构,熟悉文中标识性语言,同时合理组织语言,关注语篇的衔接和连贯,有效使用了一些衔接词语,3.小组合作,提升合作意识。
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教学重难点 | |||
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教学资源 | |||
课件PPT,黑板、白板。 |
教学目标 | 活动形式与步骤 | 活动意图 | 活动 层次 | 学习效果评价 | 时间 |
作业导入本科时的写作句式 | Check the homework Please use What...is/was that.... to translate the following sentences。 1.让我母亲骄傲的是我考上了重点大学。 What made my mother proud was that I was admitted into key university. 2.让我感到开心的是在我的坚持和努力下,我的英语获得了巨大的进步。 What made me happy is that I have made great progess in English with determination and hard-working. 3.他成功的秘诀是他把他的一生都投入到他的工作中。 What made him successful was that he devoted all his life in his work.
| 通过上一节课的作业为这一节写作课的写作句式进行预热及对语言表达能力进行衔接。
| (B3内化与运用)
| 上节课的作业可以很好地为这节课的人物描写提供熟练的写作句式。让学生写起来更加的得心应手。
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教学目标1:利用多模态教学让学生能够了解伟大科学家的品格和素养 | Lead-in What makes great scientists? 观看视频,让学生了解钱学森。 After watching the video about Qian Xueshen, can you list some good personalities about scientists? Can you use a predictive clause to conclude what makes great scientists? What makes great scientists is that they are enthusiastic,creative, determined...... | 多模态教学。让学生通过钱学森的视频了解钱学森,同时通过视频发散思维,列出科学家有哪些好的品质。
表语从句能力迁移,同时把刚才例句的人物品质的词语现学现用。 | (A1感知与注意)
| 利用视频引起学生兴趣。同时积累关于人物品质的词语。
学生运用表语从句的能力以及对人物品质的词语印象再次得到深化。 | 8 |
教学目标2:通过扫读和跳读学习写作技巧。 | Activity 1 Pre-reading Guess what the main idea of the text is by looking at the title and pictures. Then skim it quickly to see if you are right. The text is mainly about he brief introduction of Qian Xuesen and Stephen Hawking.
| 通过扫读和跳读了解文章大意。
| (A3 概括与整合)
| 学生初步了解主旨大意。 |
教学目标2:通过扫读和跳读学习写作技巧。 | Activity 2 While-reading Read it quickly and decide if the statements are T or F. 1. Qian changed his major because of a shift in personal interest. 2. Qian's strong interest in art has a positive impact on a scientist's development. 3.When Hawking was young, almost everyone believed that the universe began with a big bang. 4.Because Hawking was determined, he was able to succeed even though he was ill. Answer:FTFT Answer the questions below using the information from the texts . 1 .Why was Qian called "the father of China's aerospace"? Answer:Because much of the technology behind the Shenzhou rockets can also be traced back to Qian’s research. Qian earned the name of called "the father of China's aerospace. 2. How was Hawking's own theory proven correct? Answer:Hawking’s own work on the big bank theory was proven by astronomers with telescopes. | 通过正误题让学生对阅读过的文章进行判断,加深对人物的印象。
| (A1感知与注意)
| 对文章细节有进一步的了解。
教学目标3:通过小组合作完成小作,并在小组互评后 | Activity 3 Study the language and structure
Answer: 2.What is the function of each paragraph in the passages? The Father of China's Aerospace para1: introduction para2—5 His personal history and accomplishments para6: his personality para7: his death and people’s appreciation of him A World of Pure Thought para 1: introduction para2: His claim to fame Para 3: characteristics that made him great. 3.Underline the linking words and phrases in the passages, and describe their function. The Father of China's Aerospace linking words:however; at that time; nevertheless; because; function: these serve to link elements in the passage and bring greater cohesion and logical flow to it. A World of Pure Thought linking words:in general; besides; furthermore; above all
function: these serve to link elements in the passage and bring greater cohesion and logical flow to it. Summary
| (A3 概括与整合)
(A3 概括与整合)
(A3 概括与整合) |
巩固学生的写作思路, 巩固学生对写作手法的印象。
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誊写一篇观点明确、层次分明的驳论文。 | Activity 4 Write an essay about the scientific spirit How to write an article about the scientific spirits?Besides Qian Xuesen and Stephen Hawking, what other great scientists can you think of ? 高级句型 1. 介绍概况:同位语结构、分词结构,使文章简洁。如: (1)Abraham Lincoln, the son of a poor family (一个贫苦家庭的儿子), was born in Kentucky on February 12, 1809. [同位语] (2)Quan Hongchan, a world champion in diving (一位跳水的世界冠军), is a girl of 14 from Zhanjiang. [同位语] (3)Born in Maryland, USA in 1985(他1985年出生于美国马里兰州), Michael Phelps is a famous swimmer.[分语短语] (4)In 2006, having broken the world record and got the gold medal (在他打破世界纪录并获得金牌之后), he became the idol of the youth.[分词短语] Introduction about a famous scientist 基本内容: 1. age, sex, birth-place, background (概况) 2. appearance, character (外表、性格) 3. education (教育背景) 4. big events in his or her life (in order of time) (经历、生平) 5. evaluation (评价) 2.描写外貌:巧用with短语。如: My history teacher is a beautiful woman, with long hair and big eyes (她长着两只大眼睛,留着长发). 3.生平事迹:尽量用复合句、并列句、非谓语动词短语和倒装等高级语句。如: In his life, he got many honours, one of which is the 2005 CCTV Moving China Award (其中包括获得“2005感动中国年度人物”的称号). [定语从句] Imitation writing 根据以下信息用英语写一篇短文介绍袁隆平教授。 基本信息 1.1937年9月7日出生于重庆的一个贫困的家庭。自幼刻苦学习,酷爱农业科学; 2.自从1953 年大学毕业以后,他已经研究水稻近半个世纪,一直在为世界农业默默耕耘。 主要成绩 3.由于他的研究,我国水稻产量快速增长, 为很多国家解决了粮食不足的问题;他被誉为“杂交水稻之父” (“Father of Hybrid Rice”); 4.由于他对世界的贡献,他获奖甚多;在2019年,他被授予“共和国勋章”(“Medal of the Republic”); 5.虽然他很出名, 但是他过着简朴的生活,不计名利; 6.2021年5月22日,袁隆平,在湖南长沙逝世,享年91岁。 1.1937年9月7日出生于重庆的一个贫困的家庭。自幼刻苦学习,酷爱农业科学; 原文:Born in Hangzhou in 1911,Qian attended schools in Beijing and then entered Shanghai Jiao Tong University to study Railway Mechanical Engineering. 仿写:Born in a poor family in Chongqing on September 7, 1937, Yuan Longping studied hard, showing great interest in agriculture. 2.自从1953 年大学毕业以后,他已经研究水稻近半个世纪,一直在为世界农业默默耕耘。 原文:However, what might have made him such an outstanding and creative scientist was probably his strong interest in other things, such as music and drawing. 仿写:Since his graduation from university in 1953, Yuan had done research on rice for over half a century. However, what might have made Yuan such an outstanding scientist was that he devoted all his time and energy to the study of agriculture. 3.由于他的研究,我国水稻产量快速增长, 为很多国家解决了粮食不足的问题;他被誉为“杂交水稻之父” “Father of Hybrid Rice”; 原文:Because much of the technology behind the Shenzhou rockets can also be traced back to Qian's research, Qian earned the name of“the father of China's aerospace” . 仿写:Because of his research, which makes China’s rice production increasing rapidly and solves the problem of the lack of food for many countries, Yuan earned the name of “Father of Hybrid Rice”. 4.由于他对世界的贡献,他获奖甚多;在2019年,他被授予“共和国勋章” 例句:In his life, he got many honours, one of which is the 2005 CCTV Moving China Award. He was rewarded with many prizes for his great contributions to the world,one of which was Medal of the Republic in 2019. 5.虽然他很出名, 但是他过着简朴的生活,不计名利; Although as he was , he lived a simple life and cared little about money and fame. 倒装句:Famous as he was , he lived a simple life and cared little about money and fame. 6.2021年5月22日,袁隆平,在湖南长沙逝世,享年91岁。 原文:On 31 October 2009, the whole country was saddened by Qian's death, and people honoured and remembered him in different ways. On 22 May 2021, the whole country was addened by the news that Yuan died in China's Hunan Province, aged 91,and people honoured and remembered him in different ways. Sample Born in a poor family in Chongqing on September 7, 1937, Yuan Longping studied hard, showing great interest in agriculture. As a matter of fact, since his graduation from university in 1953, Yuan had done research on rice for over half a century. However, what might have made Yuan such an outstanding scientist was that he devoted all his time and energy to the study of agriculture. Because of his research, which makes China’s rice production increasing rapidly and solves the problem of the lack of food for many countries, Yuan earned the name of “Father of Hybrid Rice”. Besides, he was rewarded with many prizes for his great contributions to the world,one of which was Medal of the Republic in 2019. Furthermore, famous as he was , he lived a simple life and cared little about money and fame. Nevertheless, on 22 May 2021, the whole country was saddened by the news that Yuan died in China's Hunan Province, aged 91,and people honoured and remembered him in different ways.
(A3 概括与整合)
(A1感知与注意) (B2分析与判断)
(B3内化与运用) |
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| Checklist: | 评价表对本堂课的内容进行多元评价 |
| 教学平一体化 |
| Homework Finish your essay and read it to your class next class. 屠呦呦获奖让中国人民感动非常自豪,假设你是李华, 你校正开展介绍屠呦呦的活动,请你发表一个演说介绍屠呦呦。要点如下: 注意:1. 词数 100左右;短文开头已给,不计入总词数; 2. 可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯; 3. 文中不得提及有关考生个人身份的任何信息,如校名、人名等 Ladies and gentleman, today I would like to introduce Tu Youyou to all of you.
| 作业是对本节课内容的回顾及再创作。实现迁移创新。同时为一下节课的听说做铺垫。 | (B3内化与运用) | 写与说的融合。 |
板书设计 Structures The Father of China's Aerospace para1: introduction para2—5 His personal history and accomplishments para6: his personality para7: his death and people’s appreciation of him A World of Pure Thought para 1: introduction para2: His claim to fame Para 3: characteristics that made him great. linking words:however; at that time; nevertheless; because; in general; besides; furthermore; above all
高中英语人教版 (2019)选择性必修 第二册Unit 1 Science and Scientists一等奖ppt课件: 这是一份高中英语人教版 (2019)选择性必修 第二册Unit 1 Science and Scientists一等奖ppt课件,共25页。PPT课件主要包含了Lead in,choking,setting,conflict,conclusion,who,what,where,story,hoking等内容,欢迎下载使用。
英语Unit 1 Science and Scientists优秀ppt课件: 这是一份英语Unit 1 Science and Scientists优秀ppt课件,共23页。
高中英语人教版 (2019)选择性必修 第二册Unit 1 Science and Scientists说课课件ppt: 这是一份高中英语人教版 (2019)选择性必修 第二册Unit 1 Science and Scientists说课课件ppt,共33页。PPT课件主要包含了教学设计依据,单元整体设计,1 单元主题语境,3 主题意义探究,本单元整合性输出活动,单元学习目标,单元课时安排,单元整体评价,课例展示,板书设计等内容,欢迎下载使用。