湖南少年儿童出版社小学英语三年级起点四年级上册 Unit 10 Welcome to our home! 教案5
课题:Welcome to our home. 教材版本:湘少版四年级上册课时:第三课时Teaching Aims:Knowledge aims:词汇:能在Dino’s Brother’s house语境中运用单元核心词汇bedroom、livingroom、kitchen并能运用核心词汇进行正确应答、描述。句型:1.能在Dino’s Brother’s house的语境中学习本单元次核心句型“I live in...”,“It’s made of...”语音语调准确,表达流利。运用本单元核心句型“This is....”,“There is...”,“It’s...”以及核心词汇进行正确询问、应答,语音语调准确,表达流利。 3.能结合已学语言知识,口头及书面介绍dream house梦想中的家,语音语调准确,表述完整达意、表述流利、拼写及语法正确。 Key points: 本课的教学重点是在语境中,结合已学语言、借助句型框架,运用本单元核心语言用4-6句话口头及书面介绍Dino弟弟的家。要求语音语调准确,内容完整达意,表达流利,拼写及语法正确。Difficult points:培养学生语言思维表达的习惯;鼓励学生发散思维,用语言表述心目中的My dream house。Teaching Methods: TPR、The Audioligual MedthodTeaching Aids:CAI、CardTeaching processStep1:Warming-up1.GreetingsT: Hi! Kids! I’m Sally. Nice to meet you!Ss: Nice to meet you, too!T: Welcome to my English class. I think we can have fun. Let’s play a game.2.Drama Game: Walk in tempo(戏剧范式)T: Everybody stand up.listen and walk. When the music stops, you do as what I say. OK, let’s walk.T: (Teacher claps her hands.) ( stop) Dino. T:(Teacher claps her hands.) ( stop) In the bedroom. T: (Teacher claps her hands.) ( stop) Dino’s in the bedroom.(设计意图:1、通过戏剧范式让学生在感受空间探步的过程中发挥想象,并通过听音能做出相应动作;2、通过戏剧范式帮助学生复习语言知识。)Step 2: Presentation1.Listen and choose.T: Look here. This is a…Ss: a house T: Yes, it’s a house. I have two questions about this house. Question1: Whose house is it? Question 2: Is it big or small?Please listen carefully and find the answers. (加手势动作,播放录音)T:Now who can tell me whose house it is? You please!S1: Dino’s brother/BT: Is she / he right?Ss: Yes。T: Good, this is Dino’s brother s house. And is it big or small?Together!Ss:smallT:Let’s say the whole sentence. T+Ss;It’s a small house.(设计意图:整体感知,梳理文本内容。)2.Read and think.T: We know this is Dino’s brother’s house and it is small.(PPT4)How many rooms are there in the house? Let’s count. 1-2-3 (Great. )T+Ss: There are 3 rooms. T:What are they? Let’s have a look. It’s a…(手势指)Ss: living roomT:They are two…Ss: bedrooms.T: What color are these rooms? like A , B or C?. Now let’s open the book and turn to page 51. Read and find the right answer.T: Have you finished ?Ss: YesT:OK. Which one is right?S1:CT: Really?T: Which sentences tell you the answer?S2:My bedroom is clean. It is blue. My brother’s bedroom is yellow. There is a living room. It’s red.T: (Well down. / You got it.) Let’s see line 2. My bedroom is clean. It is blue. My brother’s bedroom is yellow. There is a living room. It’s red.(设计意图:通过任务驱动,理解文本,帮助其掌握知识信息。)3.Look and say.T:Now if we were Dino’s brother, let’s talk about our house. T+Ss: Welcome to my home. I live in .... a small house.My bedroom is clean. It's ....blue.My brother’s bedroom is yellow.There is ... a living room. It's ....red.(老师开头,引导学生一起补充句子)T:You did a great job. Do you like this house?Ss: Yes.T: Do you want to know more about it?For example. What is this house made of ?Well, let’s have a look! These are wood/bricks/stone.Ss: wood/bricks/stoneT: Can you guess what this house is made of ? Maybe it’s made of …S1/S2/S3: Maybe it is made of …(设计意图:运用文本,提炼语言框架。)T: A good guess! Actually there are lots of different types of houses in the world.Step 3:Practice1.Different houses(1)T: Take out your worksheet and enjoy the video.(2)T: We can see tree house, yurt, and igloo in the video.Now you have 2-3 minutes to read these texts and choose. T: Which group can talk about tree house? You two, please. Ss: This is a _____ . It’s made of _____ .T: Well done.Let’s say it together. How about yurt ? Who can try? You please.Ss: This is a _____ . It’s made of _____ .T+Ss: Look at last one. This is an igloo. It’s made of ______.(设计意图:视觉冲击,开启想象力;通过worksheet,对文本内容进行梳理、提炼和归纳,尝试表达更多关于家的信息。)Step 4. Production1.Look and say:Dream housesT: Look! This is my dream-house.T+Ss: I live in a tree house. It’s made of wood. There is/are .... It’s .... I love my dream house a lot. T: Do you have a dream-house. How about your dream-house? Let’s do and share. You can have 5 minutes to work in a group and write down your ideas. Ready? Go!(设计意图:由Teacher的dream house作为范例,操练句型,发散思维,为dream house的设计进行铺垫。)2.Write and share T: Which group wants to share with us? You please.Ss: Welcome to my dream house.I live in a _____.It’s made of _____.There’s / are ______.It’s _______.I love my dream house a lot.T: Do you like their dream-house? Yes, I think it will be interesting to live there. How about the next group? You please! Welcome!Ss: Welcome to my dream house.I live in a _____.It’s made of _____.There’s / are ______.It’s _______.I love my dream house a lot.T: oh, you want to live in a ____. That sounds very great.Boys and girls. You all did a good job in my English class. Today’s homework is to draw and write down your dream houses like this. I am looking forward to your works. Goodbye Kids!Ss: Goodbye!(设计意图:结合已学语言知识,借助句型框架,运用本单元核心语言开启想象力,畅谈自己的dream house。)Step 4:HomeworkIntroduce your dream houses to your parents.Blackboard Deaign: