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    这是一份2023届山东省实验中学高三下学期二模英语试题含答案,文件包含山东实验中学2023届高三第二次模拟压轴卷英语docx、山东实验中学2023届高三第二次模拟压轴卷英语答案pdf等2份试卷配套教学资源,其中试卷共11页, 欢迎下载使用。

    (本试卷共 10页,共三部分;全卷满分 120分,考试用时 100分钟)
    2.选择题的作答:每小题选出答案后,用 2B铅笔把答题卡上对应题目的答案标号
    3.非选择题的作答:用 0.5mm黑色签字笔直接答在答题卡上对应的答题区域内,写
    第一部分阅读理解(共两节,满分 50分)
    第一节(共 15小题;每小题 2.5分,满分 37.5分)
    阅读下列短文,从每题所给的 A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项。
    The Best Treehouse Spots
    Have you ever wondered what it might be like to have a treehouse as a child? Well, we’ve
    got a list of the best treehouse staycation spots to visit this summer.
    The TokinTree (Cave Junction, Oregon)
    First things first, this treehouse is exactly what its name suggests, a flower-friendly
    outdoor paradise. For $250 a night, this rental comes with a seasonally available garden tour
    for you and up to three more guests—all over the age of 21, of course.
    The Tiny House Treehouse (Campobello, South Carolina)
    This staycation spot in the South is a great way to be immersed in nature while enjoying
    the comfort of a cozy home. It’s only two acres of land and nearly 20 minutes away from a
    nearby city Tyron, North Carolina and 10 minutes away from Downtown Landrum. It holds up
    to 4 guests and will cost you around $265 a night before taxes.
    高三第二次模拟考试英语试题第 1页(共 10页)

    The Sugar Maple Treehouse (Hancock, Vermont)
    This neat getaway houses two guests and is located near a quiet area in central Vermont,
    in the wilderness of the Green Mountain National Forest in three trees above high ground. And
    during your stay, you can arrange an in-house massage(按摩)therapist, so you’ll likely never
    want to return home. A night at the Sugar Maple for you and a guest sits at about $159.
    The Peaceful Treehouse With Ocean View (Aptos, California)
    This next one is a bit of a luxury stay. At $800 a night for you and 5 others, the “Peaceful
    Treehouse With Ocean View” is bound to take your breath away. This house in the trees is full
    of floor-to-ceiling windows and slide doors inspired by Japanese screens.
    1. Which treehouse is the most economical for each guest?
    A. The TokinTree.
    B. The Tiny House Treehouse.
    C. The Sugar Maple Treehouse.
    D. The Peaceful Treehouse With Ocean View.
    2. What attracts guests most in the Sugar Maple Treehouse?
    A. Its neat house.
    B. Its relaxing service.
    C. Its beautiful scenery.
    D. Its convenient location.
    3. Where is the text probably taken from?
    A. A travel magazine.
    B. A gardening guide.
    C. A hiking programme.
    D. A botanical introduction.
    My mother-in-law asked me to climb a mountain in her rural village. We went through tall
    and weedy expanse of grass, pulling ourselves up with the help of smooth bamboo trees.
    Weathered gray rocks dotted tracks only visible to an experienced hiker. The view we were
    rewarded with halfway up the mountain, fixing our eyes upon the colorful pieces of fields and
    whitewashed homes set against the deep green hills and a sky so blue that it looked digitally
    polished, was a side benefit of being there.
    Our eyes were mostly on the wild eatable plants that grew on the mountainside. We first
    came upon the wild mountain bamboo, a plant that was the main part in my mother-in-law’s
    高三第二次模拟考试英语试题第 2页(共 10页)

    salted bamboo shoots that, once preserved, could be used all year long in cooking. Along the
    way, we also encountered another precious wild food—fiddlehead ferns (蕨菜). Those delicate
    leaves, when stir-fired, were a tasty treat. Once I had purchased fiddleheads at a market in the
    US. Yet there we were, picking this prized vegetable on our own, with only our labor as the
    What we had collected that afternoon looked the same as any other wild mountain bamboo
    shoots and fiddlehead ferns I had seen before in my mother-in-law’s kitchen. And yet, they felt
    different to me because I had used my own hands to help pick them and carry them back down
    the mountain. Spending time and energy gathering these wild plants gave me a deeper
    appreciation for the food that ends up on the dinner table.
    “Many generations have kept this natural lifestyle. We depend on the mountains for our
    life,” my mother-in-law says. Those mountains and rivers supporting her life aren’t some
    abstract concept. They are right there, outside her door and within her rural village. Once I saw
    them through her angle that afternoon, I realized they are closer to me than I ever imagined.
    4. Why was the author asked to climb a mountain?
    A. To pull some bamboo trees.
    C. To get some wild vegetables.
    B. To enjoy its beautiful scenery.
    D. To take some digital pictures.
    5. What made the picked fiddlehead ferns different?
    A. The fresh leaves.
    C. The rich nutrition.
    B. The input of labor.
    D. The help from Mother-in-law.
    6. What does the author want to show by quoting her mother-in-law?
    A. Nature feeds villagers and sustains their life.
    B. City people want to settle down in mountains.
    C. Rural areas are inaccessible to some outsiders.
    D. Farmers dream of changing the natural lifestyle.
    7. How does the author sound when telling the story?
    A. Humorous.
    B. Anxious.
    C. Satisfied.
    D. Tolerant.
    While it may sound like something crawling out of your horrible dreams, cyborg
    cockroaches(蟑螂机器人)have arrived as friends rather than enemies.
    高三第二次模拟考试英语试题第 3页(共 10页)

    Scientists in Japan have designed a new remote-controlled insect, equipped with a battery
    “backpack” powered by solar panels. The cockroach, which is part insect and part machine, is
    intended to enter dangerous areas, monitor the environment or take on search and rescue
    missions without needing to be recharged.
    Famously able to survive a nuclear war, cockroaches have been the inspiration for a
    number of technologies in recent years. Different teams of scientists have designed
    remote-controlled robo-bugs that can climb walls, carry objects and find humans during
    search-and-rescue missions.
    The cockroaches are still alive, but wires attached to their two “cerci” (尾蚴) send
    electrical impulses that cause the insect to move right or left. A battery is necessary for the
    sending and receiving these electrical signals, which needs to be charged up. While it’s
    possible to build docking(对接)stations for recharging the battery, the need to return and
    recharge could disrupt time-tight missions.
    The team wanted to create a more practical version that did not need to return to a docking
    station when it ran out of power. Therefore, they designed a solar cell that could constantly
    ensure that the cockroach stays charged while it works. However, cockroaches have a limited
    surface area available for all the components necessary to move its legs and keep it powered.
    The solution was to design a special “backpack” that could carry both the wireless leg-control
    module and rechargeable lithium polymer battery. This was attached to the top of the insect on
    its thorax(胸腹), and was 3D printed to fit perfectly to the curved surface of the Madagascar
    cockroach. It allowed for this electronic device to be stably installed on the insect for over a
    8. What are the functions of cyborg cockroaches?
    ① Climbing walls.
    ④ Rescuing humans.
    ② Entering unsafe areas.③ Foretelling risks.
    ⑤ Generating Power. ⑥ Monitoring the environment.
    B.②③⑤ C.③④⑥ D.②④⑥
    9. What is the meaning of the underlined word “disrupt” in Paragraph 4?
    A. Interrupt. B. Extend. C. Execute. D. Shorten.
    10. What is the key factor in controlling a cyborg cockroach remotely?
    A. The size of a cockroach.
    C. The lifespan of a cockroach.
    11. What’s the main idea of this text?
    B. The leg-control module.
    D. The energy harvesting device.
    A. Cockroaches are the inspiration of inventions.
    B. The technology of solar panels is widely used.
    C. Search-and-rescue can’t be emphasized too much.
    D. Scientists have created a remote-controlled cyborg cockroach.
    高三第二次模拟考试英语试题第 4页(共 10页)

    Danone Portugal introduced a new yogurt named Juntos. For every pack of yogurt that a
    person bought, he would donate yogurt to a family in need. Danone had done its research.
    Increasingly, people say they want to buy from brands that give them a sense of purpose.
    Surely a yogurt that helped the needy would be appealing. But Juntos was a failure. Despite
    sinking millions into a marketing campaign, Danone pulled Juntos from the market only
    months after it was launched. Now the same product is simply marketed as a tasty yogurt.
    What happened? To find the reason behind Juntos’ failure, Lawrence Williams and his
    colleagues did an experiment where they showed people some products and asked these people
    to pick one option. They reminded some to focus on “purposeful and valuable” aspect while
    others were told to “enjoy themselves” and focus on “delight and pleasure.” They found that
    participants who prioritized meaning preferred the less expensive product when compared with
    people who put pleasure in the first place.
    So why were meaning-seekers cheaping out? Lawrence Williams asked participants to
    explain their decision-making to find out. He learned that meaning-oriented people were not
    thinking about how the product they might buy could bring meaning to their lives. Instead, they
    were occupied with what else they could do with their money.
    I am all for people making wise and strategic financial choices. But cheap products can
    create many problems. Inexpensive options often do not last as long as the higher-end ones. As
    a result, we shop more often, which is ultimately worse for our wallets. Plus, that spending
    pattern can do a greater damage to the environment. Thanks in part to fast fashion, people buy
    60 percent more clothing today than they did 15 years ago. The fashion industry alone emits
    more greenhouse gases than international flights and maritime (海洋的) shipping combined.
    So before you dive into your wallet for some deals, try not to fix only on what you are
    spending or saving. Think carefully about what you are buying, too.
    12. What is the main reason for the failure of Juntos?
    A. It ignored marketing strategies.
    C. It lacked a particularly good taste.
    13. What can be inferred about meaning-seekers?
    A. They frequent high-end stores.
    B. It priced itself relatively high.
    D. It focused on delight and pleasure.
    B. They think products extend their lives.
    D. They make more purchases with money.
    C. They hesitate to make decisions.
    高三第二次模拟考试英语试题第 5页(共 10页)

    14. How is Paragraph 4 mainly developed?
    A. By giving some examples.
    B. By listing numbers and data.
    D. By making some comparisons.
    C. By explaining reasons.
    15. Which is the most suitable title for the text?
    A. Innovation: a Product’s Life
    B. To Buy or not to Buy
    C. Meaning-seekers or Quality-pursuers
    D. Fast Fashion: a Hit to Your Wallet
    第二节(共 5小题;每小题 2.5分,满分 12.5分)
    I’ve been living in Spain for decades and I securely guarantee that I have a talent in
    figuring out the cool hidden local spots. As a foreigner, I couldn’t care less about doing the
    touristy things or enjoying fancy cuisine. So I always attempt to find something that’s
    appealing and fun yet represents the local culture, and that offers an interaction with the locals.
    My reputation for doing this has grown. Since I am somewhat fluent in Spanish,
    I could charge people for this and become somewhat of an official tour guide. I choose not to
    though, because to me, the most important thing is assuring the tourist, who already spent a lot
    of time and money getting to where I am, has the fun and cultural experience they could
    possibly have.
    In that case, tourists can explore the local culture further at the lowest
    cost. They could otherwise spend a significant sum of money on a guided tour that keeps them
    comfortable but separated from the culture. I choose to give them an experience that’s deeper
    and opens their mind, all for free.
    When someone is visiting your area, don’t just take them to the touristy spots.
    Show them the places that mean something to you. Show them your heart through the places
    that you show them and the experience you give them. There’s something good in almost every
    town out there. If you don’t have any spots in your area that you like, learn to find the good in
    the place you live. If you find the good in where you live, you will also find the good in
    yourself. It’s a time that both you and the tourist will probably never obtain again.
    高三第二次模拟考试英语试题第 6页(共 10页)

    A. Everyone can do the same.
    B. I could hardly have imagined it would happen.
    C. It could also help me create a lifelong connection with them.
    D. What’s most crucial is experiencing the genuine country and culture.
    E. I know better than tourists themselves what they are eager to experience.
    F. Don’t rush the experience, thoroughly enjoy every moment with that person.
    G. I’m being asked frequently to offer people tours, both to friends and strangers.
    第二部分语言知识运用(共两节,满分 30分)
    第一节(共 15小题;每小题 1分,满分 15分)
    As usual, Lily bought expensive gifts for her children Alice and Peter before Christmas.
    Her job kept her busy, and she
    mother, she always wanted to be
    got to see her children during weekdays. Being a
    her children, but she placed her first,
    thinking earning money was more important.
    the gifts in secret and decided to give them a day before Christmas since she
    had to attend a business meeting the next day. , a day later, the meeting got canceled.
    she could spend Christmas with her family. Therefore, she decided to
    a party. Lily sent to all her friends and her father-in-law, Michael. Lily was
    in the presence of aged people. Later that day, her
    Lily was
    worried her friends would not feel
    children noticed the gifted she had bought. Unexpectedly, neither of them seemed
    open the gifts.
    On Christmas Eve, Lily
    when she saw Michael walking in. On arrival, Michael gave Alice and Peter
    presents—some cookie molds(模具)!The two kids ran happily to their grandfather and
    showed great for his gifts, asking him to bake cookies with them.
    All the guests present were moved by the scene. Lily all they want is their
    her friends into her house. However, she fel t
    高三第二次模拟考试英语试题第 7页(共 10页)

    parents’ time and
    not what their parents buy them.
    21. A. usually
    22. A. around
    23. A. family
    24. A. watched
    25. A. Fortunately
    26. A. shocked
    27. A. attend
    B. rarely
    B. beyond
    B. heart
    C. always
    D. never
    D. for
    C. without
    C. body
    D. job
    B. laid
    C. hid
    D. made
    D. Amusingly
    D. free
    B. Eventually
    B. touched
    B. throw
    B. regards
    B. warm
    C. Suddenly
    C. happy
    C. delay
    D. rule
    28. A. blesses
    29. A. confident
    30. A. shy
    C. letters
    D. invitations
    D. cool
    C. relaxed
    C. easy
    B. worried
    B. led
    D. eager
    D. waved
    D. calm
    31. A. welcomed
    C. signaled
    C. surprised
    C. enthusiasm
    C. learned
    C. knowledge
    32. A. uncomfortable
    33. A. respect
    B. refreshed
    B. pity
    D. love
    34. A. noticed
    B. realized
    B. passion
    D. witnessed
    D. attention
    35. A. money
    第二节(共 10小题;每小题 1.5分,满分 15分)
    阅读下面短文,在空白处填入 1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。
    The Olympics are a series of international athletic competitions held in different countries.
    important multi-sport event that takes place every four years. For the
    Olympics, participants from all over the world train for years and try their best
    Pierre Coubertin, a French man, (found) the International Olympic Committee
    (IOC) in 1894. He was once a teacher and historian. In his honor, French had the official
    status(地位) and (prior) over other languages at the Olympics. According to
    the Olympic Charter, English and French are the official languages of the Olympics.
    Therefore, every participant needs to have their documents (translate) in both
    高三第二次模拟考试英语试题第 8页(共 10页)

    languages. Besides, real-time interpretations in Arabic, German, Russian, and Spanish must be
    available for all sessions.
    The IOC has a complete guide for those
    has the status of being the first official language for Olympic events and it was the language of
    diplomacy(外交)in the beginning. But later, more countries considered
    in this contest. The IOC then made French and English the official languages of the Olympics.
    (actual), more than 100 countries in the world speak English now. Besides,
    almost every country has made a must that children learn English in schools and
    colleges. This (influence) status has caused the IOC to make English one of the
    official languages.
    want to apply to these contests. French
    第三部分写作(共两节,满分 40分)
    第一节(满分 15分)
    1.写作词数应为 80左右;
    Good morning, dear friends!
    Welcome to our school!
    Thank you for listening!
    高三第二次模拟考试英语试题第 9页(共 10页)

    第二节(满分 25分)
    “Hurry up you guys, or you’ll be late for school!” called Mom. We dashed downstairs and
    had a quick breakfast. I was eating my favorite—very sweet cereal, and Sara was having eggs.
    When I rose to have my bowl washed, mom whispered, “You know you need to be cautious
    today when you’re walking Sara to school. It’s your job to assure me she gets there all right.”
    Then she cast me a very serious look. I thought to myself, wondering why Mom was making
    such a big deal out of this. It was Sara’s first day of Kindergarten, but I could manage it. I wish
    Mom wouldn’t treat me like such a baby.
    “Goodbye, Mom!” Sara yelled. She ran out the door, and I went behind her.
    “Be careful!” my mom yelled.
    “I will!” I said back and ran outside. Sara was skipping down the front walkway to the
    I grabbed Sara’s hand. “Are you eager and excited for your first day of school?” I asked,
    trying to sound like a grown-up. Sara smiled and nodded her head yes. Meanwhile, my mom
    was staring at us through the window. “When will she stop treating me like a little kid?” I
    thought. “I’ll show you the way.” I said. I felt proud to be the elder sister. We walked past
    beautiful gardens and big, leafy trees. Suddenly, I heard a growl and saw a dog walking
    towards us. He was big and fierce looking with long sharp teeth. “GRRRR!!!” the dog growled.
    I didn’t see its owner or anyone who could help us. My hand became sweaty and Sara stopped
    walking. “I’m scared, Julie,” she said. I didn’t want her to be scared. I wanted to seem brave.
    “Everything will be okay,” I said.
    “GRRRR!!!” The dog stepped closer and we could see it was the size of a small
    horse—with red eyes and sharp teeth.
    1.续写词数应为 150左右;
    I was trying to make my voice sound calm. ___________________________________
    I told Mom what had happened. ____________________________________________
    高三第二次模拟考试英语试题第 10页(共 10页)


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