初中冀教版Lesson 21 At the Market教案设计
这是一份初中冀教版Lesson 21 At the Market教案设计,共6页。
Lesson 21 At the MarketTeaching aims: 1. Knowledge Objects (1) Words: market,grape,carrot,cabbage,watermelon,sweet,pear (2) Phrases and sentences: take…to…, look good, how about…? Do you like…? Yes,I do. I like them very much. Do you like…? No, I don’t.(3)Grammar: Countable and Uncountable Nouns Simple Present Tense2. Ability Objects (1) How to talk about likes and dislikes in English.(2) To develop Ss’ abilities of listening and speaking.(3) To train the Ss’ ability of working in groups. 3. Moral Objects(1) Arouse their interest in learning English.(2) Know more about differences of food and drink culture between China and Western countries. Teaching key:To know about some fruit and vegetables, and learn how to talk about likes and dislikes in English. Teaching difficult points: To learn take...to..., how about…, look good, To know the market and culture.Teaching Tools: ComputerTape of Lesson: New Lesson Teaching Steps: Step 1.Revision1) Greeting2) Free talk Step 2. Practice1. The teacher show the picture of the market on the screen. Say: Li Ming takes Jack to the morning market .This is a market(Teach the word), a morning market. Explain take…to …, make some new sentences with the Ss, make sure they can understand it. Ask: What do people buy at the market?(Fruit and vegetables) Step 3. Presentation To teach the new words. Show the pictures of the fruit and vegetables on the screen.Ask and answer about the fruit and vegetables, make sure the students can say the names of theirs. In this step, point to the Countable Nouns and Uncountable Nouns. Let the students read the new words after the teacher again and again. Step 4. Practice 1 1. Ask: Do you like fruit and vegetables?(Yes, I like…very much. ) 2. Let the students ask and answer like this(shown on the screen): A: Do you like …? B: Yes, I do. /Yes, I like them very much. A: Do you like …? B: No, I don't. Then get some pairs of students to act out the dialogue. 3. Play the tape. Let the Ss listen and fill in the blanks(shown the screen). Then check the answers. Step 5. Practice 2 1. Show the picture of the carrots and cabbage. Ask: What are they? Are they big? Do you like cabbage? … Let the students answer and compare. 2. Play the tape. Let the Ss listen and fill in the blanks(shown on the screen). Then check the answers. Step 6. Practice 3 1. Show the picture of some watermelons on the screen. Teach the new word “sweet” . 2. Ask: How about the pears? (shown on the screen) Point to the sentences: How about…? The apples look good. If necessary, help the Ss to explain the key points, make sure they can understand and use them. 3. Play the tape. Let the Ss listen and fill in the blanks (shown on the screen). Then check the answers. Step 7. Reading Let the Ss read the text for some minutes. First, let the students find the important sentences. (show the screen) Second, answer the questions: 1. Where do Li Ming and Jack go? 2. What do people buy there? 3. What vegetable does Li Ming like in his soup? 4. Are carrots big in Canada? 5. What does Li Ming want to buy? 6. Does the pears look good? After reading, check the answers. Step 8. Come to Let's Do It ! Show the screen, let the Ss do No.2 and No.3. Then check the answers. Step 9. Exercises (shown on the screen) 一.争当小小翻译家: 1. 带某人去某地 _____________ 2. 非常喜欢_____________ 3. 看起来很好_______________ 4. 它们没有那么大____________ 5. 水果和蔬菜________________ 三.根据提示,完成下列句子。 1. He ______ (看起来)very strong. 2. What’s your ________ (最喜欢的) food? 3. I don’t like _____ (水果). 4. ____ you _____ (喜欢) English? 5. Tom ______ me ___ the park.(带领) Step 10. Homework 1. Make sentences with the new words in this lesson. 2. Practice the dialogue in this lesson. Blackboard Writing
教学反思 英语是一门语言,语言的功能是交际。因此,在英语教学中,我时刻注重培养学生对语言的使用能力,通过加强听说读写的一系列训练,为学生的初中英语学习打下坚实的基础。托尔斯泰曾经说过:“成功的教学不是强制而是激发学生兴趣”。在本节课,我为了进一步调动学生的学习积极性,提高课堂效率,从以下几方面做了反思: 一.反思教学目标 本节课教学目标设计较为合理,从初一学生发展的需要和实际出发,学生主动参与,积极配合;整个教学流程比较顺利,达到了教学预设和要求。 二.反思教学重难点 本节课以新课程标准为指导,采取理论与实际相结合的方法,我确定了本课的教学重点与难点。在实际教学中,通过展示多媒体课件及组织一系列课堂活动,达到了重点突出,难点突破。 三.反思教学内容 根据教学目标和学生的经验、情趣和认知规律开发教学内容、利用学习资源。进行完free talk后,通过展示market图片,导入新课。幻灯片展示学习本课生词单复数,进而谈论likes和dislikes。然后分三部分练习本课听力,再而通过三读课文,完成对课文的熟练掌握。最后进行练习归纳,检验及巩固学习效果。教学内容和环节阶梯上升,由易到难、由简到繁;学生学习由浅入深,循序渐进,符合学生认知水平和年龄特点。学生兴趣浓厚,学习积极、主动。 四.反思教学方法 依据教学目的和任务、学生的实际水平和可接受水平等选择了合适的教学方法,并有机结合起来,发挥其最大效用。 1. 听的训练 我把课文分成三部分,设计成听力材料,听后让学生填空,这样化繁为简,化难为易,大大提高了学生听的兴趣, 效果良好。 2. 读的训练 阅读在英语学习上尤其重要,只有读的多的人,才能更好的学好英语。在本课,为了让学生深入了解课文,培养阅读兴趣,教师的指导读很重要。我分三步完成。一读课文,找重点句;二读课文,回答问题;三读课文,判断正误。这样,就会引导学生快乐阅读,面对课文学生也不会无所适从了。 3.讲练结合,相互影响促进,形式多样;调动了学生多种感官同时参与。 五.反思多媒体使用 多媒体的参与教学很必要,充分为教学服务,能进一步调动学生的积极性,提高课堂效率。 反思不足之处: 1. 个人的口语表达语速过快,个别单词的发音不够准确,以后应继续加强基本功训练,不断提升英语素养。 2. 课堂上没有充分考虑到学生的个别差异、促进学生个性的发展,应为水平参差不齐的学生创造不同层次的成功体验的机会。以后一定要注意这点。 3. 教师“牵”的痕迹比较重,在师的“导和辅”和生的“探和学”方面应继续加强改进。且内容拘泥于教材的信息,以后要创造性的教学,不但要让学生掌握课本的知识,还要会灵活运用,也是将知识转化为技能的过程。 感受: 每次活动的参与过程都是提升自己的过程。参与中需要付出努力,却也发现了自己更多的不足,同时也收获了更多的知识与经验!感动于自己的付出,更感动于各位同行的付出!最后我想说的是:我参与,我快乐!
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