高中英语人教版 (2019)必修 第一册Unit 3 Sports and fitness当堂达标检测题
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surgeon /ˈsɜːdʒən/ n. 外科医生 (29)
physician /fɪˈzɪʃn/ n. 医师,内科医生 (29)
chemist /ˈkemɪst/ n. 药剂师,药商;化学家 (29)
dentist /ˈdentɪst/ n. 牙科医生 (29)
specialize /ˈspeʃəlaɪz/ (also specialise) vi. 专门研究(或从事),专攻 (29)
l specialist n.专家
l special adj.专用的,特别的
*gene /dʒiːn/ n. 基因 (30)
l genetic adj.基因的,遗传的
l genetically adv.遗传上地
l geneticist n.遗传学家
game-changing /ˈgeɪm tʃeɪndʒɪŋ/ adj. 改变游戏规则的(指彻底改变事态发展的) (30)
*genome /ˈdʒiːnəʊm/ n. 基因组,染色体组 (30)
cell /sel/ n. 细胞 (30)
being /ˈbiːɪŋ/ n. 生物;存在;身心 (30)
*lifespan /ˈlaɪfspæn/ n. 寿命,有效期 (30)
affect /əˈfekt/ vt. 影响;侵袭,使感染;深深打动 (30)
contract /kənˈtrækt/ vt. 感染(疾病);与…订立合同(或契约)
/ˈkɒntrækt/ n. 合同,合约 (30)
virus /ˈvaɪrəs/ n. 病毒;(计算机程序中的)病毒 (30)
cancer /ˈkænsə(r)/ n. 癌症;邪恶,毒瘤 (30)
identify /aɪˈdentɪfaɪ/ vt. 找到,发现;确认,认出;显示,说明身份 (30)
l identification n.辨认,鉴定
l identical adj.相同的
l identity n.身份,特征
relate /rɪˈleɪt/ vi. & vt. 联系,使有联系;叙述,讲述 (30)
relate to 涉及,与…相关 (30)
means /miːnz/ n. (pl. means) 方法,方式;财富,钱财 (30)
delete /dɪˈliːt/ vt. 删去,删除 (30)
restore /rɪˈstɔː(r)/ vt. 恢复;修复;使复原,使复位 (31)
ultimately /ˈʌltɪmətli/ adv. 最终;根本上 (31)
abnormal /æbˈnɔːml/ adj. 反常的,畸形的 (31)
l normal adj.正常的
weapon /ˈwepən/ n. 武器,手段;兵器 (31)
fundamental /ˌfʌndəˈmentl/ adj. 十分重大的,根本的;基础的,基本的
n. 基本规律,根本法则,基础 (31)
l foundation n.基础
pace /peɪs/ n. 发生的速度,节奏;步速;快节奏
vi. & vt. 来回踱步,走来走去;确定速度,调整节奏 (31)
arise /əˈraɪz/ vi. (arose, arisen) 发生,出现;(由…)引起,(因…)产生 (31)
restrict /rɪˈstrɪkt/ vt. 限制,限定;束缚,妨碍;约束,管束 (31)
l restriction n.限制
prohibit /prəˈhɪbɪt/ vt.(尤指以法令)禁止;使不可能 (31)
prohibit sb from doing sth 禁止某人做某事 (31)
l prohibition n.禁止
resistance /rɪˈzɪstəns/ n. 抵抗力;抵制,反对;抵抗,反抗 (31)
l resist vt.抵抗,抵制
l resistant adj.有抵抗力的
flu /fluː/ n. 流行性感冒,流感 (31)
characteristic /ˌkærəktəˈrɪstɪk/ n. 特征,特点
adj. 典型的,独特的 (31)
wrestle /ˈresl/ vi. & vt. 奋力对付,努力处理;摔跤 (31)
wrestle with 努力处理,全力解决=cope with/deal with/handle (31)
put sth in place 准备就绪 (31)
debate /dɪˈbeɪt/ vt. & vi. 讨论,辩论;仔细考虑,思考
n. 讨论,争论;辩论 (31)
without doubt 毫无疑问,的确 (31)
finding /ˈfaɪndɪŋ/ n. 调查发现,调研结果 (33)
ripe /raɪp/ adj. 成熟的;时机成熟的 (33)
a ripe old age 高龄 (33)
withdraw /wɪðˈdrɔː/ vi. & vt. (withdrew, withdrawn) 脱离(社会),不与人交往;(使)撤回;(使)退出;停止提供 (34)
equip /ɪˈkwɪp/ vt. 配备;使有能力 (34)
l equipment n.设备,装备
l equipped adj.装备齐全的 be equipped with 配备有…
artificial /ˌɑːtɪˈfɪʃl/ adj. 人工的,人造的;人为的;虚假的 (34)
l artificial intelligence 人工智能
*limb /lɪm/ n. 肢,臂,腿 (34)
rubber /ˈrʌbə(r)/ n. 橡胶;橡皮 (34)
outgoing /ˌaʊtˈɡəʊɪŋ/ adj. 外向的 (34)
grateful /ˈɡreɪtfl/ adj. 感激的,表示感谢的 (34)
disabled /dɪsˈeɪbld/ adj. 有残疾的,丧失能力的 (35)
disability /ˌdɪsəˈbɪləti/ n. 缺陷,障碍 (35)
conventional /kənˈvenʃənl/ adj. 传统的,习惯的;依照惯例的,遵循习俗的 (35)
l convention n.规约,传统
l conventionally adv.传统地
leather /ˈleðə(r)/ n. 皮革 (35)
sensory /ˈsensəri/ adj. 感觉的,感官的 (35)
l sense n.感觉
patent /ˈpætnt; ˈpeɪtnt/ n. 专利,专利证书
/ˈpeɪtnt/ adj. 有专利的,受专利保护的 (35)
fuel /ˈfjuːəl/ vt. 增加,刺激;给…提供燃料
n. 燃料 (37)
disturb /dɪˈstɜːb/ vt. 使不安;打扰;搅乱 (37)
l disturbing adj.令人不安的
l disturbed adj.不安的,烦恼的
l disturbance n.烦恼,不安
tackle /ˈtækl/ vt. 应付,处理,解决 (37)
head-on /ˌhed ˈɒn/ adv. 积极地,果断地;正面相撞地
adj. 迎头相撞的;正面反对的 (37)
go to great lengths to do sth 竭尽全力做某事,不遗余力做某事 (37)
adjust /əˈdʒʌst/ vt. & vi. 调整,调节;适应,习惯;整理 (37)
l adjustment n.调节,调整
l adjustable adj.可调整的,可调节的
centimetre /ˈsentɪmiːtə(r)/ (AmE centimeter) n. 厘米 (37)
*acupuncture /ˈækjupʌŋktʃə(r)/ n. 针刺疗法 (39)
needle /ˈniːdl/ n. 针;注射针;指针 (39)
evidence /ˈevɪdəns/ n. 证据,证明;物证,人证
vt. 证明,表明 (39)
l evident adj.明显的
l evidently adv.明显地=obviously
date back to 追溯到,始于,自…至今 (39)
solid /ˈsɒlɪd/ adj. 实心的;固体的;结实的;纯色的 (39)
switch /swɪtʃ/ vi. & vt. 转变;交换;调班
n. 开关,闸;转变,改变 (39)
*stainless /ˈsteɪnləs/ adj. 不生锈的 (39)
l stain vt.玷污,留下污渍 n.污点,污染
steel /stiːl/ n. 钢;钢铁工业 (39)
millimetre /ˈmɪlimiːtə(r)/ (AmE millimeter) n. 毫米 (39)
clinic /ˈklɪnɪk/ n. 私人诊所;门诊部;门诊时间 (39)
examine /ɪɡˈzæmɪn/ vt. 检查,检验;审查,调查;考,测试;审问 (39)
l examination n.检查=exam
*tongue /tʌŋ/ n. 舌头;语言 (39)
*pulse /pʌls/ n. 脉搏
vi. 搏动,跳动;洋溢着 (39)
wrist /rɪst/ n. 手腕,腕关节 (39)
organ /ˈɔːɡən/ n. 器官;风琴;机构,机关 (39)
severe /sɪˈvɪə(r)/ adj. 十分严重的,极为恶劣的;严厉的;艰难的 (40)
l severely adv.严重地
anxiety /æŋˈzaɪəti/ n. 焦虑;担心;渴望 (40)
l anxious adj.焦虑的
l anxiously adv.焦虑地
abuse /əˈbjuːz/ vt. 滥用;虐待;辱骂
/əˈbjuːs/ n. 滥用;虐待;辱骂 (40)
l abuser n.滥用者,施虐者
alcohol /ˈælkəhɒl/ n. 酒精,酒 (40)
l alcoholic adj.酒精的 n.酒鬼
tobacco /təˈbækəʊ/ n. 烟草 (40)
drug /drʌɡ/ n. 毒品;药物 (40)
phenomenon /fəˈnɒmɪnən/ n. (pl. phenomena /fəˈnɒmɪnə/) 现象 (40)
substance /ˈsʌbstəns/ n. 物质;要点 (40)
l substantial adj.大量的,重大的
symbol /ˈsɪmbl/ n. 象征;符号,代号 (40)
l symbolize vt.象征
l symbolism n.象征,代表
l symbolic adj.具有象征性的
widespread /ˈwaɪdspred/ adj. 分布广的,普遍的,广泛的 (40)
*bandage /ˈbændɪdʒ/ n. 绷带 (41)
infection /ɪnˈfekʃn/ n. 传染,感染 (41)
l infect vt.感染,传染
department /dɪˈpɑːtmənt/ n.(医院的)科,部门,局,系 (41)
选择性必修二 Unit 3 Fit for life
I. 单词短语默写
1. ___________________ n. 外科医生
2. ___________________ n. 医师,内科医生
3. ___________________ n. 药剂师,药商;化学家
4. ___________________ n. 牙科医生
5. ___________________ vi. 专门研究(或从事),专攻
6. ___________________ vt. 影响;侵袭,使感染;深深打动
7. ___________________ vt. 感染(疾病);与...订立合同(或契约) n. 合同,合约
8. ___________________ vt. 找到,发现;确认,认出;显示,说明身份
9. ___________________ n. (pl. ______________) 方法,方式;财富,钱财
10. ___________________ vt. 恢复;修复;使复原,使复位
11. ___________________ adj. 十分重大的,根本的;基础的 n. 基本规律,根本法则,基础
12. ___________________ vt. 限制,限定;束缚,妨碍;约束,管束
13. ___________________ n. 抵抗力;抵制,反对;抵抗,反抗
14. ___________________ vi. & vt. (________, _______) 脱离(社会);(使)退出;停止提供
15. ___________________ adj. 人工的,人造的;人为的;虚假的
16. ___________________ adj. 传统的,习惯的;依照惯例的,遵循习俗的
17. ___________________ vt. 应付,处理,解决
18. ___________________ n. 证据,证明;物证,人证 vt. 证明,表明
19. ___________________ vt. 滥用;虐待;辱骂 n. 滥用;虐待;辱骂
20. ___________________ n. (pl.___________________) 现象
22.__________________________________________禁止某人做某事 23.__________________________________________努力处理,全力解决
Ⅱ. 词汇填空
1. The new virus is __________(ultimate) transmitted from person to person.
2. The irrational proposal met with strong ___________(resist) from all participants.
3. Regular visits to your doctor can help you ___________(identity) health warning signs.
4. Submission of reader comments is restricted ___________ club members only.
5. The vaccine also carries the risk of causing ___________(normal) immune functions.
6. So ___________(gratitude) was the man to the villagers that he gave away all his belongings.
7. The ___________(disable) has made the girl mentally stronger and more independent.
8. No ___________(convention) fuel is needed in the new skyscraper.
9. The more you learn, the more ___________(equip) for life you are.
10. Judging from the ___________(disturb) looks of all listeners, I knew the speech was rather a ___________(disturb) one.
11. The endless pandemic has cause great economic pressure and social ___________(anxious).
12. Such _____________(phenomenon) as this are now widely accepted.
13. The trees in the forest are extremely tall, some ___________(measure) over 90 metres.
14. It is believed that artificial intelligence is the key to ___________(tackle) future crises.
15. There is ___________(evident) that acupuncture may be more effective than injections.
Ⅲ. 用所给短语的适当形式填空
adjust to, date back, put ... in place, under debate, take one’s place, prohibit ... from...,
go to great lengths, switch off, withdraw from, wrestle with
1. During the height of pandemic, the staff had to __________________ lots of uncertainties.
2. To wipe out the resistant force, the government declared that they ________________ an army with advanced weapons ___________ already.
3. When it comes to interpreting meaning using a natural language, a machine will never fully ______________________.
4. While air pollution has been directly linked to respiratory diseases, its role in lung cancer is still ____________________.
5. While I liked the city, ________________ the changeable weather there was not easy.
6. It was reported that the fake milk powder ____________________ from the market by then.
7. When I was young, Mom ______________________ to provide me with good education.
8. Granny always keeps her cellphone ______________________ unless she’s expecting a call.
9. _________________ several thousand years, written Chinese was a picture-based language.
10. In the States, people under the age of 21 ___________________ drinking alcohol.
Ⅳ. 课文内容填空(每空不超过3个单词)
As acupuncture developed, the simple bian stones 1.____________(replace) by stone needles. 2.___________(eventual), metal needles began to appear and took the place of stone 3.________. These solid needles are made of different metals, such as gold and silver. Some 4.____________(acupuncture) today still use gold and silver needles, but the 5._________(major) have now switched to stainless steel ones. In addition to the changes in material, the shapes of the needles 6.______________(change) over time as well. Originally, there were nine different kinds of needles, with 7.___________(vary) in shape. Nowadays, the fine sharp needles 8.__________ (measure) usually between15 and 75 mm in 9.___________(long) are still used while most of the other have been replaced by 10._____________(complex) medical instruments.
选择性必修二 Unit 3 Fit for life
I. 单词短语默写
1. surgeon 2. physicist 3. chemist 4. dentist 5. specialize
6. affect 7. contract 8. identify 9. means, means 10. restore
11. fundamental 12. restrict 13. resistance 14. withdraw, withdrew, withdrawn
15. artificial 16. conventional 17. tackle 18. evidence 19. abuse
20. phenomenon, phenomena 21. relate to 22. prohibit sb from doing sth
23. wrestle with 24. put sth in place 25. without doubt 26. a ripe old age
27. go to great lengths to do 28. date back to 29. work to out advantage
30. come into widespread use
Ⅱ. 词汇填空
1. ultimately 2. resistance 3. identify 4. to 5. abnormal 6. grateful 7. disability
8. conventional 9. equipped 10. disturbed, disturbing 11. anxiety 12. phenomena
13. measuring 14. tackling 15. evidence
Ⅲ. 用所给短语的适当形式填空
1. wrestle with 2. had put, in place 3. take our place 4. under debate
5. adjusting to 6. had been withdrawn 7. went to great lengths 8. switched off
9. Dating back 10. are prohibited from
Ⅳ. 课文内容填空
1. were replaced 2. Eventually 3. ones 4. acupuncturists 5. majority
6. have changed 7. variations 8. measuring 9. length 10. more complex
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