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    新外研社(19)高中英语必修二Unit1Food for thought--Starting out&Understanding ideas课件
    新外研社(19)高中英语必修二Unit1Food for thought--Starting out&Understanding ideas课件01
    新外研社(19)高中英语必修二Unit1Food for thought--Starting out&Understanding ideas课件02
    新外研社(19)高中英语必修二Unit1Food for thought--Starting out&Understanding ideas课件03
    新外研社(19)高中英语必修二Unit1Food for thought--Starting out&Understanding ideas课件04
    新外研社(19)高中英语必修二Unit1Food for thought--Starting out&Understanding ideas课件05
    新外研社(19)高中英语必修二Unit1Food for thought--Starting out&Understanding ideas课件06
    新外研社(19)高中英语必修二Unit1Food for thought--Starting out&Understanding ideas课件07
    新外研社(19)高中英语必修二Unit1Food for thought--Starting out&Understanding ideas课件08
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    高中外研版 (2019)Unit 1 Food for thought课文配套ppt课件

    这是一份高中外研版 (2019)Unit 1 Food for thought课文配套ppt课件,共59页。PPT课件主要包含了Task 2,Japan,Korea,Summary,have known,对感到惊讶震惊,atby,to find,suffer,表示“偶遇”等内容,欢迎下载使用。

    Beijing duck
    Sichuan ht pt
    Stinky Tfu(臭豆腐)
    Chinese Hamburger(肉夹馍)
    Q: Have yu ever tried any f the fd ? What did yu think f it?
    Starting ut
    What d yu think f the title “Fd Fr Thught”?
    Different cuntries, different fd.
    Thinking abut fd 对于食物的探究Anything that prvides mental stimulus(激励) fr thinking 引人深思的东西
    Watch the vide and answer the questins.
    1. What different types f fd are intrduced in the vide? Beijing duck, dazhaxie and Sichuan ht pt.2. Have yu ever tried any f the fd in the vide? What did yu think f it?
    Have yu ever tried any f the fd in the pictures? Guess which cuntry d they belng t?
    maple syrup
    fish and chips
    black been salad
    Match the fd t the cuntries.
    Backgrund infrmatin
    Maple SyrupIt is a natural sweetener made frm the sap f maple trees. It has been cnsumed fr centuries in Nrth America and mst maple syrup is prduced in eastern Canada. It can be used as an alternative (替代品) t sugar in a variety f dishes, such as pancakes, waffles (华夫饼) , French tast, atmeal (燕麦片) and prridge.
    Black bean saladMexican black bean salad is a summer salad made f black beans, crn, tmates, nins and peppers. Using chilli pwder and garlic fr dressing (调料,调味酱), it usually has a bld and strng flavur. Yu can enjy it as a side salad r use it as a dip t serve with crisps r crn chips.
    In fact, every cuntry has its typical fd, when yu mentin it, yu will think f the cuntry. Discuss with yur partner and try t list sme.
    Hitsumabushi (鳗鱼饭)
    French Gse liver(法文:Fie gras)
    steak and red wine
    Kimchi 韩国泡菜
    Have yu ever tried sme f these fds abve? If yes, D yu like them and why? If nt, what fd abve d yu want t eat mst? And why? Try t talk with yur partner.
    Read the passage and talk abut yur understanding f the title.
    Nw let’s read the passage and find ut the answers.
    Understanding ideas
    Lk thrugh the passage and circle the crrect ptins.
     1. The text cmes frm a magazine/a nvel. 2. The phtgraphs are used t illustrate the tpic/ t catch the readers’ eyes. 3. The text is an expsitin/ a narrative.
    Match the main ideas with each paragraph.
    Para 1 ● Dad still has a prblem with certain Chinese dish thugh he lves Chinese fd.Para 2 ● I d nt have Dad’s prblem with Chinese fd.Para 3 ● I have a British father and a Chinese mther.Para 4 ● I enjy bth British and Chinese fd.Para 5 ● I enjy British breakfast made by Dad.Para 6 ● I gathered my curage t try stinky tfu.
    Chse the crrect symbls and cmplete the table with infrmatin frm the passage.
    Check yur answers!
    Mum has sweet memries f fd frm her hme twn in Sichuan, and ften cks spicy dishes.
    Thanks t this, Dad has cme t lve ht pt!
    Even tday, he still des nt easily take t eating things like chicken feet.
    But I enjy that srt f fd myself.
    Mum and I just have t find a way t get him int the kitchen.
    We all lve rast beef and vegetables...
    But just when I thught I culd deal with all Chinese fd, I came acrss stinky tfu, a hrrible grey thing...
    Read between the lines.
    Mum’s attitudes twards British fd
    Dad _________ lve, but, dare nt, suprised,shcked, still, nt easily taken t;Mum_________ ften ck spicy fd, lve, but, hadbetter nt, t much, suffer frm;I ___________ super, typical, lve;I ___________________ enjy, never frget, gather the curage, amazed, maybe, fall in lve * must have thught I was jking * there is nthing better than...
    Hw d yu knw their attitudes twards Chinese/ British fd?
    psitive & curius
    G thrugh the wrds and expressins discussed and put them in grups accrding t the cntext.
    names fr fd
    emtins and feelings
    negative actins
    psitive actins
    Chse the best answer.
    What is the functin f the last paragraph?A. T emphasize the authr’s preference fr tea.B. T explain hw the authr feels at hme.C. T respnd t the pening paragraph.D. T cnvey the authr’s understanding f pisn.
    Visualizing the structure
    a British father
    a Chinese mther
    fTw Cuisines
    full British breakfast f bacn, eggs, beans, sausages and tast with butter, a Sunday tast
    Try t retell the passage accrding t the structure.
    The narratr, a Chinese-British by, enjys bth ________ and _______________. Unlike his British father, wh _______ Chinese fd but still_______________certain dishes, he is ______ t Chinese diet challenges he has cme acrss. His adaptatin, psitive behavirs and attitude twards the _________________envirnment have benefited him, s that he is able t cmbine and blend aspects f bth ________________________________ in an enjyable way.
    British cuisines
    has a fear f
    British and Chinese
    Critical thinking
    Hw d yu understand “ ne man´s meat is anther man’s pisn” ?
    D yu think it true that “we are what we eat”?
    I think it is true because... Fr example, …
    I dn’t think it is true because... Fr example,…
    1. It means that smething that ne persn likes may nt be liked by smene else. Similar sayings in Chinese include “萝卜青菜,各有所爱”, etc.2. Open.
    Pssible answers
    Different cuntries, different fd
    Just behave psitively and try t enjy them in crss-cultural envirnment!
    Think and share: Are they yur fd?
    What are the pictures abut?D yu lve this kind f fd? What's yur feeling when lking at these pictures?Why d sme peple lve t eat such kind f disgusting and terrifying bushmeat?D yu knw the cncequences f eating them? (such as the bats)
    Think & Share.
    ● What fd shuld we eat with ur families?
    ●What shuld we d t keep the healthy eating in ur life?
    ● Can yu name the ingredients(配料;食材) f yur favrite dish?
    Language Pints
    1. Grwing up in England with a British father and a Chinese mther, I’ve enjyed fd frm bth cuntries ever since I was able t hld a knife and frk – and chpsticks.
    Grwing up in England with a British father and a Chinese mther, 此部分是现在分词短语做原因状语。
    ever since 自从……;从那以后,一直……可以单独使用,也可以后接从句。它引导的从句若用__________,主句则常用___________。 ever放在since之前是用来表达说话人强调主句的动作或状态持续时间很长。eg I ____________(knw) him ever since he was a child. 
    2. Thanks t this, Dad has cme t lve ht pt! thanks t: because f smene r smething 归功于某人/某事物; 多亏某人/某事物
    eg. Thanks t the vlunteers, they raised enugh mney. Thanks t the taxi driver, we arrived hme safely. We have gt it finished in the end — thanks t yu.
    因为,由于: because f/wing t/due t/as a result f
    cme t d sth. 开始做……
    1. He came up with a gd idea.2. Her dream finally came true.3. His new bk came ut last mnth and many peple went t buy it.4. Things are cming alng fine.5. Jim came acrss his ld friend in the park.6. An ld man came up t me and then he begged me fr a penny.
    3. But there are still sme dishes that Dad dare nt try even after many years f marriage t my mther.
    dare 既可以做情态动词也可以做实义动词
    4. 长难句:He nce tld me he was surprised by what he saw n the table when he first visited my mther’s parents in China.
    be surprised/amazed/shcked/atnished at/by sth.
    be surprised/amazed/shcked/atnished t d sth.
    1. Marry was shcked _______ the news when she heard it.2. Jim was s astnished _________(find) that there was a snake in his car.3. T his ____________(astnish), he was elected ur mnitr.
    5. Even tday, he still des nt easily take t eating things like chicken feet.
    take t ding sth:frm a habit f ding... 养成(做……)的习惯;开始定时(做……)eg. Tm has taken t jgging every mrning.
    take t sb / sth: t start t like sb r sth (尤指短时间接触后)喜欢上,喜爱eg Did the children take t him?
    6. He must have thught I was jking. must have dne表示对过去已经发生过的动作或状态做肯定推测,语气较强。 eg It must have rained last night, fr the grund is wet. Paraphrase: I’m sure that he thught I was jking.
    7. …but Mum says we’d better nt eat t much rast fd as it may make us suffer frm heat inside ur bdies, accrding t traditinal Chinese medicine. had better d sth: used t give advice abut what sb shuld d r t say 最好做某事 had better nt d sth 最好不要做某事 当主语是人称代词时,had better常可缩写为“’d better”
    Why nt d sth.Why dn’t yu d sth.
    eg I’d better g and get ready. I think yu’d better ask J first.
    【语境应用】完成句子。1. It’s half past tw. I think ______________________. 现在两点半了。我想我们最好还是回家吧。2. ________________ if yu're ging t get yur ticket. 想买到票的话,你最好跑几步。
    we had better g hme
    Yu'd better run
    suffer: t experience physical r mental pain感到疼痛; 遭受(痛苦); 蒙受suffer frm 遭受……之苦eg I'm suffering frm a bad back.
    【拓展】sufferer n. 患病者,受苦者,受难者  suffering n. 疼痛, 痛苦,折磨
    suffer pain/lss/pinishment/hardshipsuffer frm headache/illness/war/the fld
    1. Yu must be prepared t ____________ cnsequences. 你要准备承担后果。2. I’m ______________ a real lack f time this week. 我这周为时间不够用而苦。
    suffering frm
    8. But just when I thught I culd deal with all Chinese fd, I came acrss stinky tfu, a hrrible grey thing that lked and smelt like a burnt sprts she.
    9. It reminded me f blue cheese, a similarly strng smelling type f fd yu either lve r hate.
    blue cheese同位语
    (1) remind sb f: t cause remember 使(某人)想起eg The landscape reminded her f Sctland. That stry yu have just tld reminds me f an experience I nce had.
    (2) remind sb. t d sth. eg Remind me t buy sme milk tnight. (3) remind sb. that / hw从句eg Mrs. Well reminded her sn that they still had several peple t see. I was reminded hw lucky I was.
    【语境应用】根据括号内的汉语提示补全下面句子(每空一词)。1) Yu ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ (使我想起了你的父亲) when yu say that.2) Please ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ (提醒我寄这封信) this afternn.3) She gently _________ ________ ________ (提醒他) the baby was getting cld and shuld be taken indrs.
    remind me f
    remind me t
    reminded him that
    pst this
    yur father
    9. Peple say that ne man’s meat is anther man’s pisn, but I feel at hme with fd frm bth my cultures. feel at hme with sth: t feel happy r cnfident abut ding r using sth eg Practise using the vide until yu feel quite at hme with it. 翻译: 人们常说,一个人的佳肴可能是另一个的 毒药,但中英两种文化中的食物我都喜欢。
    10. T me, there’s nthing better than a crss-cultural aternn tea...
    1. I have never seen a better film like this befre.
    = This is the best film that I’ve seen.
    2. There’s nthing better than having a spicy ht pt.
    = Having a spicy ht pt is the best thing.
    3. ---D yu want a creamcake? ---It culd’t be better.
    = It culd be the best.
    1. Can yu be able t understand the key infrmatin f the vide clip?2. Can yu be able t express yur ideas with the previus wrds yu learned?
    3. Can yu be able t wrk tgether with yur team and supprt yur teammates?4. Can yu be able t share yur understanding with cnfidence?

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