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英语选择性必修 第二册Unit 1 Science and Scientists优质教学设计
展开人教新版选择性必修二 Unit 1 Using Language 1教学设计
Talk about scientific experiences
授课教师 | 陈恒艳 | 学校、年级 | 高二 |
课型 | Listening and Speaking | 时长 | 40分钟 |
教学设计理念 | |||
1、依据《新课标》提出的指向学科核心素养发展的英语学习活动观。 活动是英语学习的基本形式,是学习者学习和尝试运用语言理解与表达意义,培养文化意识,发展多元思维,形成学习能力的主要途径。本课时英语学习活动的设计以促进学生英语学科核心素养的发展为目标,围绕主题语境,通过学习理解、应用实践、迁移创新等活动,引导学生加深对本单元主题意义的理解,鼓励学生对所学知识进行大胆的迁移运用,启发学生围绕主题表达个人的情感和观点。 2、依据《新课标》提出的处理好教学评的关系以达到以评促教、以评促学的目的。 《普通高中英语课程标准(2017 年版)》提出在实际教学中,教师应处理好评价与教和学之间的关系。课堂评价活动应贯穿教学的全过程,为检测教学目标服务,以发现学生学习中的问题,并提供及时帮助和反馈,促进学生更有效地开展学习。本课时每一环节都有相关的评价活动,评价形式有师生口头互动、评价表等口头与书面的形式,记录和评价学生的课堂参与情况、知识掌握和运用的情况,并以此来调整上课的进度和教学的侧重,使学习真正发生在每一个学生的身上。 | |||
文本解读 | |||
主题语境:人与社会——科学经历 语篇类型:对话 语篇研读: 【what】 本单元Using Language板块主要分为两个部分,在人与自我、人与社会的主题下,学生需要结合教材内容思考探究体验式学习的益处,以及科学家所具备的素养和科学精神的内涵。在第一 部分,学生进行听力理解和口头表达。该部分的活动主题是“谈论科学研究的经历”(Talk about scientific experiences), 听说活动聚焦参观科学博物馆,通过这样的科学探究和体验方式激活学生的相关经历,让学生谈 论不同类型的科学探究活动,描述自己参与科学实验和科学研究的经历,与同学交流。该板块体 现了科学与生活、科学与学习的联系 【why】 听力文本是一段发生在朋友之间的对话。在对话中, Bill 因为生病没能去科学博 物馆参观,他的朋友Judy为他讲述了这次妙趣横生的科学探究经历。这次体验活动涉及物理、生物等诸多科学领域,充分调动了参观者的视觉、听觉、触觉等多重感官。 Judy对博物馆内的实 验设施作了生动的描述,也表达了自己的惊叹和好奇 (I especially liked an area of the museum …/ It was really cool./… suddenly we could see ../You'll never guess.…)。Bill对此产生了极大的兴 趣 (Come on, tell me!/Oh, I wish I had been there. Tell me more!/It all sounds so cool. I wish I could have gone with you.)。上述表达会激发学生对科学探究以及这种体验式学习方式的兴趣,并唤醒 他们的相关体验和经历。 【How】 该部分共有七个活动,前四个活动围绕听力理解展开。活动1和活动2是听前步 骤,旨在引导学生通过观察图片预测听力内容,培养他们的听前预测策略,同时激活他们的相关 背景知识和体验,为接下来的听力理解做好准备。活动3旨在帮助学生抓住对话内容的主线,即 五个科学体验活动,学生需要将活动1中科学体验活动的照片按顺序排列。活动4旨在帮助学生 抓住对话的关键信息和重要细节。活动5至活动7是听后表达活动。首先,学生对听力对话中所描述的科学实践活动发表看法,并分享自己参与过的相关的科学体验活动,与同伴交流。然后, 学生开展“头脑风暴”,选择一项自己感兴趣的科学研究或实验活动,并向全班展示和介绍。教材提供了描述科学现象的示范,以及该功能项目的常见语言结构,为学生顺利完成口语任务提供 语言支架 | |||
学情分析 | |||
【语篇话题】 该部分的活动主题是“谈论科学研究的经历”(Talk about scientific experiences), 听说活动聚焦参观科学博物馆,通过这样的科学探究和体验方式激活学生的相关经历,让学生谈论不同类型的科学探究活动,描述自己参与科学实验和科学研究的经历,与同学交流。该板块体现了科学与生活、科学与学习的联系。 【语篇类型与听力技巧】 本课时的听力素材是听力文本是一段发生在朋友之间的对话。在对话中, Bill 因为生病没能去科学博 物馆参观,他的朋友Judy为他讲述了这次妙趣横生的科学探究经历。学生经历了必修课本的学习,应该对该文本类型较熟悉,并且掌握一定的听取信息的技巧。 【口语输出】 表达方面,对科学探究和体验方式比较薄弱,缺少相关词汇句型支撑,有一定的难度。 | |||
教学目标 | |||
1. 学生能够听懂对话的内容,并能抓取关键信息,含访谈话题、细节信息等。(获取与梳理 A2) 2. 学生能够了解对话时如何提问可以获取更多的信息。(推理与论证C1) 3. 学生能够结合本课时学习的相关内容以谈论科学研究的经历。(想象与创造 C3) | |||
教学重难点 | |||
教学重点: 1. 听懂对话的内容,并能抓取关键信息,含访谈话题、细节信息等。(获取与梳理 A2) 2. 学生能够了解对话时如何提问可以获取更多的信息。(推理与论证C1) 教学难点: 1. 结合本课时学习谈论科学研究的经历。(想象与创造 C3) | |||
教学资源 | |||
教材、多媒体课件、黑板以及粉笔 |
教学 目标 | 活动形式与步骤 | 活动意图 | 活动 层次 | 学习效果评价 | 时间 |
| Check the homework Possible version: Ladies and gentleman, today I would like to introduce Tu Youyou to all of you. Born in Ningbo, Zhejiang province in 1930, Tu graduated from Beijing university in 1955. She won the Nobel Prize in 2015, of whom we are proud. What makes her a great pharmacologist is that she devoted her whole life to fighting against malaria. After hundreds of failures, she finally discovered the medicine called artemisinin because of her hard work and determination, which makes it possible for people to get rid of maralia. However, successful as she is, she doesn't care about being famous. Furthermore, she would rather keep time for her study so that people all around the world could benefit from her research. She is a person we Chinese all take pride in and we should learn from her.
| 通过展示作业让学生大胆在课堂上说英语。 | (B3内化与运用)
| 检出作业及训练口语能力。 | 1 min |
教学目标一 | Activity 1 Look at the photo below, and discuss in groups what these activities have to do with science. Look at the photo below, and discuss in groups what these activities have to do with science. (A I think the dish in this exhibition is related to sound. Maybe the boy is whispering into the smaller circle and the dish can make his voice louder.) (B This looks like a piano you play with your feet. Maybe it shows how sound works.) (C I'm not sure what this one shows, but it must be about light or eyesight.) (D It is a hall of mirrors. Maybe it has to do with the principles of reflection.) (E This is probably an experiment involving the composition of light.) | 引导学生通过观察图片预测听力内容,培养他们的听前预测策略,同时激活他们的相关 背景知识和体验,为接下来的听力理解做好准备。 | 分析与判断B2
获取与梳理A2 | 学生能够通过观察和描述图片进行预测。
| 8 mins |
教学目标一 | Activity 2:Before listening: 1 Where are the people in the conversation going to go? (They are going to a science museum.) 2. What kind of place is it, and what does it focus on? (It is a science museum that focuses on letting visitors experience science through interactive learning exhibitions.) 3 .What kinds of things can you do there? (You can probably try different activities to learn about sound, light, reflection, and so on. For example, you can go to a room with many mirrors facing each other so it looks like there are many copies of you! Or you can play with a big piano on the floor.
| 引导学生通过观察图片预测听力内容,培养他们的听前预测策略,同时激活他们的相关背景知识和体验,为接下来的听力理解做好准备。 | 获取与梳理A2
概括与整合A3 | 进一步引导学生预测图片。培养学生通过问题更好的进行预测。 | 15mins |
教学目标一 教学目标二
教学目标三 | Activity 3:While-listening Listen to the conversation and see if your answers for Activity 2 are correct. Then write down the letters (A-E) for the photos in the order that you hear them described. Listen again and complete the descriptions of the photos above. Photo B: A giant ____________.that you can use your feet to play. Instead of playing the sounds of a piano, it plays the voices of________________. Photo C: You look at a blue screen for a while, and then suddenly you can see________________ moving around on it. These are our_______________________ Photo D: A______________________ where you can see yourself reflected thousands of times. Photo E: You stand in front of_______________ and it casts different shadows of you, in________________________ the rainbow. (reflects;makes it louder;whisper;piano keyboard;classical singers;tiny bright lights;own blood cells;hall of mirrors;a white light;every color of) Activity 4:Speaking 1. The conversation is about the City of Science and Industry, a museum in Paris. Would you like to go to this museum? Why or why not? Sample The reason why I would like to go to this museum is that it is an amazing place for us to have fun, learn, and get inspired.Just as the pictures show, there is a lot of interesting stuff to do there. What I like most is that I can participate in the interactive activities and explore the scientific phenomena for myself. 2. Are there any museums like this in China? What other interesting museums are there? (Yes. There are other interesting museums such as art museum or museum about ancient treasure.) Make a short presentation Make a short presentation to the class about your choice. Use the example and useful phrases below to help you. EXAMPLE Today, I want to talk to you about a very strange phenomenon called a non-Newtonian fluid. You can make it easily using equal parts of water and cornflour, like I have here. Anon-Newtonian fluid is strange because you can pour it like a liquid, but if you put any pressure on it, it suddenly becomes hard as concrete. In fact, it becomes hard enough to stand on. Then, as soon as you take the pressure off, it becomes a liquid again. This shows that it is possible that something can exist as a liquid and a solid at the same time. useful phrases: Talking about scientific phenomena .. can/cannot exist in the form of a solid/gas and a liquid/plasma ... ... Is both a ... And a.. . at the same time .. how light/sound is reflected ... ... the existence of other… This occurs when ... If you ....it will become .... That demonstrates …. This experiment/research shows. .. Through this, we know that ... We can prove that ... This evidence proves … (Today, I want to talk to you about the positive and negative charges of molecules. We can demonstrate how these interact through a simple experiment using milk, dish soap, and food coloring. First, cover the bottom of a shallow plate with milk. Now add two or three drops of different liquid food coloring to the center of the milk. They should form one large dark puddle in the middle of the milk. Now, dip a cotton swab into dish soap, and it into the middle of the food place coloring. You will see the colors quickly move to escape from the soap, making interesting and beautiful patterns. This happens because the dish soap molecules have a strong negative charge, and the milk molecules have a strong positive charge. Like magnets, these molecules are attracted to each other, and so they appear to move around on the plate, taking the food coloring with them, making it look like the colors are quickly moving to escape from the soap. )
| 帮助学生抓住对话内容的主线,即五个科学体验活动,学生需要将活动1中科学体验活动的照片按顺序排列。
帮助学生 抓住对话的关键信息和重要细节
| 批判与评价C2
| 培养学生抓取关键信息,并确定描述的顺序。
通过搭建支架,让各个层次的学生都能更好地完成任务。 | 4 mins |
| Step 6 Assessment Students will be asked to finish the check list at the end of the class.
| 学生完成本课时的评价表检测自己对本节课内容的掌握情况。 |
| 学生能够完成评价量表。 | 1 min |
| Step 7: Homework Writing Write down your interesting scientific experience? | 把说的内容进一步转成写的能力。 |
| 学生能够 以书面形式去表达科学经历。
| 1 min |
英语选择性必修 第二册Unit 1 Science and Scientists优秀教学设计及反思: 这是一份英语选择性必修 第二册Unit 1 Science and Scientists优秀教学设计及反思,共7页。教案主要包含了What等内容,欢迎下载使用。
高中英语人教版 (2019)选择性必修 第二册Unit 1 Science and Scientists获奖教案: 这是一份高中英语人教版 (2019)选择性必修 第二册Unit 1 Science and Scientists获奖教案,共6页。教案主要包含了what等内容,欢迎下载使用。
人教版 (2019)选择性必修 第二册Unit 1 Science and Scientists公开课教学设计: 这是一份人教版 (2019)选择性必修 第二册Unit 1 Science and Scientists公开课教学设计,共19页。教案主要包含了what,语篇话题,语篇语言,语篇理解等内容,欢迎下载使用。