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高中英语人教版 (2019)选择性必修 第二册Unit 5 First Aid精品教案
展开高中英语人教版(2019)必修第二册 Unit 1 Cultural Heritage教学设计
授课教师 | 冯旭霞 | 学校、年级 | 高二 |
课型 | Video Time | 时长 | 40mins |
教学设计理念 | |||
1、依据《新课标》(2017)提出的基于六要素整合、指向学科核心素养发展的英语学习活动观。 活动是英语学习的基本形式,是学习者学习和尝试运用语言理解与表达意义,培养文化意识,发展多元思维,形成学习能力的主要途径。本节课基于六要素整合、指向学科核心素养发展的英语学习活动观,设计了学习理解,应用实践,迁移创新等不同层次的思维活动,旨在帮助学生获取文本信息,引导学生加深对主题意义的理解,帮助学生在活动中习得语言知识、文化知识,发展运用语言技能,提升思维品质,进而尝试在新的语境中运用所学语言和文化知识,创造性地表达个人观点、情感和态度,最终达到提高学生英语学科能力,落实核心素养。 2、依据《新课标》提出的处理好教学评的关系以达到以评促教、以评促学的目的。 在实际教学中,教师应处理好评价与教和学之间的关系,推动教、学、评一体化实施。教学评价是英语课程的重要组成部分,其目的是促进英语学习, 改善英语教学,完善课程设计,监控学业质量。本节课中教学评价贯穿在教学实践的各个环节,综合运用问答、课堂观察、作品分析等方式收集学生学习和发展的数据信息做出评价,通过评价使学生在英语学习过程中不断体验进步与成功,认识自我,建立自信,调整学习策略,以此促进学生英语学科核心素养的全面发展。
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文本解读 | |||
【what】视频介绍了巴西里约热内卢的一种特殊的海上救援方式---使用滑翔伞搜救溺水者。在视频中Ruy Marra首先回顾了自己第一次使用滑翔伞救人的经历,接着叙述了该机构的发展历程,并详细介绍了滑翔伞飞行员配合地面救生人员实施援救的过程。 【why】该板块活动检测学生对视频内容的理解,旨在让学生了解滑翔伞搜救溺水者的操作过程,引导学生对这种救援方式做出评价。 【How】通过“看前-看中-看后”的模式,让学生进行视频学习。看前,学生通过视频截图图片以及补充的视频和书上的背景简述、对内容预测,激发好奇心和获取背景知识,积累话题词汇,扫除一定的词汇障碍,即完成第一层次“What do you expect to see in the video?”;看中,进行两遍视频学习,第一遍侧重获取事实性内容,检测对滑翔伞救援机构的理解,第二遍侧重于记录滑翔伞搜救溺水者的操作过程,完成填空练习,并进行思考、感悟急救的重要性,即完成第二层次“What have you learned from the video?”;看后,根据问题链回答问题,小组重点讨论三个问题,启发学生对视频内容的思考,活跃思维,进行知识迁移,即完成第三层次 “What else do you want to know about this topic?”。 | |||
学情分析 | |||
学生经过前面几节课时的学习,对急救的知识和技能的了解与兴趣都有所提升,而且对视频学习一直相对感兴趣,具备一定的信息技术素养,但是视频中生词较多,学生掌握的不多,而且看视频时注意力更多放在看上,手头笔记做的并不多,因此对视频内容的理解有欠缺,老师需要多强调看也是获取知识,提升能力的重要技能,心里要重视,并在看前创设语境,扫除一些词汇障碍,引导他们边看边去记一些信息,并积极思考理解语句想要表达的意义。 | |||
教学目标 | |||
At the end of the class, the students will be able to: get the key facts about Para-Life Rescue and its founder, Ruy Marra; list the correct order of steps of Para-Life rescue service; talk about paramotors’ advantages over traditional forms of water rescue along with its disadvantages; understand the significance of providing first aid; | |||
教学重难点 | |||
Main learning focus: Enable students to get the key facts about Para-Life Rescue and its founder, Ruy Marra Learning difficulties How to effectively sort out the correct order of steps of Para-Life rescue service How to use the chunks and sentences to express understanding of the significance of providing first aid | |||
教学资源 | |||
课件 PPT、多媒体
教学目标 | 活动形式与步骤 | 活动意图 | 活动 层次 | 学习效果评价 | 时间 |
| Step1 Lead-in Activity1: Students present the steps of how to save a drowning person
Activity 2: enjoy pictures
Activity 3: enjoy a video
| 创设情景,复习旧知,激发学习新知的兴趣让学生在看本课的视频内容前,尽量通过图片和补充视频多了解背景知识,积累词汇,激发学习兴趣。 |
描述与阐释 | 学生能够流畅表达对溺水者的施救方法和步骤
Get the key facts about Para-Life Rescue and its founder, Ruy Marra | Step 2 Before you watch Activity1 Read the background information Para-Life Rescue The paramotor was originally invented for sports and leisure, but these days it is saving lives. In this video, Ruy Marra tells about his rescue experience using a paramotor and his beach safety business. Activity 2 Complete the sentences with the correct words. 1 ____ is a type of aircraft with a lightweight engine and a large propeller(螺旋桨) strapped to the pilot. 2 ____ is in Brazil. 3 ____ is a man who started the Para-Life rescue service business in 1995. 4 ____ is something that can be worn in the water to prevent you from sinking. |
看前阅读背景知识和选词填空可以帮助学生积累话题词汇,以及视频中出现的词汇,有利于学生观看视频时捕捉关键信息,提高看的效率和质量。 |
分析与判断 |
学生能根据问题准确的表达和滑翔伞搜救相关的信息。学生能够根据背景知识合理预测视频内容,结合自己的背景知识做出正确的词汇选择。 | 5mins |
Get the key facts about Para-Life Rescue and its founder, Ruy Marra
| Step3 While you watch Activity 1 Enjoy the video. Decide if the following statements are true (T) or false (F).
1. ( ) Marra has a staff of twenty people working for him. 2. ( ) Marra’s company has saved the lives of more than eighty people. 3. ( ) Marra did not need government approval to set up his company. 4. ( ) Marra communicates with the paramotor pilots through two-way radios. 5. ( ) A rip current(离岸流,裂流) is a dangerous flow of water that moves away from the beach.
| 让学生观看视频,初步获取视频内容,判断正误,进行更正。 | 分析与判断 内化与运用 | 学生观看视频,初步获取有关 Para-Life Rescue and its founder, Ruy Marra基本信息,检测看前预测,增加学习自信。 | 6mins |
List the correct order of steps of Para-Life rescue service;
| Activity 2 Watch the video again. Number the following steps in the correct order. ___ The pilot calls the lifeguard. ___ The pilot manoeuvres close enough to drop the life preserver to the swimmer. ___ The pilot sees a victim. ___ Para-Life pilots strap themselves into the paramotor. ___ The pilot then continues to fly above the victim until the lifeguards arrive. ___ The pilot flies against the wind to reduce flight speed. Group discussion Finish a table about the Para-Life Rescue
| 让学生再次观看视频,边看边记录关键信息,完成排序练习。 思考滑翔伞水上救援的急救过程和重要性
总结积累主题相关的词块和语句 | 描述与阐释
内化与运用 | 学生再次观看视频,提升记笔记能力,获取关键信息,完成排序练习。
| 12mins |
Talk about paramotors’ advantages over traditional forms of water rescue along with its disadvantages;
| Step3 After You Watch Discussion Discuss the questions in pairs. 1.What are some advantages of paramotors over traditional forms of water rescue? The main advantage is the ability to spot the person who is in trouble and get there quickly. The main disadvantage is that the paramotor cannot land and pick the person up. 2.As a business, how might the Para-Life rescue service make money? Is it right to charge victims for rescue? If so, how much should they be charged? What if they cannot pay? It could make money through a contract with the government. While it does not seem right to charge the victims money, in fact ambulance services, docotrs, nurses, and hospitals charge victims money all the time. If people are charged money, it should be based on the time and expense required to rescue them, but that amount is hard to determine. As the victim would be billed after the rescue, if the victim cannot pay it will be just like any other bill the victim might have.
One kind of rescue involves dogs that can sniff out people trapped in buildings after an earthquake. The dog just wanders over the ruined building sniffing the ground. If it smells a person, it makes a sign or begins to bark. Rescuers then know where to dig. As a person can survive for as long as three days without water, so long as the person can breathe and is not too badly injured there is still a good chance of rescue in this situation. |
学生重点关注滑翔伞水上救援的优点,同时能用所积累的词块和语句对思辨性问题发表自己的看法。 | 13mins |
| Homework | 让学生在新的具体语境中理解获取红十字会的创社背景、发展历程及其贡献 | 内化与运用
想象与创造 | 学生通过完成课后泛读作业,全方位更深入的理解急救的意义 | 1min |
板书设计 |
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教学反思 本课中选取了丰富多彩的图片和动态视频,更好地激发学生的学习兴趣,对滑翔伞水上救援这种新型的救援方式进行深入的理解,同时期望学生能够创新设计更多的救援方式。 |
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