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    牛津译林版 初中英语 七年级上册 Unit 6 Food and lifestyle 全单元教案(8课时)+全单元课时练习(无答案)
    牛津译林版 初中英语 七年级上册 Unit 6 Food and lifestyle 全单元教案(8课时)+全单元课时练习(无答案)01
    牛津译林版 初中英语 七年级上册 Unit 6 Food and lifestyle 全单元教案(8课时)+全单元课时练习(无答案)02
    牛津译林版 初中英语 七年级上册 Unit 6 Food and lifestyle 全单元教案(8课时)+全单元课时练习(无答案)03
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    牛津译林版 初中英语 七年级上册 Unit 6 Food and lifestyle 全单元教案(8课时)+全单元课时练习(无答案)

    这是一份牛津译林版 初中英语 七年级上册 Unit 6 Food and lifestyle 全单元教案(8课时)+全单元课时练习(无答案),共19页。

    牛津译林版七年级英语上册7A Unit 6
    Welcome to the unit
    ·Teaching goals
    ● To learn new vocabulary about food: hamburger, vegetable, carrot
    ● To talk about likes and dislikes with regard to food: What food do you like? I like hamburgers. Do you like carrots? No, I don’t like/dislike/hate them. What about fish?
    ·Teaching procedures
    Step 1: Warming up
    Ask students to name as many kinds of food as possible in English and write their
    names on the blackboard and group them. Teachers can ask the following questions:
    What food do you have for breakfast/ lunch/ supper?
    What food do you like? Why?
    What food do you dislike? Why not?
    What food is good for us?
    What food is bad for us?
    What Chinese food do you know?
    What Western food do you know?
    Do you like Chinese food or Western food? Why?
    Step 2: Presenting
    Show the pictures in Part A on page 59 to students and ask:
    T: What food is it? / What food are they?
    S: It’s a bowl of rice./ They are hamburgers.

    Ask students to read the eight words one by one.
    Ask students what food in Part A they love/ like/ dislike/ hate.
    T: What food do you love/like?/ What is your favourite food?
    S: I love/ like …
    T: What food do you dislike/ hate?
    S: I dislike/ hate…
    Step 3: Practicing
    a. Ask students to write the food they like or dislike in the table of Part A.
    b. Ask students to make up a conversation, using the one in Part B as an example.
    A: I like bananas. What food do you like?
    B: I like hamburgers.
    A: Do you like carrots? They are my favourite food.
    B: No, I dislike them. What about fish?
    A: I like fish. It is healthy. I don’t like eggs. What about you?
    B: I hate eggs.

    c. Ask a few pairs of students to role.play the conversation in front of the class.
    d. Ask students to talk about their family. Say: My sister loves ice cream. My father hates chocolate.
    Step 4: Presenting
    T: How many meals do you have every day? Why do we need to have meals? Because we need a lot of energy every day to work and study, or we’ll be hungry. Does Hobo think Eddie need a lot of energy?
    Show the pictures on page 58to students. Ask them to look at picture 1, asking: What time is it now? Is it time for lunch? What will Eddie have for lunch? Let’s listen to the tape.
    Step 5: Listening and answering
    What’ll Eddie eat for lunch? (A hamburger.)
    Is he always hungry? (Yes.)
    Why? (He needs a lot of energy.)
    Does he often do some exercise/ exercise? (Never.)
    Why does he need a lot of energy? (He walks to his bowl many times a day.)
    What do you think of Eddie? (He’s lazy and likes eating.)
    Is he healthy?
    Step 6: Listening again and repeating
    Step 7: Acting out
    Ask students to role play the conversation.
    Step 8: Discussing
    Ask students to discuss how to be a healthy person according to Comic strip. (Exercise more and eat healthy food.)
    Step 9: Making a summary
    T: In this period, we have learned about the names of some food and talked about
    what food we like and dislike. We also learned a comic strip which showed us the
    main points of this unit.
    Step 10: Doing consolidation exercises
    Step 11: Doing homework
    Oral work: Revise this period, listen, repeat and recite Comic strip.
    Written work: Teachers can assign students this part according to their own conditions.

    Period 2 Reading (1)
    Teaching goals
    ● To learn some new words and expressions in the text and understand the text
    ● To describe Kitty’s and Daniel’s diets and lifestyles according to the text
    Teaching procedures
    Step 1: Making a revision
    Ask students some questions to revise the names of some food and their likes and dislikes.
    What fruit/drinks/vegetables/meat/snacks do you know?
    What food do you like/ dislike? Why?
    What do you usually have for three meals?
    Step 2: Presenting
    According to Student A’s answers, first tell the students: we call the food a person usually eats diet. Then ask the students: Do you think Student A’s diet is healthy? Every day we spend lots of time working and studying. So it is easy for us to get tired. Do you think a healthy diet is important for us to keep healthy/fit? Some students always have Coke when they are thirsty. They seldom have boiled water. Is it healthy? Of course not. Because Coke gives us energy, but there is too much sugar in it. So do sweet snacks, such as chocolate and cakes. Then what should we have to keep fit? (Students’ own answers)
    Step 3: Listening and answering
    Ask students to listen to the information about Kitty, ask:
    What does Kitty want to be? (dancer)
    What is her diet?
    Is it healthy?
    Step 4: Presenting
    T: Besides a healthy diet, what else do we need to do to keep fit? (do some exercise) Some students spend a lot of time studying. They are good at studying. They are the best/ top students in their classes or schools. But they never exercise, and they love Coke and hamburgers. Do you think they have a healthy lifestyle? Do you think they need to change? Daniel is such a student. Let’s listen to his information.
    Step 5: Listening and answering
    Is Daniel a top student?
    What does he like to have for lunch?
    What does he like doing after school?
    Does he do any exercise?
    What does he plan to do to change his lifestyle?
    Step 6: Listening again and finishing off Part B1
    Answers: 1.e, 2.d, 3.h, 4.f, 5.a, 6.b, 7.c, 8.g.
    Step 7: Reading the text and finishing off Part B2
    Ask students to read the text by themselves, then write what food and drinks Kitty and Daniel have every day.
    Answers: Kitty: apples, milk, bread, meat, vegetables, oranges, bananas
    Daniel: Coke, Hamburgers.
    Step 8: Retelling
    Ask students to describe Kitty’s and Daniel’s diets and lifestyles. Teachers can give some key words.
    Step 9: Discussing
    Whose diet and lifestyle are healthier? Why?
    Step 10: Making a summary
    T: In this period, we have learned some new words and expressions in the text. And we have known something about what is a healthy diet and what is a healthy lifestyle by reading the text.
    Step 11: Doing consolidation exercises
    Step 12: Doing homework
    Oral work: Listen to and repeat the text, revise new words and expressions.
    Written work: Teachers can assign students this part according to their own conditions.

    Period 3 Reading (2)
    Teaching goals
    ● To understand the text and the language points deeply
    ● To talk about personal diet and lifestyle according to the text
    Teaching procedures
    Step 1: Making a revision
    Ask two students to introduce Kitty’s and Daniel’s diets and lifestyles respectively.
    Step 2: Finishing off Part C1
    Ask students to tell whether the statements are true or not, and then correct the false ones.
    Answers: F T F T T F
    Step 3: Listening and repeating
    Play the tape again, and ask the students to repeat the text sentence by sentence.
    Step 4: Explaining
    Explain the language points to the students.
    Step 5: Read and answer (Part C2)
    Ask students to read the text again, and then answer the questions in Part C2 in pairs.
    Answers: every day, two hours, wants to play basketball, juice and bread.
    Step 6: Discussing
    Say something about students’ own diets and lifestyles according to the text.
    Discuss whose diet and lifestyle are healthier, whose are unhealthier. Why?
    How to change the unhealthy diet and lifestyle?
    Ask the students to work in groups of four, and then each group gives a report.
    Step 7: Playing a game
    Play the game Find someone who… in groups of four.
    Students ask each other the following questions (write them on the blackboard first for the students to copy). If the student’s answer to the question is a ‘yes’, then his/her name is written down next to the question. After five minutes, ask the students to count the number of names they have written down on his/ her sheet. The students with the most names wins and he/ she has the healthiest lifestyle.
    1. Do you eat any snacks? 10. Do you hate hamburgers?
    2. Do you eat breakfast every morning? 11. Do you like vegetables?
    3. Do you eat meat every day? 12. Can you name two healthy drinks?
    4. Do you swim twice a week? 13. Do you watch TV every night?
    5. Do you eat fruit every day? 14. Do you play computer games?
    6. Do you walk to school? 15. Do you like dancing?
    7. Can you run fast?
    8. Do you love sports?
    9. Do you dislike lemons?
    Step 8: Making a summary
    T: In this period, we have learned to describe our personal diets and lifestyles.
    Step 9: Doing consolidation exercises
    Step 10: Doing homework
    Oral work: Listen to, repeat and recite the text
    Written work: Teachers can assign students this part according to their own conditions.

    Period 4 Grammar (1)
    Teaching goals
    ●To recognize and use adverbs of frequency: always, usually, often, sometimes, seldom, never.
    Teaching procedures
    Step 1: Making a revision
    Ask one student to say something about his / her diet and lifestyle.
    Step 2: Presenting
    According to what the student says in Step 1, ask the other students some questions:
    What does he / she have for breakfast / lunch / supper?
    How often does he / she have it?
    What sports does he / she play after school?
    How often does he / she do it?
    Ask students how often they play football, badminton, go swimming, dancing, roller-skating, etc.
    Present adverbs of frequency: always, usually, often, sometimes, seldom, never. At the same time, show the graph in Part A to the students, explain the meanings of different adverbs of frequency.
    Step 3: Practicing
    ·Ask students to complete Part A1.
    Answers: 1.often 2.seldom 3.usually 4.never 5.always 6.sometimes
    ·Work in pairs to talk about their daily life by using adverbs of frequency.
    A: How often do you …?
    B: I always / usually / often / sometimes / seldom / never ….
    ·Students are always interested in the life of their teacher. Tell them how often you do certain things, e.g.,
    I always walk to school.
    I never drive.
    I sometimes eat lunch in a restaurant.
    I often eat fruit and salad at lunchtime.
    Ask the students to say something about themselves or their partners by imitating what you have said.
    Step 4: Extension activity
    ·Ask students to write out their diets on a piece of paper.
    ·Then in pairs, students ask their partners about these foods, using the structure How often do you eat…?
    ·Students compare their eating habits with their partners’. Ask for a few volunteers to report their results to the class.
    Step 5: Making a summary
    T: In this period, we’ve learned how to use adverbs of frequency. Pay attention to their differences and their positions in sentences, e.g. I always get up at six in the morning. I am always happy.
    Step 6: Doing consolidation exercises
    Step 7: Doing homework
    Oral work: Revise this period
    Written work: Teachers can assign this part according to their own conditions.

    Period 5 Grammar (2)
    Teaching goals
    ● To recognize and use countable and uncountable nouns
    ● To master the rules of forming the plural forms of countable nouns
    ● To recognize and use the indefinite articles to talk about things that are countable
    ● To master how to show the amounts of uncountable nouns: a … of + UC
    ● To learn ‘There be’ structure
    Teaching procedures
    Step 1: Making a revision
    Show a picture of different kinds of foods to the students.
    Ask them “What can you see on the table?” Students say the names of foods on the table and put them into five groups.
    Step 2: Presenting
    Teacher points at an apple, asking “What’s this?” S: It’s an apple. T: How many apples are there? S: There are three apples.
    Present tomato—tomatoes, strawberry—strawberries, in the same way.
    Present countable nouns (What does a countable noun refer to? How to use ‘a’/‘an’? How to form the plural forms of countable nouns? ) Ask students to look at Part B on page 65.
    Teacher points at a bowl of rice, asking “What’s this?” S: It’s rice. T: How many bowls of rice are there? S: There is a bowl of rice.
    Present uncountable nouns (What does an uncountable noun refer to? How to show the amounts of uncountable nouns: a… of + UC e.g. a packet of salt. two packets of salt)
    Step 3: Practicing
    Complete the dialogue ‘At the supermarket’ on page 66, putting the things they are going to buy into the correct categories (singular countable nouns/plural countable nouns/uncountable nouns), and then act it out.
    Answers: 1.chicken, 2.bag, 3.rice, 4.a packet of salt, 5.vegetables, 6.carrots, 7.potatoes, 8.lemons, 9.apple, 10.Coke, 11.cartons of milk.
    Countable nouns (singular): apple
    Countable nouns (plural): vegetables, carrots, potatoes, lemons
    Uncountable nouns: chicken, rice, salt, Coke, milk
    Step 4: Playing a game
    ·Write this sentence on the blackboard: ‘I am going to the supermarket to buy …’. Start the game by adding an item at the end of the sentence. e.g. I am going to the supermarket to buy some bread. Ask the next student to repeat your sentence, and add another item, e.g. I am going to the supermarket to buy some bread and some eggs. Go round the class, asking each student to add another item to the list. The game ends when a student cannot remember all the items.
    ·Bring to class 10.15 food items that were already introduced in the unit. Place them on your desk for everyone to see. Ask students to look at the items carefully for one minute, and then cover the items with a cloth or a large piece of paper. Ask students to write down as many items as they can remember with the correct article ‘a’ or ‘an’.
    Step 5: Presenting
    Use the picture in Step 1 again
    Ask: How many watermelons are there?
    Is there an orange on the table?
    Is there any/much Coke on the table?
    Are there any/many bananas on the table?
    Step 6: Practicing
    Complete the dialogue ‘Talking about food’ on page 67, and then act it out in pairs.
    Answers: 1.Is there, 2.there is, 3.There is, 4.there isn’t, 5.Is there, 6.there is, 7.There are, 8.There is, 9.Is there, 10.there is, 11.There are, 12.Is there, 13.there isn’t.
    Step 7: Extension activity
    Ask students to make dialogues about their school/classroom/stationery/drinks by using ‘there is’/ ‘there are’.
    e.g. A: Is/Are there… in your classroom?
    B: Yes, there is. / No, there isn’t.
    Yes, there are. / No, there aren’t.
    A: How many… are there in your classroom?
    B: There is/are… in my classroom.
    Step 8: Making a summary
    T: In this period, we have learned how to use countable and uncountable nouns, and ‘there be’ structure.
    Step 9: Doing consolidation exercises
    Step 10: Doing homework
    Oral work: Revise this period.
    Written work: Teachers can assign this part according to their own conditions.

    Period 6 Integrated Skills
    Teaching goals
    ● To listen for specific information
    ● To select information from a questionnaire and listen in order to complete a report on another student’s lifestyle
    Teaching procedures
    Step 1: Warming up activity
    Arouse students’ interest in different lifestyles, food and health issues. Talk about the importance of doing exercise, sleeping and eating fruit and vegetables. Elicit information about your students’ lifestyles.
    How much TV do they watch?
    How much time do they spend playing computer games?
    How many snacks do they eat every day?
    Ask students to complete the ‘Lifestyle’ questionnaire about themselves. Ask some students to report their own lifestyles.
    Step 2: Listening and ticking
    Play the recording. Ask students to listen for specific information about Hu Wen’s lifestyle and tick the correct boxes. Then check answers as a class activity.
    Answers: 1.c 2.c 3.c 4.b 5.c 6.c
    Step 3: Extension activities
    Ask students to enter Hu Wen’s score and their own score in the table in Part A3. Students analyze the health scores for Hu Wen and themselves. Read out three categories. Ask students to put up their hands for each category. Count the number of students in each category to see how healthy or unhealthy the class is.
    Write a class profile on the blackboard with the number of students for each category. Students could put up this information for class display.
    Step 4: Making an interview
    Work in pairs, ask each other the questions in Part A4. Then work out partners’ health score. And write a report on him/her (Part A5).
    Step 5: Additional activity
    Ask students to give some suggestions to their partners according to their health reports. Tell them how to be healthier.
    Step 6: Making a summary
    T: In this period, we’ve known more about our own health information and our partners’ by completing a ‘Lifestyle’ questionnaire. And we’ve talked about how to be healthier.
    Step 7: Doing consolidation exercises
    Step 8: Homework
    Oral work: Go on with the questionnaire, do it with your families.
    Written work: Teachers can assign this part according to their own conditions.

    Period 7 study skills
    Teaching goals
    ● To talk about food and diet
    ● To ask and answer questions about likes and dislikes
    ● To introduce and consolidate common intonation patterns with ‘wh-’ questions
    Teaching procedures
    Part B
    Step 1: Presenting
    T: In the last period, we talked about our lifestyles and we have got to know how healthy we are. Have you changed your lifestyles yet? I have begun to change my lifestyle. I love Coke but I don’t drink it any more. I dislike vegetables but I eat them often now. I do more exercise now instead of lying on the couch after dinner. And I feel much better now. Teachers can ask students to say something about their own changes on their lifestyles.
    Step 2: Listening and answering
    What’s Ricky’s new diet?
    What about Meiling’s?
    What’s their favourite fruit?
    What exercise do they do now?
    Step 3: Listening and repeating
    Ask students to repeat the dialogue sentence by sentence.
    Step 4: Explaining and reading
    Explain some language points, e.g. not… any more, lie on the couch, candy, much better, good luck with sth. Then ask students to read the dialogue together.
    Step 5: Making up a conversation
    Ask students to talk about their new diets and lifestyles.
    Sample conversation:
    A: Hi, Andy. Do you like your new diet?
    B: It’s OK. I love chocolate but I don’t eat it any more.
    A: I like eating hamburgers but I don’t eat them now.
    B: Do you feel better?
    A: Yes. I eat lots of fruit now. I feel healthier.
    B: What is your favourite fruit?
    A: Apples.
    B: Me too.
    A: Good luck with your new diet and lifestyle.
    B: Thanks, May.
    Step 6: Extension activity
    Students are generally interested in the topics of calories and vitamins. On page 71 is a calorie and vitamin chart listing some common food items. Set up an activity to encourage students to talk about their own and their classmates’ diets.
    Step 7: Presenting pronunciation
    Explain that we drop our voice at the end of a ‘wh-’ question to indicate that we have finished speaking. Normally we drop our voice on the last stressed word.
    Ask students to read the following sentences:
    What is your favourite fruit?
    Who often eats chocolate?
    When do you get up every day?
    How often do you play football?
    Step 8: Listening and repeating
    Ask students to listen to the questions on the recording. Then repeat each question. Ask more able students to write an answer to each question.
    Step 9: Practicing
    Dictate the following sentences:
    How many apples do you eat every day?
    How often do you go swimming?
    How often do you go to restaurants?
    When do you chat on ICQ?
    What is your favourite food?
    What are you going to eat?
    Why do you eat hamburgers every day?
    Why do you eat so many snacks?
    Who eats fruit every day?
    Who often eats vegetables?
    Ask students to practice saying the questions in pairs.
    Ask students to place the downward arrow on the last word of each question. Students then read out the questions loud to practice intonation.
    Ask students to write suitable answers for each question. Monitor students’ intonation by walking around the classroom and listening to their questions. Ask some pairs to come to the front of the classroom and present the conversation.
    Step 10: Making a summary
    T: In this period, we talked about our new diets and lifestyles. Then we learned how to read ‘wh-’ questions.
    Step 11: Doing consolidation exercises
    Step 12: Doing homework
    Oral work: Practice saying ‘wh-’ questions
    Written work: Teachers can assign this part according to their own conditions.

    Period 8 task
    Teaching goals
    ●To express factual information about diets and lifestyles in writing
    Teaching procedures
    Step 1: Warming up activity
    Ask students why they eat certain types of food and why they should or should not change their diets. Tell students to look at the calories and vitamins chart in Part A. Help them find out why food is good for our health.
    Step 2: Presenting
    Ask students what they have for three meals every day. Then help them decide if they have a healthy eating according to the chart in Part A.
    We need lots of energy every day. Which meal helps us start the day? (breakfast) What do you have for breakfast?
    Which meal gives us energy for the afternoon? (lunch) What do you have for lunch?
    What do you have for supper?
    Do you drink water every day? (It is good for us.)
    Are there any calories in water? (drink it without getting fat)
    Step 3: Listening and answering
    What sports does Millie often play?
    Is she healthy?
    What does she have for breakfast/lunch/supper?
    Why does she like vegetables?
    Step 4: Reading and discussing
    Ask students to read the article after the tape. Then discuss if Millie has a healthy eating. Why?
    Step 5: Explaining and reading
    Explain some language points to students and ask them to read the article again.
    Step 6: Writing
    Ask students to write articles about ‘Healthy Eating’. Complete the notes in Part C first. Then write the article, using Millie’s article as a model.
    After writing, ask some students to read out their articles. Then give them some advice on the use of words, spellings and sentence structures.
    Extension activity
    Prepare a classroom display of the students’ articles. Ask students to group their articles and give them appropriate titles, e.g.
    ·Lifestyles and diets
    ·Sporty and active people in class
    ·TV watchers and computer game lovers
    ·Quiet people, etc.

    Step 7: Making a summary
    T: In this period, we learned how to write an article about our own lifestyles and diets. By reading the chart in Part A, we know what is healthy food. We can change our diets according to it.
    Step 8: Doing consolidation exercises
    Step 9: Doing homework
    ① Oral work: Listen, repeat and recite Millie’s article
    ② Written work: Write an article about ‘Healthy Eating’ (Students can write about their friends or families.)

    Period 1 Welcome to the unit课堂反馈练习
    1. 吃一个汉堡包________________ 2. 需要许多能量 _________________
    3. 你最喜欢的食物______________ 4. 一些蔬菜 _____________________
    5. 一天许多次 ________________ 6. 感到饥饿 ____________________
    7. 喜欢胡萝卜 ________________ 8.不喜欢他们 ___________________

    二、 请你根据所学内容填出所缺单词
    It is _______.Eddie is _______and wants to have a ________. He says he needs some _________. Hobo criticizes(批评) him and tells Eddie to _______more because Eddie _________exercises. Eddie feels what Hobo said is not_______because he walks to his ________ many ________a day.

    ( ) 1. Millie likes _____ and ______ very much.
    A. rice, hamburger B. rices, hamburger
    C. rices, hamburgers D. rice, hamburgers
    ( ) 2. I _______ my bowl many times a day.
    A. walk B. walk to C. to walk D. walking
    ( ) 3._______ food does your grandfather like?
    A. How B. Where C. What D. Who
    ( ) 4. “ Are you ________?” “Yes, I want something to eat.”
    A. hungry B. full C. empty D. Ok
    ( ) 5. Playing football needs a lot of _______.
    A. energies B. energy C. an energy D. some energy
    ( ) 6. We eat meals three ______ a day.
    A. time B. times C. sometimes D. some time
    ( ) 7. Tom is ______ late for school. He goes to school on time(准时) every day.
    A. always B. often C. never D. sometimes
    ( ) 8. “Let’s ______ some chicken for supper, OK ? ” “Yes, that’s fine.”
    A. having B. has C. to have D. have
    ( )9.What good news ___!
    A. they are B. it is C. is it D. are they
    ( )10.Thank you for ___.
    A. you help B. help me C. your help D. your helps
    ( )11.Can I ask you ___ about your school?
    A. something B. anything C. some things D. any things
    ( )12.Would you like ___ a film with me this afternoon?
    A. to see B. to seeing C. to look D. looking at

    Period 2 Reading (1)课堂反馈练习
    一、 词语汉译英:
    1. 在午餐时间 6. 需要保持健康
    2. 跳舞两小时 7. 在网上和朋友聊天
    3. 需要很多能量 8. 从来不做运动
    4. 变得疲劳 9. 健康的饮食
    5. 在两餐之间 10. 计划每周游泳两次

    二、 用所给单词的正确形式填空:
    1. I’d like __________(see) the Chinese New Year celebrations here.
    2. You must take more __________(exercise) to keep fit. (健康)
    3. Today we are going to talk about __________(health) eating.
    4. Why do you like __________(fish)?
    5. We must brush our __________(tooth) every day.
    6. My sister has her hair in __________(bunch).
    7. Our teacher is always the __________(one) to come to school.
    8. It’s __________(real) cold today.
    9. Can you get me some __________(information) about the travel to the Great Wall?
    10. I’m looking forward to __________(get) letter from you soon.

    三、 动词填空:
    1. He always eats Chinese food and __________(get) presents at the Spring Festival.
    2. There __________(be) a party at our home this evening.
    3. How __________Americans __________(celebrate) Easter?
    4. __________he __________(do) his homework in the reading room now? Sorry, I don’t know.
    5. Daniel loves __________(read) and he wants __________(learn) more.
    6. It’s fun __________(wear) a tiger costume.
    7. I’ll finish __________(draw) the picture in two hours.
    8. Kitty __________(not come) from Australia. She is English.
    9. He isn’t tall enough __________(reach) the basket.
    10. How long do you spend __________(do) your homework every day?

    四、 句型转换:
    1. He often comes to school by bike(划线部分提问)
    _______ _______ he often _______ to school?
    2. They can’t go to the shop because it’s closed now. (同上)
    ______ ______ they ______ to the shop?
    3. The girl with long hair is Kitty. (同上)
    _______ _______ is Kitty?
    4. His favourite sport is tennis. (同义转换)
    He _______ tennis _______ of all the sports.
    5. It take him an hour to walk to school. (同义转换)
    He _______ an hour _______ _______ school

    Period 3 Reading (2)课堂反馈练习
    Kitty is a girl of twelve. She w_________ to be a dancer. She n_________ lots of e_________, so she changed her d_________. Now she eats apple, bread, vegetables f_________ meals. She doesn’t eat sweet snacks any m_________. Daniel is a boy of twelve, too. He is a t_________ student in his class. He likes h_________ very much. Now he e_________ every day for about 30 minutes. And he doesn’t eat f_________ food any more.

    1. She is always full of _________ (energy).
    2. Andy is good _________(dance). She has a _________(dance) lesson this Thursday afternoon.
    3. Help_________ (they) write the food they have every day on their pieces of paper.
    4. Do you enjoy _________(chat) on the internet?
    5. I often feel very _________(hunger) at 11:00am.
    6. After a long walk, they get _________(tire).

    1. 老师说学好英语很重要。
    The teacher says _________ _________ _________ learn English well.
    2. 如果你想健康一点,你就必须少吃多运动。
    _________ you want to be _________, you should eat less and _________ more.
    3. 你早饭通常吃什么?我吃点面包和果汁。
    _________ do you usually eat _________ breakfast?
    I ________ some _________ and _________.
    4. 我每周去一次我爷爷家。
    I go to my _________ home _________ _________ _________.
    5. 躺在床上看书对我们的眼睛不好。
    Reading in bed isn’t _________ _________ our eyes.
    6. 我们再也不会在马路上路踢球了。
    We will ______ play football on the road ______ ______.
    7. 你必须改变你的饮食习惯,因为你需要很多的能量。
    You must _________ your _________, because you _________ lots of energy.

    Period 4 Grammar (1)课堂反馈练习

    一、 根据图表内容,选用适当的频度副词填空。

    food \ times




    ice cream













    1. The boys____________ eat beef but the girls___________ eat it.
    2. The boys__________ eat vegetables but the girls______ eat them.
    3. The boys_________ eat ice cream but the girls___________ eat some after dinner.
    4. The boys___________ eat chocolate but the girls________ eat it.
    5. The boys____________ eat cakes but the girls____________ eat them.
    6. The boys_________ eat fruit but the girls____________ have some after dinner .
    7. The boys_________ eat noodles but the girls__________ eat them.
    8. The boys______ eat rice with their meals and the girls_______ eat it too.
    1、You are not fit, and you should change your (the way you live).
    2、Food can give us a lot of (power(力量) to do things).
    3、Eddie is very lazy and he never (do sports activities).
    4、 (a kind of yellow fruit) taste sour(酸), but mooncakes taste sweet.
    5、Do you have a healthy (the food you usually eat)?

    Period 5 Grammar (2)课堂反馈练习
    1.potato____________ 2.photo_____________ 3.mango____________ 4.tomato________ 5.radio_____________ 6.zoo_____________ _ 7.story_____________ 8.family_________ _ 9.shelf_____________ 10.knife____________ 11.bus___________ __ 12.class_____________
    13.wish__________ 14.watch____________ 15. pencil-box________ 16.man ____________ 17.foot______________ 18.tooth_____________ 19.sheep____________ 20.Chinese______ _
    1.两杯茶 __________________ 2.五篮苹果 _____________________
    3.一袋盐 __________________ 4.四台钢琴 _____________________
    5.三瓶橘子汁 ______________ 6.八个土豆 _____________________
    7.两公斤肉 ________________ 8.1.5公斤大米__________________
    三、用不定冠词(a / an)填空:
    Andy: First, we need ___________ egg and a tomato for the soup.
    Millie: We also need ___________ fish and __________ packet of noodles.
    Andy: OK. It takes half _________ hour to cook. We'll make _________ pot of rice, too.
    Millie: Would you like _________ glass of water?
    Andy: Yes, please. Are we going to have _________ cake?
    Millie: Yes, Let's make __________ big cake.
    Andy: Mum. I'm hungry!
    四、用there be (is; are) 或have (has)填空:
    1. I ___________ a new computer and you _____________one too. But Mike doesn't _____________one.
    2. ___________ many students in the classroom. He___________a good friend in it.
    3. _____________ a box of apples on the table.
    4. _____________no good news for you Today.
    5. _____________a pen and two books on the desk.
    =_______________ two books and a pen on the desk.
    6. A clock _______________ a round face.
    =_______________ a round face on a clock.
    7. ________________ only two windows in that room.
    =That room________________ only two windows.

    Period 6 Integrated Skills 课堂反馈练习
    1.不到,少于 2.多于;比…更多
    3.一周六次 4.步行到学校
    5.一点也不 6.一个健康的人
    7.保持健康 8.看两个小时的电视
    9.改变你的日常饮食 10.吃水果和蔬菜
    ( ) 1. “How often do you exercise ? ” “________.”
    A. For two hours B. By bus
    C. Never D. more than half an hour
    ( ) 2. “________do you sleep every day?“For about ten hours.”
    A. How often B. How C. How long D. How soon
    ( ) 3. “Good luck with your new diet.” “________.”
    A. No, thanks B. Thanks C. That's all right D. That's OK
    ( ) 4. She feel ________ better now than before.
    A. very B. much C. too D. very much
    ( ) 5.“Would you like a glass of milk ?”“______ I'd like only a cup of tea.
             A. Yes, please. B. Yes, thank you.
             C. No, thanks. D. Please don't give me milk.
    keep fit tell…about good luck with
    not…at all not…any more sit on the couch

    1. __________________________your English exam(考试).
    2. Millie wants _____________you something ______________ her new diet.
    3. You are_____________ fit____________. You need eat healthier food.
    4. “Do you know how to_______________ ?”“You should eat less and
    exercise more.”
    5. I always walk after dinner now and I seldom_________________.
    6. He changes his diet. He_____________ eat hamburgers______________.
    四、根据括号里的要求, 变换下列各句。
    1. I watch 2-3 hours' TV every day. (对划线部分提问)
    ___________ ___________ ___________ do you watch every day?
    2. I’m going to Jinglin Restaurant for dinner this evening. (对划线部分提问)
    ___________ ___________ ___________ going for dinner this evening?
    3. She sleeps for about nine hours every night. (改为否定句)
    She ___________ ___________ for about nine hour every night.
    4. They sometimes eat cakes, biscuits and candies. (对划线部分提问)
    _________ _________ __________ they eat cakes, biscuits and candies?
    5. There is a knife in my pencil case. (对划线部分提问)
    ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ in your pencil case?
    6. I usually walk to school every day. (写出同义句)
    I usually _________ __________school _________ _________ every day.
    Period 7 study skills课堂反馈练习
    1. It is important for a dancer ( be )healthy.
    2. There (be) some bread and milk on the table.
    3. He seldom (exercise),so he is fat.
    4. kitty likes to eat sweet (snack) between meals.
    5. It is good (drink) lots of water every day.
    6. She is very busy, she has no time (stay) with her families.
    7.Jim hates ( get) up early in the morning.
    8. The girl enjoys (chat) on the Internet and (write) e—mails to friends
    9. He seldom (eat) vegetables. It’s not good for his health.
    1.  My mother goes shopping twice a week. (对划线部分提问)
    your mother shopping?
    2. Millie has bread and some milk for breakfast. (对划线部分提问)
    Millie for breakfast?
    3. The boy with long hair is Tom’s brother. (对划线部分提问)
    is Tom’s brother.?
    4. It is polite to give seats to the old people on the bus.(改为一般疑问句)
    polite to give seats to the old people on the bus?
    5. The food can give us energy. 对划线部分提问)
    the food give us?
    6. Kitty changes her diet because she wants to be healthier. (对划线部分提问)
    Kitty her diet?
    It is students .
    Tom people .
    I have some and breakfast.
    3.Kitty 喜欢跳舞。当她长大了,她想成为一名舞蹈家。
    Kitty likes .She wants to a when
    she .
    He half hour .

    Period 8 task 课堂反馈练习

    1. We can’t live _____________ ( with ) water or air.
    2. You can drink lots of water without ____________ ( get ) fat.
    3. There are three _____________ ( glass ) of orange juice on the desk.
    4. My grandma always tells me some interesting_____________ ( story ).
    5. The farmer has many ____________ ( sheep ).
    1. There are some eggs on the table. (改成单数句)
    There___________ ___________ ___________on the table.
    2. Mary often has a cup of tea after a meal. (改为否定句)
    Mary_____________ has a cup of tea after a meal.
    3. Tom has an English book in his bag. (写出同义句)
    ____________ ____________an English book in____________ bag.
    4. Daniel exercises for half an hour every day. (对划线部分提问)
    ___________ ___________ ____________Daniel exercises every day?
    5. Mother spends about 30 minutes cooking dinner for us.(写出同义句)
    It__________Mother________ ________ __________ _________ dinner for us.
    6. We go to school on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday.(写出同义句)
    We go to school every day____________Saturday and Sunhday.
    7. There is some bread on the table. (改为否定句)
    There__________ ___________ bread on the table.
    =There is ___________ bread on the table.
    8. Let's go to the supermarket, OK? (写出同义句)
    What__________ ___________ to the supermarket?
    1. 我认为我每天需要许多的能量。
       I think I need_________ _________ __________ every day.
    2. 早餐我总是吃些面包和一只鸡蛋。
    I always___________ some bread and an egg___________ breakfast.
    3. 我喜欢蔬菜,因为它对我有好处。
    I like vegetables because they___________ ___________ ___________me.
    4. 每人都需要维生素来保持健康。
    Everyone____________ vitamins to___________ ___________.
    5. 每天喝大量的水也是很重要的。
    It’s also _____________to drink ___________ ___________ water every day.
    6. 你可以多吃一些蔬菜而不会发胖。
    You can eat more vegetables without __________ __________.
    7. Shirley喜欢在网上和朋友聊天。
    Shirley likes chatting with her friends __ __ __ ________ __ ________ .
    8. 我们都不再吃快餐(fast food)了。
    We __________ eat fast food ________ _ ________ _.
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