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中职英语高教版(2021)基础模块3Unit 8 Role Models of the Times精品教案
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课 题Unit 8 Role Models of the Times(Culture Understanding& Group Work)课 型Culture Understanding & Group Work课 时1授课班级 授课时间45mins授课教师 教材分析本课教学内容选自高等教育出版社出版的“十四五”职业教育国家规划教材,《英语3 基础模块》中第八单元的Culture Understanding and Group Work板块,Culture Understanding板块介绍了有关张富清和申纪兰这两位时代楷模,他们用实际行动践行爱国主义和为人民服务的使命。Group Work板块则是通过制作职业规划视频,检验本单元所学相关的职场语言沟通能力、思维差异感知能力、跨文化理解能力和自主学习能力目标达成情况。学情分析学生已经掌握关于介绍楷模人物的相关词汇,并会分析楷模成功的原因。但是时代楷模话题下的人物事例是非常广泛的,不同领域中人物事迹各有特点,需通过小组活动积极探究,启发学生透过现象和事例发现其价值取向和精神追求,才能总结得出中华民族文化和价值的共同特征,从而激发学生的爱国主义情怀,增强对中华民族文化和价值观的认同感,同时提高学生的自主学习和探究能力。学习目标Knowledge objectives:To learn words and phrases:National Outstanding CPC (Communist Party of China) Member/the Northwest Field Army/the Chinese People’s Liberation Army/the War of Liberation/Combat Hero/the poverty-stricken mountainous areas/keep his past achievements a secret/a lifetime national lawmaker/National People’s Congress (NPC) deputies /equal pay for equal work between men and women/the first Constitution of the People’s Republic of China (PRC)/the Medals of the Republic Ability objectives:To know how to introduce a role model of times.To make a video to introduce own career plan.Emotional objectives:To have stronger sense of patriotism. To establish the sense of identity to Chinese culture and values.学习重难点To make a video about career plan using what you learned . How to make a video about career plan. 教学方法小组讨论法、任务教学法、情境教学法课前准备PPT课件,语音素材,图片教学媒体PPT课件、多媒体设备、语音素材、拓展资源包等 教学过程教学环节教师活动设计学生活动设计设计意图 Step 1:Warming up Collect the information about the following person:张富清、申纪兰、余敏、钟南山、张桂梅 时代楷模:张富清、张桂梅 共和国勋章:申纪兰、余敏、钟南山1.Collect and share the information in class.准备相关信息能帮助学生进一步了解楷模人物的英雄事迹,为接下来的活动做好语言准备。 Step 2: culture understanding Listen to the passage,then learn the special nouns for understanding it better.National Outstanding CPC (Communist Party of China) Member2.the Northwest Field Army3.the Chinese People’s Liberation Army4.the War of Liberation5.Combat Hero6.the poverty-stricken mountainous areas7.keep his past achievements a secret8.a lifetime national lawmaker9.National People’s Congress (NPC) deputies 10.equal pay for equal work between men and women11. the first Constitution of the People’s Republic of China (PRC)12.the Medals of the Republic Read the passage and answer the questions on page 145. Work in groups, collect information about other role models of times to share their stories in class. Listen and learn the new words and expressions. Read article carefully to get the key information to choose the right option. Work together to collect information and share them.学生先听文章,讲解新词难句,扫除教材文本中的生词障碍。 通过阅读文章,了解张富清和申纪兰的事迹和成功的原因。 分组自由讨论环节,获取更多信息进行分享,锻炼学生收集整理信息的能力。 Step 3:Group work Work in group. Read the following materials and take notes about role models of times to fill in the form. nuclear physicist the Two Bombs and One Satellite Achievement Medal China’s respiratory disease research SARS and COVID-19 the Bethune Medal the National Labor Medal the Huaping High School for Girls in Huaping county China’s poverty alleviation fight2.Work in groups to share your decision and decide on one as your goal, and plan your introduction. 3.Make your video using your information and share in class. Read the material to fill the table and prepare for the video design in groups . 2.Choose one model to design your career plan.3.Make your video and share in class.本活动要求学生在掌握本单元所学的基础上,运用语言知识制作职业规划视频,检验本单元所学相关的职场语言沟通能力、思维差异感知能力、跨文化理解能力和自主学习能力目标达成情况。,培养全球视野。 Step 4:SummaryPart1:1.National Outstanding CPC (Communist Party of China) Member 中国共产党全国优秀党员2.the Northwest Field Army 西北野战军3.the Chinese People’s Liberation Army 中国人民解放军4.the War of Liberation 解放战争5.Combat Hero 战斗英雄6.the poverty-stricken mountainous areas 贫困山区7.keep his past achievements a secret 对他过去的成就保密8.a lifetime national lawmaker 一个终身的国家立法者9.National People’s Congress (NPC) deputies 全国人民代表大会代表10.equal pay for equal work between men and women 男女同工同酬11. the first Constitution of the People’s Republic of China (PRC) 中华人民共和国第一部《宪法》12.the Medals of the Republic 共和国的勋章Part2:1.nuclear physicist 核物理学家2.the Two Bombs and One Satellite Achievement Medal 两弹一星的陆军成就勋章3.China’s respiratory disease research 中国呼吸道疾病研究4.SARS and COVID-19 非典型肺炎及2019冠状病毒疾病5.the Bethune Medal 白求恩奖章6.the National Labor Medal 国家劳动奖章7.the Huaping High School for Girls in Huaping county 华坪县华坪女子中学8.China’s poverty alleviation fight 中国的脱贫攻坚Step 5:Homework Remember the useful words and expressions to introduce the role models. Write a diary to think about what you can learn from them.板书设计同总结部分。教学反思(留白)
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