- 国际音标字母组合自然拼读第六次课 其他 5 次下载
- 国际音标字母组合自然拼读第五次课 其他 5 次下载
- 国际音标字母组合自然拼读第三次课 其他 5 次下载
- 国际音标字母组合自然拼读第二次课 其他 5 次下载
- 国际音标字母组合自然拼读第一次课 其他 6 次下载
展开课前小测一、根据音标写单词(每个5分,共20分)[kæt]________ ['æpl]________ [pet] ______ [ˈpɜːfɪkt] _________二、选出划线部分发音不同的单词(每个5分,共20分)( )1. A. her B. ago C. teacher ( )2. A. bee B. sit C. read ( )3. A. cloud B. know C. show ( )4. A. bag B. happy C. about 三、画出下面单词的字母组合或发音字母,并在横线上写出其对应的音标。(每个2.5分,共20分)bad_______ world______ perfect_______ teacher ________bird________ girl_______ apple______ ago_______四、补充下列单词中缺失的字母,一条横线填写一个字母。s__ __天空 w__ __d__有风的 m__ __t遇见 r__ __ __下雨b__ __蜜蜂 __ n__ __知道 br__ __ __带来 l __ __e 丢失五、根据中文拼写单词或词组。___________有趣的 _________多云的 __________蜂蜜 ___________抓紧 ___________飞走 _________爬上_______________________出什么事了? _____________展示 七、音标[ɑ:]发音时嘴张大car [kɑ:] far[fɑː] fast [fɑːst]发音字母:a, arEg: father['fɑ:ðə] star [stɑː] past afternoon hard 画出下面句子中的发音[ɑ:]的字母。1. So far, so good. 目前为止,一切都好。2. Twinkle, twinkle, little star. 一闪一闪亮晶晶。3. It is hard to please all. 众口难调 八、元音[ʌ] “短啊音”,短促有力收小腹up[ʌp] cup[kʌp] mother ['mʌðə(r)] 发音字母:u, oEg:fun [fʌn] but [bʌt] love [lʌv] brother ['brʌðə(r)] must 画出下面句子中的发音[ʌ]的字母。1. Seven is my lucky number. 七是我的幸运数字。2. Something is better than nothing. 聊胜于无。3. The sun rises in the east. 九、长元音[ɔ:] 双唇稍稍收圆,向前突出door [dɔː] short[ʃɔ:t] all [ɔːl]字母组合:oor, or, alEg: floor [flɔː(r)] port [pɔːt] call[kɔ:] waterfall[ˈwɔːtəfɔːl] 画出下面句子中的发音[ɔ:]的字母。1. She was not old enough to understand all that. 她还太年轻,不能理解这一切。2. Please knock the door before entering. 进来前请敲门。3. For you, a thousand times over. 为你,千千万万遍。 十、短元音[ɒ] dog [dɒɡ] what[wɒt] hot [hɔt] 发音字母:o, aeg:boss [bɒs] not was [wɒz] 画出下面句子中的发音[ɒ]的字母。1. The weather was not hot at that time. 那时的天气还不热。2. What a cute dog! 多可爱的小狗!3. It rains cats and dogs. 英语绕口令1. Can you can a can as a canner can can a can?2. I scream, you scream, we all scream for ice-cream!3. There is no need to light a night light on a light night like tonight. for a bright night light is just like a slight light.4. How many cookies could a good cook cook if a good cook could cook cookies? A good cook could cook as much cookies as a good cook who could cook cookies.