这是一份广东省汕头市潮阳一中明光学校2022-2023学年高二下学期5月期中英语试题(含答案),共9页。试卷主要包含了5分,满分37, A等内容,欢迎下载使用。
Since nooneactually knows what the world will belikein10or50 years,itcan befun toguess. Herearesome jobs youor your kids might beable toapplyforin thefuture!
Withspacetravellikelytobelessexpensivebythemid-2020s,anewtravelindustrywillcome.“Tourswillshowpeoplethebeautyofthesunrisefromspace,andsomeinterestingplacesinspace. Somebodyneedstobeinchargeofthesetoursandexplaintothespacetravelerswhat’sgoingon,” saysDavidTuffley.
Distant drone(无人驾驶飞机) drivers and pilots
Howcoolwoulditbetodeliverpackagesfromthecomfortableoffice?That’sthewayofthe futurewithdeliverydronesandself-drivingtrucks. ZachHowardsays, “Manydeliverycompanies willsoonneedlotsof dronesandalarge numberof skilledpilotswhocanrunthedrones.”
Thisfutureexpertwillneedtomakeonlineshoppingfeellikeagame;thatis,gamification is aboutkeepingcustomersmoredelightedduringshopping. Thegamificationmarketingexpertwill helpkeeponlinebuyers’ attentionbymakingtheirexperiencesmoreplayfulandexciting.
TosaveMotherNature,someonewillneedtoremovethedamagehumanshavedonetothe environment. ThroughtheJobsof2030project,anorganizationguesseswewillneedrewilderstoremovethedamagetothecountrysidecausedbypeople,factories,carsandfarming. Theseworkers willberesponsibleforremovingwallstogivefightpathsbacktobirdsandreplacingroadswithforests.
1. WhatdoesZachHowardsayaboutdistantdronedriversandpilots?
A. Theycanmakelotsof money. B. Theywillbeingreatdemand.
C. Theyneedupdatedrones regularly. D. They are requiredtoworkoutdoors.
2. Howwillthegamificationmarketingexpertmostlikelyinfluencecustomers?
A. Bydecreasingtheirdailycostofplayinggames.
B. Byreducingthecompetitionbetweenstores.
C. Bycreatingfunonlineshoppingexperiences.
D. Bymakingthemmorelikelytocommunicate.
3. Whichofthefollowingisarewilder’sjob?
A. Keepingtrackofbirds’ health. B. Preservingtheculturalheritage.
C. Returningtheroadstoforests. D. Constructingmoreroadsforvillagers.
Mybrother,MichaelandIarecrazyabouthouses. OnAug. 1,2016,Iwasdrivingthrough the Northern NeckofVirginiawithhim. WehadfoundanabandonedItalianatefarmhousewithweedsuptoourwaist. Whenadmiringtheproperty,mybrotherrolleduptheunlockedgaragedoor. “Holysmokes!TheresatthisMercedes. Seeingthenumber6.9onitshack,Iimmediatelyrecognizedthistobearareanduniquefind.
Thecar’sdoorwasunlockedandintheglovebox,Ifoundinsurancepapers. Itturnedoutthat the owner was a dead country doctor. It took me a year to find his widow’s(寡妇的)address,inRichmond. TwiceImadethetwo-hourdrivejusttoknockonherdoor,strikingoutbothtimes. Onthethirdtryher neighborwasoutsideandIwasabletogetthewidow’sphonenumber.
I loggedapproximately25voicemails,andstillnothing,Itwas,Ithough,justbadluck. I calledonelasttimeandheardavoice, “Hello?” Fromthatpointon,westruckupafriendship.
InJuly2018,twoyearsafterfindingthecar,Iwasreadytobuyitfromher. Wemetinthemiddle—somewherearoundwhatanewToyotamightcost. Still,thenightbefore,Icalledmybrotherandsaid. “I am setting cold feet.” WhatwasIdoing buyinganoldMercedes?Hesaid, “Youarebuyingthatgreatcar. AndIpromiseyou,thefriendshipyouwillmakeasaresultwillmakethiscarworthevenpenny. ” Andhewasright.
4. WhydidtheauthorgototheNorthernNeck?
A. Tocheckthehouse. B. Tovisithisbrother.
C. Tobuythe uniquecar. D. Toenjoythebeautifulsights.
5. Whatcanweinferfromthesecondandthirdparagraphs?
A. Thecarwasinbadconditions. B. Thewidowwasunwillingtosellthecar.
C. Thecarwasthedoctor’sonlypossession. D. Theauthorhadtroublefindingthecarowner.
6. Whatdoesthe underlinedsentenceinthelastparagraphmean?
A. Hewasshockedbytheprice B. Theweatherthatdaywasquitecold
C. Hewashesitatingtomakethedecision D. Hecaredaboutmoneymorethanthecar
Z. WhatdidMichaelthinkofbuyingthecar?
A. Itwasawasteofmoney. B. Itwouldcost agreatdeal.
C. Buyingthecarbroughtgoodfriendship. D. Hisbrothermadeagoodbargainbuyingit.
European researchers say they have created a process that can produce oxygen from moon dust. Theprocess could provide a major source of oxygen for humans taking part in moonexplorationactivities inthe future.
Researchers from the European Space Agency,or ESA, carried out the experiments atalaboratory inthe Netherlands. They reported their results in a study published in Planetary and Space Science.
The team says ESA’s experimental “plant” was able to successfully produce oxygen from simulatedmoon dust. The dust is part of a material known as regolith(月壤),a top layer of dirtand rock pieces thatsit on the surface of the moon.
Samples of regolith from the moon have confirmed that the material contains about 45 percentoxygen by weight. However, the oxygen is chemically locked in the form of minerals or glass, soitis not easily available for use. Having real samples of regolith from themoon made it possible for theresearchers to create the simulated moon dust material used during testing.
The oxygen extraction(提取) process is carried out using a method called molten salt electrolysis(熔盐电解).This involves first placing the regolith in a metal container. Calcium chloride salt is added to themixture, which is then heated to 950 degrees Celsius. At this temperature, the regolith remains solid. Next,an electrical current is passed through the material. The researchers say it is this step that results inoxygen being extracted from the regolith. The study reported that up to 96 percent of oxygen in thesimulated moon dust was extracted during the experiments.
ESA’s long-term goal is to design an oxygen-producing “pilot plant to operate full-time on themoon. The first technology demonstration of the system is expected to take place in the mid-2020s.
The researchers reported that “as a bonus”, the process also results in the production of usablemetallic materials.
8. Whatcanbenefitfromtheprocess?
A. Thetreatmentofsomepatients. B. Theenvironmentofthemoon.
C. Futuremoonexploration activities. D. Futureexperimentsinthelaboratory.
9. Whyisoxygenintheregolithhardto use?
A. Ifexistsintheformofsolid. B. Itonlyexistsonthesurface.
C. Itismixedwithothermaterials. D. Itislockedinametalcontainer.
10. Whatstepmakesoxygenextractedfromtheregolith?
A. Addingcalciumchloridesalttothemixture.
B. Placingtheregolithinametalcontainer.
C. Passingan electricalcurrentthroughthematerial.
D. Heatingthemetalcontainerto950degreesCelsius.
11. Whatdoestheunderlinedword “simulated” inparagraph4mostprobablymean?
A. Mixed. B. Copied. C. Exposed. D. Abandoned.
Thefirst thingwenoticeaboutnewpeoplearetheirfaces. Thenexttimeweseethesepeople,werememberthembecauseweremembertheirfaces. Thisseemslikeasimpleprocess. However,scientistsfoundthatitisnotsuchasimpleprocess. Thesectionofthebrainthatisresponsibleforfacerecognition seemstoworkdifferentlyfordifferentpeople. Somepeoplehavegreatdifficultyrememberingand recognizingfaces,whileothersalmostneverforgetaface.
Normalbabiesareborn withanaturalabilitytorecognizefaces,Infact,theirfacerecognition abilitiesaremuchbetterthantheirparents. Babiesarehighlyskilledatfacerecognitionatsixmonths. But by nine months,theylosethisskill. Byninemonths,ababy’sface-recognitionskills areaboutthesame asan adult’s.
Unfortunately,somepeoplearenotborn withthisabilitytorecognizefaces. Thepartofthebrainthat isresponsibleforfacerecognitiondoesn’tworkforthem. Thisconditioniscalledfaceblindness. Peoplewith veryseverefaceblindnesscannotevenrecognizetheirownfaces. Infact,peoplewiththiscondition cansometimesbefrightenedwhentheylookintheminor. Theydon’trecognizetheirownface,sofor a second they arestartledwhentheyseethisunfamiliarface.
Faceblindnessisnotalwayssevere. Scientistsbelieveupto10percentofthepopulationmay beaffected by face blindness to some degree, yet many people with mild face blindness might not evenknowthey haveit. Theyhavenoreasontoknowtheyaredifferentfromanyoneelseuntilsomeonepoints is out. Thisissimilartopeoplewithcolorblindness.
Colorblindpeoplecan’tseethedifferencebetweencertaincolorssuchasredandgreen,until someonetellsthemthatgreenandredaretwodifferentcolors.
There is no cure for face blindness. So for the time being, people with face blindness need to findsimple techniques to compensate for their problem. They can try to recognize people by their hairstyle,their voice, or their glasses. Hopefully, in the future as scientists learn more about this condition, they willfind a cure.
12. The first paragraph is mainly about ______.
A. the way to improve one’s face-recognition sills.
B. the fact that some people have face recognition problems.
C. the simple process of the brain to recognize others’ faces.
D. the importance of face recognition in human communication.
13. When do people have the keen sills of face recognition?
A. At birth. B. In adolescence. C. Half a year old. D. Nine months old.
14. The bold word “startled” in the 3rd paragraph is closes in meaning to ______.
A. confused B. surprised C. excited D. depressed
15. What does the author think of the problem of face blindness?
A. Peopleneedtotakeitseriously. B. It affects a great number of people.
C. It can be cured in the near future. D. Certain techniquescan make upfor it.
“I’msorry” aretwoveryimportantwordsthatplayabigpartindailylife. Youmightapologize while squeezing through a crowd or using the last of the printer paper at work. It’s easy to say “I’m sorry”, buttrueapologiesareadifferentstory. 16 Oryoumaywonderhowtoproperlydemand anapology if the other person is at fault? With the following tips, you’ll find these are not hard.
Apologizesincerely. Agenuineapologycanhelprepairyourrelationship,andevenyour reputation—you’reshowingthatyoucanbetrustedtodowhat’sright. Butyourrelationshipwillremain tenseif yourapologyseemscasual. 17
Applyspecificprinciples. A meaningfulapologycomesdowntothethreeR’s-regret,responsibility and remedy(补救办法) . Firstly, communicate your regret. Show the other person you have recognized yourerrorandcanrelatetohis/herrain. Thentake completeresponsibility. 18Lastly, showthatyou’reworkingtoimprovethesituation. Offertomakeupforthe harmyoucausedorpromiseyou wouldn’trepeatitagain.
19If you’re the offended (冒犯) party, describe what’s changed in the relationship andyourtruefeeling. Forexample,youcouldsay, “Althoughthere’sadisagreementbetweenyouandme, I want us to be friends again. But I’ve been hurt, and I’d like an apology. I need you to acknowledge whatyou’vedone.”
Don’texpectimmediateforgiveness. Mostpeoplehopeforimmediateforgivenesswhileapologizing, but that may mean youdon’t respect theothers’ emotions and all you care about is yourself.20After all, they were hurt and it would take them a while to recover.
A. Ask for an apology if necessary.
B. Don’tmakeexcusesorblamethevictim.
C. Saysorryfirstif bothpartiesareatfault.
D. Soyouhavetobetrulywillingtoapologize.
E. Youshould makesure your words are acceptable.
F. So give themsome time to come out of the pain after your apology.
G. Youmayhavetroublefindingtherightwaytosendmeaningfulapologies.
Thenew, “used”carthatIbought justthreemonthsagowouldn’tstarttheotherday. Thefactory battery that21 along with it decided that it had worked long enough and22 to take an early,permanent retirement. My23 neighbor gave me a jump but the battery stubbornly wouldn’t24the charge. After getting one more jump, I25 to the local auto parts store to buy a new one.Installing(安装) it was much more26than we thought, however, so I took it to a local mechanic whofinally got the new battery in and thecar 27 once again.
Driving it this morning, though,I 28 that the time and date on the screen in the dashboard(仪表板)had29 gone back to nine years ago, resetting to the30 date of the first time it was started.While my son smartly figured out how to31 it back to today, I thought about all the times I hadwished I could go back in time and undo some ofthe32 and missteps I had taken in my own life.
Many of my choices brought me33 in the past, but they have also brought me wisdom for thepresent. When you 34 your own life, don’t regret the roads not taken. Instead, be35 with thepath you are on, the things you have learned, and the love you have shared.
21. A. came B. waited C. let D. raced
22. A. planned B. refused C. chose D. managed
23. A. easy-going B. kind-hearted C. hardworking D. good-tempered
24. A. lend B. tike C. offer D. hold
25. A. welcome B. headed C. returned D. got
26. A. complex B. vital C. efficient D. accurate
27. A. switched B. jumped C. ran D. shook
28. A. guessed B. remembered C. expected D. noticed
29. A. suddenly B. slightly C. casually D. secretly
30. A. final B. original C. special D. temporary
31. A. bring B. program C. call D. drive
32. A. attempts B. effects C. mistakes D. changes
33. A. damage B. pain C. peace D. convenience
34. A. lookat B. comeoutof C. focuson D. takecontrolof
35. A. faced B. patient C. strict D. pleased
ReadyPlayerOne(《头号玩家》)is a 2018 American science fiction adventure film produced by StevenSpielberg. 36______ (base)onCline’s2011 novelofthesamename. Thestorytakesplacein the year 2045, 37______ most people in the real world use a virtual reality(虚拟现实) software to do38______ theywant,aslongastheyhaveenough coins. Thefilmputsforwardaquestion to its charactersandaudiences:Withanavailableworldoffantasytoescapeto,isitpossibletobalancebetween real life and virtual reality?
This is a typical way that Spielberg expresses both reality and humanity through his movies, drawingattention 39 ______ how society could 40 ______ (possible) change to work better. The71-year-old director 41 ______ (believe) that the way you create a better future is by studying thepast. He also feels that one of the most satisfying 42______ (thing) in his career is having history43 ______ (discuss) by the public again.
Ready Player One received generally positive reviews. It was said to have significant differencesfrom the book, with some critics (影评人) 44 ______ (all) the plot an improvement over the novel.As US author Dean Kowalski put it, “Few movie directors have had a 45______ (great) impact onpopular culture than Steven Spielberg.
46. I will have no______(犹豫) in giving you a hand if you are in trouble.
47. They’ve paid 6 months’ rent in advance for a 2-ro0m apartment and will give ita______(彻底的)cleaning before moving in.
48. They have a______(简单的,坦率的) and free -and easy attitude towards life, andtheir friendliness and warmth made me feel at home wherever I went.
49. All the______(财物) on board, such as furniture, cupboards, stoves, blankets must be abandoned.
50. The crew formed an ocean expedition. They were______(qualify) explorers.
51. Once he has made a______(resolve) to do it, you won’t get her to change his mind.
52. Much to my regret, he turned down my______(apply).
53. The editor felt______(guilt) about not publishing your article in the latest issue.
54. We were about to give up, when finally I______(spot) something through the trees.
55. On receiving the______(assign), we set out to work at once.
Sumnervacationcoming. Jack and his brotherBerlin were filled with excitement as they thought of visiting their grandparents again.
The big day came at last. After the happy family got ready’ they set out for thegrandparents’eagerly.On the way, the brothers were excitedly talking about the fun they had with grandparents.
A little blue house with a tall white chimney finally appeared.Behind the property was theforest carrying their good memories with Grandpa. They arrived at the driveway, at the end of which Grandma was waiting for them joyfully.
Jack and Berlin each gave Grandma a big hug and then swept to the living room, shouting excitedly“Grandpa,we areback!”
Seeing his grandsons, Grandpa was wild with joy and tried to get up with all hisstrengthfrom thechairbutinvain. Ahelplessexpressionflashedonhisface,Grandmaexplainedthathishealthwasdecliningrapidlyandmaybecouldn’tstanduponhisownforever,ButGrandpadeclaredstubbornly(倔强地), “I can!” Certainly, he was stuck in his boyish way. Mum and grandparents were happy to meet again after a long time. They sat together and chatted about what happened recently.
The brothers weresoon bored with adultconversation, wentoutand wanderedinto theforest. Talltreesstretched up to the heavens withlarge branchescrossingeachother, while youngones rosestraight like soldiers. Grandpa was once a great explorer full of wisdom. He could tell where the birds came from only by their calls and songs. The trees, birds, lizards, lots of bugs... How many merry moments they spent with Grandpa in the kingdom!
But now Grandpacouldn’tget up. This madethem worried. “We’d thinkouta waytocheer him up.” Jacksaid. “Grandpaisabirdlover,andwecancatchhimabird.” Berlinsuggested. “Buthehatesbinds being caged!” Jackshookhishead.
Then a bright idea came to Jack’s mind. “Why not make a cane(拐杖)out of a young tree!”
Berlin thought it was a good idea.
Jack and Berlin handed the cane to Grandpa.
1~3 BCC 4~7 ADCC 8~11 CACB 12~15 BCBD
16~20 GDBAF
21~25ACBDB 26~30ACDAB 31~35BCBAD
36. based; 37. when; 38. whatever; 39. to; 40. possibly
41. believes; 42. things; 43. discussed; 44. calling; 45. greater
46. hesitation; 47. thorough; 48. straightforward; 49. properties; 50. qualified
51. resolution; 52. application; 53. guilty; 54. spotted; 55. assignment
Dear Anna,
I am so glad to learn that you are going to enter a Chinese character writing competition. Butyou seem to be a little worried about it and I have some advice for you.
As is known to all, a positive attitude to the competition contributes greatly to excellentperformance. Therefore, keep calm and confident before and during the process. Secondly, whenwriting Chinese characters, employ the correct gesture of holding the pen, which to some extent,determines the structures of your characters. Thirdly, everybody has his or her own style of writing.It is this personal feature that says a lot about you, thus probably enabling you to stand out amongthe competitors.
Hopefully the suggestions above will do you some good. Ad I do believe that, through yourconstant efforts, you will achieve success eventually. Best wishes for you!
Li Hua
Berlin thought it was a good idea. They set about making a cane for Grandpa immediately.The moment they chose a young tree of moderate size, they cut it down and then removed thebranches and skins with a knife. With a small wood fastened on the top as a handle a fashionablecane came into being. To make the handle feel comfortable, they wrapped a soft cloth around it.Berlin, full of innovative ideas, carved words Gift To Grandpa on the cane. What a cool cane!
Jack and Berlin handed the cane to Grandpa. Staring at the fancy cane, Grandpa was sohappy with smiles on his face shining like a diamond. He thanked his grandsons for the wonderfulgift with affection, “You brothers are really great creators!” Supporting himself with the cane,Grandpa couldn’t contain himself and went to the forest step by step. Watching the trees and grassaround, he emotionally said he would forever cherish the fond moments they were together in theforest.
这是一份2023-2024学年广东省汕头市潮阳实验学校高三上学期期中考试英语试题含答案,文件包含广东省汕头市潮阳实验学校2023-2024学年高三上学期期中考试英语试题原卷版docx、广东省汕头市潮阳实验学校2023-2024学年高三上学期期中考试英语试题解析版docx等2份试卷配套教学资源,其中试卷共39页, 欢迎下载使用。
这是一份2023-2024学年广东省汕头市潮阳一中明光学校高一上学期10月月考英语试题含答案,文件包含精品解析广东省汕头市潮阳一中明光学校2023-2024学年高一上学期10月月考英语试题原卷版docx、精品解析广东省汕头市潮阳一中明光学校2023-2024学年高一上学期10月月考英语试题解析版docx等2份试卷配套教学资源,其中试卷共39页, 欢迎下载使用。
这是一份广东省汕头市潮阳一中明光学校2022-2023学年高二下学期5月期中英语试题,共9页。试卷主要包含了5分,满分37, A等内容,欢迎下载使用。