展开高考英语优美句型(一)场景一:虽然聪明,但懒惰。[普通句]While/Although/Though he is quite clever,he proves to be lazy.[高分句]Clever as he is, he proves to be lazy.[高分句]Despite/In spite of cleverness/being clever,he proves to be lazy.[高分句]Despite/In spite of the fact that he is quite clever,he poves to lazy.[高分句]He is more lazy than clever.[高分句]He is not as much clever as he is lazy.场景二:虽然年纪大,但活力四射。[普通句] Despite his advanced age, he still has a lot of energy.[高分句]He is none the less energetic for age.[高分句]The older he grows,the more energetic he gets.[高分句]With age and time comes more energy and enthusiasm on his part.场景三:直到退休才有时间环游世界。[普通句]He did not have time to travel around the world until he retired.[高分句]Not until he retired did he have time to travel around the world.[高分句]It was not until he retired that he had time to travel around the world.[高分句]Only when he retired did he have time to travel around the world.场景四:因为错过班车而迟到。[普通句]He was late for school because he missed the bus.[高分句]Missing the bus, he was late for school.[高分句]It was due to missing the bus that he was late for school.[高分句]The reason why he was late for school was that he missed the bus.场景五:随着时间的流逝,我逐渐明白学习的重要性。[普通句]As time goes by ,I come to realise the importance of study.[高分句]With time going by/With the passage of time,I come to realise how important study is.场景六:你的财富不重要,重要的是你的梦想。[普通句]Your possessions don't matter,but your dreams matter.[高分句]It is not what you have but what you dream that matters. (二)场景一:军民之情,如同鱼水之情。[普通句]The people are very important to the people's army as water is to fish.[高分句]The people are as important to the people's army as water is to fish.[高分句]The people are to the people’s army what water is to fish.[高分句]The people are the foundation upon which the people’s army stands, much like water is the very essence of life for fish.场景二:一见到母亲,就投入到她温暖的怀抱。[普通句]As soon as he saw his mother,he threw himself into his mother's warm arms.[高分句]The mere/very sight of his mother made him eagerly throw himself into the warmth of her arms, like a bird returning to its nest after a long journey.[高分句]No sooner had he spotted his beloved mother than he eagerly embraced the coziness of her arms, like a bird returning to its nest after a long journey. [高分句]Upon catching sight of his mother, he couldn’t help but rush into the comforting embrace of her arms, as if he had finally found a safe haven after braving a storm.场景三:她想当医生,因为她有颗救死扶伤的心。[普通句]She wants to be a doctor because she wants to help people.[高分句]Her desire to become a doctor accounts for her readiness to help others.[高分句]Her pursuit of a medical profession is fueled/inspired by her passion for relieving the suffering of others.[高分句]The motivation for her dream of becoming a doctor lies/consists in her deep-seated urge to make a positive impact on the lives of others.场景四:她昨晚熬夜,现在很累。[普通句]She's tired because she stayed up late last night.[高分句]Having stayed up late the previous night, she is worn out.[高分句]Her late night has left her feeling tired and exausted.[高分句]As a result of staying up late, she is now struggling with tiredness. (三)1.Winners never quit and quitters never win. — Vince Lombardi成功者从不放弃,放弃者永远无法成功。Reflection(反思): Those who persist in their efforts to achieve their goals will ultimately succeed, while those who give up will never attain success.真的吗?但是大丈夫能屈能伸:"A real man knows when to yield and when to stand firm. " "Flexibility is key" and "Adaptability is essential".但是屈从却不失骨气和原则:"bend but not break," "flexible but firm," or "knowing when to hold them and when to fold them." 2.Some people seem to live to eat, while others eat to live.有些人似乎是为了吃而活着,而另一些人则是为了活着而吃。Reflection:对于一些人来说:Good food is a good mood.He can not think well,love well ,sleep well if he has not dined well.The way to his heart is through his stomache.典型的吃货(foodie)一枚.虽然饮食对人的健康很重要,但人应该还要有更高追求: "Man does not live by bread alone." (Bible)"The purpose of life is a life of purpose." (Robert Byrne)人生目的是要找到有目的的人生。3.Ask not what your country can do for you, ask what you can do for your country. - John F. Kennedy不要问国家能为你做什么,而要问你能为国家做什么。Reflection:无论中外,面对民族大义,都会抛弃儿女情长。苟利国家生死以,岂因祸福避趋之:I will do whatever I can to to serve my country even at the sacrifice of my life,regardless of fortune or misfortune to myself.4.It is not the years in your life but the life in your years. - Abraham Lincoln重要的不是你的岁数,而是你生命中的经历。Reflection:某一年的高考完形填空有一句类似的:The best way to get started is to quit talking and begin doing. Walt Disney once said, “Make the most of what you have, have the best of everything.”我改一下:Make the most of what you have although you do not have the best of everything .人生苦短,最好 make it count,因为: "Life is not measured by the number of breaths we take, but by the moments that take our breath away." (Maya Angelou) "Life is a journey, not a destination." (Ralph Waldo Emerson)"You only live once, but if you do it right, once is enough." (Mae West) "Life is a great big canvas(画布), and you should throw all the paint on it you can." (Danny Kaye)5.Never let a fool kiss you or a kiss fool you.- Joey Adams永远不要让傻瓜吻你,也不要因为一个吻而变成傻瓜。Reflection:恋爱中的人是冲动的,The heart has reasons that reason does not understand." (Blaise Pascal) 心有理,理性所不能解释。所以需要:Love looks not with the eyes, but with the mind." (William Shakespeare)6.When the going gets tough, the tough get going. - Joseph P. Kennedy处境艰难,强者前行。Reflection :困难不会总是持续,但坚韧的人会。Tough times never last, but tough people do.(- Robert H. Schuller) The greatest glory in living lies not in never falling, but in rising every time we fall. (Nelson Mandela). 可以面对失败,但你决不能被打败You may encounter many defeats, but you must not be defeated. 7.Fair is foul, and foul is fair.公正是邪恶,邪恶是公正。Reflection:这句话出自莎士比亚的作品《麦克白》(Macbeth),可以理解为“美好的东西看起来可能卑劣无耻,而丑陋的事物也有可能是值得追求的”。它强调了世界上道德观念的混乱和不确定性,表达了对世界的深刻怀疑和无奈。 Good things may appear bad, while bad things may appear good. It emphasizes the confusion and uncertainty of moral values in the world and expresses a deep sense of skepticism and helplessness.所以, "All that glitters is not gold."(闪光的东西未必都是金子)Things are not always what they seem."(事情并不总是表面看起来那样)。8. You can take the boy out of the country, but you can't take the country out of the boy.可以带一个男孩离开乡村,但无法从他身上抹去乡村的烙印。Reflection:A person's upbringing and background will always be a part of them, even if they move to a different place or environment. A person's roots and values will always influence their behavior and perspective, regardless of where they go or what they do.阶层固化,所以You can't run away from yourself. Wherever you go, there you are.You can change your environment, but you can't change your DNA.人们的背景、价值观和生活经历会对他们的行为和思维方式产生深远的影响,即使他们改变了环境或生活方式,这些因素也不会轻易改变。9."The instinct of a man is to pursue everything that flies from him, and to fly from all that pursues him." - Voltaire人的本能是追逐逃离他的一切,逃离追逐他的一切。Reflection:We always long for the forbidden things, and desire what is denied us.( François Rabelais),人总是这样的:The grass is always greener on the other side of the fence.The forbidden fruit is always the sweetest. (四)场景一:她错过了早班飞机,因为她起床晚了。普通分: She missed the early morning flight because she woke up late.[高分句]The reaon why she missed the early morning flight was that she woke up late.[高分句]What caused her to miss the early moring flight was that she woke up late.[高分句]It was because she woke up late that she missed the early morning flight高分: Her waking late caused her to miss the early morning flight.高分: Oversleeping resulted in her missing the morning flight.create imgages:场景二:如果你努力学习,你就会取得好成绩。[普通句]You will get good grades if you study hard.[高分句]Hard work will lead to good grades.[高分句]Good grades are the result of hard work.[高分句]Only by studying hard can you get good grades.场景三:他不仅聪明,而且很勤奋。[普通句]He is not only clever but also hard-working.[高分句]He is clever as well as hard-working.[高分句]He is both clever and hard-working.[高分句]Not only is he clever, but he is also hard-working.场景四:他很少看电视,因为他对电视不感兴趣。[普通句]He seldom watches TV because he is not interested in it.[高分句]He watches TV very rarely as he has no interest in it.[高分句]Lacking interest in TV, he watches it very seldom.场景五:我爱你如同小鸟爱蓝天一样。[普通句]I love you as a bird loves the blue sky.[高分句]My fondness for you is nothing less than a bird's attachment to the blue sky that shelters it each day.高 分:You mean to me what the sky means to a bird.高 分:I cherish you with all my heart, much in the same way that birds treasure the blue vastness they live within.场景六:不要折腾。[普通句]Don't make a mess/make a fuss/cause trouble.高 分:Don't make things more difficult than they need to be.高 分:Don't make things more difficult than is necessary. 场景七:他经常在阳台晒太阳[普通句]He frequently enjoys the sun on the balcony.高 分:He often sunbathes on the balcony.高 分:He frequently gets relaxed sunning himself on the balcony.高 分:He makes it a habit to sunbathe on the balcony. (五)场景一:李老师具备一切优秀老师应具备的条件[普通句]Mr Li possesses all the outstanding qualities that a teacher should possess.[高分句]Mr Li has what/all it takes to be an excellent teacher.[高分句]Mr Li is well qualified to be an outstanding teacher.[高分句]Mr Li meets all the criteria necessary for a distinguished teacher.场景二:我关心的不是结果,而是过程。[普通句]I care not about the result but about the process.[高分句]It is not so much the result as the process that concerns me.[高分句]Achievement means less to me than participation, completion less than continuation.场景三:帮助他人是值得的[普通句]Helping others is worthwhile.[高分句]It pays to help others.[高分句]It is truly rewarding to be of service to others.[高分句]Assisting others is deserving of one's time and effort.[高分句]Helping others is a noble pursuit.场景四:都说女人开车比男人差,其实不然。[普通句]It is said that women are worse drivers than men,but it is not true.[高分句]Contrary to popular myth , women are not worse drivers than men.[高分句]While it's often claimed that women are worse drivers than men, the reality tells a different story/suggests otherwise.场景五:那个每天都在微笑的男人背后,比表面上看起来更复杂。[普通句]Behind the man who smiles every day lies a complexity beyond his outward appearance.[高分句]There is more to the man smiling all day than meets the eye.