小学英语北京版四年级上册Lesson 21教案
这是一份小学英语北京版四年级上册Lesson 21教案,共12页。教案主要包含了设计意图等内容,欢迎下载使用。
教学基本信息课题Unit 6 May I take your order? Lesson 21是否属于地方课程或校本课程否是否属于跨学科主题教学否学科小学英语学段: 中段年级四年级相关领域购物教材书名:北京版小学英语四年级上册 出版社:北京出版社 出版日期:2014年7月第一版指导思想与理论依据《高中英语课程标准(2017年版)》指出,普通高中英语课程倡导指向学科核心素养的英语学习活动观和自主学习、合作学习、探究学习等学习方式。教师应设计具有综合性、关联性和实践性特点的英语学习活动,使学生通过学习理解、应用实践、迁移创新等一系列融语言、文化、思维为一体的活动,获取、阐释和评判语篇意义,表达个人观点、意图和情感态度,分析中外文化异同,发展多元思维和批判性思维,提高英语学习能力和运用能力。《义务教育英语课程标准(2011年版)》强调,教师要结合实际教学需要,创造性地使用教材,适当做出改变,增加或删减;教师根据所在地区的教学实际需要、学生现有水平、课时安排等,可对教材内容作适当的补充和删减。依据以上理论,本节课导入环节,教师创设与话题相关的在快餐店工作的情境,借助丰富的食物图片,丰富教学内容,贴近学生生活体验。教师向学生求助都有哪些“waiters’ language”,之后引导学生把在19和20课学习中掌握的功能句“What would you like to eat?”, “May I take your order? ”等应用在新创设的快餐环境中。本课的设计对教材的最后一部分Let’s do进行了改编,与20课的Let’s do 进行融合,先设计自己的菜单,复习旧知,再进行对话创编,巩固新知。本课最后的2019年学校食堂菜单征集活动和学生在食堂点餐是本校的真实情况,学生在此真实语境中模拟学生与食堂工作人员进行点餐活动,运用本课所学,完全符合生活经历,能帮助学生更好地体会语言以及运用语言,达到学以致用的目的。教学背景分析教学内容: 本节课的教学内容是北京版小学英语四年级上册第6单元21课,本单元第三课时。本单元的话题是围绕点餐展开的,19课学习在中餐厅点餐,20课学习在西餐厅点餐,21课学习在快餐店和蛋糕店购买食品,并增加了结账和找零的过程。教学难点是在真实的就餐环境中恰当地运用点餐和找零的功能用语。要求学生要了解食品名称、种类、口味、数量等的表达,了解不同的食物,树立健康饮食观念。本课包括Listen and say、Listen, look and learn、Let’s do三个版块。Listen and say版块分别呈现Lingling去快餐店和Mike去蛋糕店购买食品的场景,他们挑选食物,询问价钱最后付款并得到找零。Listen, look and learn版块再现本课的重点交际用语,要求学生在模拟情境中学会用 “Here is the money.” “Here is your change.” 完成购物付款的过程。 Let’s do版块与20课的Let’s do 活动进行融合,请学生先设计自己的菜单,复习旧知,再进行对话创编,巩固新知。在设计菜单以及创编对话时能充分回顾前两课所学内容,包括各种食物,中西饮食文化以及相关功能用语。对话展示时,教师根据学生点餐的合理性进行点评,从而引出合理饮食,健康饮食的概念。最后,根据校园食堂真实情况,向学生征集2019年食堂新菜单,请学生设计出营养均衡的一周食谱并进行在食堂点餐的模拟对话。 学生情况:1.年龄特点:授课对象是本校四年级学生,四年级学生已经有了较多且扎实的英语基础,和大多数人一样对美食有着极大的兴趣。并且对英语课堂活动和表演有浓厚的兴趣和较高的积极性,乐于表现自己。2.能力特点:考虑到学生个体差异,教师在教学过程中的问题创设上,既有yes or no的简单回答也有长难句回答,以便照顾到各层次学生。在以往的课堂教学活动经验中,学生们已经培养出了同伴合作和小组合作的能力。利用合作的方式,鼓励同学之间互相帮助互相带动,使每个学生都参与到学习中来并能从英语课堂上体会学习的乐趣。另外,在平时的课堂对话中,学生已经能自主地对课文内容进行更改和补充以使自己的对话更加真实和丰富。因此,菜单环节鼓励学生充实语言,达到更好地输出效果。四年级的学生具备一定的书写能力,最后设计一周食谱,对学生进行书写测评。3.知识特点:(1)学生的已知:三年级上册第六单元学习了plus和minus,在讲解找零时可以辅助学生理解。“How much … ?”功能句在本册第五单元16课中以复数形式出现询问一双鞋的价钱,在本课以单数形式作补充对比。点餐用语“May I take your order?”, “What would you like to eat? I’ll have… .”是本单元19,20两课的重点功能句,学生能很好地掌握并在情景中运用。食物价钱涉及的基数词表达学生从一年级就有接触,在几年的学习中已经能较为迅速且准确地进行表达。(2)学生的新知: 询问单个商品价钱“How much is it?”,生词“money” “fried chicken wings”的认读和难点“change”的理解。 教学方式:1.通过创建快餐店情景,请学生帮老师总结服务人员职业用语,并进行简单师生问答,营造真实语境,为旧知复习,导入新课;2.通过分角色朗读课文以及小组表演课文,加深巩固学生对本课对话的掌握; 3.通过设计菜单创编点餐找零对话,巩固检测学生对本课难点及本单元功能句的理解与产出。 教学手段:多媒体课件,卡片,板书,前两课获得的奖励图片。 技术准备:1.多媒体课件,计算机,微信网页版。2.物品准备:板书贴纸,学生在前两课学习过程中获得的奖励图片,胶钉,小组空白菜单,做奖励用的饮品图片,食堂菜单设计图。 教学目标(内容框架)教学目标:1. 能听懂、会说和认读fried,wing,chicken,change, money等词汇,并能在实际情景中运用。2. 能够正确、流利地朗读对话,与同学一起进行表演,通过对话表演活动,提高小组合作意识和用英文交流的流利性。3. 能运用 “How much is it?” “That’s … yuan.” “Here is the money.” “Here is your change.”询问食品价格并模拟付款找零的过程,同时能够在中、西餐厅的情景中运用这些交际用语。4. 树立合理饮食观念,培养健康的饮食习惯。教学重点: 能听懂、会说和认读fried,wing,chicken,change, money等词汇,并能在实际情景中运用。 能够正确、流利地朗读对话,与同学一起进行表演。3. 能运用 “How much is it?” “That’s … yuan.” “Here is the money.” “Here is your change.”询问食品价格并模拟付款找零的过程。教学难点:1. 名词change的正确发音和准确理解。 2. 能在对话中熟练运用功能句型: “How much…?” “Here is the money.” “Here is your change.”。 教学流程示意(可选项) Activity 1: Ss answer questions about the prior lessons or act it out. Activity 2: Create a situation “I am a saleswoman today. I’ll work ata fast food restaurant.” Dialogue 1&2: watch answer questions read (input) (key points) (drilling) Read in roles and act it out. Read the key sentences. Ss design their own menu in groups and make dialogues. Activity 1: Free talkHow often do you eat fast food?T shows the food pyramid and input balanced diet concept.Activity 2: Language in useBased on the actual case of the school canteen, students help design a healthy menu for the canteen and conduct dialogues. Consolidation. 教学过程(文字描述)Step1: Lead-in (5’)(1) 引导学生复习旧知T: Hello,boys and girls. We will continue our topic about ordering food today. Before we start our new lesson, let’s review what we’ve already learned. Today you are divided into 3 groups. The first group represents Chinese restaurant. Do you remember who went to a Chinese restaurant in our book?Ss: Mike and his parents.T: Yes. I wonder if the Chinese restaurant group can come act out the dialogues in lesson 19? Who wants to have a try?Ss act out the text of lesson 19.T: Thank you. I think they did a great job. Do you all agree? They are excellent, right? Do you remember what restaurant did Sara’s family go?Ss: They went to a western restaurant.T: Correct. The second group represents the Western restaurant. Could you five us a show of lesson 20? Ss act out the text of lesson 20.【设计意图】复习前两课学习的点餐用语。在请小组分别表演19和20课对话时,选择对应的小组,表演完成后,以此向学生明确本节课的分组情况。学生通过个体、同伴的共同努力,将为所在团队赢得荣誉,能够大大提高学生的积极性。(2) 引入快餐店主题T: See, I’m a saleswoman today. Look at my menu here. Do you know where I work? Is it a Chinese restaurant /Western restaurant? S: It’s a fast food restaurant/ store.T: Correct. I will work in a fast food restaurant. But I’m worried because it’s my first day at work. I don’t know how to be a good saleswoman. What should I say to my customers? Could you please tell me some “waiters’ language”?Ss: May I take your order? /What can I do for you?/ what would you like?...T: Thank you! I’m not worried anymore! With your help, I can begin my work now. let me introduce our menu to you. We have … . Are there anything you like?Ss: I like… .T: Right, I’m glad you like it. Would you like to order something in my restaurant? Do I have customers who want to buy some food? Welcome the first customer. Hello! What would you like to eat?Customer 1: I will have/ I’d like … .T: How much would that be? Who can tell me? Ss: It’s … .T: Who also wants to order some food? Hello! May I take your order now?Customer 2: I will have/ I’d like… .T: How much would that be? Who can tell me? Ss: It’s … .T: Great! Thank you for your cooperation.【设计意图】创设快餐店点餐情境,由教师向学生“求助”的方式,再一次引导学生对前两课学习的点餐用语进行巩固。教师表现出弱势,更能激发学生学习的兴趣和表现的欲望,以此调动学生参与课堂的热情,推动课堂气氛。模拟点餐对话,复习“How much…?”句型。 Step2: Presentation (16’)(1)Dialogue 1①初步理解对话T: Lingling and Mike also want to buy some food, let’s see what they want to eat. Please watch the first video and try to remember what Lingling want to buy. Q: What does Lingling buy?Ss watch the video clip and then answer the question.T: Let’s listen to the recording and check our answer. Are we correct?Ss: Yes.T: Good job. We know hamburger and orange juice, but this one is new to us (points at the picture on the board). Read after me please.Ss read the word after the teacher.② 观看视频,模仿跟读T: Now let’s read the dialogue together and then I have a few questions for you.Ss read after the recording and then answer questions.Lingling: Here is thirty yuan. Waitress: Here is your . T: What’s the change? How do you know that? S: It’s 4 yuan. Thirty minus twenty-six is four. T: Yes, very good. Now read after me please. Ss read the word after the teacher. T: Look at my menu, if I’d like an ice cream. I have 5 yuan. How much is the change? S: It’s 3 yuan. T: Excellent. 【设计意图】由课前模拟快餐店点餐,顺利引出今天的故事发生背景,首先让孩子们带着问题观看视频,由一个简单的问题开启新课的学习,增强学生的信心,提高学生学习的成就感。随后跟读课文熟悉课文,再对重点词挖空,引发学生思考,解释难点change,加深学生对课文的理解。(2)Dialogue2①初步理解对话T: Let’s have a look at our friend Mike. He goes to a bakery. Please watch the second video clip and answer questions.Q:What does Mike buy?How much is it? Ss watch the video clip and then answer questions. ②观看视频,模仿跟读Ss read after the recording.【设计意图】在听的基础上加上看,带着问题看课文,更有针对性。锻炼朗读,进一步感受课文,解决单词“money”的发音,在对话1的基础上再一次感受付款找零的过程。 Step3: Practice (9’)(1) Repeat and role-playT:Now, let’s watch the video one more time. This time, please read after the whole text.Ss watch the video and read after the recording.T: Well done! Let’s role-play. I’d like boys to be the saleswoman in both dialogues and girls to be Lingling. Ok? Let’s have a try.Ss role-play the dialogues together.T: You all did great. You can practice in groups now.【设计意图】教师请男女生分角色朗读课文进行语言操练,同时也是给学生再一次学习和输入的机会,使每个学生都有开口讲话的机会。 (2) Read after key termsT: From our text, we know about “change”. But what if there is no change? Can you guess?Ss: Thank you. Goodbye. T: Good guessing. In that bakery, Mike bought something else. Let’s watch a short video and see what happened. Ss: When there is no change, the saleswoman say “Thank you”.T: now let’s go over the key sentences together. Ss read after the recording. 【设计意图】提出不存在找零的情况,鼓励学生开动脑筋思考,猜测对话。播放视频印证猜想。跟读训练使学生扎实熟练地掌握句型,为接下来生生合作语言产出做铺垫。最后的生生合作鼓励学生灵活运用该句型,检测对话的学习情况。 (3) Group work---Welcome to my restaurant T: Each two of you have a blank menu and an envelope with food pictures, price tags and money in it. You have a restaurant now. You should design the menu of your restaurant first and then make dialogues to be salesman and customer. ① Ss design their own menu in groups.② Ss make dialogues. ③ Ss act it out.【设计意图】通过让学生动手又动脑的形式,为学生创建语境,锻炼口语表达能力,检测输出效果。(4) Discussion T: From this lesson, we know different kinds of restaurants serve different foods and we know how to pay for our food. The topic of this lesson is fast food. Do you think fast food is healthy food? How often do you eat fast food? For example, I eat fast food every two weeks.Ss: I eat fast food once a month/ once two weeks. T: Fast food restaurants serve a lot of fried food which are not healthy if we eat too much. Let’s have a look at this food pyramid. We should eat all kinds of food and keep a balanced diet. If we eat healthy, we will build a healthy body. 【设计意图】为教学做升华。由不同类型的食物提出饮食健康问题,请同学们讨论自己多久吃一次快餐。接着用食物金字塔展示膳食结构,提出饮食均衡,健康饮食的观念。 Step4: Production (8’)Canteen menu designT: Speaking of balanced diet, the dining hall of our school is now updating. The managers are trying to bring us various foods. They would like to serve Chinese, Western and fast food. They want to serve what you like to eat and also what is healthy to eat. They are asking for your help now to design a new menu for 2019. Could you help design a menu for our school?(1) Each group designs a balanced menu for one day of the week and together they finish the menu of one week. (2) Ss act out how they will order food based on the new menu they designed to apply the key sentences from this lesson into real situation. Meat Staple foodVegetables SoupFruitMondayPork ¥6 TuesdayBeef ¥7 WednesdayChicken¥5 ThursdayMutton¥6 FridayFish ¥5 Fast food 【设计意图】结合学校发生的真实案例,请学生为食堂设计2019年新菜单,在每天肉类不同的情况下设计出均衡的完整菜单,进一步帮助学生理解balanced diet的意义。在学生每天都会做的食堂点餐这个情境中,恰好能使本课所学的付钱找零的功能句得到准确应用。扮演食堂工作人员的同学在对话中判断该同学的饮食是否均衡,进一步深化健康饮食的情感态度。 Step5: Summary & Homework (2’) T: You did a wonderful job today. After this class, I believe you have learned well about Chinese and Western food cultures. Maybe you can help order meals when you and your family travel abroad. I’d be happy to hear your amazing experience. After class, please finish your own menu of the whole week and we will talk about it tomorrow. We will choose our best to hand it to the dining hall manager. 板书设计 学习效果评价设计评价方式: 口头评价: 在教学过程中,Good job! Well done. 等作为课堂评价语贯穿于课堂始终。对学生的每一次回答和配合做出及时的反馈,有助于学生对课堂持续的参与度和积极性。 物质奖励:在教学过程中,对回答问题的同学给予口头评价的同时,奖励该组对应餐厅类型的一种饮品,作为额外素材用在最后设计菜单环节中。 评价量规评价方式有何特别?最后设计菜单环节,信封中的食物图片是在本单元前两课的学习过程中,学生通过课堂上的优秀表现所获得的奖励。在本课中,恰好用作学生完成菜单设计的素材,使本单元的学习更具有关联性,学生在使用图片过程中更能感受到学习带来的收获和成就感。 本教学设计与以往或其他教学设计相比的特点(300-500字数)纵横整合,单元整体学习21课是第六单元最后一节学习课,因此在教学设计上注重了知识的复习和融合。本课“How much is it?”句型在本册16课以复数形式“How much are they? ”出现,在板书上体现知识整合。对第二板块进行了删改,回到开始,依然用老师的大菜单进行简单问答操练。产出环节借用了20课的最后一板块,并进行扩充。这个环节包含两个活动,设计自己的菜单并小组创编对话。每组一张菜单一套食物一套钱币。菜单按照餐馆风格设计了不同的分栏,如西餐分为starter, main course, dessert,再一次巩固所学知识。注重语言实践,培养学生的语言运用能力 根据学校真实的案例,把食堂征集学生意见这一事实引入英语课堂。在树立均衡饮食观念这一情感目标后,让学生们在每天食堂用餐这一前提下,切实地感受均衡饮食的概念和必要性,并在此真实语境中应用本课学习的找零的功能句型。结合实际教学需要,创造性地使用教材 本课是本单元学习课的最后一课,在之前的20中,学生学会了制作关于中西方传统食物的菜单。本课延用菜单的设计,引导学生继续梳理不同类型饮食的词汇,为最后的的语言输出任务做铺垫。不同小组将根据自己设计的菜单,进行点餐,综合运用所学语言。
这是一份小学英语北京版四年级上册Lesson 22教学设计及反思,共3页。教案主要包含了教学目标,教学重难点,教学准备,教学过程等内容,欢迎下载使用。
这是一份小学英语北京版四年级上册Unit 6 May I take your order?Lesson 21教案及反思,共3页。教案主要包含了教学目标,教学重难点,教学准备,教学过程等内容,欢迎下载使用。
这是一份小学英语北京版四年级上册Lesson 20教学设计,共4页。教案主要包含了教学目标,教学重点,教学难点,教学流程,教学过程,板书设计等内容,欢迎下载使用。