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    11 2017年6月上海高考英语真题及答案解析(含听力mp3)
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    11 2017年6月上海高考英语真题及答案解析(含听力mp3)01
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    11 2017年6月上海高考英语真题及答案解析(含听力mp3)03
    11 2017年6月上海高考英语真题及答案解析(含听力mp3)01
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    11 2017年6月上海高考英语真题及答案解析(含听力mp3)03
    11 2017年6月上海高考英语真题及答案解析(含听力mp3)01
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    11 2017年6月上海高考英语真题及答案解析(含听力mp3)

    这是一份11 2017年6月上海高考英语真题及答案解析(含听力mp3),文件包含2017年6月上海高考英语原题版docx、2017年6月上海高考英语试卷+听力文本+答案docx、2017年6月上海高考英语解析版docx、2017年6月上海高考英语听力mp3等4份试卷配套教学资源,其中试卷共36页, 欢迎下载使用。


    上海   英语试卷


    1. Listening Comprehension (第1-10, 每题1分;第11-20题,每题1.5分;共25分)

    Section A

    Directions: In Section A, you will hear ten short conversations between two speakers. At the end of each conversation, a question will be asked about what was said. The conversations and the questions will be spoken only once. After you hear a conversation and the question about it, read the four possible answers on your paper, and decide which one is the best answer to the question you have heard.

    1.  A. The man should stop the program learn.     B. The program is too difficult to learn.

    C. She can help the man learn the program.     D. The man should keep learning the program.

    1.  A. They like reading today's paper.          

    B. They are interested in today's paper.

    C. They found nothing interesting in today's paper.  

    D. They have no idea what the paper is about.

    3.  A.In a library      B. In a concert     C. In a park       D. In an exhibition

    4.  A. Food the dog                     B. Clean the dog's house

    C. Give the dog a bath                D. Find something to eat.

    1.  A. Expensive      B. Cheap          C. Unsuitable      D. Unnecessary
    2. A. Math test       B. English test      C. Biology test     D. History test
    3. A. Because he was in Chengdu.

    B. Because the concert was held in Chengdu.

    C. Because he was too tired to attend the concert.

    D. Because the concert was not enough.

    1.  A. He couldn't help Mary.               B. He could lend Mary his bicycle.

    C. Mary could ask someone else for help.  D. Professor Hanks would help Mary.

    1.  A. Doctors should not lecture people about life styles.

    B.Doctors' own life styles are different from others.

    C. She doesn't agree with the man.

     D.Doctors' lecture is of little use.

    10. A. He likes watching instead of playing.      B. He is a good team sports player.

     C. He doesn't like any kinds of sports.       D. He likes taking part in team sports.


    Section B

    Directions: In Section B, you will hear two short passages and one longer conversation, and you will be asked three questions on each of the passages and the longer conversation. The passages and the longer conversation will be read twice, but the questions will be spoken only once. When you hear a question, read the four possible answers on your paper and decide which one would be the best answer to the question you have heard.

    Questions 1l through13 are based on the following passage.

    1.  A. Buy some small bottles to hold shampoo.

    B. Collect samples of shampoo for holiday use.

        C. Take more clothes in case of emergency.

    D. Roll up clothes to save space and reduce wrinkling.

    12.  A. Put a lock on the suitcase.

    B. Take a plain case instead of an expensive one.

    C. Draw some symbols on the suitcase.

    D. Do not take a suitcase.

    1. A. How to keep yourself safe during a holiday.

    B. How to make the packing easier for a trip.

    C. How to keep yourself away from theft.

    D. How to make your suitcase simple and plain.


    Questions14 through16 are based on the following speech.

    1. A. It can increase the rate of learning and the likelihood of remembering.

    B. It can help gather related information.

    C. The information can be easily recalled during an actual debate.

    D. It makes remembering information difficult.

    15. A. Reading and thinking alone            B. Talking about a movie to friends.

     C. Writing down what they've read.     D. Read the information loudly.

    16. A. Related information is put together logically

    B. All the information is put together.

    C. Information is related and can be recalled.

    D. You can recall any information anytime.


    Questions17 through20 are based on the following conversation.

    1. A. Cutting down public water supply during part of a day in some cities.

    B. Ways to change the public toilet.

    C. Suggestions for the public to change their bathrooms.

    D. How to save water by making changes to the bathrooms.

    18. A. Change the toilet           B. Use a water-saving shower head.

    C. Brush teeth once a day      D. Use toilets as less as possible.

    19. A.6 liters       B.10 liters       C.20 liters        D.16 liters

    20. A. How to use water when the public supply is cut.

    B. How to make the best use of water.

    C. Criticizing people for washing water.

    D. How to protect water from pollution.


    1-10 DCBBA  ACADA  

    11-13 CBB        14-16 DBA       17-20 ABDB




    Section A

    Directions: In section A, you will hear ten short conversations between two speakers. At the end of each conversation, a question will be asked about what was said. The conversations and the questions will be spoken only once. After you have heard a conversation and the question about it, read the four possible answers on your paper, and decide which one is the best answer to the question you have heard.


    1. M: Programming is too tough for me to learn. I’ll quit.

    W: Keep trying, you can make it.

    Question: What does the woman mean?

    1. M: Just look at today’s paper--nothing but accidents or gossip.

    W: Right, nothing is worth reading.

    Question: What is the speakers’ attitude towards today’s paper?

    1. M: Jane, have you turn off the mobile phone? The musical is about to start.

    W: Okay, I can’t wait to see Lucas Wong, my favorite actor.

    Question: Where does the conversation most probably take place?

    1. M: Before feeding the dog, I am going to clear up its the house.

    W: It’s about time. Look at the mess! It smells terrible.

    Question: What is the man most probably going to do first?

    1. W: Shall we buy some magazines on home decoration before furnishing our new house?

    M: We could. But considering the information, don’t you think they are overpriced?

    Question: What does the man think of such magazines?

    1. M: Miss Fang, for tomorrow’s test can we use a calculator?

    W: No, you should learn basic calculation skills.

    Question: Which test is the man most probably going to take?

    1. W: Why didn’t you go to the concert? It was marvelous.

    M: I was tired out. I just came back from Chengdu by train that morning.

    Question: Why was the man absent from the concert?

    1. W: Robbie, I can’t carry those books to the classroom. Would you please help me?

    M: Sorry, Mary. I have an appointment with Prof. Hanks now. Why not use your bicycle?

    Question: What does Robbie imply?

    1. M: Some doctors love to lecture people about their lifestyles.

    W: Well, I don’t think they can make a difference.

    Question: What does the woman mean?

    1. W: Alex, do you like team sports? Football, basketball…

    M: Sure, but I’m a spectator rather than a player.

    Question: What can we learn about the man?

    Section B

    Direction: In section B, you will hear two passages and one longer conversation. After each passage or conversation, you’ll be asked several questions. The passages and the conversation will be read twice, but the questions will be spoken only once. When you hear a question, read the four possible answers on your paper, and decide which one is the best answer to the question you have heard.


    Questions 11-13 are based on the following talk.

    That long-awaited trip is about to begin. You’ve been working hard getting everything organized. I’m here to give you the tips you need to make the packing task easier. The golden rule is: the lighter, the better. Most shampoo manufacturers seem to make a special point of packaging their products in containers which are either large or heavy. One way to decrease the weight in your bag is to buy some small bottles and pour into them just enough shampoo for the holiday. Another idea is to collect samples of shampoo throughout the year, ready for use when holiday time comes around. What else need to go into the suitcase? Clothes, of course. Don’t forget to roll them up: it not only saves space, but also helps reduce wrincling. Remember to put an alarm clock, washing powder and medicine in the suitcase. Still on the subject of the suitcase, to keep the suitcases safe, keep them simple. If you use very expensive designer suitcases, you’ll invite theft. A plain case won’t be noticed as much by thieves.

    11, According to the speaker, how can we decrease the weight in the bag?

    12. What does the speaker tell us to do to prevent theft?

    13. What is the speaker mainly talking about?


    Questions 14-16 are based on the following passage.

    Some people believe that spending quiet hours reading and thinking in a library is the best way to prepare for a debate contest. Most memory experts, however, would recommend preparing with team members. Doing so increases the rate of learning and the likelihood of remembering. When members of a debate team prepare together, they learn facts and master issues faster and more effectively than each individual could alone. Communication is essential to the ability to remember well, says a well-known psychologist. He has found that isolating yourself is about the worst thing you can do if you want to remember information. In other words, when you talk with others, whether it is to describe a movie, or complain about a difficult chapter in a textbook, you are actually strengthening your memory. The human memory works like a filing system. For a filing system to be effective, information has to be put in a logical place--inside a folder that includes related information. When the members of a debate team practice by using facts in support of an argument, they are exactly gathering related pieces of information into a single mental folder. And during an actual debate, when the pressure is on, they will be more easily recalled than those memorized as isolated pieces of information.

    14. What do memory experts think of reading and thinking quietly in debate preparation?

    15. In which situation are people most likely to improve their memory?

    16. In what way do human memory work like a filing system?


    Questions 17-20 are based on the following conversation.

    M: Last night, the new said that in some cities they are thinking of turning of public water supply during part of each day.

    W: Hum, there is a shortage of water here, too. Is there anything we can do to help? Water is so important.

    M: Sure, there are many things we can do to cut down on the amount of water we use. One is to change some of the things in the bathroom.

    W: Hum, don’t you think changing the bathroom can be too expensive?

    M: I don’t mean to change everything just… Well, for instance, the shower head. There are new ones on the market that saves almost 50 percent of the water. They don’t cost very much.

    W: Good idea. I’ve read the normal flow of a shower is 20 liters per minute. By cutting down that on half, one would only consume 16 liters for a shower. If we turn off the water when brushing our teeth, that would help, too.

    M: Right. I wasn’t aware it could be that much.

    W: There are also new toilets that save a lot of water. But it isn’t necessary to change them right away.

    M: We don’t need to change them. By placing one or two bricks in the tank to take up some of the space, the amount of water flowing into the tank will be reduced.

    W: That sounds great!


    17. According to the man, what was last night’s news about?

    18. Which of the following is a suggestion made by the speaker?

    19. With the new shower head, how much water would a person use for a shower?

    20. What are the two speakers mainly talking about?


    That’s the end of listening comprehension.




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