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    第一部分 听力(共两节;满分30分)
    听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的 A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听完每段对话后,你都有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。
    1. What is the man ging t d?
    A. Have a picnic. B. G fishing. C. Take a drive.
    2. What are the speakers mainly talking abut?
    A. The weather. B. Indr activities. C. The wman's illness.
    3. Where des the cnversatin mst prbably take place?
    A. At a bus statin. B. At a train statin. C. At an airprt.
    4. What will the man d next?
    A. Surf the Internet.
    B. Cnduct an interview.
    C. Put a jb advertisement.
    5. Why des the man talk t the wman?
    A. T bk a rm.
    B. T cnfirm his flight.
    C. T reschedule a meeting.
    第二节(共15 小题;每小题1.5分,满分22.5分)
    6. Which place will be cleaned tday?
    A. The cafeteria. B. The hallways. C. The frnt ffice.
    7. What will the wman d next week?
    A. Hst a dinner. B. Hld a wrkshp. C. Design a schedule.
    8. What did the speakers just d?
    A. They watched a shw.
    B. They perfrmed in a musical.
    C. They practiced dancing tgether.
    9. What did the wman use t be?
    A. A dancer. B. An actress. C. A musician.
    听第8段材料,回答第10 至12题。
    10. What d we knw abut the jacket?
    A. It was unsuitable fr the man.
    B. It was large fr the man's sn.
    C. It was bught at a reduced price.
    11. What des the wman ask the man fr?
    A. The jacket. B. The receipt. C. The credit card.
    12. What will the man d next week?
    A. Take a credit nte. B. Get his mney back. C. Visit the stre again.
    听第9段材料,回答第13 至16 题。
    13. What did Paul d after he left schl?
    A. He pened a shp.
    B. He did several different jbs.
    C. He gt a jb as a chef in a restaurant.
    14. What was Paul's first restaurant jb like?
    A. Bring but well-paid.
    B. Difficult but beneficial.
    C. Enjyable but demanding.
    15. What des Paul's current jb invlve?
    A. Assisting chefs.
    B. Cking every day.
    C. Managing the whle kitchen.
    16. What des Paul think makes a restaurant successful?
    A. Inventing new dishes.
    B. Using quality ingredients.
    C. Creating less stressful envirnment.
    听第10段材料,回答第17 至20题。
    17. What is the speaker's jb related t?
    A. Medicine. B. Wild animals. . C. Artificial intelligence.
    18. What was the main gal f Prject Skylark?
    A. T create a system fr healthcare.
    B. T pen up pssibilities f finance.
    C. T teach a machine t identify different birds.
    19. What is the prgram MediScan used fr?
    A. Prducing reprts. B. Detecting diseases. C. Develping prgrams.
    20. What is the speaker's attitude twards AI in general?
    A. Wrried. B. Psitive. C. Casual.
    第二部分 阅读理解(共两节;满分50分)
    第一节(共15 小题;每小题2.5分,满分37.5分)
    Kew Gardens is nt nly a ppular turist destinatin in Lndn, but als a btanic garden and a research center that has the largest cllectin f living plants at a single site. S, let’s explre the Ryal Btanic Gardens with CGTN's reprter Rbyn Dwyer.
    Palm Huse
    The first stp is the Palm Huse, a giant indr rainfrest with a wide range f plants. Visitrs can enjy these
    extic plants while researchers can study the secrets f these flra. Eatable plants such as cca tree and African il palm are all preserved here t keep the diversity f fd resurces. At the same time, it huses many medical use plants, including sme that are used t treat cancer.
    Temperate Huse
    Knwn as the wrld's largest Victrian glasshuse, the Temperate Huse is hme t1,500 species f plants frm temperate regins f the wrld. Sme f the species kept here have gne extinct in the wild, such as Encephalarts wdii, a cycad frm Suth Africa. And sme are already extinct like Saint Helena live, but the Kew has stred its DNA.
    Mediterranean Garden
    In the Mediterranean Garden, ne can see plants frm the Suthern Eurpe, such as rsemary, lives and crk ak. Walking in the garden, ne can feel the nn-indr vibe(氛围)f the Mediterranean and learn abut the ecnmic as well as scientific uses f these plants.
    On Internatinal Day fr Bilgical Diversity this year, jin CGTN t travel arund the wrld's natinal parks and reserves acrss seven cntinents. Our next prgram is t visit penguins and seals in the Antarctic Ice Aquarium Nrway. Please stay tuned!
    21. What d the three stps have in cmmn?
    A. They stre plants fr medical use.
    B. They have plants f ecnmic value.
    C. They huse plants f seven cntinents.
    D. They wn plants fr scientific research.
    22. Which ne suits a visitr preferring utdr sites?
    A. Palm Huse. B. Temperate Huse.
    C. Antarctic Ice Aquarium. D. Mediterranean Garden.
    23. Where is the text mst prbably taken frm?
    A. A btanic dictinary. B. A TV travel series.
    C. A trip advertisement. D. A bidiversity essay.
    Cmpared with Marie Curie, Wu Chien-shiung is nt a husehld name in China, where she was brn and grew up, r in the United States, where she spent mst f her life.
    Wu's father received a mdern educatin in Shanghai, and in 1913, funded the first schl fr girls in Taicang, aiming t break the ld sexist advcacy that it was wmen's virtue t have n talents, which had the mst prfund influence n Wu's life. Nw, the schl has becme Mingde Senir Middle Schl.
    Wrking in the scientific wrld dminated by men, she never gave up r lwered her standards even if unequally treated. After graduating frm the frmer Natinal Central
    University in Nanjing, Wu, aged 24, enrlled at the University f Califrnia, Berkeley t cntinue her study in physics. She was the first wman t be president f American Physical Sciety.
    T get accurate results frm experiments, she wrked seriusly day and night at a labratry and gained a reputatin fr accuracy. There was a saying amng physicists: “If the experiment was dne by Wu, it must be crrect.” As ne f the mst influential nuclear physicists f the 20th century, she thrughly changed human's view f the universe. Her experiments verturned many previus experimental results and theries.
    Wu lived a simple life, but she set up a funding prgram in hnr f her father with her life savings, rewarding students and teachers at Mingde Senir Middle Schl. In 1997, Wu died aged 85 in the US. Accrding t her will, she was buried in her hmetwn Taicang. Chiang Tsai-chien, the authr f her bigraphy, Madame Wu Chien-shiung: The First Lady f Physics Research, wrte the epitaph (墓志铭) that starts, “Here’s buried the mst prminent female physicist Wu Chien-shiung”, and ends, “she was a distinguished wrld citizen, and was frever a Chinese”.
    24. Why did Wu's father fund the first schl fr girls?
    A. T prmte Wu's persnal develpment.
    B. T pursue gender and educatin equality.
    C. T display his well-educated backgrund.
    D. T imprve educatinal assessment system.
    25. What can we learn frm the last paragraph?
    A. Wu wrked as the first female physicist.
    B. Attachment t native land never left her.
    C. Sexist advcacy gave rise t her simple life.
    D. Wu fllwed her father's will t fund a prgram.
    26. Which wrds best describe Wu?
    A. Persistent in faith. B. Tlerant f sexism.
    C. Ambitius fr perfectin. D. Well-knwn in her mtherland.
    27. What is the best title f the text?
    A. A Wman Wh Thrilled the Wrld
    B. A Wman, One Distinguished Funder
    C. A Wman Wh Gained Equal Gender Right
    D. A Wman, One Influential Leader in Physics
    New research frm Hlland suggests that gd cnversatinal flw has a pwerful effect n peple's feelings f self-respect and belnging, and that even brief silences—just fur secnds lng—during a cnversatin are enugh As Tm Jacbs puts it, “Smth cnversatinal flw is assciated with psitive emtins, and a heightened sense f belnging, self-respect, scial cnfirmatin and agreement.”
    Fr the study, researchers perfrmed tw experiments in which they studied participants’ respnses t awkward silences. In the first, 102 cllege students read ne stry f tw versins. The first versin described smene making an unsympathetic remark—“I think fat peple shuld pay fr tw seats n the bus”—which was fllwed by an bvius silence. In the secnd versin, cnversatin flwed withut pause after the remark.
    The students were asked t imagine themselves as the speaker wh made the faux pas. Nt surprisingly, they reprted feeling mre anxius, rejected and less self-cnfident in the spt with the awkward silence than in the latter versin.
    The secnd experiment invlved 60 undergrads watching vides f similar cases by turns, but in this case, the questinable remark tk place in a cnversatin invlving the tpic f plagiarism(抄袭) amng prfessrs. In ne case, the statement was fllwed by a fur-secnd silence; in the ther versin, cnversatin cntinued t flw smthly. Althugh the vides cntained n ther tips abut the silence and viewers weren't even cnsciusly aware f the pause, students wh viewed the versin that cntained the break in cnversatin again reprted greater feelings f rejectin and lwer self-respect.
    The researchers suggest that sensitivity tward signs f rejectin and exclusin is nt a matter f life and death. Luckily, the cnsequences f scial rejectin are typically far less terrible these days.
    28. What wrds can best cver“...” in paragraph 1?
    A. t let the speaker knw it's time fr the end
    B. t make the speaker feel negative and rejected
    C. t have the audiences rethink what they have heard
    D. t inspire the speaker t talk abut what the audiences like ·
    29. What des the underlined phrase “faux pas” in paragraph 3 mean?
    A. A wrng judgment.
    B. An affectinate remark.
    C. A subcnscius respnse.
    D. An inapprpriate statement.
    30. What can we learn frm the experiments?
    A. Self-respect can be built up at ease.
    B. Audiences may benefit frm the silence.
    C. Uncnscius sensitivity t the silence exists.
    D. Cnversatinal flw ensures gd atmsphere.
    31. What is the passage mainly talking abut?
    A. The significance cnversatinal habits have.
    B. The negative impact f the silence n peple.
    C. The multiple causes f lw self-respect nwadays.
    D. The varius rles scial rejectin plays these days.
    Plat believed that men are divided int three classes: gld, silver and brnze. Vilfred Paret, an Italian ecnmist, argued that “ the vital few” cntributed t mst prgress. Such viewpints are tab(禁忌)tday in public life. Pliticians avid talking f a “leadership class” r “the vital few”. Schl recruitment turns away frm picking winners. Universities welcme the masses: mre peple nw teach at British universities than attended them in the1950s.
    In the private sectr things culd hardly be mre different. The wrld's best cmpanies struggle tirelessly t find and keep the vital few. They ffer them fat pay packets, extra training, pwerful instructin and mre challenging assignments. Private-equity (私人股权)firms rely heavily n a few stars. Firms in emerging markets are desperate t find high-flyers wh can cpe with rapid grwth and fast-changing envirnments.
    Few peple knw mre abut hw cmpanies manage talent than Bill Cnaty and RamCharan. Mr. Cnaty led the human-resurces department at General Electric (GE) fr 14years. Mr. Charan has spent the past few decades presenting prpsals t sme celebrated entrepreneurs (企业家). Their recent bk, The Talent Masters, prvides. a nice mix f prtraits f well-knwn talent factries, such as GE and Prcter & Gamble (P&G).
    Successful cmpanies make sure that senir managers are invlved with “ talent develpment”. Jack Welch and A. G. Lafley, frmer bsses f GE and P&G, claimed that they spent 40% f their time n persnnel. Andy Grve, wh ra n Intel, a chipmaker, bliged all the senir peple, including himself, t spend at least a week a year instructing high-flyers. Nitin Paranjpe, the bss f Hindustan Unilever, recruits peple frm campuses and regularly visits high-flyers in their ffices.
    Elitism(精英主义) has its drawbacks. In their rush t classify peple, cmpanies can miss ptential stars. Thse wh are singled ut fr special treatment can becme t full f themselves.
    32. The change that ccurred in British universities reflects that .
    A. mre students enrll fr schls
    B. peple f tday are much cleverer
    C. UK attaches imprtance t educatin
    D. elitism in public rganizatins declines
    33. Which peple belng t “high-flyers” based n the passage?
    A. Ptential clients. B. Faithful emplyees.
    C. Cmpetent managers. D. Celebrated pliticians.
    34. Hw is paragraph 4 mainly develped?
    A. By listing examples. B: By classificatin.
    C. By analyzing causes. D. By describing a prcess.
    35. Which statement can be inferred frm the passage?
    A. Discriminatin in wrkplaces will get mre serius.
    B. Famus cmpanies’ elitism management is wrth trying.
    C. The Talent Masters ffers advice t sme leading bsses.
    D. Elitism may get sme ptential talented peple excluded.
    D yu knw anyne wh has gne backpacking? 36 It ften means n fixed plans regarding accmmdatin r destinatin. The wrd “ backpacking ” cmes frm “backpack”, a type f bag that yu carry n yur back. Travelers typically fill a backpack with life essentials, like clthing, plus anything extra needed fr adventure. The steretypical view f a backpacker is smene in their 20s, keen t tick ff items n their bucket list(愿望清单). But, frget this. 37
    Last year, my best friend's parents retired aged 65 and set ff n a 630-mile trail alng the suthwest cast f England. Each carrying a 1 5kg backpack, Mike and Lrrain e hiked alng cliffs, explred glden sandy beaches and even cycled. 38 It varied frm Bed & Breakfast t camping in fields full f sheep. They did stp fr the ccasinal well-deserved cup f tea—they were in England after all.
    39 But few begin with as little as Othmane Zlati frm Mrcc. In 2015, he embarked n a nearly fur-year jurney with nly $ 80, zigzagging(曲折前进) acrss 24African cuntries and filming his experience t shwcase Africa’s diversity and beauty n a lw budget. He tld BBC What's New that he ften relied n dd jbs and the kindness f strangers t cntinue his travels. 40 Suth Africa was Othmane’s final destinatin and, n reaching it, he said, “It was ne f the best mments in my life. It made me knw that if yu fight fr smething, yu really stick t that gal and then yu will reach it”.
    S, dn't give up. If yu want t travel, yu can, regardless f yur age r budget!
    A. But it was definitely wrth it.
    B. Surprisingly, he made it with nbdy's help.
    C. Yu're abut t find ut that anyne can backpack.
    D. It's a type f travel that is lw-cst and independent.
    E. Backpackers are als knwn fr travelling with little mney.
    F. They encuntered many bstacles and even thught f giving up.
    G. They didn't bk accmmdatin but stayed in whatever they culd find.
    第三部分 语言运用(共两节;满分30分)
    第一节(共15 小题;每小题1分,满分15分)
    The judge asked me, “Are yu ready?” I lked at Paisley, the Wnder Dg. My 41 was filled with butterflies but this was ur mment and what we had 42 fr. “Ready!” I answered. S began ur first bedience 43 .
    Thugh it was ur first g, we were ging t lk like 44 . I still remembered my instructr's wrds. “If yu lk at yur dg during the exercise, it lks like yu dn't 45 yur puppy. Lk straight ahead.” S I threw back my shulders, 46 acrss the grass with cnfidence. We're ding it perfectly! Paisley is a shw dg! In training class, I was used t hearing peple’s 47 . But what was that sund I heard nw? A giggle?
    I fllwed the judge’s 48 . I didn’t lk at Paisley, shwing that I trusted her. Sft laughter spread thrugh the crwd. What in the wrld? At fifteen, I was the yungest at the trial. We were an unbeatable team, and I had n time fr 49 peple.
    The judge called a few mre mves and said. “Exercise 50 .”
    I reached dwn t give Paisley a well-deserved pat. She wasn't there.
    “Wuld yu like t get yur dg?” with a pker face, the judge asked, . 51 laughter. I turned t lk at her, and there was Paisley, sitting n the judge's shes. She watched me . d the whle exercise 52 by myself.
    My face burned with 53 .“Cme here,” I tld Paisley. But her whle bdy 54 uneasily. What? Suddenly, I knew what wuld happen, and there was nthing t stp it. Hrrified gasps rse frm the audience as Paisley finished her bwel(肠) business in the ring.
    I never did shw Paisley again, realizing smething that day. Sme dgs are put int ur lives t give us lve and cmpaninship. Others are given t us t keep us 55 .
    41. A. head B. stmach C. rm D. mind
    42. A. charged B. chse C. lked D. trained
    43. A. trial B. experience C. experiment D. trip
    44. A. amateurs B. strangers C. prfessinals D. acquaintances
    45. A. like B. wn C. trust D. serve
    46. A. tipteing B. fleeing C. slipping D. marching
    47. A. cheers B. demands C. hwls D. sngs
    48. A. advice B. cmmands C. principles D. pattern
    49. A. humrus B. jealus C. bssy D. cnfident
    50. A. started B. needed C. extended D. finished
    51. A. pretending B. bursting int C. swallwing D. raring with
    52. A. entirely B. prperly C. frequently D. hardly
    53. A. pleasure B. embarrassment C. intelligence D. harmny
    54. A. tre B. expanded C. transfrmed D. shifted
    55. A. prud B. bred C. humble D. negative
    第二节(共10 小题;每小题1.5分,满分15分)
    Ramie (苎麻), the main clthing material fr Chinese peple since ancient times, is als knwn as “Chinese grass” in the wrld. The ramie utput in China accunts fr mre than90% 56 f the wrld. The linen (亚麻布) wven with ramie is 57 (cnsequence) called “Grass Clth(夏布)”. Since ramie raw material has a thick gum and is irregular in texture, each step f prcedure is purely manual. In that case, the weavers shuld cmplete mre than a dzen steps 58 they finish making the clthes.
    Rngchang, lcated in Chngqing, China, is cnsidered as “Hmetwn f Grass Clth”. Right nw, in the spacius exhibitin hall 59 (place) ancient pure wden lms(织布机),alng with many grass clth prducts, all lking s dazzling 60 the eyes.
    In ld times, n a farmhuse engaged in the prductin f grass clth, yu culd always see a busy scene 61 wrkers rinsed (清洗) the thin fibers between the ramie skin and the straw, and gt the ramie silk as the raw material f grass clth. Tday, nly sme farmers in Rngchang are making grass clth, mst f them 62 (wrk) in family-run wrkshps.
    Huang Xiuying, 63 nly seventh-generatin inheritr f the family business, has carried ut bld 64 (innvate), integrating the aesthetics f the times, and using ppular art design and cultural packaging 65 (give) grass clth mre sense f the times.
    第四部分 写作(共两节;满分40分)
    假如你是李华,作为交换生在美国一所中学学习。在入学报到当天得到了学校志愿者 Jnes 的帮助。请根据以下要点,写一封感谢信。内容如下:
    3.请 Jnes看电影作为答谢。
    Dear Jnes,
    Hw is everything ging?

    Yurs sincerely,
    Li Hua
    I stayed mstly at hme recvering frm majr surgery fr breast cancer. Then my Tday shw clleague Matt threw me a lifeline by asking whether I felt well enugh t tape a“ Where in the Wrld?” segment(节目). He suggested kindly that I pick a cuple f days and escape. On secnd thught, I jumped at the chance.
    The trip was fun, and n the plane back hme, my plan was t sleep fr the entire flight. The earbuds were an inch away frm ging in when the guy beside turned t me and said, “Hi. Hw are yu ding? I recgnize yu frm smewhere.”
    “I wrk n the Tday shw,” I tld him, still hlding my earbuds.
    He smiled at me. “Hw's Matt? Is Matt nice?”
    “Yeah,” I said. “Matt's nice.”
    “Hw's Al? Al seems funny.”
    He then nticed I was wearing a cmpressin sleeve(压力袖套) n my arm and asked what that was. I tld him I'd had a“ prcedure” and needed the sleeve t fly, hping we culd change the subject.
    But he cntinued, “What prcedure did yu have?”
    “I had an peratin,” I said vaguely. Defeated by his curisity, I finally said, “I had breast cancer. But, I hpe that's nt the first thing yu think f when getting ff this flight, telling yur kids, ‘Hey, I sat next t this girl with breast cancer. ’”
    He paused fr a mment and said, “What’s wrng with that? It is part f yu, like ging t cllege r getting married. Let me give yu sme advice: Dn't hg(独占) yur jurney. It's nt just fr yu. Think f hw many peple yu culd help.”
    I culd feel tears cming dwn my face.
    “Lk! Yu have a chice in life. Yu can either put yur stry deep in yur pckets and take it t yur grave, r yu can help smene.”
    Despite being pen n a shw, I've always been a private persn, and aside frm the few peple wh needed t knw, I'd kept my illness secret. I didn't want t be defined by my weakness.
    1.续写词数应为 150 左右;
    But this man, Ken, shwed me that my illness gave me strength.

    Years later, awarded fr my vlunteer wrk at a charity event, I met Ken again.


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