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    1、Hw lng d Indians spend reading in a day?
    A.Less than 70 minutes.B.Abut 80 minutes.
    C.Abut 100 minutes.D.Mre than 90 minutes.
    2、Hw many Chinese peple were willing t spend mney n digital reading in 2022?
    A.477 millin.B.415.7 millin.C.494 millin.D.506 millin.
    3、Wh is mst likely t be a digital reader in China?
    A.A male clerk aged 35.B.A high schl student.
    C.A female retired engineer.D.A female prfessr aged 50.
    Travelling t watch their team play at the Wrld Cup tk a little lnger than usual fr tw French fans. Mehdi Balamissa and Gabriel Martin decided the best way t travel frm France t Qatar was n tw wheels. The friends spent three mnths travelling 7,000 kilmeters by bicycle t reach Qatar 2022 and watch their belved France defend its title.
    “It was a crazy idea, but we’re the kind f peple that have big ideas and dn’t want t have any regrets,” Balamissa said, as bth spke t CNN Sprt a day after arriving in the cuntry. “S, since we are bth self-emplyed, we decided t blck ff three mnths f ur time and cme t Qatar.”
    The pair started their mammth (庞大的) jurney at the Stade de France in Paris, hme f the French natinal team, and finished at the stunning Lusail Stadium, the venue that wuld hst the final at Qatar 2022. They wuld travel n average 115 kilmeters per day, taking apprpriate rest days when needed. They battled thrugh the heat f the desert in Saudi Arabia as well as flded wdland areas in Hungary as they made their winding way t Qatar, stpping ff at campsites, ldges (乡间小舍) and htels t sleep.
    The idea came abut after cycling frm France t Italy t watch their cuntry play in the UEFA Natins League last year and they wanted t test themselves with a much lnger trip. They hped their trip wuld prmte the benefits f sustainable travel and said they planned t ffer cycling wrkshps t children frm disadvantaged backgrunds when they eventually arrived hme.
    The tw cyclists encuntered many prblems alng the way, including dzens f flat tires, but relied n their infectiusly psitive attitude t get them thrugh. The pair laugh as they recall the time they had t travel 15 hurs t Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, in rder t find a bike repair shp befre travelling 15 hurs back t the exact pint where they had stpped.
    “We had many trubles, but we fixed them as we went,” Martin tld CNN.
    4、Why did Balamissa and Martin g t Qatar?
    A.T achieve their big ideas.
    B.T set them apart frm the ther fans.
    C.T clse ff three mnths fr n regrets.
    D.T watch their cuntry defending its champin.
    5、What des Paragraph 3 mainly tell us abut the tw fans?
    A.Their travelling plan.B.Their severe challenges.
    C.The schedule abut their jurney.D.The scenery alng their jurney.
    6、What’s the purpse f the tw fans’ cycling trip?
    A.T explre the secrets and laws f nature.
    B.T raise peple’s awareness f ec-turism.
    C.T benefit mre frm the cycling wrkshps.
    D.T be invlved in the UEFA Natins League.
    7、What can we learn frm Balamissa and Martin’s stry?
    A.Attitude is everything.B.Life lies in sprts.
    C.Life needs a slw pace.D.Man shuld be at ne with nature.
    Tday, battery pwer per kilwatt hur csts arund nly ten per cent f what it did a decade ag. And the expectatin is that the csts will cntinue t fall, bth as battery chemistry imprves and because manufacturing lts f batteries n a massive scale makes the prductin f individual batteries cheaper.
    Yu can be frgiven fr thinking that this might nly be f interest t accuntants, but the implicatins f this are enrmus, and will benefit all f us. First and mst bviusly, it had made the batteries in electric cars cheaper and lnger-lasting. And brilliantly, because electric batteries are imprving s dramatically, we can already see the results. Last September, 15 per cent f all new vehicle registratins were pure electric vehicles. S the change is starting t happen.
    Better batteries dn’t just mean better cars, hwever. They can als help us decarbnise the entire natinal grid(网格). String energy has always been a prblem fr the grid. Tday, nly a tiny amunt f generated electricity is stred fr later use, which leads t lts f pwer ging t waste. But better batteries make it technlgically and ecnmically viable t stre large amunts f energy frm the grid.
    It’s cnceivable(可想象的) that in the nt-t-distant future, alngside ther essentials in ur hmes like a biler and a fusebx, we might als have an enrmus battery in the garage. This wuld take pwer frm the grid (r maybe even slar panels n the rf), and pwer appliances and lights in ur hmes at the times when demand fr electricity is high. Hme batteries are nt yet as established as electric cars, but they are als grwing in ppularity.
    S, given hw much technlgy has imprved batteries ver the last decade, I can’t help but be strangely ptimistic abut the future. Batteries may nt be as flashy(华丽的) as phnes, rckets r ther new technlgies, but when it cmes t technlgy t fight climate change, they’re definitely leading the charge.
    8、What cntributes t the ppularity f electric cars?
    A.The greater benefits t accuntants.
    B.The prductin f individual batteries.
    C.The cheaper batteries running lnger.
    D.The disappearance f the range anxiety.
    9、What des the underlined wrd “viable” in Paragraph 3 mean?
    10、What des the authr expect f batteries?
    A.They will sell better than phnes.
    B.They will make the wrld greener.
    C.They will replace the chargers n a lng trip.
    D.They will imprve in an envirnment-friendly way.
    11、Which is the mst suitable title fr the text?
    A.Hme Batteries Will Catch n
    B.Petrl-pwered Cars Will Be Upgraded
    C.Batteries Are Getting Better and Better
    D.Battery Technlgy Needs Imprving Urgently
    Mindfulness meditatin(冥想) is a practice used t achieve mental quiet and a sense f calm. It is a series f steps used t encurage reflectin and deep breathing and t increase self-awareness.
    A mindfulness meditatin curse may be as effective at reducing anxiety as a cmmn medicatin(药物), accrding t a new study. The research, published n Nvember 9 in JAMA Psychiatry, invlved a grup f 276 adults with untreated anxiety disrders. Half f the patients were randmly selected t take 10 t 20 mg f escitalpram, the generic frm f Lexapr, a cmmn medicatin used t treat anxiety and depressin. The ther half were assigned t an eight-week curse in mindfulness-based stress reductin. The results were stunning: Bth grups experienced abut a 20% reductin in their anxiety symptms ver the eight-week perid.
    The patients assigned t the meditatin grup were asked t attend a mindfulness meditatin grup class in-persn nce a week. Each class was arund tw-and-a-half hurs lng and held at a lcal clinic. They were als asked t meditate n their wn fr arund 40 minutes per day. Hge, the lead authr n the study, cmpared the time cmmitment t “taking an exercise class r an art class”.
    But accrding t Jseph Arpaia, an Oregn-based psychiatrist specializing in mindfulness and meditatin, the daily time cmmitment is likely t much fr many patients dealing with anxiety.
    Arpaia says that he has wrked t find less time-intensive mindfulness methds t help patients manage their anxiety. One technique he teaches is called a “ne-breath reset” that helps patients calm themselves ver the curse f a single breath.
    But despite his reservatins, “It’s always interesting t see meditatin wrk, and it wrks as well as medicatin,” he said. “My hpe wuld be that peple realize that there are things ther than medicatin that can wrk.”
    “My ther hpe wuld be that they realize that if sitting and fllwing yur breath makes yu feel relaxed, great, but it desn’t make everyne feel relaxed. Find smething that des. Read a bk, g fr a walk, spend time gardening,” he said.
    12、What’s the main feature f mindfulness meditatin?
    A.It wrks in remving anxiety.
    B.It makes peple’s mind empty.
    C.It drives peple t keep calm.
    D.It fcuses n thughts and awareness.
    13、What can we knw abut the new study?
    A.Its result is hard t understand.
    B.Its participants shuld attend curses face t face.
    C.Its functin is like an exercise class r an art class.
    D.Its participants are divided int tw equal grups freely.
    14、Which wrd can best describe the authr’s attitude t the new study’s result?
    15、Hw des Jseph Arpaia expect peple t reduce anxiety?
    A.They learn mre abut meditatin.
    B.They can bring a “ne-breath reset” int fcus.
    C.They chse a prper way t relax besides meditatin.
    D.They can read bks t develp mind instead f medicatin.
    16、 Fake news is all arund us and it’s easy t feel verwhelmed by the amunt f infrmatin ut there. ①_____
    ·Ggle it.
    When Ggling a claim, lk fr supprting evidence frm cnvincing news websites. Bth when checking a particular claim and when accessing news generally, it’s a gd idea t read a diverse range f news surces.
    ·Read the fine print.
    If yu see a wild claim in a headline, make sure yu read the article befre yu start sharing it. ②_____ Withut reading the whle thing yu may miss the whle picture.
    ·Check that the news is up-t-date.
    ③_____ The infrmatin may n lnger be accurate, even if it was at the time it was written. Check when it was riginally published, and if it’s frm a while ag, lk fr mre recent news n the tpic.
    ·Check wh wrte it.
    If the article cmes frm a reputable(有信誉的) news surce, it’s likely that it was written by a prfessinal jurnalist wh practiced due diligence when surcing his/her infrmatin. ④_____ Check if it has been written by a reliable expert n the tpic, r if it has been written fr a trusted rganizatin.
    If, after all yur sleuthing(调查), yu have identified sme fake news, what shuld yu d abut it? Abve all, dn’t share it! If it is a pst r message frm smene yu knw, yu can reach ut t them and let them knw it’s nt entirely accurate. With studies suggesting that fake news spreads faster than real news, it’s imprtant t take a mment t prcess any infrmatin yu cme acrss nline!
    A.Take actin.
    B.Pint ut inaccuracies.
    C.Here are sme reasns fr aviding misinfrmatin.
    D.Yu might find that the stry is nt what it appears.
    E.Are yu seeing a pst that has been spreading fr a few mnths?
    F.If the article is nt frm an fficial news website, where is it frm?
    G.Luckily there are sme things yu can d t avid being caught ut by misinfrmatin.
    In December 2004, I had just becme a prfessinal phtgrapher and was wrking n a prject abut the Cha-Ley tribe n a small island in suthern Thailand.
    One mrning, I was due t 1 with a grup f six Cha-Ley fishermen in a small bat. The sea was ttally 2 .
    Abut 20 minutes after ur departure, ne f the fishermen pinted t a small white spt far in the distance. It was getting bigger and bigger very quickly. This was a tsunami wave 3 thrugh the cean like a trnad. We were 4 . I began t feel really 5 .
    At sme pint the captain tk cntrl. He tld the six f us where t sit, s we wuld 6 ut the bat. My 7 was in my backpack. I wanted t 8 the scene, but I culdn’t. Any 9 wuld imbalance the bat.
    Suddenly there was a huge nise. The giant wave hit the bat, but in the split secnd f 10 , the incredibly skilled captain 11 t swerve (使突然转向) us up and nt the wave. We 12 it fr a few secnds. Then the bat glided frm the 13 f the wave dwn int safe waters.
    I’ve been ging back t Sutheast Asia almst every year since. The 14 I wanted t take n the bat remains “the ne that gt away”—I think every phtgrapher has ne. But mine 15 my life.
    17、A.settle dwnB.turn upC.set utD.slide in
    32、 The Grand Canal, a great man-made prject cmpleted in ancient China, has witnessed Chinese histry spanning ver 2,500 years. On June 22, 2014, it ①_____(include) n the Wrld Cultural Heritage List.
    Over a thusand years, the Grand Canal has been meandering (蜿蜒) thrugh eight prvinces and cities alng ②_____(it) curse f 3,200 kilmeters and cnnecting five majr rivers, which ③_____(be) the lngest and ldest canal in the wrld. It is a precius heritage ④_____ (pass) dwn t us by ur ancestrs.
    In mdern times, as ⑤_____ result f scial unrest, climate change, ecnmic change and ther impacts, the Grand Canal has been trubled by a series f prblems such as river channel cutff, water ⑥_____ (pllute), and water eclgical damage. It was nce the Chinese peple’s dream that the Grand Canal culd be restred t the past glry.
    ⑦_____ the beginning f the new era, many places alng the Grand Canal have launched eclgical restratin prjects. While maintaining the riginal frm f the river curse, they have fcused n scientific prtectin and cultural heritage, ⑧_____ (highlight) the cultural, histrical and eclgical value f the Grand Canal.
    On April 28, 2022, the Grand Canal was refilled with water fr the first time in a century, after a 14-day water-supply prject. With ⑨_____ (far) develpment f the prject, the Grand Canal has gradually restred the past shipping capacity. Bat turs ⑩_____ carg transprtatin have becme available alng the curse. The “Glden Waterway” turns clean and lively again.
    33、假定你是校英语报Clurful Campus新栏目“Read Classics Learn English”的编辑李华,请给外教Carline写封电子邮件向她约稿。内容包括:
    Dear Carline,
    Li Hua
    Bb was a shrt child wh preferred indr t utdr activities. He was mild-mannered and mstly kept t himself. Sitting in the crner f the class, he was very much a lner.
    At the beginning f the semester, Bb had a new classmate, Alex, wh had just returned t England. Alex was assigned a seat next t Bb. T his surprise, within weeks, he became gd friends with Alex even thugh they were ples apart in persnality. Alex was ppular, utspken and artistic. “Alex is all that I want t be,” Bb thught t himself He began listening t the music Alex listened t and having similar haircut. He even quit his drama club and started playing the nline games that Alex played. He seemed t have been ut f his lneliness.
    It was nt lng befre Bb was intrduced t Alex’s “cl” friends. He tld himself that he wuld try all means t be part f the grup. He wuld fllw them t the ftball games and jin the art club after schl s he culd spend mre time hanging ut with them. Bb fllwed them arund laughing when they tld jkes, agreeing when they had pinins—mst enthusiastically at the nes he disagreed with. He did nt dare t differ in pinins as he wuld nt want them t think badly f him. This cntinued fr several mnths. At last, Bb felt relieved that he had finally fitted in.
    One day, Bb verheard Alex and his cl friends talking. “Bb is such a lser,” ne by cmmented in a playful tne. “He just fllws yu arund trying t be yu. He cpies yu; he des nt have a persnality f his wn!” anther by exclaimed. Alex laughed, t make matters wrse, he added, “That fellw wears me ut. I wish he wuld leave me alne. He thinks we are best friends. A thrugh fl!”
    Paragraph 1:
    Bb std still t the grund and culd nt believe his ears.
    Paragraph 2:
    Bb decided t change himself after hearing his mther’s wrds.
    解析:细节理解题。根据第一段的Travelling t watch their team play at the Wrld Cup tk a little lnger than usual fr tw French fans(对两位法国球迷来说,去看他们球队在世界杯上的比赛比平时花了更长的时间),可知他们去卡塔尔是为了观看他们的国家队捍卫世界杯冠军的比赛。故选D。
    解析:段落大意题。根据第三段They battled thrugh the heat f the desert in Saudi Arabia as well as flded wdland areas in Hungary as they made their winding way t Qatar, stpping ff at campsites, ldges and htels t sleep.(在前往卡塔尔的途中,他们顶着沙特阿拉伯炎热的沙漠,以及匈牙利被洪水淹没的林地,中途在露营地、小屋和酒店休息),可知本段主要讲述了两位球迷旅途中遇到的困难。故选B。
    解析:细节理解题。根据第四段的They hped their trip wuld prmte the benefits f sustainable travel and said they planned t ffer cycling wrkshps t children frm disadvantaged backgrunds when they eventually arrived hme(他们希望他们的旅行能够宣传可持续旅行的好处,并表示他们计划在他们最终回家后为来自贫困家庭的孩子们提供自行车讲习班),可知他们希望用他们的骑行帮助增强人们的生态旅游意识。故选B。
    解析:推理判断题。根据第二段的It was a crazy idea, but we're the kind f peple that have big ideas and dn't want t have any regrets(这是一个疯狂的想法,但我们是那种有大想法的人,不希望有任何遗憾);倒数第二段的The tw cyclists encuntered many prblems alng the way, including dzens f flat tires, but relied n their infectiusly psitive attitude t get them thrugh(这两名骑自行车的人一路上遇到了很多问题,包括几十个轮胎漏气了,但他们依靠自己富有感染力的积极态度度过了难关)和最后一段We had many trubles, but we fixed them as we went(我们有许多麻烦,但我们边走边解决),可知是这两人积极向上又坚定执着的生活态度让他们获得了成功,所以本文旨在传递"态度决定一切"的人生哲理。故选A。
    解析:细节理解题。根据第二段中的“First and mst bviusly, it had made the batteries in electric cars cheaper and lnger-lasting. And brilliantly, because electric batteries are imprving s dramatically, we can already see the results. Last September, 15 per cent f all new vehicle registratins were pure electric vehicles.(首先也是最明显的是,它使电动汽车中的电池更便宜、更耐用。而且非常出色的是,由于电池正在大幅改善,我们已经可以看到结果。去年9月,所有新车登记中有15%是纯电动汽车。)”可知,电动汽车的电池变得更便宜且更耐用,所以现在电动汽车跑得更远,其实用性更强,因此电动汽车注册用户开始增加。故选C。
    解析:词义猜测题。根据画线词所在句上一句及“But better batteries make it technlgically and ecnmically viable t stre large amunts f energy frm the grid.(但更好的电池使得从电网存储大量能量在技术和经济上都是)”中的“But”可知,更好的电池可以解决当前只有少量的发电被储存的问题。由此可知,画线词意为“可行的,行得通的”。故选A。
    解析:细节理解题。根据第三段中的“They can als help us decarbnise the entire natinal grid.(它们还可以帮助我们实现整个国家电网的脱碳。)”和最后一段中的“Batteries may nt be as flashy(华丽的) as phnes, rckets r ther new technlgies, but when it cmes t technlgy t fight climate change, they're definitely leading the charge.(电池可能不像手机、火箭或其他新技术那样华丽,但在应对气候变化的技术方面,它们绝对是领先的。)”可知,作者认为电池技术能帮助减少碳排放,能有力地帮助解决全球气候问题,即可以让世界更环保。故选B。
    解析:主旨大意题。根据第二段中的“First and mst bviusly, it had made the batteries in electric cars cheaper and lnger-lasting.(首先也是最明显的是,它使电动汽车中的电池更便宜、更持久。)”第三段中的“They can als help us decarbnise the entire natinal grid.(它们还可以帮助我们实现整个国家电网的脱碳。)”和第四段中的“This wuld take pwer frm the grid(r maybe even slar panels n the rf), and pwer appliances and lights in ur hmes at the times when demand fr electricity is high. Hme batteries are nt yet as established as electric cars, but they are als grwing in ppularity.(这将从电网(甚至屋顶上的太阳能电池板)获取电力,并在电力需求高的时候为我们家中的电器和灯供电。家用电池还没有像电动汽车那样成熟,但它们也越来越受欢迎。)”可知,作者一直在强调电池变得更好、更受欢迎,从而也让更多人受益;再根据最后一段中的“S, given hw much technlgy has imprved batteries ver the last decade, I can't help but be strangely ptimistic abut the future.(因此,考虑到过去十年中技术对电池的改进程度,我不禁对未来感到异常乐观。)”可知,作者对电池的前景充满乐观与希望。故C项“电池越来越好”适合作本文标题。故选C项。
    解析:细节理解题。根据第一段中的“It is a series f steps used t encurage reflectin and deep breathing and t increase self-awareness.”可知,正念冥想不是让思想处于空无状态,而是更注重思想和意识。故选D。
    解析:细节理解题。根据第二段中的“Half f the patients were randmly selected ther half reductin.”可知,该实验的参加者被任意分成人数均等的两个小组。故选D。
    解析:观点态度题。本文作者主要介绍了关于“冥想减压”的一项新研究的过程与结果以及Jseph Arpaia对该项研究的评价,因此作者对该项新研究的结果持客观态度。故选A。
    解析:推理判断题。根据最后两段中Jseph Arpaia所说的话可知,Jseph Arpaia希望人们认识到减少焦虑的方式不仅仅只有药物治疗,同时还希望人们可以尝试一下“正念冥想减压法”,当然也可以尝试其他的适合自己的减压方式。故选C。
    解析:①上文“Fake news is all arund us and it's easy t feel verwhelmed by the amunt f infrmatin ut there.”(我们周围充斥着大量的虚假信息,有时候我们会对这些假信息应接不暇。)说明虚假信息无处不在,我们很容易被欺骗,结合下文给出的识别虚假信息的方法可知,G项“Luckily there are sme things yu can d t avid being caught ut by misinfrmatin.”(幸运的是,你可以做一些事情来避免落入虚假信息的圈套中。)承上启下,符合语境。故选G项。
    ②上文“If yu see a wild claim in a headline, make sure yu read the article befre yu start sharing it.”(如果你在标题中看到一个疯狂的说法,在分享该文章之前,要确保你读完了整篇文章。)说明看消息时不能只被标题所吸引,可能文章内容与标题会不一致,与D项“Yu might find that the stry is nt what it appears.”(你可能会发现文章内容并不像表面看起来那样。)句意一致,衔接恰当。故选D项。
    ③下文“The infrmatin may n lnger be accurate, even if it was at the time it was written.”(这个信息可能不再准确了,即使它是在当时写的。)说明随着时间的流逝,有些当时真实的信息也可能不再准确了。并结合该段小标题“Check that the news is up-t-date”(确保消息是最新的。)表明要关注消息的发布时间。E项“Are yu seeing a pst that has been spreading fr a few mnths?”(你正在看一个已经传播了好几个月的帖子吗?)衔接后文,说明这样的帖子信息可能已经不再准确了,衔接恰当。故选E项。
    ④下文“Check if it has been written by a reliable expert n the tpic, r if it has been written fra trusted rganizatin.”(核查一下它是否由研究该主题的可靠专家编写,或者是否为值得信赖的组织机构编写。)说明对于某种信息,要弄清楚其消息来源和出处。F项“If the article is nt frm an fficial news website, where is it frm?”(如果文章不是来自官方的新闻网站,那它从那里来?)衔接后文,说明对于这种非官方新闻网站的文章要弄清楚其来源,符合句意。故选F项。
    ⑤下文“If, after all yur sleuthing(调查), yu have identified sme fake news, what shuld yu d abut it? Abve all, dn't share it!”(在经过你的调查后,如果你发现了一些虚假信息,你应该怎么做?首先,不要分享它。)可知,本段主要介绍的是当你识别出了虚假信息后应该怎么做。A项“Take actin”(采取行动)作为本段的小标题,可以概括本段内容。故选A项。
    解析:考查动词词义辨析。句意:一天早晨,找和六名潮莱渔民一起乘小船出发。A.settle dwn定居,安定下来;B.turn up出现,发生;C.set ut出发,开始;D.slide in下滑,滑入。根据第三段中“Abut 20 minutes after ur departure”可知,此处表示有一天早晨,作者预定和六位Cha-Ley渔民一起出海。故填C。
    解析:考查形容词词义辨析。句意:大海静悄悄的。A.still静止不动;B.vast巨大的,广大的;C.rugh粗糙的,不平的;D.different不相同的。根据第二段中的“Abut 20 minutes after ur departure”可知,作者一早就和渔民们出海了;由此可推断当时的天气应该是风平浪静的,否则他们就不会出发了。这里的“风平浪静”与下文的海啸天气遥相呼应。故填A。
    解析:考查动词词义辨析。句意:这是一场像龙卷风一样快速穿过海洋的海啸。A.raring咆哮;B.speeding加速;C.explding爆炸,爆发;D.cycling骑自行车。根据“It was getting bigger and bigger very quickly”可知,远处的小白点快速变大,可推出这里的“海啸波”移动速度很快。故填B。
    解析:考查动词词义辨析。句意:我们被困住了。A.stuck粘,被困在,贴;B.linked把……连接起来;C.dragged拖拉;D.pushed推,挤。根据上文可知,“海啸波”移动速度很快,因此,这里指作者他们措手不及,陷入困境。be stuck“被困住”。故填A。
    解析:考查动词词义辨析。句意:他告诉我们六个人坐在哪里,这样我们就能使船保持平衡。A.hld握住,包含;B.balance保持平衡;C.figure 计算,理解;D.srt整理。根据下文的“wuld imbalance the bat”可知,此处指他们在努力平衡小船。故填B。
    解析:考查名词词义辨析。句意:任何移动都会使船不平衡。A.prcess过程;B.respnse回应;C.mve-ment移动;D.sign标志,迹象。结合常识和空后“imbalance the bat.”可知,船上人员的任何移动都会使船不平衡。故填C。
    解析:考查名词词义辨析。句意:巨浪击中了我们的船,但在撞击的一瞬间,技艺高超的船长成功地将我们转向,使我们上了浪。A.accident事故;B.impact撞击,冲击力;C.influence影响;D.pwer权力,控制力。根据上文的巨大噪音和巨浪打在小船上可知,此处指“撞击,冲撞,冲击力”。in the split secnd f impact 表示“在撞击的瞬间”。故填B。
    解析:考查动词词义辨析。句意同上。A.guaranteed保证,担保;B.struggled奋斗,努力;C.determined决定;D.managed设法做到。根据下文“Then the bat glided frm the 13 f the wave dwn int safe waters.”可知,此处指船长成功转向,让小船漂在巨浪之上。故填D。
    解析:考查动词词义辨析。句意:我们在上面冲浪了几秒钟。A.smthed使顺利;B.challenged 挑战;C.surfed冲浪;D.explred开发,探寻。根据“Then the bat glided frm the 13 f the wave dwn int safe waters.”可推断出,作者的小船在海浪上漂浮了一段时间。故填C。
    解析:考查名词词义辨析。句意:然后,小船从浪尖滑到了安全的水域。A.crner角落;B.side边,侧;C.center中心;D.tip尖端。根据“dwn int safe waters”可知,此处指作者的小船从浪尖滑落到安全水域。故填D。
    解析:考查名词词义辨析。句意:我想在船上拍的照片仍然是“未能拍到的那一张”—我想每个摄影师都有这样一张照片。但我的工作改变了我的生活。A.wave挥手,波浪;B.memry记忆;C.picture照片;D.backpack 背包,行囊。根据上文“My 7 was in my backpack. I wanted t 8 the scene, but I culdn't.”可知,作者本想拍下这一场景,但未能如愿。故填C。
    32、答案:①was included②its③is④passed⑤a⑥pllutin⑦Since⑧highlighting⑨further⑩and
    解析:①考查时态,语态和主谓一致。句意:2014年6月22日被列入《世界文化遗产名录》。分析句子结构可知,此处为句子的谓语部分,根据本句时间状语“On June 22, 2014”可知,本句谓语应用一般过去时态,根据句意可知,此处表示大运河被包括在世界文化遗产名录中,故应用被动语态,因此空格处是一般过去时的被动语态,主语it为单数形式,所以应填was included。故填was included。
    ③考查时态和主谓一致。句意:一千多年来,大运河绵延3200公里,蜿蜒流经8个省市,连接了5条主要河流,是世界上最长、最古老的运河。根据句意可知,此处which指代主句的主语the Grand Canal,故谓语部分应用单数形式;本句旨在说明大运河的客观情况,应用一般现在时,所以应填is。故填is。
    ⑤考查冠词。句意:近代以来,由于社会动荡、气候变化、经济变化等影响,大运河出现了河道断流、水污染、水生态破坏等一系列问题。as a result f为固定短语,意为“因为,由于”,所以应填不定冠词a。故填a。
    ⑥考查名词。句意:近代以来,由于社会动荡、气候变化、经济变化等影响,大运河出现了河道断流、水污染、水生态破坏等一系列问题。分析句子成分可知,空处与river channel cutff和water eclgical damage为such as后面的三个并列名词短语,所以此处应填名词pllutin,意为“污染”,是不可数名词。故填pllutin。
    ⑦考查连词。句意:新时期以来,大运河沿线多地开展了生态修复工程。由主句谓语部分“have launched”可知,主句时态为现在完成时,所以本句的时间状语应该表示“从过去到现在”,空格处意为“自从”,用since,位于句首,首字母大写,故填Since。
    ⑧考查非谓语动词。句意:他们在保持河道原始形态的同时,注重科学保护和文化遗产,突出大运河的文化、历史和生态价值。句中谓语是“have fcused n”,空格处用非谓语动词,句子主语they与所给动词highlight之间是逻辑上的主谓关系,应用现在分词表主动,作状语,故填highlighting。
    ⑩考查连词。句意:沿线的游船和货物运输已经开通。根据句子的谓语部分“have becme available”可知,Bat turs和carg transprtatin之间为并列关系,所以应填并列连词and。故填and。
    Dear Carline,
    I am the editr f ur English paper Clurful Campus. It’s an hnr fr me t invite yu t cntribute t ur new clumn Read Classics Learn English.
    The clumn is t aruse the students’ interest in reading classics and imprve their English. As ur distinguished freign language teacher, yur suggestins n the tpic abve will benefit us a lt. Mrever, yur article shall be within 800 wrds. And it will be better if I have yur article befre February 1.
    Yur early reply wuld be appreciated.
    Li Hua
    Paragraph 1:
    Bb std still t the grund and culd nt believe his ears. Trembling and sbbing, he cllapsed n the grund, feeling alne and betrayed. He had n chice but t cry all the way back hme. Seeing his mther, he culdn’t cnceal his srrw, puring the incident ut t her, wh wuld always be there fr him whenever he felt dwn. Strking her trembling by, the mther said gently, “Just be yurself, Sn! Peple will like yu fr wh yu are.” Bb had heard the remarks a millin times befre, yet he never truly gt the pint. Suddenly, it all clicked.
    Paragraph 2:
    Bb decided t change himself after hearing his mther’s wrds. He bught a new schlbag and chse a haircut he fancied. He drpped his art class and jined the drama club. He made new friends wh liked him fr wh he was. He rediscvered himself. If he had nt been given the chance, he might have been t cncerned with “fitting in” desperately t experience sme f the “best” times f his life. It dawned n him that despite the pain he felt that day, it was a gift they had given him, which taught him t be himself.
    Reading is a gd way t nurish(滋养) peple mentally. Recently, Shanghai Library released a reprt abut it. Let’s check ut sme findings.
    Reading time per week in different cuntries
    India: 10 hurs and 42 minutes
    Thailand: 9 hurs and 24 minutes
    China: 8 hurs
    Philippines: 7 hurs and 36 minutes
    France: 6 hurs and 54 minutes
    Digital reading has becme a trend in China
    ·In 2022, digital readers natinwide reached 506 millin, an increase f 2.43 percent cmpared t 2021.
    ·An average f 11.58 e-bks and 7.08 audibks were read per persn in China in 2022.
    ·By 2022, the market fr digital reading in China made 41.57 billin yuan, an increase f 18.23 percent cmpared t 2021.
    As technlgy develps, peple primarily read thrugh three methds:
    Digital readers in China
    ·Mst f the digital readers are frm East China and Suth China.
    ·Mst f these readers are aged between 26 and 45.
    ·Males accunt fr 54.3 percent and females 45.7 percent.
    A ttal f 477 millin Chinese peple were willing t pay fr digital reading in 2022.

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