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    这是一份山东省2024届新高考英语一轮复习专项提升模拟试题(含答案),共14页。试卷主要包含了5分,满分37,       B.$80,5分,满分15分)等内容,欢迎下载使用。

    第一部分 阅读(共两节,满分50分)
    A (2023济南市5月高三模拟考试)
    Knwn fr its cmplicated,seemingly wavelike sandstne walls and the rays f sunlight that shine int them,Arizna's Antturists.Itn(羚羊峡谷) is an everlasting attractin fr turists.It's a slt canynyears.It it frmed frm water carving it ut ver millins f years.It sits abut 3,700 feet abve sea level and takes its name frm the antelpe that nce lived in it.
    The Lake Pwell Navaj Tribal Park in the Navaj Natin.The Navaj Natin limits visits t either the Upper r Lwer Antelpe Canyn t tw hurs and requires all visitrs t be led by authrized guides.If yu're planning a trip and need help with deciding which area t visit,keep these recmmendatins in mind.
    ·When:Turs are available twice a day during the week year­rund,thugh exact times vary by seasn;turs are nt available n weekends r majr hlidays.
    ·Cst:Tur cmpanies' fees vary,but tickets,including entrance t the park,generally start at arund $60 fr 90­Canyn.Turs f Upper Antelpe Canyn.Turs f Lwer Antelpe Canyn tend t be arund an hur and generally cst arund $40 per adult and $20 fr children.
    ·Must­knw tip:Mst f Arizna des nt fllw daylight saving timedes.Checke Navaj Natin,where Antelpe Canyn is lcated,des.Check with yur tur peratr t cnfirm the precise time f yur tur.
    sectin.Alsyn receives tns f visitrs and,in rder t prtect the canyn walls frm damage,n bags f any kind are permitted in either the Upper r Lwer sectin.Als keep in mind that while mst tur cmpanies welcme small children,nt all f them will.
    【语篇解读】 本文是一篇应用文。主要介绍了美国亚利桑那州美丽的羚羊峡谷以及游客参观这一景点的注意事项等。
    1.What makes Antelpe Canyn attractive?
    A.Its remarkable height.
    B.The rigin f its name.
    C.Its unique natural feature.
    D.The prcess f its frmatin.
    C [考查细节理解。根据第一段中的“Knwn fr its cmplicated, sandstne walls and the rays f sunlight that shine int attractin fr turists”可知,羚羊峡谷的自然风光吸引了游客。故选C。]
    2.Hw much may a cuple pay fr a ne­hur tur in Lwer Antelpe Canyn?
    A.$60. B.$80.
    C.$100. D.$120.
    B [考查细节理解。根据Cst部分中的“Turs f Lwer Antelpe Canyn tend t be arund an hur and generally cst arund $40 per adult”可知,一位成年人的票价是40美元,故一对夫妇需要付80美元。]
    3.What must be kept in mind abut the Antelpe Canyn tur?
    A.The age limit fr kids.
    B.The definite tur time.
    C.Carrying a small backpack.
    D.Bking tickets in tur agencies.
    B [考查细节理解。根据Must­knw tip部分中的“Check with yur tur peratr t cnfirm the precise time f yur tur”这一信息可知,游客们需要记住游览的确切时间。]
    B (2023青岛市5月高三质检)
    wrse.Whatce n a path,we tend t fllw it,fr better r wrse.What's sad is that even if it's the latter,we ften accept it anyway because we are s used t the way things are that we dndifferent.Thisize that they culd be different.This is a phenmenn psychlgists call functinal fixedness.
    This classic experiment will give yu an idea f hw it wrks and a sense f whether yu may have fallen int the same trap:
    Peple are prperly.Typicallyks(大头钉) and sme matches and asked t find a way t attach a candle t a wall s that it burns prperly.Typically,the subjects try tacking the candle t the wall r lighting it t fix it with melted wax.The psychlgists had,f curse,arranged it s that neither f these bvius appraches wuld wrk.The tacks are t shrt,and the paraffin(石蜡) desn't stick t the wall.S hw can yu cmplete the task?The successful technique is t use the tack bx as a candle hlder.Yu empty it,tack it t the wall,and stand the candle inside it.T think f that,yu have t lk beynd the bx's usual rle as a receptacle just fr tacks and reimagine it serving an entirely new purpse.That is difficult because we all suffer t ne degree r anther frm functinal fixedness.
    The inability t think in new ways affects peple in every crner f sciety.The plitical therist Hannah Arendt cined the phrase “frzen thughts”t describe deeply held ideas that we n lnger questin but shuld.In Arendt's eyes,the self­cntent reliance n such accepted“truths” als made peple blind t ideas that didn't fit their wrld view,even when there was plenty f evidence fr them.
    Frzen thinking has nthing t d with intelligence,she said.“It can be fund in highly intelligent peple.”
    【语篇解读】 这是一篇说明文。生活中,人们常常受固化思维支配。本文作者通过经典实验来说明固化思维的影响,并告诉我们要打破固化思维,以创新的方式去思考问题。
    4.What des the underlined wrd“it”in Paragraph 2 refer t?
    A.The experiment.
    B.Functinal fixedness.
    C.The path.
    D.The thinking.
    B [考查代词指代。根据第一段中的“This is a phenmenn psychlgists call functinal fixedness”及第二段中的“This classic experiment will give yu an idea f hw it wrks”可知,第一段结尾处提到一种被称作功能性固化思维的现象,第二段紧接着就用经典实验来阐释它是如何工作的。由此可知,画线词“it”指的就是上文中的“functinal fixedness”,故选B。]
    5.Which way is hard t think f t cmplete the task?
    A.Tacking the candle t the wall.
    B.Fixing the candle with melted wax.
    C.Using the tack bx as a candle hlder.
    D.Lighting the candle t stand it.
    C [考查细节理解。根据第三段中的“The successful technique is t use the tack bx as a candle is difficult”可知,要顺利完成任务,人们需要把装大头钉的盒子用作烛台,而要想到这一点是很难的,故选C。]
    6.Which f the fllwing statements will Hannah Arendt agree with?
    A.Peple shuld questin.
    B.We shuld be used t the way things are.
    C.Peple shuldn't accept the idea that desn't fit their wrld view.
    D.The smarter peple are,the mre pen they are t the new things.
    A [考查细节理解。根据倒数第二段中的“The plitical therist Hannah Arendt cined the phrase‘frzen thughts’t describe deeply held ideas that we n lnger questin but shuld”可知,Hannah Arendt认为,人们应该去质疑固有观念,故选A。]
    7.What's the passage mainly abut?
    A.An interesting experiment.
    B.A psychlgical phenmenn.
    C.A thery t be prved.
    D.The pinin f Hannah Arendt.
    B [考查主旨大意。通读全文可知,本文主要围绕“functinal fixedness”这种心理学现象展开,介绍了固化思维的形成、影响及如何打破固化思维,故B项最能概括文章的主要内容。]
    C (广东惠州2023月考)
    Peple wh sleep fr fewer than six hurs a night are mre likely t die early,researchers in University f Warwick have fund in a recent study.They discvered that peple wh slept fr fewer than six hurs each night were 12% mre likely t die befre the age f 65 than thse wh slept fr the recmmended six t eight hurs a night.
    The researchers pinted ut that previus studies had shwn that the lack f sleep was assciated with prblems like heart disease and high bld pressure. Hwever,the researchers als fund that sleeping t much was linked t an early death.Thse wh slept fr mre than nine hurs a night were 30% mre likely t die early,as an article in the latest Sleep suggested.That directly cntradicted anther passage in the same jurnal last mnth suggesting that peple wh slept fr ten hurs r lnger a night were mre likely t live t 100.This was thught t be because peple wh lived t the extreme ld age were healthier and therefre slept better.
    Hwever,the authrs f the latest research cntradicted this and suggested that lng sleep was a sign f underlying illnesses such as depressin and lw levels f physical activity.Prfessr Francesc Cappucci at the University f Warwick said,“While shrt sleep may represent a cause f ill health,lng sleep is als believed t represent an indicatr f ill health.”
    He als mentined,“Mdern sciety has seen a gradual reductin in the average amunt f sleep peple have,and this pattern is mre cmmn amng full­time wrkers,suggesting that it may be due t scial pressures f lnger wrking hurs.On the ther hand,the wrsening f ur health is ften accmpanied by an extensin f ur sleeping time.”
    “Cnsistently sleeping fr six t eight hurs per night may be gd fr health.Hwever,whether t achieve the gal depends n varius factrs such as the envirnment as well as measures f public health aimed at making favrable changes f the wrking envirnments,”Prfessr Francesc Cappucci added.
    【语篇解读】 华威大学的研究人员经过研究发现,每晚睡眠不足6小时的人更有可能在较早的年龄死亡,而每晚睡眠时间过长也被认为是健康不佳的指标。研究表明每晚睡6至8小时最合适。
    8.What did researchers in University f Warwick find?
    A.Peple wh sleep fr fewer than 6 hurs each night die befre 65.
    B.Sleeping fr mre than 9 hurs a night des gd t ne's health.
    C.Six t eight hurs' sleep can be apprpriate fr peple.
    D.Peple at an ld age are healthier because they sleep lnger.
    C [考查细节理解。根据第一段中的“They discvered that peple wh slept fr fewer than six hurs each night were 12% mre likely t die befre the age f 65 than thse wh slept fr the recmmended six t eight hurs a night.”可知,每晚睡足6至8小时是比较合适的。故选C项。]
    9.What is Prfessr Francesc Cappucci mst likely t agree with?
    A.Lng sleep is what causes ur health prblems.
    B.Mdern peple sleep less because they wrk lnger.
    C.Our health becmes wrse because we sleep less.
    D.Hw lng we sleep depends n ur educatin.
    B [考查细节理解。根据倒数第二段中的“Mdern sciety has seen a gradual reductin in the average amunt f sleep peple have,and this pattern is mre cmmn amng full­time wrkers,suggesting that it may be due t scial pressures f lnger wrking hurs.”可知,弗朗西斯科·卡普乔教授认为:现代社会中,人们的平均睡眠时间逐渐减少,这种模式在全职工作者中更为常见,这可能是由更长的工作时间导致的社会压力造成的。故选B项。]
    10.What did the researcher think may help peple have prper sleep?
    A.Scial pressures.
    B.Lnger wrking hurs.
    C.Extensin f sleeping time.
    D.Changes f wrking envirnments.
    D [考查细节理解。根据最后一段中的“Hwever,whether t achieve the gal depends n varius factrs such as the envirnment as well as measures f public health aimed at making favrable changes f the wrking envirnments”可知,改变工作环境是帮助人们获得适当睡眠时间的方法之一。故选D项。]
    11.What can be the best title fr this passage?
    A.Hw Lng Shuld We Sleep
    B.Lnger Sleep Makes Better Health
    C.Time t Sleep Early
    D.The Imprtance f Sleep
    A [考查主旨大意。文章第一段点明研究结果:每晚睡眠不足6小时的人在65岁之前死亡的可能性比那些每晚睡足6至8小时的人高出12%;然而过长的睡眠时间也可能标志着健康隐患。下文分析了导致这种结果的原因及解决方法等。故选A项。]
    D (山东济南2023一模)
    Scientists have develped a new type f smart bandage(绷带) that can signal the type f bacterial infectin(细菌感染) it's prtecting,just like a traffic light,as well as releasing the right type f drugs n demand.The traffic light system wrks just like this:Green means n bacteria r lw cncentratins f bacteria,yellw means drug­sensitive(DS) bacteria that are respnsive t standard antibitics(抗生素) and cause antibitic release,and red means drug­resistant(DR) bacteria that need extra help t be wiped ut.
    In testing the bandage n mice,the research team was able t successfully treat bth DS and DR infectins using the new methd.Hwever,the cmmn methds f sensing resistance are limited by time,the requirement fr prfessinal persnnel, and expensive instruments.Mrever,the abuse f antibitics causes the accelerated prcess f bacterial resistance.
    It's easy t see hw a simple bandage and light culd vercme sme f these limitatins.Treatment desn't have t wait fr a dctr t make a diagnsis,and the bandage can get the right srt f drugs applied at the earliest pprtunity.What's mre,the persn wearing the bandage gets real­time feedback n what's happening t the infectin,if there's an infectin at all.The researchers say it ffers numerus benefits ver existing treatments that make use f light,including phtdynamic therapy(PDT).
    We've been seeing quite a few upgrades t the traditinal bandage in recent years,thanks t advances in science—like the nanfiber mesh that attracts bacteria and draws sme f them ut,speeding up the healing prcess.Then there's the nvel bandage fr treating burns,which stps bacteria frm multiplying and lwers the risk f infectins.
    The mre wrk that a bandage can d while it's prtecting a wund,the better.Effrts t imprve bandages cntinue and nw we've gt a bandage that nt nly releases antibitics,but als tells the patient exactly what's ging n t.
    【语篇解读】 本文主要介绍的是科学家们开发出的一种新型智能绷带。这种绷带可以显示出它所保护的细菌感染类型,并根据需要释放出正确的药物。本文说明了这种绷带的优势,并预测了其未来的发展趋势。
    12.What is the smart bandage mainly designed t d?
    A.Avid the use f antibitics.
    B.Clear ut harmful bacteria.
    C.Detect bacterial infectins.
    D.Increase treatment ptins.
    C [考查细节理解。根据第一段中的“Scientists have develped a new type f smart bandage(绷带) that can signal the type f bacterial infectin(细菌感染) it's prtecting,just like a traffic light,as well as releasing the right type f drugs n demand.”可知,智能绷带可以像交通灯一样显示出它所保护的细菌感染类型。由此可知,智能绷带的主要功能是检测细菌感染。故选C项。]
    13.What is the advantage f the smart bandage?
    A.It saves much time and cst.
    B.It remves the risk f infectins.
    C.It prevents the bacterial resistance.
    D.It imprves dctr­patient relatinship.
    A [考查细节理解。根据第二段中的“Hwever,the cmmn methds f sensing resistance are limited by time,the requirement fr prfessinal persnnel,and expensive instruments.”和第三段第一句“It's easy t see hw a simple bandage and light culd vercme sme f these limitatins.”可知,常用的方法受到时间、对专业人员的要求和昂贵的仪器的限制。而一条简单的绷带和光就可以克服其中一些限制。由此可知,智能绷带的优点是节省了很多时间和成本。故选A项。]
    14.What can be inferred frm the last tw paragraphs?
    A.Traditinal bandages are ut f use nw.
    B.Mre smart bandages will be develped.
    C.Prgress in science calls fr mre research.
    D.Peple are urged t study medical science.
    B [考查推理判断。通读最后两段,尤其是最后一段中的“Effrts t imprve bandages cntinue and nw we've gt a bandage that nt nly releases antibitics,but als tells the patient exactly what's ging n t.”可推知,更多的智能绷带将被开发。故选B项。]
    15.What des the text fcus n?
    A.A successful test n mice.
    B.A clr­changing bandage.
    C.Sensing drug­resistant bacteria.
    D.Preventing the abuse f antibitics.
    B [考查主旨大意。根据第一段中的“Scientists have develped a new type f smart bandage(绷带) that can signal the type f bacterial infectin(细菌感染) it's prtecting,just like a traffic light,as well as releasing the right type f drugs n demand.”可知,科学家发明了新型智能变色绷带;结合文章其他部分内容可知,文中还说明了这种绷带的优势和未来的发展趋势。由此可推知,文章的重点是介绍这款变色绷带。故选B项。]
    (山东聊城2023二模)Yungsters usually benefit frm having a relatinship with smene lder and wiser t mentr(指导) themselves.The mentr might be a teacher,a family member r a mre experienced peer.Hwever,nt everyne is suitable t be an influential,psitive rle mdel. 16 Here are sme cmmn characteristics f gd rle mdels.
    They are cnfident.Mst peple admire thse wh have much cnfidence in themselves. 17 S they are able t acknwledge their skills and achievements withut becming arrgant(自大的).Just as child&teen develpment specialist Dr.Rbyn Silverman suggests,healthy self­cnfidence shws itself in the frm f taking pride in wh yu are and what yu've learned thrughut yur life.
    18 Rle mdels shw their cmmitment t a desired gal by their actins and are willing t invest the necessary time and effrt t achieve success.They dn't give up easily and cntinue trying when faced with challenges. Their determinatin t succeed encurages yungsters t fllw thrugh and reach the gals they set fr themselves.
    They are respectful. 19 Yung peple appreciate being treated with respect and admire thse wh treat them and thers that way.Rle mdels wh shw selflessness and an equal,nn­prejudiced view f thse different frm them als earn admiratin f thers.
    They are ptimistic and creative.Rle mdels inspire thers with a psitive utlk n life.Fr example,a cmmunity leader faced with a financial setback(挫折) might welcme the pprtunity t rganize a fundraising prject that makes peple pull tgether in a cnstructive manner. 20
    A.They are hard­wrking.
    B.They are knwledgeable.
    C.Rle mdels shw respect fr thers.
    D.Pick smene having the same hbbies as yu.
    E.Gd rle mdels have a healthy appreciatin f their accmplishments.
    F.Effective rle mdels pssess desirable characteristics that make them easy t be lked up t.
    G.Rle mdels tend t see the bright side in difficult situatins and can find creative slutins.
    【语篇解读】 本文介绍了好的榜样拥有的一些共同特征。
    16.F [根据上句中的“nt everyne is suitable t be an influential,psitive rle mdel”以及空后一句“以下是一些好榜样的共同特征”可知,此处应提到好榜样的共同特质,F项(有影响力的榜样拥有使他们容易得到他人的敬佩尊敬的可取品质)符合语境。故选F项。]
    17.E [根据语境可知,下文中的they指的是好的榜样,故设空处也应讲好的榜样的特征,结合下句中的“acknwledge their skills and achievements withut becming arrgant”可推知,此处表示好的榜样对自己有正确的评价,故E项符合语境。]
    18.A [设空处为本段主旨句,根据设空处后一句中的“necessary time and effrt t achieve success”以及整段语境可知,此处应讲好的榜样勤奋努力且不轻言放弃。A项(他们是勤奋的)符合语境。故选A项。]
    19.C [根据本段首句中的“respectful”以及下句中“appreciate being treated with respect and admire thse wh...”可推知设空处也与“尊重”有关,C项(好的榜样尊重他人)符合语境。故选C项。]
    20.G [设空处为本段结论句,根据上文内容可知,本段讲的是好的榜样总是积极面对生活,由此可推知,设空处应与积极乐观的态度有关,G项(榜样在遇到坏情况后,往往会看到其积极的一面,并找到创新性的办法)符合语境,G项中的creative与本段第一句呼应。故选G项。]
    第二部分 语言运用(共两节,满分30分)
    (山东临沂2023一模)We walked slwly thrugh the wet grass,ur eyes searching fr the enemy.Suddenly,machine­gun fire brke the quiet.We hit the dirt, 21 frm the shts by a lw stne wall.As I rdered tw sldiers t help me lcate and 22 the machine gun,I heard a(n) 23 —and then I was n my back.
    “Lieutenant(中尉)!Lieutenant!Yu've been hit!”ne sldier cried.Tw medics rushed me t an aid 24 .A dctr wrapped a bandage arund my bldy knee;then the medics drve me t a(n) 25 field hspital.They carried me int a tent where dzens f 26 sldiers were lined up n the grund.I watched the nurses wrking 27 things went black.When I wke up,I was lying n the bed wearing nthing but a blanket.
    “Wake up,Lieutenant!”a nurse shuted.“Yu have t get n a plane—yu're 28 t a hspital in England!”I 29 .All my wrldly pssessins lay in a muntainus heap f equipment.I culd replace everything 30 a pht f my new bride,Ellen,which I always carried with me.
    “I'm nt ging until I get my wife's picture,”I said.“It's in the gas mask yu 31 frm me.”I knew the nurse culd make me g, 32 instead she said,“OK,I'll see if I can find it.”Then she ran ut t search thrugh the 33 .Time seemed t stand still until finally she ran back 34 .“I've gt it!”she shuted,waving the picture in her upraised hand.
    That phtgraph 35 me thrugh tugh times.Nw—69 years later—it sits n my bedside table.
    【语篇解读】 本文主要讲述了在战争时期,作者一直将妻子的照片带在身上,即使经历了作战、受伤、治疗、转院,这张照片一直是作者的慰藉,直到如今,作者依旧珍藏着它。
    21.A.escaped B.sheltered
    C.remved D.prevented
    B [根据前文中的machine­gun fire和空后的by a lw stne wall并结合常识可知,此处指他们听到枪声后,匍匐在地,一座低矮的石墙掩护了他们。shelter意为“躲避;避难”,符合语境。escape意为“逃跑”;remve意为“移除”;prevent意为“阻止”。]
    22.A.knck ut B.search fr
    C.stay away D.run tward
    A [根据空前的lcate和常识可推断出,此处指作者命令两个士兵确定枪声发出的位置,并摧毁对方的机关枪。knck ut意为“摧毁,破坏”,符合语境。search fr意为“寻找”;stay away意为“远离”;run tward意为“跑向”。]
    23.A.click B.scream
    C.crash D.explsin
    D [根据空后的then I was n my back和后文中的“Lieutenant! Lieutenant! Yu've been hit!”可知,作者被击倒了,结合选项可推断出,此处指作者听到了爆炸声。explsin意为“爆炸”,符合语境。click意为“咔嗒声”,scream意为“尖叫声”;crash意为“撞击声”。]
    24.A.schl B.statin
    C.prgram D.advisr
    B [根据前文中的“Yu've been hit!”和后文的A dctr及作者看见许多伤员和护士们十分忙碌的场景可推断出,此处指两位随军卫生员把作者送到了急救站。aid statin意为“急救站”,故statin符合语境。]
    25.A.ruined B.famus
    C.nearby D.advanced
    C [根据前文可知作者受伤了;结合常识可知,此处应指卫生员又立即将作者送到了附近的野战医院。故nearby符合语境,意为“附近的”。ruined意为“毁坏的”;famus意为“著名的”;advanced意为“高级的;先进的”。]
    26.A.wunded B.brave
    C.dead D.cured
    A [根据前文中的field hspital可知,作者到了野战医院,故此处应指很多受伤的士兵被安置在帐篷中等待救助。wunded意为“受伤的”,符合语境。brave意为“勇敢的”。]
    27.A.because B.thugh
    C.after D.befre
    D [结合常识和后文中的When I wke up可知,作者失去了意识。故此处应指在作者失去意识昏迷之前,看到护士们正在忙碌。故befre符合语境。]
    28.A.driving B.cnnecting
    C.flying D.engaging
    C [根据空前的get n a plane和选项可推知,此处应指护士通知作者他要乘飞机前往英格兰的一家医院。故flying符合语境。cnnect意为“连接”;engage意为“参与”。]
    29.A.hesitated B.ppsed
    C.panicked D.whispered
    C [根据后文可知,作者的所有东西包括他最珍视的妻子的照片都不在身边,而他即将被送往英格兰的医院,由此可推断出,作者应非常惊慌失措。panic意为“(使)恐慌”,符合语境。hesitate意为“犹豫”;ppse意为“反对”;whisper意为“低声说;耳语”。]
    30.A.with B.by
    C.fr D.except
    D [根据空后的“which I always carried with me”和下一段中作者的话可知,作者很重视这张照片,如果找不到这张照片,作者不愿离开此处,故此处应表示,任何东西都可以更换,除了那张照片。故except符合语境。]
    31.A.tk away B.carried ut
    C.cleared up D.kept back
    A [根据前文讲到的作者受伤后被送到战地医院,以及前文中的“I was lying n the bed wearing nthing”并结合常识可推知,作者在医院接受救治时,身上的装备和衣物应该都被医务人员收走了。take away意为“拿走”,符合语境。carry ut意为“实施;执行”;clear up意为“整理”;keep back意为“隐瞒;抑制”。]
    32.A.s B.and
    C.r D.but
    D [根据空前的culd make me g和空后的instead可知,作者知道护士有权力让他不拿到照片就走,但空后提到护士还是帮他去找照片了,故设空处前后为转折关系,but符合语境。]
    33.A.tents B.hills
    C.piles D.beds
    C [根据前文的“All my wrldly pssessins lay in a muntainus heap f equipment.”可知,作者所有的东西都在堆成山的设备中,故此处应指护士跑出去在那一堆东西里寻找。此处pile是heap的同义词复现,意为“堆”,符合语境。]
    34.A.breathlessly B.disappintedly
    C.nervusly D.mysteriusly
    A [根据前文的ran ut和语境可知,此处应指时间仿佛静止了,直到她气喘吁吁地跑回来。breathlessly意为“气喘吁吁地”,符合语境。disappintedly意为“失望地”;nervusly意为“紧张地”;mysteriusly意为“神秘地”。]
    35.A.benefited B.cmfrted
    C.reminded D.challenged
    B [根据空后的thrugh tugh times和选项可推知,此处指那张照片在艰难时期给予作者安慰。cmfrt意为“安慰,抚慰”,符合语境。benefit意为“使受益”;remind意为“使想起”;challenge意为“挑战”。]
    (2023日照市重点中学高三5月联考)Street art is a frm f art that is displayed in a cmmunity n its surrunding buildings,streets,trains,and ther publicly viewed surfaces.Many instances cme in 36.________ frm f guerrilla(游击) art,which is cmpsed t make a public statement abut the sciety 37.________ the artist lives.Sme artists use “smart damage” as a way 38.________(raise) awareness f scial prblems while thers simply d this t make his persnal artwrk 39.________(knw) t mre peple.
    Thugh traditinal graffiti(涂鸦) artists have 40.________(primary) used spray paint t prduce their wrk,“street art” includes many ther media,such as LED art and rck balancing.New media frms are an increasingly ppular tl fr street artists.And the applicatin 41.________ cheap hardware and sftware becmes 42.________(gd) and mre frequently­used than traditinal advertisements.
    Sme bservers use the term“independent public art”as a 43.________(describe) f a type f street art,which can als include wrk in remte places which 44.________(visit) may nt cme t and appreciate,and may als be shrt­lived.Sme wrk 45.________(fix) underwater in recent years.
    【语篇解读】 本文是一篇说明文,主题语境是“人与社会”。文章介绍了街头艺术的兴起、现状及意义。
    36.the [考查冠词。此处frm是特指,故用定冠词the。in the frm f“以……形式”为固定搭配。]
    37.where [考查定语从句。分析句子结构可知,空处引导定语从句,先行词是表示地点的sciety,从句缺少地点状语,故用where引导从句。]
    38.t raise [考查非谓语动词。分析句子结构可知,空处在句中作目的状语,应该用动词不定式作目的状语。]
    39.knwn [考查非谓语动词。分析句子结构可知,此处是“make+宾语+宾补”结构,宾语his persnal artwrk与knw是逻辑上的动宾关系,故用过去分词作宾补。]
    40.primarily [考查副词。修饰句中的谓语动词,应用副词primarily“主要地”。]
    41.f [考查介词。廉价软硬件的应用比传统广告更好、更常用。applicatin f为固定搭配,表示“……的应用”。]
    42.better [考查比较级。根据空后的“mre frequently­used than”可知,此处应使用gd的比较级与mre frequently­used并列。]
    43.descriptin [考查名词。根据空前的不定冠词a和空后的f可知,此处应填入名词。]
    44.visitrs [考查名词单复数。此处表示“游客可能不会来的地方”,应用visitr,空前无限定词,visitr是可数名词,故本空应用名词复数。]
    45.has been fixed [考查时态、语态和主谓一致。根据时间状语“in recent years”可知,句中时态应为现在完成时,主语和谓语动词之间为被动关系,故应用被动语态,主语为Sme wrk,故填has been fixed。]
    第三部分 写作(共两节,满分40分)
    Dear Tim,
    I am eagerly planning t apply t be a vlunteer fr Beijing 2022 Olympic Winter Games.Knwing that yu have relevant experience,I'm writing t ask a favr.
    T begin with,please tell me what I shuld prepare in advance. Besides,since a cnvincing applicatin is f vital imprtance,culd yu give me sme directin n hw t write it?What's mre,I wuld appreciate it if yu culd share yur vlunteer experience with me in detail,which will help me becme smewhat familiar with this kind f wrk.
    I'm lking frward t hearing frm yu sn.
    Yurs truly,
    Li Hua
    I was standing in a class f wild 14­year­ld girls as they threw paper and screamed with laughter,with a feeling f helplessness.I tried t make them quiet,but they didn't listen t me.I was 22 and I didn't knw what I was ding.I never wanted t be a teacher.I wanted t be a writer. But when I arrived in Lndn frm Sydney after graduatin frm cllege,they were shrt f teachers.
    My effrts at teaching were hpeless.When the bell finally rang,I rushed t the staff rm,red with anger.The ther teachers weren't surprised.“That's 4B,the wrst class in schl,”ne said.I even felt anxius abut ur next meeting,but I knew that I culdn't give up.I needed the jb t supprt myself.S after cnsideratin,I decided t abandn frmal lessns.Instead,I brught tpics fr class discussins.
    One f the liveliest talks was abut the arguments they had with their parents.They paid attentin and shared their lives.I was extremely interested.S I had them write abut themselves.Mst wrte abut families with little mney and big prblems.The tw mst rebellius(叛逆的) girls Adele and Chle even wrte abut their quarrels with classmates and sisters.In their vivid writing,these yung girls revealed their jys and srrws cmpletely and I was deeply tuched.
    As time went n,their essays became a bridge between us,where we cnnected with each ther.I admired their humr,tughness and insight,and they appreciated my interest in their lives.In turn,the girls gradually became keen stry writers and 4B was n lnger the wrst class in schl.
    I knew mst f them had never seen a live stage perfrmance.S I asked if they'd like t see the musical My Fair Lady that was playing in the West End at that time.When they heard my wrds,their eyes pened wide.They thught I was jking because n teacher had ever suggested taking them ut.After knwing it was true,they jumped up and dwn with excitement.
    Paragraph 1:
    A few days later,4B and I were sitting in the theater.__________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
    Paragraph 2:
    Near the end f the semester,smene kncked n the dr f the staff
    Paragraph 1:
    A few days later,4B and I were sitting in the theater.The girls were thrilled at the marvelus musical,with brad smiles spreading ver their face.I was als s verjyed t see their smiles.On the way back t schl,they talked abut the musical,the cstumes and the characters they lved in the musical with excitement.It seemed the highlight f their year.After that,ur relatinship became clser and I was mre like a friend than a teacher t them.The staff rm witnessed ur cuntless heart­t­heart cnversatins.
    Paragraph 2:
    Near the end f the semester,smene kncked n the dr f the staff rm.T my surprise,the tw mst rebellius girls in 4B were there with a bunch f flwers in hand,tgether with a card reading:“Thank yu fr lighting up ur life!”They earnestly handed the flwers t me,saying they came t express their sincere appreciatin f all I'd dne fr them n behalf f the whle class.I was prud t knw I had tuched their lives,and they had als tuched mine.Hnestly,I have fallen deeply in lve with teaching and getting alng with teenagers.

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