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    这是一份【开学摸底考】九年级英语(广州专用)-2023-2024学年初中下学期开学摸底考试卷.zip,文件包含九年级英语开学摸底考广州专用解析版docx、九年级英语开学摸底考广州专用考试版docx、九年级英语开学摸底考广州专用参考答案docx、九年级英语开学摸底考广州专用答题卡docx、九年级英语开学摸底考广州专用答题卡pdf等5份试卷配套教学资源,其中试卷共33页, 欢迎下载使用。

    (考试时间:100分钟 试卷满分:90分)
    When things went wrng, Gary always had smething nice t say. When Dad frgt abut the pizza and it burred, Gary said, “Dn’t wrry, it’ll still taste 1 .” And he was right. 2 the pizza edges were dark and crispy, the middle was nt bad.
    Gary lked n a bright side. Everyne liked him except Lisa, 3 was a new kid in class. Gary didn’t knw 4 t d. He never met anyne like Lisa.
    When Mr. D.said that they 5 utdr activities because f the rain, Lisa said, “Bad things cme in threes. What will the secnd thing be?”
    Emma was carrying a plate f paints during art class. She tripped, and the paints went flying.
    Lisa turned t Gary, “That was the secnd bad thing. What will the third be?”
    Lisa seemed 6 abut the Rule f Three Bad Things.
    Emma had 7 in Gary’s painting. “It’s beautiful,” she said. She picked it up nt realizing she had paint n her fingers.
    Lisa pinted, “Gary’s picture is messed up! There’s number three.”
    Emma lked sad, “I’m srry, Gary.”
    “If yu add wings”, said David, “the fingerprints culd lk 8 butterflies!” 9 interesting the idea was!
    S Gary added wings withut 10 .Then he said, “Hey, everyne, 11 a finger int paint!”
    It’s exciting fr everyne 12 a fingerprint n Gary’s paper. Only Lisa didn’t.
    “Want t add ne?” Gary asked her.
    Lisa thught 13 it, then she dipped her finger int yellw paint and 14 pressed it nt Garr’s painting. She carefully added wings. “Did I ruin it?” she asked.
    “N way! It lks great.” Gary is happy 15 the butterflies’ painting.
    Lisa smiled. “Yu knw, I dn’t really think there’s a Rule f Three Bad Things.”
    Gary ndded. “Bad things happen. But smetimes, there are gd things hiding where yu dn’t expect them.”
    5.A.dn’t haveB.desn’t haveC.wn’t haveD.wuldn’t have
    6.A.surerB.mre surelyC.sureD.surely
    7.A.interestB.interestedC.interestingD.mre interesting
    9.A.What anB.Hw anC.WhatD.Hw
    10.A.difficultB.mre difficultC.difficultyD.mre difficulties
    11.A.putB.t putC.puttingD.puts
    12.A.addB.addsC.t addD.adding
    I was always busy and had t many things t d. Whenever my daughter wuld cause me t change my plans, I thught t myself, “We dn’t have time fr this.” S the tw wrds I always said t her were: 16 .
    The ther day, the tw f us rde t a 17 near ur hme. After shpping, I bught her an ice cream, and she sat dwn at a table happily admiring the ice cream in her hand. Suddenly a 18 lk appeared n her face. “D I have t eat it up in a hurry, Mum?”
    I nearly 19 when hearing this—the pains f a hurried life influenced my pr girl s deeply! As she lked at me waiting t knw if she culd take her time. I knew I had t make a 20 . I thught f the time when I rushed my child thrugh life, I began 21 what really mattered in life ...
    “Yu dn’t have t hurry. Just enjy it.” I said gently. Her whle face brightened and she 22 her shulders. We sat side by side talking abut things that interested us.
    When she gt t the last bite, she held it ut t me. “I 23 the last bite fr yu, Mum,” she said 24 . As the icy taste put ut my thirst, I realized I just gt the present f a lifetime. I gave my child a little time and in return, she gave me her last bite and 25 me that things taste sweeter and lve is easier t get when yu stp rushing thrugh life.
    16.A.Keep quietB.Take careC.Wrk hardD.Hurry up
    阅读理解 (共两节,满分35分)
    Several times my daughter had telephned t ask me t see the daffdils befre they are ver. I wanted t g, but it was a tw-hur drive frm Laguna t Lake Arrwhead.
    After her third call, I prmised t drive t my daughter’s huse. When I finally arrived at her hme and hugged my grandchildren, I said, “Frget the daffdils, Carlyn! The rad is in the cluds and fgs, and there is nthing in the wrld except yu and these children that I want t see!” My daughter smiled calmly and said, “I was hping yu’d take me ver t the garage (修车厂) t pick up my car. I’ll drive. I’m used t this.”
    After several minutes, I fund that wasn’t the way t the garage! Carlyn smiled, “We are ging t the garage the lng way. It’s by way f the daffdils.” Hearing that, l gt angry and asked her t turn arund. “It’s all right, mther. Yu will never frgive yurself if yu miss this experience,” my daughter said.
    After 20 minutes, we turned nt a small path and I saw a hand-lettered sign that read “Daffdil Garden”. We gt ut f the car and each tk a child’s hand, and I fllwed Carlyn dwn the path. Then, we turned t a crner f the path. Befre me lay the mst glrius sight. There were five acres (亩) f flwers!
    “But wh has dne this?” I asked Carlyn.
    Carlyn pinted t a well-kept huse. We walked up t the huse where we saw a pster.
    “Answers t the Questins I knw Yu Are Asking” was the headline.
    The first answer was a simple ne. “50,000 bulbs,” it read.
    The secnd answer was, “One at a time, by ne wman, tw hands.”
    The third answer was, “Began in 1958.”
    Fr me, that mment was a life-changing experience. I thught f this wman whm I had never met, wh, mre than 35 years befre, had begun—ne bulb at a time, year after year—t bring her visin f beauty and jy t a muntain tp. She had frever changed the wrld in which she lived and created beauty and inspiratin.
    It made me sad in a way. I admitted t Carlyn. “What might I have if I had thught f a wnderful gal thirty-five r frty years ag?” My daughter answered in her usual direct way. “Start tmrrw,” she said.
    26.Why didn’t the wman want t see the daffdils at first?
    A.Because her daughter’s car was brken.B.Because she gt angry with her daughter.
    C.Because it was t far fr her t drive there.D.Because her grandchildren refused t g there.
    27.What des the underlined wrd “this” in paragraph 5 refer t?
    A.Pinting t a well-kept huse.B.Grwing five acres f flwers.
    C.Seeing the five acres f flwers.D.Taking the writer t see the daffdils.
    28.What is the writer’s attitude twards the wman wh grew daffdils?
    29.What can we learn frm the stry?
    A.Seeing is believing.B.Out f sight, ut f mind.
    C.Rme was nt built in a day.D.Failure is the mther f success.
    My wn experiment with culture shck came t a fruitless end when I returned with hmesick frm a year’s study in Italy. I had never heard f culture shck. All I knew was that I was unhappy and wanted t g hme.
    That was twenty years ag, and since then culture shck has becme a real field f study. It is nw understd that any nrmal persn, finding himself r herself fr an extended time in a new culture, is in truble.
    The prcess f “culture shck” is nw recgnized as s predictable that its fur stages have been nticeable. The first is the hneymn stage, familiar t thse f us wh lve t travel, but never stay in ne place lng enugh t find ut what fllws. In this stage, the new cuntry and its peple seem delightful. Everything is better than hme. Everything is s different and charming.
    Then the blm cmes ff the rse. Nw the peple start t lk shallw, selfish and stupid. The different ways f ding things dn’t seem interesting any mre. Yu start t feel tired all the time. Culture shck has set in. Yu feel at sea.
    The emtinal respnse t culture shck in stage tw can be extreme. Cnfusin, depressin, wrry and resentment can all enter t varying degrees. Yu may becme physically ill. Little things seem terribly annying.
    The happier reslutin is t mve n t stage three. Adjusting. Rather than listing what’s “wrng” with Americans, yu remind yurself that “right” and “wrng” are nt meaningful terms in cultural matters.
    Instead, yu try t understand what mtivates Americans, perhaps realizing that many f the things yu dn’t like are related t the things yu d like.
    As time ges n, yu shuld be mving int stage fur. Acceptance. At this pint, yu simply dn’t think any mre abut the specialties f Americans. Yu accept them as individuals. Yu have started t feel at hme; yu knw hw t d things. Yu have nt rejected yur ld culture; but the American ways have settled upn yu. Yu feel ptimistic abut yur future here. Yu have truly arrived.
    30.Why d peple nt suffer frm culture shck when they first arrive in a freign cuntry?
    A.They lve t travel.
    B.They dn’t stay in ne place lng enugh.
    C.The new cuntry and its peple are delightful.
    D.Everything is s different and charming.
    31.Which ne is the pssible psychlgical effect f culture shck n the secnd stage?
    32.Which f the fllwing statements will the writer agree with?
    A.Any nrmal persn facing a new culture will be in truble.
    B.Culture shck is nw recgnized as unpredictable.
    C.There is n “right” and “wrng” in terms f cultural matters.
    D.When yu reject yur ld culture, yu can accept the new ne.
    33.The passage is mainly abut ________.
    A.the study f culture shckB.hw t get rid f culture shck
    C.the writer’s wn experiment with culture shckD.the fur stages f culture shck and their features
    While many peple think f the vegetarian diet (素食) as ne f the best ways t lse weight, scientists pint ut that a vegan diet is mre effective fr weight lss. A vegan diet is a diet that avids animal prducts. It is stricter than a vegetarian diet. Vegetarians give up eating meat, while in a vegan type f diet, peple give up nt nly meat, but all ther animal prducts, including milk and eggs.
    Peple chse t fllw a vegan diet fr varius reasns. Sme peple chse it fr better health. They believe that animal-based fd, like red meat, is a main reasn fr many types f health prblems. Plant-based fd, hwever, is usually lw in calries and fat, and it might prevent a few illnesses. Others pick up a vegan lifestyle because it’s better fr the envirnment. Meat-based diets use mre resurces, including land, water, and energy, t prduce fd, while vegan diets require less farm land.
    Yu may ask if this kind f diet can prvide enugh prtein t keep the bdy healthy. Sme nutritinists (营养学家) explain plant prteins can give enugh energy humans need in daily life. Sme f them even believe fds shuld be eaten withut being cked. In this way, helpful nutritins can be kept better. That makes a vegan diet a healthier lifestyle. Nutritinists als state that whichever diet ne may fllw, it’s imprtant t make sure that it cntains all the nutritins the bdy needs. Still, understanding the effects f vegan diets n health remains challenging, because research n this eating style is ften put tgether with vegetarian r plant-based diets.
    The vegan style can be difficult in practice unless peple are well prepared t fllw this lifestyle. It may nt suit everyne as peple are in different health cnditins. S learn abut yur bdy well befre yu make any decisin. In this way, yu will make the best chice fr yurself.
    34.Frm paragraph 1, we can knw a vegan diet ________.
    A.gives up nly milk and eggsB.is nt s strict as a vegetarian diet
    C.avids meat, milk, and eggsD.means eating fewer animal prducts
    35.Sme peple chse a vegan diet because they ________.
    A.dn’t like the taste f red meatB.care abut the envirnment
    C.suffer frm sme serius illnessesD.can’t affrd enugh resurces
    36.The nutritinists may NOT agree that ________.
    A.cking takes away sme useful nutritinsB.a vegan diet can prvide enugh prtein and energy
    C.a healthy diet shuld meet the needs f bdyD.the effects f a vegan diet have been fund clearly
    37.What is the writing purpse f the passage?
    A.T intrduce a new diet.B.T explain research results.
    C.T stp pr eating habits.D.T cmpare tw kinds f diets.
    Twelve Dancing Princesses is a German fairy tale. It is included in the Children’s and Husehld Tales (《格林童话》) by the Grimm brthers.
    Tramper culd feel the stny rad thrugh the hles in his bts. A newspaper blew by. Tramper picked it up and sat dwn t cver the hles in his bts with the paper.
    A weak ld lady stared at him.
    “Yu think yu have she trubles!” she said. “The King has twelve girls and all f them have hles in their slippers!”
    The ld lady’s feet were bare (光脚的), cut and purple frm the cld. Tramper felt srry fr her, s he gave her his shabby bts. T thank him, she gave Tramper her dirty clak (斗篷). As she walked away dwn the rad, she called, “Stay awake. Drink n drp. Taste n cup.”
    “A strange way t say gdbye,” thught Tramper.
    It rained. Tramper put n the clak and tried t read what was left f the wet newspaper. As it fell apart in his hands he read:
    “Why nt?” thught Tramper. “I bet I culd slve the mystery. I’ve gt nthing t lse. I dn’t even have any bts.” And when he lked dwn, his feet were gne t. His feet, legs and bdy had gne. He was invisible. “The clak is magic!” he said.
    The king’s twelve daughters were a mystery. Each night they tk ff their silk slippers and went t bed. But each mrning their silk slippers were full f hles, and the girls were tired ut.
    Hw culd it happen? The girls’ bedrm dr was lcked, s they culd nt get ut.
    Hw culd it g n? (t be cntinued ...)
    38.The Palace Ntice wanted t find smene wh ________.
    A.gt the newspaperB.stle the princesses’ slippers
    C.knew the reasn fr the wrn slippersD.the princesses fell in lve with
    39.What des the underlined wrd “invisible” mean?
    A.Can’t mve.B.Can’t be seen.C.Can’t walk.D.Can’t change.
    40.What happened t the twelve princesses every day?
    A.Their slippers always had hles in them when they wke up.
    B.Smebdy went int their living rms every evening.
    C.They went ut f the palace every night.
    D.Their bedrm dr was frced pen at night.
    阅读填空( 每小题1分,共5分)
    Seeing peple in yur family fight can be really terrible. Whether the fight is abut yu r nt, yu might feel sad, angry r even ashamed (难为情的) when yur family members shut at each ther. 41 Here are sme ideas.
    Keep yur cl. 42 If yu are very angry, yu can try t take a deep breath r cunt t 10. Befre yu talk with yur family members, yu can als make sme physical mvements. Fr example, yu can hit a baseball a few times r beat yur pillw (枕头) heavily.
    Call a family meeting. See if there’s a gd time that wrks fr everyne in yur family t get tgether. 43 If yu are a yung by r girl, try asking yur parents t call a family meeting.
    Listen t everyne. 44 That way, everyne can say what’s ging n. Smetimes, letting everyne talk is nt easy especially when their wrds make yu mad. Hwever, if yu let everyne talk, they’ll listen t what yu will say, t. 45 Instead f blaming (责备) yur family members r calling them ut, try t speak ut yur feelings as peacefully as pssible. Fr example, instead f saying “Yu shut at me t much”, yu culd say, “I feel afraid when yu shut at me.”
    A.Use “I” t express yur feelings.
    B.It’s nt easy t keep calm during a fight.
    C.Give everyne in the family a chance t speak.
    D.D yu want t knw hw t end a family fight?
    E.Then yu can meet tgether and talk abut the family fight.
    The Chngyang Festival is a traditinal festival. It is c 46 n the ninth day f the ninth lunar mnth. It is als called the Duble Ninth Festival.
    The festival started as early as the Warring States Perid (475-221 BC). It has a histry f mre than 1,700 years. Amng the number zer t nine, nine is the h 47 dd number (奇数). Peple believe that tw “nines” meeting tgether stand fr a lng life. S it is a special hliday fr Chinese peple t shw lve and r 48 fr their elders. They hld many kinds f activities in hnr f ld peple, wishing them gd h 49 . The festival cmes during the glden time f fall. On that day, peple drink chrysanthemum (菊花) wine, eat Duble-Ninth cakes and climb muntains. They als carry a kind f plant named dgwd. Peple in ancient times believed that plant culd drive away evil (邪恶的) spirits and p 50 them frm catching any illnesses in winter.
    五、完成句子 ( 每小题2分,共10分)
    Li Hua a whle day vluntary wrk in an rphanage every week.
    Culd yu tell just nw?
    des t fly frm Guangzhu t Qatar?
    The brken vase _________ _________ _________ _________ at nce.
    Jack is! He has made the same mistake 5 times.
    六、书面表达 (15分)
    注意:1. 参考词汇:科技节(science festival),亮点(highlight);
    2. 词数:80词左右(开头已给出,不计入词数);
    3. 不得透露学校、姓名等任何个人信息,否则不予评分。
    Last week, students in ur schl wrked hard t make the science festival a big success.
    WANTED: Answer t the Mystery f the Wrn Slippers.
    REWARD: Princess’ hand in marriage.
    WARNING: All thse wh fail will be lcked up.

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