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    这是一份2024届山东省枣庄市高三下学期3月二调英语试题(原卷版+解析版),文件包含2024届山东省枣庄市高三下学期3月二调英语试题原卷版docx、2024届山东省枣庄市高三下学期3月二调英语试题解析版docx等2份试卷配套教学资源,其中试卷共30页, 欢迎下载使用。

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    第一部分 阅读(共两节;满分50分)
    阅读下列短文,从每题所给的 A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项。
    Hillier Gardens Schl Hliday Prgram
    The Sir Harld Hillier Gardens are pen year-rund ffering pprtunities t view interesting plants and flwers and enjy the beautiful surrundings. Thrughut the Easter schl hlidays, we have varius events fr children, which are fun and educatinal and give them interesting ways t interact with nature.
    Self-Guided Easter Trail
    The Gardens feature a regular trail thrughut the year. Fr the Easter schl hlidays children will pick up their maps and fllw clues left by the Easter Bunny. The family trails are a great way t explre the gardens with a little bit f guidance. Children wh finish the trail will als be able t cllect a small prize at the end. Trail maps can be picked up frm the ticket desk.
    Cst: E1.50 per child
    All ages
    Pnd Dipping
    The Educatin Garden pnds at Hillier Gardens are filled with all srts f interesting creatures yu might never think t lk at. Keep an eye ut fr beetles, skimmers and mre creatures living in the pnds. All materials are prvided and bkings are nt required. All children must be accmpanied by an adult.
    Cst: E2 per child
    All ages
    Outdr Adventure Hliday Club
    The Outdr Learning Cmpany will be running their ppular Outdr Adventure Hliday Club fr fur days thrughut the Easter break. Children will experience a range f different utdr skills and activities, including campfire cking, bush craft tls, and den building. There’s als plenty f time t just enjy the utdrs running arund, tree climbing and explring. Bkings are essential and can be made n the Outdr Learning Cmpany website.
    Cst: E22
    Ages 5-11
    Family Bushcraft Cking
    One f the last activities f the hliday perid is a campfire cking sessin. Yu’ll make warm fruit puddings and ck ther things n the campfire, while als learning essential bushcraft skills fr cking and safe fire handling. The price is fr ne adult and ne child. Tickets can be bked nline r by calling 01794369318.
    Cst: E12.50
    Ages 4-12
    1 What gd will the hliday events d t children?
    A. Enjying the festive leisure.B. Imprving self-care abilities.
    C. Bringing them clse t nature.D. Strengthening the family ties.
    2. Which event might be mre attractive t the children fnd f insects?
    A. Pnd Dipping.B. Self-Guided Easter Trail.
    C. Family Bushcraft Cking.D. Outdr Adventure Hliday Club.
    3. What can children d in the Outdr Adventure Hliday Club?
    A. Have a self-guided walk.B. Learn utdr survival skills.
    C Enjy a family picnic.D. Take care f small animals.
    On August 15,a team f researchers and cnservatinists set ff n a tw-year vyage frm Plymuth, England,n bard the Dutch tall ship Osterschelde. They will sail mre than 46,000 miles(74,000 kilmeters)and drp anchr in 32 different prts acrss fur cntinents,befre ending their jurney in Falmuth,U.K.
    The expeditin named Darwin200,cmes mre than 190 years after Charles Darwin sailed the glbe cllecting specimens and shaping ideas f his thery f evlutin. The team will clsely fllw Darwin’s riginal vyage abard the HMS Beagle, which set ff n Dec.27,1831,and returned t England n Oct.2,1836.
    Darwin was 22 years ld when he jined the expeditin with the intentin f seeing the wrld befre jining the church. But during the trip, Darwin became fascinated by the wide range f different species he encuntered, which eventually led t him creating his thery f evlutin by natural selectin. Darwin’s accunt f the jurney, published after his return, als helped him establish his reputatin as ne f Victrian Britain’s academic elite.
    The main aim f the new expeditin is t train and inspire 200 yung envirnmentalists, between 18 and 25 years ld, wh will each spend a week n bard the Osterschelde studying threatened species that Darwin encuntered n his vyage.
    “We wanted t create a similarly transfrmative experience(fr the yung naturalists),”Stewart MePhersn, missin directr f Darwin200,said in a statement. They have” the ptential t be the STEM (science, technlgy, engineering, and mathematics)and cnservatin leaders f tmrrw,” he added.
    Every week, the team will bradcast interactive “nature hur” sessins live frm the ship fr peple acrss the wrld. They will als cllect imprtant data n cean plastics and cral reef health,as well as survey seabirds, whales and dlphins.
    4. What can we learn abut Darwin200 frm the first tw paragraphs?
    A. It takes alng 200 naturalists.B. It takes a shrtcut fr the jurney.
    C. It is t mark Darwin’s Beagle vyage.D. It lasts lnger than Darwin’s vyage.
    5. Hw did Darwin’s vyage affect him?
    A. It established his writing style.B. He gained a sense f adventure.
    C. He earned great fame and frtuneD. It changed the directin f his life.
    6. What is Stewart McPhersn’s wish fr the yung naturalists?
    A. T be mre creative.B. T keep an pen mind.
    C. T develp scientific skills.D. T challenge Darwin’s thery.
    7. What des the team’s research wrk fcus n?
    A. Ocean cnservatin.B. The explratin f cean.
    C. The art f navigatin.D. Scientific educatin.
    During my final year f cllege, I made tw signs that read, “Feeling stressed abut exams? Have a free hug!” Then I fund a friend and we std in the campus, held up the signs, and waited. Passersby either quickly lked dwn at their phnes and awkwardly walked by, r their faces lit up as they embraced us. Mst peple were enthusiastic. Sme exclaimed, “Yu made my day!” r “Thank yu. I needed this.”
    A study published earlier suggests that, in additin t making us feel cnnected with thers, all thse hugs may have prevented us frm getting sick. At first, this finding seems incredible, because hugging hundreds f strangers wuld increase yur expsure t germs and therefre the likelihd f falling ill. But the new research adds t evidence fr the psitive influence f scial supprt n health.
    The researchers cnducted an interview t find ut hw ften participants experienced cnflict with thers and hw ften they received hugs. Then they infected the participants with a cmmn cld virus and, later the researchers fund that, regardless f hw much cnflict they endured, participants with a strng sense f scial supprt develped less severe cld symptms. Likewise, the mre ften peple hugged, the less likely they were t get sick, even amng individuals wh frequently had tense interactins. In ther wrds, bth scial supprt and hugging prevented against illness.
    But their impact is mre than a runny nse. On the extreme end, scial cnnectedness seems t play a rle in preventing against death. Accrding t a research that examined ver 300,000 peple arund the wrld, lw levels f scial supprt can increase the risk fr premature death mre than cmmnly knwn factrs like smking r alchl cnsumptin. N surprise that the Wrld Health Organizatin identifies scial netwrks as a primary determinant f health.
    Evidently, just as we priritize exercise and nutritin, we ught t priritize quality time with lved nes; just as we avid unhealthy habits like smking, we shuld make effrt t avid islatin and scial exclusin. And even if yu dn’t want t hug hundreds f strangers, dn’t underestimate the healing pwer f tuch.
    8. What is the functin f Paragraph 1?
    A. T intrduce the tpic.B. T amuse the readers.
    C. T explain a viewpint.D. T qute an instance.
    9. What is a cmmn misunderstanding f hugging strangers?
    A. It helps t relieve scial stress.B. It increases the risk f getting ill.
    C. It prevents against scial exclusin.D. It prmtes the feeling f clseness.
    10. What des the underlined phrase “a runny nse” refer t in paragraph 4?
    A. Death.B. A virus.C. A hug.D. A cld.
    11. What des the authr suggest in the last paragraph?
    A. Getting scialized.B. Ding mre exercise.
    C Giving up smking.D. Valuing yur time.
    Even if yu haven’t held a cnversatin with Siri r Alexa, yu’ve likely encuntered a chatbt nline. They ften appear in a chat windw that pps up with a friendly greeting: Thank yu fr visiting ur site.Hw can I help yu tday? Depending n the site, the chatbt is prgrammed t respnd accrdingly and even ask fllw-up questins.
    Chatbts are a frm f cnversatinal AI designed t simplify human interactin with cmputers. They are prgrammed t simulate human cnversatin and exhibit intelligent behavir that is equivalent t that f a human.
    Chatbts cmmunicate thrugh speech r text. Bth rely n artificial intelligence technlgies like machine learning and natural language prcessing (NLP), which is a branch f artificial intelligence that teaches machines t read, analyze and interpret human language. This technlgy gives chatbts a baseline fr understanding language structure and meaning. NLP, in essence, allws the cmputer t understand what yu are asking and hw t apprpriately respnd.
    With develpments in deep learning and reinfrcement learning, chatbts can interpret mre cmplexities in language and imprve the dynamic nature f cnversatin between human and machine. Essentially, a chatbt tries t match what yu’ve asked t an intent that it understands. The mre a chatbt cmmunicates with yu, the mre it understands and the mre it learns t cmmunicate like yu and thers with similar questins. Yur psitive respnses reinfrce its answers, and then it uses thse answers again.
    Frm custmer service chatbts nline t persnal assistants in ur hmes,chatbts have started t enter ur lives. In almst every industry, cmpanies are using chatbts t help custmers easily navigate their websites, answer simple questins and direct peple t the relevant pints f cntact. Persnal assistants like Siri and Alexa are designed t respnd t a wide range f scenaris and queries, frm current weather and news updates t persnal calendars, music selectins and randm questins.
    12. Why des the authr mentin Siri and Alexa in Paragraph 1?
    A. T explain hw a chatbt wrks.B. T shw where t find a chatbt.
    C. T give examples f chatbts.D. T cmpare different chatbts.
    13. What is the basis f chatbts?
    A. Language study.B. Data transmissin.
    C. Scial interactin.D. Natural language prcessing.
    14. What des the underlined wrd “reinfrce” in paragraph 4 mean?
    A. Inspire.B. Strengthen.C. Organize.D. Match.
    15. What is the last paragraph mainly abut?
    A. The future trend f chatbts.B. The authr’s predictins.
    C. The effects f chatbts.D. The applicatins f chatbts.
    It’s been estimated that peple tuch their cell phnes hundreds f times every day. That means plenty f pprtunities fr germs t mve frm ur fingers t ur phnes.
    ____16____ But a recent study fund mre than 17,000 bacterial gene cpies n the phnes f high schl students.
    One f the wrst places t use cell phnes is in the bathrm. ____17____ Studies have fund that ur mbile phnes are much dirtier than tilet seats. Just as an expert puts it, taking a phne int the bathrm and then leaving with it is kind f like ging in, nt washing yur hands and then cming back ut.
    While many f us wash ur hands regularly after ging t the bathrm, we seldm cnsider washing ur hands after tuching ur phnes. ____18____
    Yu can use alchl-based wipes r sprays t clean yur phne regularly. They need t cntain at least 70% alchl t disinfect phne casings and tuch screens. ____19____ Remember t sanitize (消毒) yur phne charger ccasinally when yu are cleaning yur phne. And wash yur hands thrughly after yu’ve finished cleaning.
    ____20____ Get in the habit f putting yur phne away when it’s nt in use, then cleaning yur hands. When nt at hme, keep yur phne in yur pcket r bag. Use a dispsable paper list f t-d items, rather than cnstantly cnsulting yur phne.
    D nt share yur phne with thers if yu have nt first sanitized it. If children are allwed t play with yur phne, sanitize it as sn as pssible afterward.
    A. D it every day if pssible.
    B. Hw yu handle yur phne will als be critical.
    C. S it’s clear that yu keep away frm yur phne.9125
    D. When tilets flush, they spread germs everywhere.
    E. The mre germs they cllect, the mre germs yu tuch.
    F. Research has varied n hw many germs are n an average phne.
    G. Frtunately, there are easy ways t avid yur phne cllecting germs.
    第二部分 语言运用(共两节;满分30分)
    阅读下面短文,从每题所给的 A、B、C、D四个选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。
    One day, I had a serius quarrel with my father. I felt he was always trying t ____21____ me and I wanted t break free. After we explded in ____22____, I strmed ut f the huse and went back t schl.
    All that day, my mind was racing with ____23____ thughts. After all, he hadn’t even finished high schl, but here I was a mighty cllege student! Hw dare he try t ____24____me n my life and plans?
    Suddenly, I realized that I didn’t d the assignment that was ____25____: a thught card. Dr. Simn always ____26____ us t think deeply by raising all kinds f questins abut scial issues, plitical issues, persnal issues etc. ____27____, fr smething t write, I culd nly think f the ____28____ I’d just had with my dad.
    “I am the sn f an idit!” I wrte and then ____29____. The next day, Dr. Simn gave back ur cards. He put mine n the desk face dwn. I picked it up, almst unable t turn it ______30______. On the card, he wrte, “What des “the sn f an idit” ______31______ with the rest f his life?”
    I felt like smene had ______32______ me in the face. Again and again, my parents didn’t ______33______ me and I blamed them fr this r that, but hw lng culd I get away with blaming them fr my life?
    Slwly, my thinking ______34______ and my relatinship with my father imprved. Instead f cntrlling, nw I saw him as cncerned and caring. And it all started with an inncent- seeming ______35______
    21. A. preventB. trubleC. criticizeD. cntrl
    22. A. detailsB. shutsC. tearsD. flames
    23. A. deepB. stupidC. angryD. strange
    24 A. lectureB. vercmeC. suspectD. cmpete
    25. A. nearB. prirC. clseD. due
    26. A. frcedB. challengedC. cnfusedD. appealed
    27. A. EmptyB. DesperateC. AbsentD. Curius
    28. A. fightB. matterC. lessnD. fact
    29. A. put awayB. calmed dwnC. signed upD. handed in
    30. A. dwnB. upC. verD. arund
    31. A. dB. agreeC. dealD. leave
    32. A. jkedB. struckC. lkedD. ignred
    33. A. pleaseB. educateC. praiseD. pardn
    34. A. clearedB. struggledC. shiftedD. abandned
    35. A. quarrelB. teacherC. replyD. questin
    Between 2016 and 2019, the 58-year-ld Swiss artist Catherine Gfeller embarked n a jurney t ____36____number f Chinese cities, fcusing her lens n wmen. This led t a sl exhibitin in Beijing, which displays sme f the 30 results,____37____ (include) phtgraphs, texts, and vides. Thrugh her lens, Gfeller ____38____ (skillful)establishes a dialgue and builds a bridge between the narratives f the wmen and the vibrancy(活力) f the cities in which they live.
    Gfeller’s fcus is n the intersectin between Chinese wmen and the big cities they inhabit. In each city, she ____39____ (meet) arund 10 wmen f varius prfessinal backgrunds t talk ____40____depth befre taking phts and filming them. Each tk her t places where they have childhd memries, r ____41____ their present life takes them every day. This persnal link created a special atmsphere. With her camera, she tried t capture ____42____(they)thughts, feelings, memries, desires, living presences and fantasies.
    In her phts and vides, viewers ften encunter wmen gazing thughtfully at the city, ____43____ (sht) frm behind. “I want their stries ____44____ (interpret)in a petic, sensry manner in a play f fixed images and images in mvement, urban nise, natural sunds, vices and the cmbinatin f wrds and silence. I’m trying t find beauty and transfrm annymity and lneliness int smething ____45____ (jy).” she says.
    第三部分 写作(共两节;满分40分)
    46. 假定你是李华。你校英文报《新校园》(New Campus)计划增加新栏目,向学生征集建议。请你用英语给编辑写一封邮件,内容包括:
    1. 建议增加的栏目;
    2. 说明理由。
    1. 词数80左右;
    2. 请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。
    Dear Editr,
    I’m Li Hua frm Senir 3
    Yurs sincerely
    Li Hua
    47. 阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。
    Several years ag, I wrked as a writing teacher in a rural middle schl. I knew all my students. They trusted me with their stries and s I was given the privilege f having a secret bnd with each ne f them. I taught my students abut the pwer f wrds, and tried t let them find expressin thrugh writing. We learned t trust each ther, because we learned hw hard it was t write penly and hnestly, and we learned sharing yur wrds tk curage. I was always amazed at the wrds that came frm my students’ hearts.
    Later, we had a new student t the schl, Al. Al was small and lked yunger than ther students in my class. He was with us fr nly a shrt while and still trying t fit in. S I was a little surprised when he vlunteered t read. I smiled and ndded fr him t d, while in my mind I was afraid that the thers wuld make fun f the new kid after he read. The rm fell silent, and Al began t read.
    “If I had ne wish, it wuld be t meet my dad...” He started ut lud and clear.
    He had held the attentin f my usually restless students fr what seemed like 15 minutes. He tld f hw he had never knwn his father, wh had left the family when he was a baby. He shared the intimate details f his struggles t be the nly man in the huse at such a yung age, f having t mw the lawn and fix brken pipes. He revealed t us the thughts that went thrugh his mind cnstantly abut where his father might be and why he might have left.
    1. 续写的词数应为150左右;
    2. 请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。
    I lked arund the classrm, finding n snickers (窃笑).
    When Al finished the last sentence, all the class std up and applauded.

    2024届重庆市高三下学期二模英语试题(原卷版+解析版): 这是一份2024届重庆市高三下学期二模英语试题(原卷版+解析版),文件包含2024届重庆市高三下学期二模英语试题原卷版docx、2024届重庆市高三下学期二模英语试题解析版docx等2份试卷配套教学资源,其中试卷共35页, 欢迎下载使用。

    2024届山东省淄博市高三下学期一模英语试题 (原卷版+解析版): 这是一份2024届山东省淄博市高三下学期一模英语试题 (原卷版+解析版),文件包含精品解析2024届山东省淄博市高三下学期一模英语试题原卷版docx、精品解析2024届山东省淄博市高三下学期一模英语试题解析版docx等2份试卷配套教学资源,其中试卷共31页, 欢迎下载使用。

    2024届山东省临沂市高三下学期一模考试英语试题(原卷版+解析版): 这是一份2024届山东省临沂市高三下学期一模考试英语试题(原卷版+解析版),文件包含精品解析2024届山东省临沂市高三下学期一模考试英语试题原卷版docx、精品解析2024届山东省临沂市高三下学期一模考试英语试题解析版docx等2份试卷配套教学资源,其中试卷共30页, 欢迎下载使用。






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