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    这是一份2024年上海市静安区中考二模考试英语试题,共8页。试卷主要包含了04, 3, A) Julia, A)2等内容,欢迎下载使用。

    (考试时间: 90分钟 总分: 140分) 2024.04
    本卷有 7大题,共 84 小题。试题均采用连续编号,所有答案务必按照规定在答题纸上完成,做在试卷上不给分。
    Part 1 Listening (第一部分 听力)
    I. Listening cmprehensin(听力理解)(共 25分)
    A. Listen and chse the right picture(根据你听到的内容, 选出相应的图片)(5分)
    1. 3. 4. 2. 2.
    B. Listen t the dialgue and chse the best answer t the questin yu hear(根据你听到的对话和问题,选出最恰当的答案)(5分)
    6. A) Light music. B) Rck music. C) Classical music. D) Pp music.
    7. A) Julia. B) Julia's cusin. C) The man's friend. D) The wman's cusin.
    8. A)2:00. B)2:20. C)2:40. D)1:40.
    9. A) Ging t the library. B) Ging shpping.
    C) Having sme drink. D) Cking dinner.
    10. A) The wman is cmplaining abut her sup.
    B) The wman is saying srry fr the bad service.
    C) The wman is rdering sme fd by phne.
    D) The wman is ffering help t heat the sup.
    C. Listen t the passage and tell whether the fllwing statements are true r false(判断下列句子是否符合你听到的短文内容,符合的用“T”表示,不符合的用“F”表示)(5分)
    11. Australian turism fficials wanted mre turists t stay lnger n the islands.
    12. The interview prcess fr the jb included swimming, diving and writing blgs.
    13. During his time n the island, Suthall never experienced any dangerus situatins.
    14. Suthall's daily blg psts, vides and phts attracted mre peple t the island.
    15. Ben Suthall decided t leave Australia after cmpleting his jb.
    D. Listen t the passage and cmplete the fllwing sentences(听短文, 完成下列内容, 每空格限填一词)(10分)
    16. Linda's hbby is LARPing, which is like acting withut
    17. The aim f LARPing is t really get int the characters and understand
    18. The LARPing is the game that Linda used t play as a kid.
    19. The games she might g t may last frm t tw days.
    20. LARPing nce helped a shy persn becme
    Part 2 Grammar and Vcabulary(第二部分 语法和词汇)
    II. Chse the best answer(选择最恰当的答案)(共 15 分)
    21. We left in such hurry that we frgt ur passprts.
    A)a B) an C) the D)/
    22. Many ld peple suffer the lss f memry.
    A) thrugh B) frm C) in D) by
    23. Jim puts n his schl unifrm and Wendy puts n t.
    A) she B) her C) hers D) herself
    24. a windy mrning, Alex flew a kite in the park happily.
    A) In B) On C) At D) Fr
    25. I telephned a lt f restaurants, but f them were available fr bking.
    A) bth B) neither C) all D) nne
    26. Wuld yu please pen the windw? There seems t be nly fresh air in the classrm.
    A) few B) a few C) little D)a little
    27. exhausting day at wrk! I feel t tired t say a wrd!
    A) What B) What a C) What an D) Hw
    28. He speaks English an American, s we all believe he has stayed in America fr years.
    A) as gd as B) wrse than C) as badly as D) as well as
    29. Have an aim in life, yu r energy will be wasted.
    A) and B) r C) but D) s
    30. The tw cuntries shuld have a talk t prevent the war it is t late.
    A) befre B) since C) when D) if
    31. They g t the party if they finish their prject n time.
    A) can B) need C) must D) shuld
    32. — d yu think it will take t cmplete the task?
    -A cuple f days.
    A) Hw lng B) Hw far C) Hw sn D) Hw fast
    33. By the time he was 12, Edisn a living by himself.
    A) made B) was making C) have made D) had made
    34. Grandpa never received my birthday gift. I'm afraid it t the wrng address.
    A) delivers B) delivered C) be delivered D) was delivered
    35. We are cnsidering an Envirnment Day in ur schl.
    A) rganize B) t rganize C) rganizing D) rganized
    III. Cmplete the fllwing passage with the wrds r phrases in the bx. Each can nly beused nce(将下列单词或词组填入空格。每空格限填一词,每词只能填一次)(共8分)
    A) item B) behavir C) challenge D) set ff E) dream f
    Antarctica, the cldest, emptiest place n earth. It's nt the kind f place yu 36 visiting—unless yu are travel writer Andrew Evans. He grew up reading abut great explrers. His gal was t be a 21st-century explrer. One day he wke up at five ’clck in the mrning with an idea,“I’ll take a bus t Antarctica.”He als planned t share the adventure with his fllwers n Twitter. On New Year's Day, he 31 frm Washingtn, D. C. His jurney f10,000 miles began. Evans traveled light. His mbile phne was the mst essential 38 . He needed his phne t send tweets t his fllwers and t update his blg n the Internet. It was ging t be a 39 t get phne service in all the cuntries. He als wasn't sure if he culd access the Internet everywhere. Luckily, his phne wrked well, and he culd usually cnnect t the Internet. He sent ver 5,000 tweets t his 10,000 fllwers in all.
    A) ahead B) crwed C) stuck D) slwed E) at times
    After three days n a bus traveling acrss the United States, Evans crssed int Mexic.Frty-eight hurs and several buses later, he was in Guatemala. Here his jurney 40 . He was amazed that it nly cst him $6.50 t crss the whle cuntry. When he left Guatemala, he started t travel mre quickly. In ne day, he crssed fur cuntries. Every step f the way, he shared his,adventures with his fllwers. The last part f his jurney was difficult and, 41 , dangerus.It was the rainy seasn. Rads were muddy. The buses ften gt 42 .“The driver made us all push the bus,”Evans explained. Frty days after his jurney began and 40 buses later, Evans std in Tierra del Fueg. This is where Suth America ends. Only the cean and Antarctica were 43 . He gt n a bat. Tw days later, he achieved his dream. He arrived at Antarctica.“It's like being n anther planet,”he said. He made it by bus, tweeting all the way.
    IV. Cmplete the sentences with the given wrds in their prper frms(用括号中所给单词的适当形式完成下列句子,每空格限填一词)(共8分)
    44. On the Duble Festival last year, we visited the ld peple's hme nearby.(nine)
    45. The tur f the Mvie Park was the highlight f visit t Hllywd.(we)
    46. The mther held her baby with .(careful)
    47. Here is a charity fr the pr kids in the muntain area.(sell)
    48. Russia is a cuntry rich in natural .(resurce)
    49. It was the mst experience I have ever had.(educatin)
    50. She put the baby dwn n the. bed.(gentle)
    51. Unless yu practice mre, yu wn't in winning the game.(success)
    V. Rewrite the fllwing sentences as required(根据所给要求, 改写下列句子。第 52-57 题每空格限填一词,第58题注意句首大写)(共14分)
    52. We need sme plans t imprve ur wrld.(改为一般疑问句)
    we any plans t imprve ur wrld?
    53. Tm lked at the fence that his aunt had tld him t paint.(对划线部分提问)
    fence Tm lk at?
    54. They were nw in a part f the cave.(改为反意疑问句)
    They were nw in a part f the cave, ?
    55. “I will design a pster fr ur wn clthing stre,”said the shp wner.(改为间接引语)
    The shp wner said that he a pster fr their clthing stre.
    56. This bk describes the varius threats t the envirnment.(改为被动语态)
    The varius threats t the envirnment by this bk.
    57. I felt very happy when my parents allwed me t build a test kitchen.(保持句意基本不变)
    my great , my parents allwed me t build a test kitchen.
    58. is, wnder, the key, I, t, the garden, if, it(连词成句)

    Part 3 Reading and Writing(第三部分 读写)
    VI. Reading cmprehensin(阅读理解)(共 50分)
    A. Chse the best answer(根据短文内容, 选择最恰当的答案)(12分)
    Science and technlgy will cntinue t develp. Nature and Business in 2023 have made their predictins. Let's have a lk.
    59. We can prbably read this article in a .
    A) magazine B) guidebk C) cmic strip D) picture bk
    60. Human-like rbts will d many things fr peple except .
    A) serving as greeters r waiters
    B) taking gd care f the ld
    C) playing rles in health and scientific research
    D) learning t use sme space telescpes
    61. The underlined wrd‘emissin’prbably means that-smething is ?
    A) sent ut B) taken in C) taken away D) run ut f
    62. can be used t create a 3D map f the universe.
    A) The James Webb Space Telescpe B) The Euclid Space Telescpe
    C) The Beidu Navigatin Satellite System D) The Xinjiang Qitai Radi Telescpe
    63. Which f the fllwing predictins is nt mentined in the text?
    A) The develpment f green energy.
    B) The explratin f the universe.
    C) Imprvements in cmmunicatin technlgies.
    D) Influence f climate change.
    64. What is the purpse f the article?
    A) T explain the difficulties faced by the wrld tday.
    B) T encurage readers t explre in space.
    C) T intrduce the develpment in science and technlgy.
    D) T argue fr the need fr funding in scientific research.
    B. Chse the wrds r expressins and cmplete the passage(选择最恰当的单词或词语完成短文)(12分)
    A Taste f Finnish Culture
    Sme students came t Finland t study at Helsinki University. They are sitting in a city cafe after ne f their classes.
    Kirsten:Talking abut Finns and Finland, what d yu guys think abut living here 65 ?
    Edwina:I must tell yu guys that I was quite pleasantly surprised at the weather when I first arrived here in the middle f winter. The temperature was minus 15. I thught I was ging t die! But I dn't freeze 66 in Finland, because all the buildings are s well heated. I freeze mre in Sctland than I d here.
    Vishal: True. And the summertime is lvely, thugh. Anther thing I really like abut living in Finland is that it's really 67 , at least cmpared t Mumbai! One day, when I was walking hme, I drpped my wallet. When I nticed this, I thught it wuld be stlen fr sure. But I fund that smene had put my wallet n tp f a bench s that I wuld find it mre easily. The mst surprising thing was that nthing had been taken frm it!
    Kirsten:That's pretty 68 , it always makes me smile t see all the lst things.
    Edwina:Peple here 69 a lt. Fr example; almst n ne crsses the rad when the light is red, even if there are n cars cming.
    Kirsten: Yu're right! I remember I nce crssed the rad when the light was red. Peple waiting n the ther side lked at me in a very annyed way. That made me decide never t d it again!
    Vishal: That's funny! In India, peple dn't d that!
    Jseph: Well, anther thing that can be funny is Finnish fd. One day, sn after getting tFinland, I felt like having smething sweet. I went int the crner shp and I saw that there were freshly baked dughnuts n the bread cunter.“Excellent!”I thught, and Ichse a big dughnut t sink my teeth int. But imagine my hrrr when I discvered that it was filled with meat!
    Edwina: Oh yes. I think the meat filling is actually quite nice but nt when yu are 70 jam!
    65. A) at first B) s far
    C) nw and then D) fr the time being
    66. A) indrs B) utdrs C) immediately D) cmpletely
    67. A) smart B) quiet C) safe D) clean
    68. A) crazy B) prper C) attractive D) amazing
    69. A) ride bicycles B) cmplain abut drivers
    C) fllw rules D) argue abut laws
    70. A) tasting B) expecting C) tuching D) spreading
    C. Read the passage and fill in the blanks with prper wrds(在短文的空格内填入适当的词,使其内容通顺,每空格限填一词,首字母已给)(14分)
    The Answer Is In the Trees
    Dave Mek, a scientist at the University f Arizna, nticed that frm 1999 t the fllwing years it became drier and drier. And water levels in the huge Clrad River were drpping rapidly. This was the b 71 f a serius drught(干旱). Everyne began asking,“Hw lng will it last?”Mek believed that he culd find the answer in the trees.
    Mek is a tree-ring expert. He studies the rings within a tree t find infrmatin abut climate change. Each year,a tree adds a new layer f wd. These layers lk like a series f rings. During times f h 72 rainfall, a ring is wide. When there is a shrtage f water, a ring is narrw.These rings are nature's recrd f rainfall and climate change.
    Mek and his team quickly started a new research prject. Their gal was t find ut hw lng previus drughts lasted. The team cllected as many ld wd samples as pssible. They tested wd samples frm 1,200 years ag until the p 73 . When they examined the rings, the news abut rainfall in the past was. nt gd.
    Mek’s research shwed that, the 20th century was an unusually wet time. Trees frm this perid had wide, healthy rings. Rain was plentiful d 74 that century, millins f peple mved t the regin. Befre that time, hwever, the rings shwed that drughts ccurred n a regular basis. In fact, drught was part f the usual climate pattern. There were severe drughts in the 900s, the 1100s, and the late 1200s.
    Human histry seems t s 75 Mek’s findings. The native Anasazi lived in this area fr hundreds f years, starting arund 500 AD. They were farmers and depended n water t grw their crps. Hwever, at the end f the 13th century, the Anasazi s 76 left the area. Experts d nt knw exactly why the Anasazi left. They think it was because there was n lnger enugh water t farm. And Mek's tree rings clearly shw a serius drught at that time.
    Hw lng will the current drught last? Using nature's c 77 frm the past, experts predict that this drught may cntinue fr anther 50 years.
    D. Answer the questins(根据短文内容回答下列问题)(12分)
    An Unusual Garden
    The ld 1986 truck was a gift frm his grandfather. It wrked, but it used a lt f gas. Ian Cheney lked at his grandfather's truck and thught f a farm. As in ther large cities, there is nt much space t grw fd in New Yrk. Yet Cheney wanted a vegetable garden. Many farmers in New Yrk have fund creative ways t grw vegetables,such as rftp gardens, cmmunity gardens in ld parking lts, and even a flating garden in the udsn River. Cheney, hwever, didn't have access t any f these spaces. S the ld truck was f a farm. As in ther large cities, there is nt much space t grw fd in New Yrk. Yet Cheney wanted a vegetable garden. Many farmers in New Yrk have fund creative ways t grw vegetables, such as rftp gardens, cmmunity gardens in ld parking lts, and even a flating garden in the udsn River. Cheney, hwever, didn't have access t any f these spaces. S the ld truck was practical slutin. The back f the truck prvided him with the space he needed.
    S Cheney set t wrk. First, he drilled hles in the truck bed-allwing water t pass thrugh.Then he laid dwn a recycled plastic mat. The sil came next-a special lightweight variety. He made sure that everything was rganic. Cheney preferred rganic because he wanted t grw vegetables withut chemicals. Then he planted lettuce, herbs, spinach, and tmates. Finally, he watered and waited.
    When the fd was ready t pick, Cheney drve the truck frm ne urban neighbrhd t anther. He gave away sme f the vegetables. He sld the rest t friends and neighbrs.Everywhere he parked, passersby stpped and talked abut the beautiful vegetable garden in the back f the truck.
    Cheney strngly believes that peple are better ff eating mre lcal fd- that is, fd grwn clse t where they live. Lcal fd has bth envirnmental and health advantages. It reduces“fd miles”. The term fd miles refers t the distance between where yu prduce fd and where yu sell it. A lt f the fd in large supermarkets travels hundreds f miles t get t yur dinner table. This has an ecnmic and envirnmental cst. Then there is the questin f nutritin-fd that helps yu grw and be healthy. The nutritinal benefits f vegetables decrease ver time. S eating fd within a few days f harvesting is healthier fr yu.
    Cheney knws that his truck farm cannt slve the prblem f the lack f fresh fd in sme neighbrhds. Yet, like rftp gardens, it culd be part f the slutin. As Cheney says,“If we can grw fd in the back f an ’86 Ddge pickup, we can definitely find better ways t grw mre fresh prduce.”
    78. The ld 1986 truck frm Ian Cheney's grandfather is wrking prperly, isn't it?
    79. Where des Cheney plant his vegetables?
    80. Why did Cheney drill hles in the truck bed?
    81. Hw did Cheney deal with the vegetables he grew?
    82. What are the tw reasns Cheney suggests peple eat mre lcal fd?
    83. What d yu think f farmers in New Yrk in the passage? Give yur reasns.
    VII. Writing(作文)(共20分)
    84. Write a passage f at least 60 wrds abut the tpic“A prblem I slved”. (以“我解决的一个问题”为题,根据以下情境写一篇不少于60个词的短文,标点符号不占格)
    (注意:1. 短文中不得出现考生姓名、校名及其他相关信息。
    2. 照抄阅读语篇不得分。)
    Human-like friends
    Rbts will be mre like humans bth in their lks and abilities.These rbts will serve as greeters, waiters and cmpanins f the elderly. Eln Musk's cmpany is wrking hard n making human-like rbts that will wrk in ur hme. Mre AI systems will play rles-in areas like health care and scientific research.
    Prtecting the earth
    One f the mst difficult challenges the wrld faces tday is reducing carbn emissins. This year we can expect mre prgress in green hydrgen, a new clean energy with near-zer greenhuse gas emissins. Scientists will als have a safer way t deal with nuclear waste. The used nuclear fuel will be buried 400 meters undergrund.
    Space and beynd
    The images frm the wrld's largest and mst pwerful space telescpe – the James Webb Space Telescpe – have amazed the wrld. And the Euclid Space Telescpe will be launched It will take phts t create a 3D map f the universe. China will cntinue t build the Xinjiang Qitai Radi Telescpe. It will be able t watch 75% f the stars in the sky at any given time.
    Staying cnnected
    Peple will cmmunicate mre smthly. In China, the Beidu Navigatin Satellite System can nw be directly cnnected t mbile phnes. We can find where the phnes are even when there's n signal. A US cmpany is als wrking n a direct cnnectin between phnes and satellites. The impact f 5G will cntinue t grw.

    2024年上海市静安区中考二模考试英语试题: 这是一份2024年上海市静安区中考二模考试英语试题,共8页。

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