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    这是一份2024年宁夏银川市兴庆区中考一模英语试题(原卷版+解析版),文件包含2024年宁夏银川市兴庆区中考一模英语试题原卷版docx、2024年宁夏银川市兴庆区中考一模英语试题解析版docx等2份试卷配套教学资源,其中试卷共29页, 欢迎下载使用。

    第Ⅰ卷 选择题(共60分)
    1. A. He is patient. B. He is utging. C. He is hard-wrking.
    2. A. In March. B. In May. C. In September.
    3. A. Because they are crwded. B. Because they are expensive. C. Because she is afraid f heights.
    4. A. Never. B. Smetimes. C. Seldm.
    5. A. Jim’s friend. B. Jim’s teacher. C. Jim’s grandma.
    6. Hw ften des Jim g t the sprts club?
    A. Every day. B. Once a week. C. Twice a week.
    7. Why did Jim start exercising?
    A. T becme strng. B. T develp a hbby. C. T be a sprts star.
    8. What is Jim’s favrite sprt?
    A. Sccer. B. Tennis. C. Ping-png.
    9. Where was Tina last summer?
    A. At her grandparents’ hme. B. At an ld peple’s hme. C. At a children’s hme.
    10. What did Tina d there?
    A. She sang sngs. B. She cleaned rms. C. She cked dinner.
    Lng time ag, there was a peaceful village. The peple f that village lived with lins and regarded ____1____ as their friends.
    One day, a lin named Bahdn was brn with red eyes ____2____ fire. Peple feared him very much. Even thugh Bahdn was friendly, the ____3____ attitude (态度) t him never changed. Other lins didn’t like him, either. This made Bahdn feel lnely and unhappy. S he decided t leave ____4____ village and live alne.
    One evening, as he ____5____ in the frest, he saw a bright light near the village where he was brn. At the same time, he heard a lw sund f fighting, but the sund grew ____6____ sn. He quickly went there t check ____7____ happened. After arriving there, he fund the village was being attacked (袭击) by a tiger! The lins and villagers tried t fight against the tiger, but they failed. Bahdn ran t the tiger quickly ____8____ he wanted t prtect the place where he was brn.
    When the tiger saw Bahdn’s eyes cming ut f the darkness, he was afraid. Thanks t Bahdn, they beat the tiger. The peple and the ther lins in the village gathered (采集) arund ____9____ fr Bahdn, and they said srry t him. Bahdn came t the village again and he was happy that his value _____10_____.
    Bahdn became famus after that. His red eyes that made him different became a symbl f strength.
    1. A. theyB. themC. theirD. themselves
    2. A. abveB. frmC. nearD. like
    3. A. villager’sB. villagerC. villagers’D. villagers
    4. A. aB. anC. theD. /
    5. A. was walkingB. will walkC. walksD. is walking
    6. A. ludB. luderC. ludestD. the luder
    7 A. whatB. whereC. whenD. hw
    8. A. unlessB. becauseC. althughD. after
    9. A. cheerB. t cheerC. fightD. t fight
    10. A. discveredB. will discverC. is discveredD. was discvered
    When peple walk int Ninth Primary Schl in Zhngning Cunty, Zhngwei City, almst everyne will be amazed by its playgrund. The playgrund has ver 30 basketball racks (架子), ver 40 ping-png tables, and eight ftball fields f different sizes. Althugh Ninth Primary Schl has a shrt histry, it has already becme famus thrughut Ningxia fr its sprts characteristics. The magazine invited ne student and tw teachers at this schl t share their ideas abut sprts.
    11. Hw many ping-png tables des Ninth Primary Schl in Zhngning Cunty have?
    A. Eight.B. Eighteen.C. Over thirty.D. Mre than frty.
    12 What cmpetitin is Wang Junya preparing fr?
    A. B. C. D.
    13. What d Liu Mingxing and Zhang Dng think f sprts?
    A. Interesting.B. Exciting.C. Helpful.D. Bring.
    14. In which part f a magazine can yu prbably read the passage?
    A. Clrful Schl LifeB. Famus Peple
    C. Useful InventinsD. Wnderful Games
    China is famus fr its delicius fd. Especially during festivals, there are different traditinal fds. Amng them is nianga.
    Nianga, a kind f Chinese New Year’s Rice Cake, is made frm glutinus rice (糯米). It is very ppular during the Spring Festival.
    The prnunciatin f nianga sunds like year and high, which means higher incme (收入), better jbs, higher marks, the grwth f children, and generally the prmise f a better year.
    Nianga is usually made frm glutinus rice flur (粉), wheat starch (麦粉), salt, water and sugar. The tastes can be divided int tw main kinds: sweet nianga in nrthern China, while sweet r salty nianga in the suth. Salty and sweet tastes are bth fantastic. In the Jiangsu and Zhejiang areas, peple can put different things inside nianga, such as flwer sugar, il, and sweet red beans.
    ________ The ways t make nianga include braise (炖), stir-fry (炒), deep-fry, piece-fry, sup cks and s n. Stir-fried nianga with sugar is quite ppular. Stir-fried nianga with Shepherd’s Purse (荠菜) is als very delicius.
    Nianga is nt nly delicius but als meaningful. D yu want t learn t ck it r just want t eat it?
    15. Peple usually eat nianga during ________ accrding t the passage.
    A. the Dragn Bat FestivalB. the Lantern Festival
    C. the Mid-Autumn FestivalD. the Spring Festival
    16. Frm Paragraph 3, we can knw the ________ f nianga.
    A. tasteB. meaningC. preparatinD. shape
    17. Peple in the ________ f China like t have salty nianga.
    A. eastB. suthC. westD. nrth
    18. Which f the fllwing sentences can be put in the “________” in Paragraph 5?
    A. Nianga is the mst delicius traditinal fd.
    B. Nianga is ppular with all the yung peple.
    C. Peple ck nianga in many different ways.
    D. Peple like giving nianga t friends n hlidays.
    Scientists have always wanted t knw mre abut the universe (宇宙). Years ag they knew many things abut the mn. They knew hw big it was and hw far away frm the earth. But they wanted t knw mre abut it. They thught the best way was t send men t the mn. The mn is abut 384,000 kilmeters away frm the earth. A plane cannt fly t the mn because the air reaches nly 240 kilmeters away frm the earth. But smething can fly even when there is n air. That is a rcket.
    Hw des a rcket fly? There is gas (气体) in the rcket. When the gas is made very ht inside the rcket, it will rush ut f the end f the rcket, s it can make the rcket fly up int the sky. Rckets can fly ut int space. Rckets with men in them have been t the mn. Several rckets which have n men in them have flwn t anther planet much farther away than the mn. One day rckets may be able t g t any place in space.
    19. The earth is abut 384,000 kilmeters away frm the ________.
    A. mnB. universeC. sunD. space
    20. A plane cannt fly t the mn because ________.
    A. the plane must be driven by a man
    B. there is n gas in the plane
    C. the plane is nt strng enugh
    D. there is n air abve 240 kilmeters away frm the earth
    21. The ht gas in the rcket is used fr ________.
    A. keeping the men in the rcket warmB. keeping the air in the rcket fresh
    C cking fd fr the menD. making the rcket fly up
    22. Several rckets which have n men in them have flwn t ________.
    A. the starsB. anther planet f the sun system
    C. the satellites f the sunD. the sun
    Evans Wadng was frm a village f Africa. He had t d hmewrk by the light f a kersene lamp (煤油灯). Evans’ eyes hurt and this made studying difficult. It was cmmn in his village. Many children left schl fr this reasn... s they remained pr fr the rest f their lives.
    Althugh studying was difficult, Evans was an excellent student and went t a university. He cntinued t wrry abut the kersene lamp. By this time, he realized it was nt just bad fr schl children but fr the whle family. First, it can cause illnesses such as cughs. Als, the light can hurt peple’s eyes. Besides, it can lead t fires. Lastly, kersene is expensive, s families have less mney fr fd. It was difficult t cme up with a different kind f lamp that was cheap and gd fr the envirnment. Yet Evans did nt give up.
    One day, he had an idea. He culd use a small slar (太阳能的) light. Sunlight is free and slar pwer is gd fr the envirnment. Evans built his first slar lamp, and it wrked. He began t build mre lamps and sent them t lcal families. An rganizatin heard abut this and prvided mney fr him t build mre slar lamps.
    Each lamp nly cst $20. Hwever, this was a lt f mney t many villagers, wh nly earned arund $34 a week, s Evans made sure he kept the cst dwn. First, Evans used recycled materials. Next, vlunteers built the lamps. Finally, peple frm many cuntries gave away mney t his team, s the lamps were usually free.
    Thusands f peple had safe light. Julia, a mther f three, said. “Thanks t Evans, my children have light t read, and I have my wn light t ck”. The slar lamps made a big difference.
    23. What des the underlined wrd “this” in Paragraph 1 refer t?
    A. Leaving schl.B. Ding hmewrk.
    C. Having eye prblems.D. Having a bright idea.
    24. Hw many prblems abut kersene lamps are mentined accrding t Paragraph 2?
    A. 6.B. 5.C. 4.D. 3.
    25. Put the fllwing infrmatin int crrect rder.
    a. Evans went t a university. b. His first slar lamp was invented.
    c. Kersene lamps hurt Evans’ eyes. d. Recycled materials were used in the lamps.
    A. c-a-b-dB. d-b-a-cC. a-c-d-bD. a-c-b-d
    26. What is Evans like accrding t the passage?
    A. Plite, talented and humrus.B. Quiet, smart and hnest.
    C. Humrus, clever and friendly.D. Hard-wrking, lving and creative.
    Sme animals can easily find their way hme after a lng jurney. Hw d they make it? Scientific research shws that they are brn with certain unusual abilities fr directin.
    A certain kind f ants, fr example, can cunt their steps t avid getting lst. They can g as far as 110 metres and bring fd hme. These ants live in the pen desert (沙漠), s they have nthing t guide them alng the way. It’s like smene walking six kilmetres thrugh a dark frest.
    Sme fish have an unbelievable sense f smell. They can smell even a single drp f their hme water in a large sea area. Sme sea birds have a similar ability. They are able t make a smell map f their flying area.
    Sme animals can sense the earth’s magnetic field (磁场), while humans can’t. This magnetic field guides a certain kind f fish when they swim a lng way t a place and then back. Hw can this kind f fish d that? It is still a mystery. Scientists have n gd answers yet.
    In a wrd, animals with such unusual abilities still have difficulty dealing with envirnmental changes caused by human activities. Fr example, many birds depend n stars fr directin, but they get lst easily at night when city lights are kept n all night. T slve this prblem, we can simply turn ff sme lights at night. Clearly, ne small act f humans may mean a lt t animals.
    27. Where is this passage mst prbably frm?
    A. A strybk.B. An art magazine.C. A guidebk.D. A science magazine.
    28. Hw can a certain kind f ants find their way?
    A. By imagining the way.B. By cunting their steps.
    C. By bringing fd tgether.D. By walking thrugh a frest.
    29 What des the underlined wrd “mystery” in paragraph 4 prbably mean?
    A. Secret.B. Chice.C. Reasn.D. Feeling.
    30. Which f the fllwing best shws the structure f this passage?
    A. B. C. D.
    第Ⅱ卷 非选择题(共60分)
    1. 听后记录(共5小题;每小题1分,满分5分)
    2. 听后转述(共1题;满分5分)
    (46) Hell, everyne. Let me tell yu smething abut the speaker’s field trip t the z tmrrw...
    Many peple ften leave their hmetwns t wrk in the cities. Zhang Bin, ___31___ 46-year-ld man frm Huaihua, is ne such persn. He ___32___ (wrk) in a she factry in Wenzhu. He ___33___ (real) misses his hmetwn.
    Mre and mre hmetwns are develping ___34___ (fast) than befre. Large hspitals and new schls are built. There are many new rads and ___35___ (bridge). This has made traveling between villages ___36___ cities much easier. Thanks t the new rads arund his village, Zhang Bin will nw be able ___37___ (pen) an nline shp that sells delicius fd frm his hmetwn.
    Zhang Bin thinks the changes ___38___ (be) great in his hmetwn. He is very happy abut the new schl in his village. ___39___, he believes that ne thing will never change — the lvely ld tree. The hmetwn is the place that hlds ___40___ (he) best memries.
    Nt lng ag, I made a decisin t read a lt f bks. S I went t the l____41____ and brrwed several bks. But weeks later, I fund that the idea f finishing all f them seemed impssible. It was d____42____ fr me t keep calm and read a whle bk. I didn’t k____43____ what t d with it. Then ne day I thught, “Why nt make reading meaningful?” Reading is a jurney f spirit. When we read a bk, we are talking with the writer. We can feel all his r her happiness and sufferings. Nw bks have becme a part f m____44____ life.
    Smene nce said. “A____45____ smetimes the situatin is bad, peple still have a chance t chse their wn way.” S, dn’t cmplain (抱怨) abut study r wrk. This will imprve the situatin and help yu a lt.
    In ur everyday life, we can see inventins everywhere. It is s hard t imagine what life will be like ____46____ these inventins, like cars, cmputers, televisins r zippers. Even the smallest inventins can make a big difference t ur life. The bar-cde (条形码) is ne f the ____47____ inventins. If yu want t knw the infrmatin f the ____48____, yu can scan the bar-cde with yur smart phnes. But d yu knw hw the bar-cde was ____49____? Here is smething abut it.
    In 1984, an wner f a small fd stre fund ____50____ difficult t recrd the inventry (详细目录) and prices, ____51____ he wanted t find a way t slve the prblem. Mr Bernard Silver accepted the challenge. At last, he and his students set up the ____52____ bar-cde system. ____53____ prtect the inventin, Bernard decided t get a patent (专利). It ____54____ them abut three years. Finally, n Octber 7th, 1985, they gt the patent. And the inventins are ____55____ used arund the wrld tday.
    Dng Lina was brn in a farmer’s family in Dalian, Nrtheast China’s Lianing Prvince. Dng went blind at the age f 10. Like many blind children, she finished her educatin and began learning tuina (推拿). Thugh the mney she gt was enugh fr daily use, she didn’t think s. She was always lking fr chances t cntinue her educatin. One day, she heard that there was a training prgram fr blind peple in Beijing. She realized that this might be her imprtant chance. S she gave herself the curage t make a change.
    It was a new page in her life. At schl, she wrked harder than thers t change her life. On June, 28th, Dng Lina, the first blind master (研究生) f bradcasting (播音) in China, gave a speech at the graduatin ceremny f 2023 held by the Cmmunicatin University f China. She said, “Graduatin is the end and the beginning. May we have dreams and keep lve. May ur hearts have the mtherland, the great duty f sciety, and the wrld...” Her speech mved all the teachers and students.
    Her success tells us that nthing is impssible fr a willing heart. And this is what we shuld learn frm her.
    56. Dng Lina went ________ at the age f 10.
    57. Dng was always lking fr ________ t cntinue her educatin.
    58. Dng wrked harder than thers at schl because she wanted t ________ her life.
    59. Dng’s speech ________ all the teachers and students.
    60. We shuld learn frm Dng that nthing is ________ fr a willing heart.
    61. 自学是自我提升的一种有效途径。假如你是李明,你通过自学,已经取得了很大的进步。你的英国笔友Mike想向你学习提升自学能力的方法。请你根据以下图示提示,用英语给你的笔友Mike写一封电子邮件,分享你的建议和理由。
    1. 电子邮件的内容必须包括图示中的所有要点,可适当增加细节,以使行文连贯;
    2. 文中不得出现真实的人名、校名和地名;
    3. 词数80左右(电子邮件的开头和结尾已给出,不计入总词数)。
    Dear Mike,
    Hw is everything ging?
    I’m lking frward t hearing frm yu.
    Li MingWang Junya, student
    I think that basketball has changed me frm a weak girl t a strng yung lady. I am nw in Class Seven, Grade Six. I have been playing basketball since the first grade. Recently, in preparatin fr the cmpetitin, my friends and I train fr abut an hur every day. Last year, ur perfrmance was nt gd, and this year we all want t win the champinship.
    Liu Mingxing, headmaster
    Starting frm the secnd term f the first grade, each class has t set up six teams. I think when children fall in lve with a sprt in schl, it can help students a lt. Then they will nt have the energy and time t d bad things, and many educatinal prblems will be slved.
    Zhang Dng, vice (副的) headmaster
    Sprts are the best educatin as it can shape a child’s different qualities. Every cmpetitin a child experiences can develp their ability t deal with challenges and teach them hw t wrk hard.
    A field trip t the z
    Meeting time
    At half past 41.__________ tmrrw mrning.
    Meeting place
    At the schl 42.__________.
    The schl 43.__________ will take us there in abut frty minutes.
    Dn’t make any 44.__________.
    Dn’t feed the animals r the birds.
    Dn’t try t tuch r 45.__________ the animals.
    prduct useful invent withut wide it s take ne in rder t
    ·set a small gal
    ·take actin at nce
    ·believe yurself
    Suggestins t imprve the ability f self-learning
    ·easier t achieve
    ·never leave tday’s wrk till tmrrw
    ·remember that gd r bad grades depend n yurself

    2024年宁夏吴忠市青铜峡市中考一模英语试题(原卷版+解析版): 这是一份2024年宁夏吴忠市青铜峡市中考一模英语试题(原卷版+解析版),文件包含2024年宁夏吴忠市青铜峡市中考一模英语试题原卷版docx、2024年宁夏吴忠市青铜峡市中考一模英语试题解析版docx等2份试卷配套教学资源,其中试卷共30页, 欢迎下载使用。

    2023年宁夏银川市中关村教育集团中考一模英语试题(含解析): 这是一份2023年宁夏银川市中关村教育集团中考一模英语试题(含解析),共18页。试卷主要包含了完形填空,阅读单选,阅读补全句子,短文选词填空,语法填空,短文综合填空,通知等内容,欢迎下载使用。

    2022年宁夏银川市兴庆区中考英语模拟试卷(含解析): 这是一份2022年宁夏银川市兴庆区中考英语模拟试卷(含解析),共18页。试卷主要包含了完形填空,阅读理解,任务型阅读-简答,选词填空-短文,阅读填空,单词拼写/单词释义,书面表达等内容,欢迎下载使用。







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