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    这是一份2024届江苏省南通市海安高级中学高三下学期第二次模拟考试英语试题(原卷版+解析版),文件包含2024届江苏省南通市海安高级中学高三下学期第二次模拟考试英语试题原卷版docx、2024届江苏省南通市海安高级中学高三下学期第二次模拟考试英语试题解析版docx等2份试卷配套教学资源,其中试卷共36页, 欢迎下载使用。

    1. What is the wman ding?
    A. Cmplaining f t much hmewrk.
    B. Grading papers fr her prfessr.
    C. Reading cmplicated chapters.
    2. What is the girl lking fr?
    A. A backpack. B. Schl papers. C. A jacket.
    3. What did the speakers think f the lecture?
    A. Fun. B. Bring. C. Infrmative.
    4. Where des the cnversatin prbably take place?
    A. In the wman’s huse. B. In a supermarket. C. In a restaurant
    5. What are the speakers mainly talking abut?
    A. Industrial prductin. B. Autmated machinery. C. Their wrk.
    6. What is the weather like?
    A. Rainy. B. Cludy. C. Sunny.
    7. What d the speakers decide t d?
    A. Watch TV. B. Play sprts. C. Plant trees
    8. Why des the man talk t the wman?
    A. T cnfirm the address f the bank.
    B. T ask abut the perating hurs.
    C T get an identificatin frm
    9. When des the bank clse at weekdays?
    A. At 3 p.m. B. At 4:30 p.m. C. At 5 p.m.
    10. Hw can the man save time?
    A. By making a reservatin.
    B. By filling ut a frm in advance.
    C. By pening the bank accunt nline.
    11. Wh did Sam g t the fashin shw with?
    A. A family member. B. Sme friends. C. A designer.
    12. Which shw did Emma miss?
    A. The sprts clthes shw.
    B. The children’s fashin shw.
    C. The cstumes hw.
    13. Wh disliked the sprts clthes shw?
    A. Sam and Anna. B. Sam and Melissa. C. Emma and Anna.
    14. What stimulated the wman’s interest in lighting?
    A. The lighting in a play.
    B. A light shw at a rck cncert.
    C. A firewrks display at an event.
    15. What des the wman say abut her jb?
    A. It’s simple t perate.
    B. It’s highly thught f by many peple.
    C. It’s imprtant fr peple t understand a play.
    16. What did the wman d at schl?
    A. She acted n a dark stage.
    B. She made a lighting plan fr a play
    C. She assisted the teacher t write a play
    17. Why des the speaker give this talk?
    A. T intrduce the guests.
    B. T explain the change t the plan.
    C. T make the prcedure clear t the listeners.
    18. Hw lng will the questin-part last?
    A. Abut ne hur and a half.
    B. Abut ne hur.
    C. Abut half an hur.
    19. Wh will talk abut the future f the ty industry?
    A. Sarah Smith. B. Rbert Price. C. Kenji Nakamura.
    20. What can we learn frm the talk?
    A. Lunch will be served in Victria Hall.
    B. Peple can enjy tea and juice after 6 p.m.
    C. Sally Cnnr will make a cnclusin f the cnference.
    Pets are part f ur family s it’s imprtant t factr them in when planning a trip that yu’re nt taking them with yu n. Pet charity Blue Crss advises planning well in advance s yu knw that yur pet will be cmfrtable.
    Family and friends
    Leaving yur pet in the care f a trusted friend r neighbur will give yu peace f mind that it will be well cared fr. Yur pet will be able t stay with them in their hme.
    Things t cnsider if yur pet is staying in anther huse:
    · D they have anther dg r pet and will they get n with yur pet?
    · D they have a garden? Is the garden secure s yur pet can’t escape?
    Pet sitter
    Pet sitters stay in r visit yur hme t lk after yur pet while yu’re away fr a fee. This is a gd ptin which allws yur pet t stay in a familiar envirnment and yu will receive regular updates.
    Hw t find a gd pet sitter:
    · Ask friends and family fr recmmendatins fr pet sitters.
    · Pet sitters dn’t need a license t wrk, but reputable nes will be able t shw yu training and insurance certificates.
    · Check reviews nline frm independent review sites.
    Hme barder
    Hme barders are peple that take pets int their wn hmes t lk after fr a fee.
    Hw t find a gd hme barder:
    · Check their hme has n bvius dangers, like expsed wires, txic substances and unsecured fences.
    · Yur pet is invited rund t get t knw the hme and meet the family it’ll be staying with.
    · Yu can easily find and view their license t hme bard pets frm the lcal cuncil as well as their insurance details and training.
    Barding kennels
    Kennels are an ptin, but it depends whether yur pet is cmfrtable being left alne in a kennel envirnment arund ther pets.
    Hw t find a barding kennel:
    · Get a persnal recmmendatin, and check the kennel is licensed.
    · Ask if yu can visit befre yu bk.
    · Ask abut insurance cver and the prcedure fr cntacting a vet (兽医).
    1. If yu prefer yur pet t stay in a familiar envirnment, yu can leave it with _____.
    A. a friendB. a pet sitterC. a hme barderD. a barding kennel
    2. Hw can ne find a suitable hme barder?
    A Call the insurance cmpany.
    B Check the license frm the lcal cuncil.
    C. Check reviews frm independent review sites.
    D. Invite him ver t yur hme and meet yur family.
    3. Wh may find this passage mst useful?
    A. A vet wh desires t change his jb.
    B. A man wh is cnsidering adpting a dg.
    C. A cuple wh are planning t rent a huse.
    D. A pet wner wh will take a business trip.
    Even nw, I have vivid memries f my last day f high schl. In my mind’s eye, I’m cleaning ut my lcker, and then staring at the emptiness fr a few extra beats befre slamming it shut fr the last time. I’m wandering arund the halls with my best friend, blissfully ignring the bells ging ff every 50 minutes n schedule because, just tday, we’re allwed t break the rules. I’m sitting n my desk, swinging my feet, and shting the breeze (闲聊) with my English teacher, Mr. Carr, in a way that makes me feel almst grwn up.
    It was maybe my favrite day f the whle year. Like the final layer f waterclr, the freedm and lightness I feel seeps (渗透) int the rest f my memries f that day and turns them just a shade rsier.
    If the schl year hasn’t yet ended fr yu, cnsider what yu can d t make the finale cunt. Why? Because when it cmes t human memry, nt all mments are created equal. Instead, ur remembered experiences are disprprtinately (不成比例地) influenced by peaks (the best mments as well as the wrst) and endings (the last mments). Nbel Prize winner Danny Kahneman, wh discvered this phenmenn, called this the peak-end rule. It suggests that ur judgment f a past experience is largely based n its mst extreme pint and its endpint.
    I tk advantage f the peak-end rule years ag, when my girls were yung enugh t want a bedtime stry each night. I remember thinking that whatever disagreement and stress had ccurred that day, I culd make the last mments cunt. I culd end n a nte f calm and act like the patient mm I hadn’t quite managed t be just hurs befre.
    Dn’t mistake all mments as equal insignificance. There’s a reasn why yga classes end with savasana (挺卧式). There’s a reasn we eat dessert last. D rganize endings carefully. As Seattle Seahawks cach Pete Carrll might say: Finish strng. Last impressins are especially lasting.
    4. What can the authr suggest ding t make the end f a schl year memrable?
    A. Planning a special event fr the last day
    B. Reflecting n the entire academic year
    C. Ignring schl regulatins
    D. Fcusing n the final exam
    5. Which statement is true abut the peak-end rule?
    A. The last mments matter the mst in ur memries
    B. Peaks in life can be remembered better than endings
    C. The peaks and ends f experiences are easier t remember.
    D. Our judgment f the past is determined by first impressins.
    6. What is paragraph 4 mainly abut?
    A. What struggles the authr had in life.
    B. Hw the authr treated her daughters.
    C. Why the authr read stries t her kids.
    D. Hw the authr applied the rule t daily life.
    7. Why is Pete Carrll mentined in the last paragraph?
    A. T shw the imprtance f ding sprts.
    B. T explain why last impressins are lasting.
    C. T prve the peak-end rule can be used in sprts
    D. T encurage readers t value the last mments f an experience.
    A bat and a ball cst $1.10 in ttal. The bat csts $1.00 mre than the ball. Hw much des the ball cst?
    If yu answered 10 cents, yu’re nt alne – mst peple give the same answer (the crrect answer is 5 cents). It’s an example f hw we ften rely n intuitive (直觉的) respnses – answers we feel are true. Peple give answers that “pp int their mind,” says Steven Slman. We dn’t spend much time “reflecting and checking whether the answer is right r wrng.”
    The bat and ball questin helps explain why we ften believe in fake news. It is part f human nature t believe, says Slman. But “the trick with fake news is t knw t verify” – in ther wrds, t stp and questin what yu knw. In ne experiment, Slman and a clleague invented a discvery called helium rain. They tld a grup f vlunteers abut it, but admitted they culd nt fully explain what it was. They then asked the vlunteers t rate their wn understanding f helium rain. Mst vlunteers rated themselves 1 ut f 7, meaning they did nt understand the cncept.
    The researchers then tld anther grup f vlunteers abut the discvery. This time, they said that scientists culd fully explain hw it wrks. When asked t rate their understanding, the vlunteers gave an average answer f 2. The scientists’ cnfidence gave the vlunteers an increased sense f their wn understanding, Slman says.
    Accrding t Slman, studies shw that knwledge spreads like a cntagin(传染病). This idea can be seen in many fields, including plitics. “If everyne arund yu is saying they understand why a plitician is dishnest,” Slman says, “then yu’re ging t start thinking that yu understand, t.”
    Anther explanatin fr the spread f fake news is “mtivated reasning,” writes Adam Wyatz, an American management prfessr, “we are naturally mre likely t believe things that cnfirm ur existing pinins.”
    S in a wrld where misleading infrmatin is cmmn, training peple t care abut fact-checking is imprtant, especially in nline cmmunities. “We shuld check things and nt just take them at face value,” Slman says. “Verify befre yu believe.”
    8. Why des the authr use the example f the bat and ball questin?
    A. T warn that peple ften ignre skills that they learned.
    B. T shw that there are varius answers t a questin.
    C. T aruse peple’s interest in playing guessing games.
    D. T illustrate that peple tend t rush t a cnclusin.
    9. In paragraph 3, what des the underlined wrd “verify” mean?
    A. T express an pinin abut smething.
    B. T make sure smething is true.
    C. T think abut smething fr a lng time.
    D. T fllw yur intuitive respnse.
    10. When d mre vlunteers claim t understand helium rain?
    A. When Slman and his clleagues shwed them hw it wrks.
    B. When they have mre cnfidence in themselves.
    C. When they believed that scientists understd it.
    D. When sme f the vlunteers explained it t them.
    11. Which f the fllwing is an example f “mtivated reasning”?
    A. Yu pst a message nline that gives yur persnal pinin abut a news stry.
    B. Yu think a university prfessr dishnest when everybdy arund yu say s.
    C. Yu search nline fr mre infrmatin abut a dubtful stry n scial media.
    D. Yu trust a damaging stry abut smene wh yu always judge negatively.
    Scientists have fund a way t decde (解码) a stream f wrds in the brain using MRI scans and artificial intelligence. The system recnstructs the main pint f what a persn hears r imagines, rather than trying t cpy each wrd, a team reprts. “It’s getting at the ideas behind the wrds, the meaning, says Alexander Huth, an authr f the study.
    Previus effrts t decde language have relied n sensrs placed directly n the surface f the brain. The sensrs detect signals in areas invlved in expressing wrds. But the Texas team’s apprach is an attempt t “decde mre freefrm thught,” says Marcel Just, a prfessr f psychlgy at Carnegie Melln University.
    The new study came abut as part f an effrt t understand hw the brain prcesses language. Researchers had three peple spend up t 16 hurs each in a functinal MRI scanner, which detects signs f activity acrss the brain. Participants wre headphnes that streamed audi frm the Internet. Thse streams f wrds prduced activity all ver the brain, nt just in areas assciated with speech and language. After participants listened t hurs f stries in the scanner, the MRI data was sent t a cmputer. It learned t match specific patterns f brain activity with certain streams f wrds. Then came a paraphrased versin f what a participant heard.
    The MRI apprach is currently slwer and less accurate than an experimental cmmunicatin system being develped fr paralyzed peple, where peple get a sheet f electrical sensrs implanted directly n the surface f the brain. With an MRI-based system, n ne has t get surgery.
    But future versins f MRI scans culd raise mral questins. “What if yu can read ut the wrd that smebdy is just thinking in their head? That’s ptentially a harmful thing.” Huth says. This technlgy can’t really read minds uncntrllably, thugh. It nly wrks when a participant is actively cperating with scientists. Still, systems that decde language culd smeday supprt peple wh are unable t speak because f a brain injury r disease. They are als assisting scientists in understanding hw the brain prcesses wrds and thughts.
    12. What is special abut the Texas team’s study?
    A. Brain can be recnstructed.B. Sensr signals can be imprved.
    C. Expressin can be perfected.D. Meanings can be cmprehended.
    13. What is paragraph 3 mainly abut?
    A. The way f speech decding.B. Steps f wrd matching.
    C. The prcess f an experiment.D. Patterns f brain activity.
    14. What can be implied abut MRI scans frm the last paragraph?
    A. They are a duble-edged swrd.B. They are ptentially harmful t life.
    C. They are well wrth researching.D. They are helpful t treat brain disease.
    15. Which can be a suitable title fr the text?
    A. A Decder That Can Cnvey MeaningB. A Decder That Can Read Yur Mind
    C. MRI Scanner: Still a Lng Way t GD. MRI Scanner: Bridge Message Gap
    Hp n the Silent Walking Trend
    Silent walking invlves walking utdrs withut distractins like music r cnversatins, fcusing n the mind-bdy-nature cnnectin. ____16____ That’s a slwer, lwer-impact way t relax and is great fr fitness. Here’s everything yu need t knw abut the trend.
    Select a natural setting and fully engage yur senses. Fr reaping the mental health benefits, it is recmmended t find a quiet and peaceful natural lcatin. ____17____ Meanwhile, cnsciusly bserving the sights, sunds, smells, and physical sensatins during the walk can significantly impact cgnitive and emtinal well-being.
    T stimulate the mind, cnsider explring different rutes than usual. Withut yur favurite pdcast r playlist, yu might slip int bredm n yur walk. ____18____ And it might even be gd fr yur brain. Scientists applaud the virtues f bredm fr brain health, believing that it bsts creativity and imprves scial cnnectins. And if yu d get bred, rest assured that it shws yu’ve discnnected frm external distractins. G with it, and make sure yu take a different rute each time—it’ll keep yu mtivated.
    Start ff with five-minute silent walks and eventually build up t thirty minutes. If yu’re usually a headphne wearer, it will feel super weird t walk withut yur g-t tunes, but give yurself a secnd t adjust. Chances are, nce yu’re a few minutes int yur silent walk, yu’ll feel the magic kick in. ____19____
    Regular reflectin and nging dcumentatin are essential. After cmpleting a silent walk, take time t reflect upn any emerging thughts, feelings, r insights. ____20____ Jurnaling abut the experience can als slidify cnnectins between thughts and ideas, prviding a valuable tl fr self-reflectin and grwth.
    A. But being bred wn’t hurt yu.
    B. Taking different paths can lead t exciting discveries.
    C. Adjusting the rutine gradually can help ease int the experience.
    D Yu’ll als start nticing the little things arund yu mre clearly.
    E. They can deepen understanding and serve as a recrd f persnal grwth
    F. Unlike exercise-riented walking, it isn’t abut reaching certain speed r steps
    G. In such an envirnment, yu can immerse yurself in the natural sundscape (音景) .
    第三部分 语言知识运用(共两节,满分30分)
    On the mrning f September 11th, my clsest friend, Kevin Bwser, died in the Wrld Trade Center. The srrw was s awful, but I was determined t channel it int smething with____21____.
    The next summer, I set ff n a tw-mnth bicycle tur t Philadelphia t ____22____ him. The whle natin was in deep srrw and, as I travelled and ____23____ new peple, we wuld inevitably (不可避免地) hug. I didn’t ntice the ____24____ they brught at the time, but when I returned, a friend said that I ften spke abut the hugs I shared with ____25____. The bike ride and the ____26____ I made enriched me, s I planned a secnd. I call it “Big Dave’s hug” .
    Between 2002 and 2015, I ____27____ the stretches f Nrth America three times. My Big Dave’s hug banner (横幅) intrduced me and my ____28____. Sme peple were ____29____ abut hugging me when they didn’t knw the first thing abut me. But when they saw my intentin was_____30_____ and I wasn’t asking fr anything, they _____31_____. Yung peple wuld reveal their childhd secrets and affairs, while elders always had great stries t _____32_____. Every city wuld warn me that the next was less _____33_____, but they never were.
    It generated enrmus jy. It was nt just a hug, but als _____34_____ and mments. Peple ask why I’m ding it and I say it _____35_____ me, makes me smile and prvides perspective.
    21. A. regretB. purpseC. reputatinD. prfit
    22. A. amuseB. checkC. hnurD. trick
    23. A. hiredB. metC. avidedD. treated
    24. A. prideB. emptinessC. srrwD. cmfrt
    25. A. strangersB. vlunteersC. victimsD. cnsultants
    26. A. cnnectinsB. schedulesC. dnatinsD. prmises
    27. A. chartedB. studiedC. cycledD. secured
    28. A. destinatinB. achievementC. missinD. backgrund
    29. A. particularB. curiusC. psitiveD. hesitant
    30. A. sincereB. unclearC. strangeD. awful
    31. A. gt awayB. pened upC. gave inD. lked ut
    32. A. shareB. typeC. editD. cllect
    33. A. knwnB. ambitiusC. civilizedD. friendly
    34. A. cnversatinsB. challengesC. tensinsD. tlerances
    35. A. beautifiesB. publicizesC. enrichesD. shelters
    A freight train laded with grain frm Kazakhstan arrived in Zhangjiaku n Dec 13. It came after a jurney ____36____ passed thrugh the Hrgs railway prt in Nrthwest China’s Xinjiang Uygur autnmus regin.
    It was the first freight train frm verseas ____37____(arrive) in Zhangjiaku since the launch f the China-Eurpe (Central Asia) rute at the end f August, and tk 10 days t travel mre than 4,000 kilmeters.
    The gvernment said the train’s arrival signified the ____38____(ffice) pening f the Zhangjiaku sectin f the rute in bth directins, enabling tw-way trade and establishing an imprtant ____39____(fund) fr the develpment f Zhangjiaku ____40____ a multimdal transprtatin. It als marked ____41____ significant step frward in cnstructing a cmprehensive internatinal trade crridr in Zhangjiaku, enhancing its level f penness ____42____ expanding the lgistics netwrk arund Beijing.
    The name f the trains, “Jingzhang”, ____43____(cmbine) characters representing the cities f Beijing and Zhangjiaku. The train t depart frm Zhangjiaku left the freight railway statin in Xiahuayuan district n Aug 29, carrying 59 cntainers with 1,322 tns f gds.
    As the train netwrk cntinues t expand, mre cities in Hebei, Shijiazhuang, Handan, Langfang and Zhangjiaku ____44____(include), are jining the crss-brder railway transprtatin system. Zhangjiaku is becming part f a cmprehensive internatinal trade crridr _____45_____(fllw) the pening f the railway rute t Eurpe and Central Asia.
    46. 假定你是学生会主席李华。请为校英文报写一则招新启事, 欢迎同学们加入到学校英语社团,启事内容包括:
    1. 介绍社团的活动;
    Welcme t Our English Club
    March 28, 2024
    Welcme t ur English club!
    English Club
    47. 阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。
    The easy way ut isn't always easiest. I learned that lessn when I decided t treat my father t a special meal. I glanced thrugh the ckbk and chse a menu which included hmemade bread. Knwing the bread wuld take time, I started n it as sn as he left fr wrk.
    As I was nt experienced in cking, I thught if a dzen was gd, tw dzen wuld be better, s I dubled everything. As Dad lved ranges, I als pened a can f range and pured it all int the bwl. Sn there was sticky dugh (面团) cvered with ugly yellwish marks. Realizing I had been defeated, I put the dugh in the rubbish bin utside s I wuldn't have t face him laughing at my wrk.
    I went n preparing the rest f the meal, and, when Dad gt hme, we sat dwn t Crnish chicken with rice. He tried t enjy the meal but seemed disturbed. Twice he gt up and went utside, saying he thught he heard a nise. The third time he left, I went t the windws t see what he was ding.
    Lking ut, I saw Dad standing abut three feet frm the rubbish bin, hlding the lid up with a stick and lking int the cntainer. When I came ut f the huse, he drpped the stick and explained that there was smething alive in the rubbish bin. Picking up the stick again, he held the lid up enugh fr me t see. I felt cld. But I stepped clser and lked harder.
    Withut dubt it was my wrk. The ht sun had caused the dugh t duble in size and the. fermenting yeast (酵母) made the surface shake and sigh as thugh it were breathing. I had t admit what the "living thing" was and why it was there. I dn't knw wh was mre embarrassed by the whle thing, Dad r me.
    1. 续写词数应150左右;
    2. 请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。
    My dad tapped me gently n the shulder, and we went inside.
    At a party three mnths later, everyne wanted t try my bread.
    听力:1-5ABBAB 6-10CBBCB 11-15ACCAC 16-20BCCAA

    江苏省南通市海安高级中学2024届高三下学期第二次模拟考试英语试题(Word版附答案): 这是一份江苏省南通市海安高级中学2024届高三下学期第二次模拟考试英语试题(Word版附答案),共13页。试卷主要包含了5分,满分7等内容,欢迎下载使用。

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