Unit 1 A Cat, a Bag and KateLearning objectives(学习目标)By the end of this lesson . I will be able to (这节课后,我将能):➫正确读出➫正确匹配单词与其发音。➫大声朗读单词,词组和句子。➫根据音标写出单词。➫推断出字母C在单词中的发音。➫正确使用升降调。Stage 2 PresentingActivity 1 Listen and choose the right card./p//b//t//d//k//ɡ/TIP发/p//t//k/这三个音的时候,声带不振动。512346123456pig/pɪɡ//p/ baby /ˈbeɪbi//b/6听音辩词:pig bigpea bee pack backcat/kæt/ dad/dæd//t//d/8听音辩词:hat hadbad bat write ridedie tietip dip little riddleduck/dʌk//k/ pig/pɪɡ//ɡ/10听音辩词: came game class glass clock goldduck dogblock blogack bagCheck game.六个学生,每人发一张音标卡,给十秒记住自己的卡片内容,然后背对黑板举在头上,白板上一个个呈现这些音标,全班读,读到哪个音,对应的那个学生就蹲下,反应慢的就推出游戏。12听音辩词: came game class glass clock goldduck dogblock blogack bagActivity 2 Listen and guess.datetapetakegapbadbag/æ//eɪ//ˈæpl/apple baby /ˈbeɪbi//æ//eɪ/Stage 3 PracticingMissing game/p//t//k//b//d//ɡ//æ//eɪ/ Activity 3 Read and learn/eɪ//k//keɪ//d//deɪ//p//peɪ//b//æ//bæ//t//tæ//p//pæ/++Activity 3 Read and learn/eɪ//t//p//b//d//k/+/eɪt//eɪp//eɪk//æ/+/g//æg//æb//æd/Activity 3 Read and learn/eɪ/++/p//d//peɪd//p//g//d//b//geɪp//deɪb//æ/++/p//t//pæt//t//k//tæk//d//g//dæg//eɪ//æ/Activity 4 Listen and find the right home for themtapebakegapgatetaptakebatdateaddbagActivity 5 Compare and contrast.Activity 6 Read aloud and match. Then listen, check and repeat./teik//pæt/teip/tæp//gæp//geit/tapegatetakepatgaptapTip :一般情况下,在字母“a”后面跟辅音加e结尾的单词中,字母“a”发/ei/。Stage 4 ProducingActivity 7 Read and write the letters.1) /ei/2) /kei/Activity 8 Read the following sounds and write the words./geit/ _______/teik/______/bæg/_______/teip/______/tæp/________/dæd/______/bæd/_____/deit/_____gatebagdadtaptakedatebadtapegateWork in pairs. Look at the pictures, say and write the words.bagdadtaptakedatebadtapeActivity 9 Read aloud first, then listen and repeat.a tape and a tapa bad bat in the bagKate, tap the ape.a bat at the gate Kate ate a dateDad, take a bag.A bag. A bad bag.Dad, take the bad bag.Dad, take the bad bag the tap.Challenge yourselfActivity 1 Listen, read and tick. cakecatcabcapThe letter “ c” is pronounced as _ in the above words. A. /t/ B./p/ C./k/ D./g/Activity 2 Read aloud first, then listen, check and repeat.a big cat a bad cab take the cap Dad, bake the cake. The cat ate the bad bat. A cat.A bad cat.Pat the bad cat.Kate, pat the bad cat.Have a try!根据所学音素,自己出10个拼读练习题与同学交换练习。Activity 2 Try to work out the rules.1) We can pronounce the letter “a” as ___ in gate and take. 2) We can pronounce the letter “a” as ___ in tap and bad. 3) We can pronounce the letter “p, b, k, g,d and t as /p/,____, ____, ____, ____,and____./ei//æ//b//k//g//d//t/4) 字母“a”在含有“ a _ e”的单词中,如gate,take中,通常发______。5) 字母“a”在含有“ a _”的单词中,如tap, bad中,通常发______。/ei//æ/6) 字母p,b,k,g,d 和t在单词通常发/p/,____, ____, ____, ____,and____。/b//k//g//d//t/开音节闭音节: 元音字母+辅音字母元音字母+辅音字母(r除外)+e辅音字母+元音字母Aa/ei//æ/1.熟练正确认读今天所学8个音素,并能拼读。录音,明天与同学分享。2.预习字母Ee的发音,并尝试与所学6个爆破音进行拼读。录音,根据所学进行对比。3.根据所学音素,自己查10个包含所学或即将学习音素形成的单词。在课堂上与同学交换练习。Homework
Unit 1 A Cat, a Bag and KateLearning objectives(学习目标)By the end of this lesson . I will be able to (这节课后,我将能):➫正确读出➫正确匹配单词与其发音。➫大声朗读单词,词组和句子。➫根据音标写出单词。➫推断出字母C在单词中的发音。➫正确使用升降调。Stage 2 PresentingActivity 1 Listen and choose the right card./p//b//t//d//k//ɡ/TIP发/p//t//k/这三个音的时候,声带不振动。512346123456pig/pɪɡ//p/ baby /ˈbeɪbi//b/6听音辩词:pig bigpea bee pack backcat/kæt/ dad/dæd//t//d/8听音辩词:hat hadbad bat write ridedie tietip dip little riddleduck/dʌk//k/ pig/pɪɡ//ɡ/10听音辩词: came game class glass clock goldduck dogblock blogack bagCheck game.六个学生,每人发一张音标卡,给十秒记住自己的卡片内容,然后背对黑板举在头上,白板上一个个呈现这些音标,全班读,读到哪个音,对应的那个学生就蹲下,反应慢的就推出游戏。12听音辩词: came game class glass clock goldduck dogblock blogack bagActivity 2 Listen and guess.datetapetakegapbadbag/æ//eɪ//ˈæpl/apple baby /ˈbeɪbi//æ//eɪ/Stage 3 PracticingMissing game/p//t//k//b//d//ɡ//æ//eɪ/ Activity 3 Read and learn/eɪ//k//keɪ//d//deɪ//p//peɪ//b//æ//bæ//t//tæ//p//pæ/++Activity 3 Read and learn/eɪ//t//p//b//d//k/+/eɪt//eɪp//eɪk//æ/+/g//æg//æb//æd/Activity 3 Read and learn/eɪ/++/p//d//peɪd//p//g//d//b//geɪp//deɪb//æ/++/p//t//pæt//t//k//tæk//d//g//dæg//eɪ//æ/Activity 4 Listen and find the right home for themtapebakegapgatetaptakebatdateaddbagActivity 5 Compare and contrast.Activity 6 Read aloud and match. Then listen, check and repeat./teik//pæt/teip/tæp//gæp//geit/tapegatetakepatgaptapTip :一般情况下,在字母“a”后面跟辅音加e结尾的单词中,字母“a”发/ei/。Stage 4 ProducingActivity 7 Read and write the letters.1) /ei/2) /kei/Activity 8 Read the following sounds and write the words./geit/ _______/teik/______/bæg/_______/teip/______/tæp/________/dæd/______/bæd/_____/deit/_____gatebagdadtaptakedatebadtapegateWork in pairs. Look at the pictures, say and write the words.bagdadtaptakedatebadtapeActivity 9 Read aloud first, then listen and repeat.a tape and a tapa bad bat in the bagKate, tap the ape.a bat at the gate Kate ate a dateDad, take a bag.A bag. A bad bag.Dad, take the bad bag.Dad, take the bad bag the tap.Challenge yourselfActivity 1 Listen, read and tick. cakecatcabcapThe letter “ c” is pronounced as _ in the above words. A. /t/ B./p/ C./k/ D./g/Activity 2 Read aloud first, then listen, check and repeat.a big cat a bad cab take the cap Dad, bake the cake. The cat ate the bad bat. A cat.A bad cat.Pat the bad cat.Kate, pat the bad cat.Have a try!根据所学音素,自己出10个拼读练习题与同学交换练习。Activity 2 Try to work out the rules.1) We can pronounce the letter “a” as ___ in gate and take. 2) We can pronounce the letter “a” as ___ in tap and bad. 3) We can pronounce the letter “p, b, k, g,d and t as /p/,____, ____, ____, ____,and____./ei//æ//b//k//g//d//t/4) 字母“a”在含有“ a _ e”的单词中,如gate,take中,通常发______。5) 字母“a”在含有“ a _”的单词中,如tap, bad中,通常发______。/ei//æ/6) 字母p,b,k,g,d 和t在单词通常发/p/,____, ____, ____, ____,and____。/b//k//g//d//t/开音节闭音节: 元音字母+辅音字母元音字母+辅音字母(r除外)+e辅音字母+元音字母Aa/ei//æ/1.熟练正确认读今天所学8个音素,并能拼读。录音,明天与同学分享。2.预习字母Ee的发音,并尝试与所学6个爆破音进行拼读。录音,根据所学进行对比。3.根据所学音素,自己查10个包含所学或即将学习音素形成的单词。在课堂上与同学交换练习。Homework
