Learning objectives(学习目标)By the end of this lesson . I will be able to (这节课后,我将能):➫正确读出➫正确匹配单词与其发音。➫大声朗读单词,词组和句子。➫根据音标写出单词。➫推断出字母 在单词中的发音。➫正确使用升降调。/nəʊz/A noseLet’s learn!nosebrokerosegoatcoke/əʊ/Let’s chant!用我nose,去闻rose;喝着coke,把腰broke;一只goat,上了boat;Have a try!no [nəʊ ] OK [əʊˈkeɪ]road [rəʊd] most [məʊst]toe [təʊ] ghost [ɡəʊst]note [nəʊt] fold [fəʊld]/dɒɡ]/A dogfoxboxoxtophoppopLet’s learn!Let’s chant!一头fox,躲避ox, 藏进box,藏进box。轻轻hop,跳上top, 唱起pop,唱起pop。10听音辩词:short shotsport spotclaw clockcaught cothorse hottalk tok UFO /juːef'əʊ/Let’s learn!tissuequeue cute use Let’s chant!手拿 tissue,排好queue;借车use,真是cute; robot /ˈrəʊbɒt]/Let’s learn!Let’s chant!饭后hurry(赶快),书包carry(背上),迟到sorry(对不起)。Challenge your memory! drink /drɪŋk/ long /lɒŋ/Let’s learn!thinkdrinkinksongwronglongLet’s chant! 拿起ink(墨水),不加think(思考),仰头drink(喝)。Let’s chant!一首song(歌),歌词long(长的),总唱wrong(错的)。 Challenge your memoryChoose the right flower!yellow /ˈjeləʊ/在单词最前面,发辅音/j/Let’s learn!yearyellowyesyoung Have a try!year [jɪə(r)] yes [jes] you [ju] yet [jet]yellow [ˈjeləʊ] yolk [jəʊk] york [jɔːk] Choose the right flower!Compare and contrast.Missing game/əʊ//t//ŋ//r//d//ju://ɒ//j/ Read and learn/əʊ//k//kəʊt//əʊ//snəʊ//s/++/t/++/n/ Read and learn/ɒ//f//fɒg//f//ˈkɒfɪ//k/++/g/++/ɒ//ɪ/+ Read and learn/ju://m//mju:t//f//rɪˈfjuːz//r/++/t/++/ɪ//ju:/++/z/ Read and learn/u://r//ˈru:lə//b//ˈræbɪt//r/++/l/++/æ//ɪ/++/t//ə/+ Read and learn/ɪ//r//rɪŋ//ŋ//wɪŋ//w/++/ŋ/++/ɪ/ Read and learn/ɑː//j//jɑːd//l//jel//j/++/d/++/e/ Read aloud and match. Then listen, check and repeat./kəʊt//fɒg//snəʊ//ˈkɒfɪ//mju:t//rɪˈfjuːz/snowcoffeecoatfogmuterefuseActivity 8 Read the following sounds and write the words./ˈræbɪt/ _______/jɑː(r)d//ˈru:lə/_______/jel/ ____/wɪŋ/ _______/rɪŋ/______rabbitrulerringwingyard yell/snəʊ/ snowrabbitWork in pairs. Look at the pictures, say and write the words.rulerringwingyardyellmutecoffeeActivity 2 Try to work out the rules.1) We can pronounce the letter “o” as ___ in OK and go. 2) We can pronounce “oa”or”ow” as ___ in coat and snow. 3) We can pronounce the letter “o”as in hot,dog and orange. /əʊ//əʊ/4)We can pronounce the letter “u”as in use,mute and cute.5) We can pronounce the letter “r”as in run,rabbit and ruler./ɒ//ŋ//r //ju:/6) We can pronounce the letter “n” and “ng”as in ink,drink ,sing, long.6) We can pronounce the letter “j” as in yes,yell and yard./j/1.熟练正确认读今天所学6个音素,并能拼读。录音,明天与同学分享。2.根据所学音素,自己查10个包含所学或即将学习音素形成的单词。在课堂上与同学交换练习。HomeworkThank you!
Learning objectives(学习目标)By the end of this lesson . I will be able to (这节课后,我将能):➫正确读出➫正确匹配单词与其发音。➫大声朗读单词,词组和句子。➫根据音标写出单词。➫推断出字母 在单词中的发音。➫正确使用升降调。/nəʊz/A noseLet’s learn!nosebrokerosegoatcoke/əʊ/Let’s chant!用我nose,去闻rose;喝着coke,把腰broke;一只goat,上了boat;Have a try!no [nəʊ ] OK [əʊˈkeɪ]road [rəʊd] most [məʊst]toe [təʊ] ghost [ɡəʊst]note [nəʊt] fold [fəʊld]/dɒɡ]/A dogfoxboxoxtophoppopLet’s learn!Let’s chant!一头fox,躲避ox, 藏进box,藏进box。轻轻hop,跳上top, 唱起pop,唱起pop。10听音辩词:short shotsport spotclaw clockcaught cothorse hottalk tok UFO /juːef'əʊ/Let’s learn!tissuequeue cute use Let’s chant!手拿 tissue,排好queue;借车use,真是cute; robot /ˈrəʊbɒt]/Let’s learn!Let’s chant!饭后hurry(赶快),书包carry(背上),迟到sorry(对不起)。Challenge your memory! drink /drɪŋk/ long /lɒŋ/Let’s learn!thinkdrinkinksongwronglongLet’s chant! 拿起ink(墨水),不加think(思考),仰头drink(喝)。Let’s chant!一首song(歌),歌词long(长的),总唱wrong(错的)。 Challenge your memoryChoose the right flower!yellow /ˈjeləʊ/在单词最前面,发辅音/j/Let’s learn!yearyellowyesyoung Have a try!year [jɪə(r)] yes [jes] you [ju] yet [jet]yellow [ˈjeləʊ] yolk [jəʊk] york [jɔːk] Choose the right flower!Compare and contrast.Missing game/əʊ//t//ŋ//r//d//ju://ɒ//j/ Read and learn/əʊ//k//kəʊt//əʊ//snəʊ//s/++/t/++/n/ Read and learn/ɒ//f//fɒg//f//ˈkɒfɪ//k/++/g/++/ɒ//ɪ/+ Read and learn/ju://m//mju:t//f//rɪˈfjuːz//r/++/t/++/ɪ//ju:/++/z/ Read and learn/u://r//ˈru:lə//b//ˈræbɪt//r/++/l/++/æ//ɪ/++/t//ə/+ Read and learn/ɪ//r//rɪŋ//ŋ//wɪŋ//w/++/ŋ/++/ɪ/ Read and learn/ɑː//j//jɑːd//l//jel//j/++/d/++/e/ Read aloud and match. Then listen, check and repeat./kəʊt//fɒg//snəʊ//ˈkɒfɪ//mju:t//rɪˈfjuːz/snowcoffeecoatfogmuterefuseActivity 8 Read the following sounds and write the words./ˈræbɪt/ _______/jɑː(r)d//ˈru:lə/_______/jel/ ____/wɪŋ/ _______/rɪŋ/______rabbitrulerringwingyard yell/snəʊ/ snowrabbitWork in pairs. Look at the pictures, say and write the words.rulerringwingyardyellmutecoffeeActivity 2 Try to work out the rules.1) We can pronounce the letter “o” as ___ in OK and go. 2) We can pronounce “oa”or”ow” as ___ in coat and snow. 3) We can pronounce the letter “o”as in hot,dog and orange. /əʊ//əʊ/4)We can pronounce the letter “u”as in use,mute and cute.5) We can pronounce the letter “r”as in run,rabbit and ruler./ɒ//ŋ//r //ju:/6) We can pronounce the letter “n” and “ng”as in ink,drink ,sing, long.6) We can pronounce the letter “j” as in yes,yell and yard./j/1.熟练正确认读今天所学6个音素,并能拼读。录音,明天与同学分享。2.根据所学音素,自己查10个包含所学或即将学习音素形成的单词。在课堂上与同学交换练习。HomeworkThank you!
