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    这是一份2024遵义高一下学期7月期末考试英语含解析,共33页。试卷主要包含了 B, Wh is the man?等内容,欢迎下载使用。

    1. 考试开始前, 请用黑色签字笔将答题卡上的姓名、班级、考号填写清楚, 并在相应位置粘贴条形码。
    2, 客观题答题时, 请用2B铅笔答题, 若需改动, 请用橡皮轻轻擦拭干净后再选涂其它选项; 主观题答题时, 请用黑色签字笔在答题卡相应的位置答题; 在规定区域以外的答题不给分; 在试卷上作答无效。
    第一部分 听力(共两节, 满分30分)
    第一节(共5小题; 每小题1.5分, 满分7.5分)
    听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题, 从题中所给的A. B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项。听完每段对话后, 你都有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读, 一遍。
    1. What des the wman ask the man t d?
    A. Pick up his aunt. B. Clean up the huse. C. Help in the kitchen.
    2. Hw much will the wman lend the man?
    A. $30. B. $20. C. $10.
    3. What are the speakers ding?
    A. Watching a film. B. Writing a stry. C. Waiting in a line.
    4. Wh is the man?
    A. A guest. B. A waiter. C. A manager.
    5. What are the speakers talking abut?
    A. When t attend events.
    B. Hw t increase sales.
    C. Where t celebrate hlidays.
    第二节(共 15 小题; 每小题 1.5 分, 满分 22.5 分)
    听下面5段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题, 从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项。听每段对话或独白前, 你将有时间阅读各个小题, 每小题5秒钟; 听完后, 各小题将给出 5 秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。
    听第 6 段材料, 回答第 6、7 题。
    6. Hw des the man feel abut Julia’s situatin?
    A. Excited. B. Disappinted C. Cncerned.
    7. Why des the wman call?
    A. T ask fr sick leave. B. T get sme medicine. C. T cmplain f illness.
    听第 7 段材料, 回答第8、9题。
    8. What are smkers expected t d n “N Smking Day”?
    A. Publish advertisements fr it.
    B. Knw the dangers f smking.
    C. Stp making cigarette prducts.
    9. Hw des the number f smkers change in develping cuntries?
    A. It has risen. B. It has fallen. C. It remains unchanged.
    10. What will the wman prbably talk abut next?
    A Glbal help in develped cuntries.
    B. Examples f sme internatinal rules.
    C. The imprvement in smkers’ actins.
    听第8段材料, 回答第11至13题。
    11. Where des the cnversatin take place?
    A. At the wman’s cmpany. B. In a pian shp. C. At the man’s hme.
    12. What des the man find mst difficult abut the mving?
    A. Packing up everything.
    B. Prtecting the pian.
    C. Leaving the living rm.
    13. What des the man ffer the wman?
    A. Frmal agreements. B. Packing bxes. C. Official dcuments.
    听第9段材料, 回答第14至17题。
    14. What is the relatinship between the speakers?
    A. Classmates. B. C-wrkers. C. Mther and sn.
    15. What are students expected t d?
    A. Dnate t the prject. B. Listen t the radi. C. Share their thughts.
    16. What is the wman interested in?
    A. Talking abut the beauty f nature.
    B. Expressing thughts n sprts and music.
    C. Raising students’ envirnmental awareness.
    17. Hw des the man feel abut the prject?
    A. It culd be helpful. B. It avids different vices. C. It is perfect fr smart peple.
    听第10段材料, 回答第18至20题。
    18. What is being spread rapidly nline?
    A. Air pllutin prblems.
    B. Sme turists’ gd wrk.
    C. A nice vide f the beach.
    19. Why did ne f the male turists feel sad?
    A. N lcal peple was helping them.
    B He had t leave the beautiful beach.
    C. The beach was plluted with rubbish.
    20. What was ne lcal wman’s reactin t the news?
    A. She felt ashamed.
    B. She started t clean up.
    C. She left rubbish n the beach.
    第二部分 阅读理解(共两节, 满分50分)
    第一节(共15小题; 每小题2.5分, 满分37.5分)
    阅读下列短文, 从每题所给的四个选项中, 选出最佳选项, 并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。
    Fur peple receive Harvard hnrary degrees, including an educatr, a cnductr, a writer, and a Nbel prize-winner.
    Lawrence S. Bacw
    Hnrary President f Harvard University, Larry Bacw is admired fr his decades f distinguished leadership in higher educatin. As Harvard’s 29th president frm 2018 t 2023, he wrked t imprve changes in areas including climate change and engineering, the future f cities, natural and artificial intelligence, and the remain f slavery (奴隶制). His numerus hnrs include the ACE’s Lifetime Achievement Award.
    Gustav Adlf Dudamel Ramírez
    Knwn fr his energetic musicianship and his devtin t the pwer f the arts, Gustav Dudamel is an internatinally famus cnductr. Named ne f Time’s mst influential peple in 2009, he has received such hnrs as Spain’s Gld Medal fr Merit in Fine Arts, the Knex Fundatin Classical Music Award, and the Internatinal Sciety fr the Perfrming Arts’ Distinguished Artist Award.
    Jy Harj-Sapulpa
    Jy Harj is a well-knwn pet, educatr, authr, playwright, and musician. She served as the 23rd U.S. Pet Laureate, nly the secnd Pet Laureate t serve three terms. A member f the Muscgee (Creek) Natin, whse wrk draws deeply n native histries and traditins and n themes f remembering histry and being beynd neself, she is the authr f 10 bks f petry, including “Weaving Sundwn in a Scarlet Light: 50 Pems fr 50 Years.”
    Maria A. Ressa
    Maria Ressa is a fearless jurnalist and media change maker knwn fr her determined devtin t safeguarding freedm f the media and pushing n the quest f truth. Her many hnrs include a share f the Nbel Peace Prize in 2021 fr her effrts t encurage free expressin, t attack disinfrmatin, and t reflect misuse f pwer in her native cuntry, the Philippines. She was named a Time Persn f the Year in 2018.
    1. Which area des Lawrence wrk in?
    A. Music.B. Media.C. Educatin.D. Literature.
    2. What d Gustav and Jy have in cmmn?
    A. They are winners f Pet Laureate.
    B. They are well-knwn experts in music.
    C. They are members f the Muscgee Natin.
    D. They are named Time’s mst influential peple.
    3. What’s the reasn fr Maria’s winning the Nbel Peace Prize?
    A. Ending the misuse f pwer.B. Encuraging free expressin.
    C. Safeguarding her native cuntry.D. Being a Time Persn f the Year.
    On March 20, I participated in the Dance Wrld Cup 2024 Krea Qualifiers. As a Krean student, I perfrmed a Chinese ethnic dance. Everyne wndered why, and my parents asked me, “Why didn’t yu perfrm ballet r traditinal Krean dance?” Well, this stry began when I was 5 years ld. At that time, my family mved t Dalian, Lianing. T develp a special skill, I explred varius after-schl classes. Amng all the ptins available t me, Chinese dance attracted me the mst. The nice dance studi and beautiful cstumes all seemed t call ut t me, making me eager t try everything.
    Learning Chinese dance was indeed challenging, especially when I was practicing the basics, which require a high level f physical flexibility, strength and accuracy. Fr example, practicing cmplicated steps repeatedly t achieve accuracy and crdinatin(协调)can be tiring. Hwever, the mment I mastered a dance rutine and perfrmed it nstage, I felt incredibly cnfident and jyful. Later, I had t return t Krea fr schl and say gdbye t Chinese dance. After I turned 15, I happened t meet a Chinese dance teacher wh had pened a studi in Krea. Withut dubt, I signed up in her classes. Althugh I struggled with sme f the difficult dance mves due t the lng break, my passin fr Chinese dance remained unchanged. Seeing myself in the dance cstume again in frnt f the mirrr, I felt like I had regained the unique cnfidence I had 10 years ag.
    In February, I decided t participate in the Dance Wrld Cup and perfrm a Chinese ethnic dance. I wn the gld medal in the cmpetitin’s wrld ethnic dance categry. Thrugh this cmpetitin, my lve fr Chinese dance grew even strnger, and I was delighted t shw Chinese culture t a brader Krean audience.
    4. What did the authr’s parents think abut her chice f dance?
    A. Wnderful.B. Acceptable.C. Inspiring.D. Surprising.
    5. What’s the authr’s difficulty in learning Chinese dance?
    A. Lacking cnfidence n stage.B. Adapting t the life rutine in China.
    C. Meeting high standards f the basics.D. Having t many after-schl classes.
    6. Why did the authr return t Chinese dance?
    A. T pen a dance studi in Krea.B. Fr her lve fr Chinese dance.
    C. T win a medal in the cmpetitin.D. Fr the ppularity f Chinese culture.
    7. What can be the best title fr the text?
    A Embracing Chinese Culture in DanceB. Perfrming n a Wrldwide Stage
    C. Exchanges Between China and KreaD. Ups and Dwns f Chinese Dances
    Children d nt laugh fr jy. Scientific studies, including my wn, shw that there is smething much deeper than jy in a child’s laughter. I find that it is clsely cnnected t brain and persnality develpment: children laugh fr very different reasns at different stages f develpment.
    Laughter begins sn after birth. Babies learn t laugh because they want t cpy their parents expressins, and t receive attentin and praise frm them. This is the way babies learn everything at first: thrugh cpying and receiving attentin and praise f adults arund them.
    But as they grw, they learn t distinguish their wn persn frm their parents and the wrld arund them. Once they begin t behave n their wn — frm age 2 t 5 — they begin t feel smething new fr the first time: certain things may seem cld, strange, r ut f place, and this shcks, cnfuses and amazes them. This is where laughter cmes in: after a mment f hesitatin, they understand that what seemed frightening r unexpected is actually harmless.
    Fr instance, a child laughs when they see their father with a funny clwn nse. Why? Because fr a secnd they felt embarrassed: that nse is nt a “live” nse. When they understand it was just dad’s jke, they calm dwn and laugh. They may als laugh when their lder brther makes a silly face, and the prcess is the same.
    Frm age 5 r 6 and up, children learn t handle abstract (抽象的) ideas, meaning they can grasp and “get” jkes. Befre that, they are at the earlier stage f being self-centered, which hinders their understanding f thers’ reasning. But nce they vercme it, their laughter prcess is the same as that f adults.
    These three stages f laughter develpment are gd indicatrs f child’s mental grwth and develpment.
    8. Why d babies laugh sn after birth?
    A. They are expressing their happiness.B. They are shwing their persnality.
    C. They are learning their parents’ behavir.D. They are giving praise t their parents.
    9. What’s the babies’ mental prcess f laughing frm age 2 t 5?
    A. They feel amazed, understand and laugh.B. They feel harmless, hesitate and laugh.
    C. They hesitate, feel frightened and laugh.D. They understand, feel shcked and laugh.
    10. Why des the authr mentin the father and the brther in paragraph 4?
    A. T give examples.B. T prvide methds.
    C. T make cmparisns.D. T ffer suggestins.
    11. What des the underlined wrd “hinders” in paragraph 5 mean?
    A. Frms.B. Deepens.C. Reflects.D. Prevents.
    Wake up energetically at 6 am exercise fr ver an hur after freshening up, and study prductively thrughut the day. This daily schedule is frequently featured in vlgs n scial media with the theme f “self-discipline (自律)”.
    But when trying ut such a schedule many f us may feel lacking in energy. Is it just because we are lazy? Why d sme peple seem t have s much energy? There’s a whle lt yu can explre abut yur energy levels.
    Genetic differences, t start with, can significantly influence ur energy levels. A tiny part in ur DNA called SNPs can help t explain 8.4 percent f cases f feeling tired, accrding t a 2018 study.
    The fd yu eat als gives yu energy. Hwever, there’s an ften-frgtten element —vitamin D. A study published in 2019 in the jurnal Nutrients nted that lder adults with reduced vitamin D levels experienced state f being tired mre than thse with nrmal levels. Yu can get enugh amunt f it by sunbathing r having enugh vitamin-D-rich fds, such as fish, eggs and milk.
    Anther analysis published in Nutrients in 2020 fund that eating fds high in a certain fat is linked t t much daytime sleepiness. These fds prbably include sme f yur favrites: butter, cheese, ice cream, and fried fds.
    Even if a wrkut leaves yu in sweat and ut f breath, exercise can actually increase yur energy. ”When yu exercise, yu release hrmnes (激素),” US expert Sabrena J tld the Health website. “This hrmne actually tells ur bdies t frget feelings f pain and tiredness while helping bld flw t large muscles.” This “excitement” in yur bdy can last fr several hurs. Exercise helps, but nly t a pint. Thse wh exercise t frequently may experience negative impacts n their energy levels.
    12. What affects ur energy levels accrding t the 2018 study?
    A. Self-discipline.B. The daily schedule.
    C. Prductive study.D. A certain part f DNA.
    13. What did the study in 2019 find?
    A. Vitamin D is a majr energy surce.B. Peple feel sleepy due t a certain fat.
    C. Vitamin D levels is related t energy levels.D. Peple ften frget t have Vitamin D.
    14. What can we learn frm the last paragraph?
    A. The mre exercise, the better.B. Sweat has negative impacts n energy levels.
    C. Adjusting breath rate releases hrmnes.D. Prper exercise reduces feeling f tiredness.
    15. What des the text mainly talk abut?
    A. Ways t imprve energy levels.B. Elements influencing energy levels.
    C. Balanced nutrients in daily fds.D. Genetic differences benefiting ur health.
    阅读下面短文, 从短文后的选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。
    Hw t Get int Cllege
    The cllege admissin wrld can be mysterius. But experts urge students nt t panic. ___16___
    •Get an early start and finish high schl strng
    Clleges want t see that yu’ve fcused frm the start n getting the best pssible educatin yur high schl has t ffer. High schl shuldn’t just happen t yu. ___17___. Clleges like t see that a student is n an upward way where they shw cntinued imprvement, particularly during their junir and senir years.
    •Challenge yurself respnsibly
    Admissin fficers attach imprtance t verall high schl GPA, grades in Advanced Placement r ther cllege-prepared classes, a careful curse plan and a student’s writing file r persnal paper. ___18___, accrding t a 2019 reprt frm the Natinal Assciatin fr Cllege Admissin Cunseling.
    • ___19___
    Clleges are lking fr students with rich experiences and varius interests. S dn’t just jin the clubs; make it cunt. After all, what matters mst is that yur experiences are helping t transfrm yu in psitive ways and teaching yu valuable lessns and habits that will shape yu far beynd the cllege admissin prcess. Each experience is an pprtunity t grab.
    •Keep yur cllege list balanced
    Students shuld create a list f desired clleges that include a certain number f safety schls, target schls, reach schls and high-reach schls. ___20___, including yur safeties. They shuldn’t be n yur list if yu dn’t want t attend them.
    A. It’s imprtant nt t pstpne anything
    B. Thse are the tp factrs fr admissin
    C. Yu need t spend yur time wisely there
    D. Make full use f yur experiences in high schl
    E. Encurage students t take classes they’re interested in
    F. Yu shuld be thrilled t attend any f these schls n yur list
    G. Here are sme tips t slve the mystery f hw t get int cllege
    阅读下面短文, 从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。
    At age eleven, I was diagnsed (诊断) with alpecia areata, a disease causing serius hair lss.
    At the wig (假发) shp, I was ___21___ t nly tw children’s wigs. I picked a light-brwn ne. Despite it being ___22___ and fitting lsely, I felt mre cnfident with it than withut it. “I ___23___ yur hair. It lks s pretty, ” friends said. Other kids wh didn’t knw my backgrund stry weren’t s ___24___ . They wuld laugh at me each time they saw me withut my ___25___ n.
    Years n, when I was 25, I met Kim wh was selling wigs. Made frm real human hair, Kim’s wigs were incredibly ___26___ and cmfrtable t wear. Yu culd even swim, play ___27___ r g n a rller-caster in them. They were that stable! “I really want t d wigs fr ___28___ ,” I tld Kim. “I dn’t want anyne t ___29___ what I did when I was yung.”
    S in January this year, we ___30___ the Lusta Children’s Prject, giving free wigs t kids with ___31___ hair lss. Watching the ___32___ n their faces as they put them n is amazing. “I lve it!” fur-year-ld Sasha, wh als lives with alpecia areata, smiled when I fitted her with a black wig. S far, we’ve ___33___ the lives f 10 families affected by hair lss, and we’re ___34___ t help mre.
    ___35___ my hair changed my life, but I’ve fund my life’s purpse!
    21. A. devtedB. ppsedC. cmparedD. limited
    22. A. riginalB. uncmfrtableC. uniqueD. mysterius
    23. A. respectB. fearC. lveD. hate
    24. A. kindB. cnfidentC. curiusD. serius
    25. A. catB. glassesC. wigD. makeup
    26. A. naturalB. typicalC. rmanticD. dramatic
    27. A. cardsB. tricksC. rlesD. sprts
    28. A. relativesB. kidsC. strangersD. vlunteers
    29. A. turn dwnB. cheer frC. g thrughD. care abut
    30. A. cmpletedB. cntinuedC. delayedD. started
    31. A. time-wastingB. medical-relatedC. wild-lkingD. wave-shaped
    32. A. nervusnessB. determinatinC. jyD. calm
    33. A. changedB. threatenedC. judgedD. selected
    34. A. excitedB. surprisedC. wrriedD. relaxed
    35. A. DesigningB. SellingC. CuttingD. Lsing
    Tai chi, an ancient martial art, is widely practiced nt nly in China ___36___ arund the wrld. Thugh there are n frmal data abut ___37___ number f tai chi learners all ver the wrld, the martial art can be said t have enjyed brad ppularity ver the years.
    Guillaume Large, a 44-year-ld tai chi enthusiast frm Brdeaux f France, ___38___ (practice) tai chi fr ver 20 years. Large gt a sprts ___39___ (injure) at a yung age and decided t start practicing tai chi at a lcal club in France as a way f recvery. Frm then n, he ___40___ (gradual) fell in lve with traditinal Chinese art. In 2007, Large and his fellws established an rganizatin, ___41___ aims t spread Chinese culture in France thrugh ___42___ (teach) tai chi, the Chinese language and ther aspects f the cuntry’s culture. In 2013, he started t learn tai chi frm Chen Ziqiang, a famus tai chi master in Wenxian cunty, Henan prvince. Since then, he has led French students ___43___ (cme) t study in Henan prvince almst every year. They get t receive ___44___ (persn) guidance frm the master and watch tai chi perfrmances there.
    “Nw French peple are becming increasingly fnd ____45____ Chinese culture, and I hpe ur relatinship culd get better and better,” Large said.
    46. 假定你是李华,将在今年暑假参加一个乡村生活体验活动。请写封邮件邀请你的英国朋友James 一同前往,内容包括:
    1. 时间和地点;
    2. 活动安排和意义。
    1. 词数80左右;
    2. 可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。
    Dear James,
    Li Hua
    第二节(满分 25分)
    47. 阅读下面短文,根据所给情节进行续写,使之构成一个完整的故事。
    On arriving hme after schl, Dean rushed int his rm, shut the dr and turned n his cmputer.
    Like many teenage bys, 17-year-ld Dean was addicted t the digital wrld, spending cuntless hurs n his cmputer playing games and surfing the Internet. The nly sunds were the clicking f his keybard and the ccasinal excited shut. Days passed, and Dean’ grades began t suffer. He skipped meals, lst sleep, and ignred his friends. His eyes were always red and dull as if he were lst in anther wrld.
    Dean’s parents, seeing the wrsening situatin, repeatedly advised him t take a break and fcus n his studies. Hwever, their wrds fell n deaf ears. The frequent cnflicts between Dean and his parents grew increasingly tense, leading t a vilent argument ne day.
    “Yu’re always n that cmputer! When are yu ging t d smething prductive with yur life?” shuted Dean’s father, a mixture f cncern and anger in his vice.
    Dean sat in his chair, eyes fixed n the screen. He didn’t even lk up as he replied, “I’m fine. I’m happy.”
    The father rushed tward Dean and firmly turned dwn the cmputer.
    “N! Why did yu d that?” Dean yelled, jumping t his feet. His heart punded with a mix f anger and panic.
    “Because yu need t get ut f this virtual wrld and start living in the real ne!” the father shuted, his vice shaking.
    A wave f anger swept ver Dean. “Yu dn’t understand! This is my life!” He strmed ut f the huse, vwing (发誓) never t return.
    He went int a nearby Internet cafe (网吧). There he spent the next three days and nights lst in the thrill f gaming.
    1. 续写词数应为150 左右;
    2. 请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。
    Paragraph 1:
    As the days passed, Dean gradually used up his pcket mney.
    Paragraph 2:
    In the depths f his despair (绝望), a familiar vice called ut t him.
    遵义市2023 ~2024学年度第二学期期末质量监测
    1. 考试开始前, 请用黑色签字笔将答题卡上的姓名、班级、考号填写清楚, 并在相应位置粘贴条形码。
    2, 客观题答题时, 请用2B铅笔答题, 若需改动, 请用橡皮轻轻擦拭干净后再选涂其它选项; 主观题答题时, 请用黑色签字笔在答题卡相应的位置答题; 在规定区域以外的答题不给分; 在试卷上作答无效。
    第一部分 听力(共两节, 满分30分)
    第一节(共5小题; 每小题1.5分, 满分7.5分)
    听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题, 从题中所给的A. B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项。听完每段对话后, 你都有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读, 一遍。
    1. What des the wman ask the man t d?
    A. Pick up his aunt. B. Clean up the huse. C. Help in the kitchen.
    2. Hw much will the wman lend the man?
    A. $30. B. $20. C. $10.
    3. What are the speakers ding?
    A. Watching a film. B. Writing a stry. C. Waiting in a line.
    4. Wh is the man?
    A. A guest. B. A waiter. C. A manager.
    5. What are the speakers talking abut?
    A. When t attend events.
    B. Hw t increase sales.
    C. Where t celebrate hlidays.
    第二节(共 15 小题; 每小题 1.5 分, 满分 22.5 分)
    听下面5段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题, 从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项。听每段对话或独白前, 你将有时间阅读各个小题, 每小题5秒钟; 听完后, 各小题将给出 5 秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。
    听第 6 段材料, 回答第 6、7 题。
    6. Hw des the man feel abut Julia’s situatin?
    A. Excited. B. Disappinted C. Cncerned.
    7. Why des the wman call?
    A. T ask fr sick leave. B. T get sme medicine. C. T cmplain f illness.
    听第 7 段材料, 回答第8、9题。
    8. What are smkers expected t d n “N Smking Day”?
    A. Publish advertisements fr it.
    B. Knw the dangers f smking.
    C. Stp making cigarette prducts.
    9. Hw des the number f smkers change in develping cuntries?
    A. It has risen. B. It has fallen. C. It remains unchanged.
    10. What will the wman prbably talk abut next?
    A. Glbal help in develped cuntries.
    B. Examples f sme internatinal rules.
    C. The imprvement in smkers’ actins.
    听第8段材料, 回答第11至13题。
    11. Where des the cnversatin take place?
    A. At the wman’s cmpany. B. In a pian shp. C. At the man’s hme.
    12. What des the man find mst difficult abut the mving?
    A. Packing up everything.
    B. Prtecting the pian.
    C. Leaving the living rm.
    13. What des the man ffer the wman?
    A. Frmal agreements. B. Packing bxes. C. Official dcuments.
    听第9段材料, 回答第14至17题。
    14. What is the relatinship between the speakers?
    A. Classmates. B. C-wrkers. C. Mther and sn.
    15. What are students expected t d?
    A. Dnate t the prject. B. Listen t the radi. C. Share their thughts.
    16. What is the wman interested in?
    A. Talking abut the beauty f nature.
    B. Expressing thughts n sprts and music.
    C. Raising students’ envirnmental awareness.
    17. Hw des the man feel abut the prject?
    A. It culd be helpful. B. It avids different vices. C. It is perfect fr smart peple.
    听第10段材料, 回答第18至20题。
    18. What is being spread rapidly nline?
    A. Air pllutin prblems.
    B. Sme turists’ gd wrk.
    C. A nice vide f the beach.
    19. Why did ne f the male turists feel sad?
    A. N lcal peple was helping them.
    B. He had t leave the beautiful beach.
    C. The beach was plluted with rubbish.
    20. What was ne lcal wman’s reactin t the news?
    A. She felt ashamed.
    B. She started t clean up.
    C. She left rubbish n the beach.
    第二部分 阅读理解(共两节, 满分50分)
    第一节(共15小题; 每小题2.5分, 满分37.5分)
    阅读下列短文, 从每题所给的四个选项中, 选出最佳选项, 并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。
    Fur peple receive Harvard hnrary degrees, including an educatr, a cnductr, a writer, and a Nbel prize-winner.
    Lawrence S. Bacw
    Hnrary President f Harvard University, Larry Bacw is admired fr his decades f distinguished leadership in higher educatin. As Harvard’s 29th president frm 2018 t 2023, he wrked t imprve changes in areas including climate change and engineering, the future f cities, natural and artificial intelligence, and the remain f slavery (奴隶制). His numerus hnrs include the ACE’s Lifetime Achievement Award.
    Gustav Adlf Dudamel Ramírez
    Knwn fr his energetic musicianship and his devtin t the pwer f the arts, Gustav Dudamel is an internatinally famus cnductr. Named ne f Time’s mst influential peple in 2009, he has received such hnrs as Spain’s Gld Medal fr Merit in Fine Arts, the Knex Fundatin Classical Music Award, and the Internatinal Sciety fr the Perfrming Arts’ Distinguished Artist Award.
    Jy Harj-Sapulpa
    Jy Harj is a well-knwn pet, educatr, authr, playwright, and musician. She served as the 23rd U.S. Pet Laureate, nly the secnd Pet Laureate t serve three terms. A member f the Muscgee (Creek) Natin, whse wrk draws deeply n native histries and traditins and n themes f remembering histry and being beynd neself, she is the authr f 10 bks f petry, including “Weaving Sundwn in a Scarlet Light: 50 Pems fr 50 Years.”
    Maria A. Ressa
    Maria Ressa is a fearless jurnalist and media change maker knwn fr her determined devtin t safeguarding freedm f the media and pushing n the quest f truth. Her many hnrs include a share f the Nbel Peace Prize in 2021 fr her effrts t encurage free expressin, t attack disinfrmatin, and t reflect misuse f pwer in her native cuntry, the Philippines. She was named a Time Persn f the Year in 2018.
    1. Which area des Lawrence wrk in?
    A. Music.B. Media.C. Educatin.D. Literature.
    2. What d Gustav and Jy have in cmmn?
    A. They are winners f Pet Laureate.
    B. They are well-knwn experts in music.
    C. They are members f the Muscgee Natin.
    D. They are named Time’s mst influential peple.
    3. What’s the reasn fr Maria’s winning the Nbel Peace Prize?
    A. Ending the misuse f pwer.B. Encuraging free expressin.
    C. Safeguarding her native cuntry.D. Being a Time Persn f the Year.
    【答案】1. C 2. B 3. B
    细节理解题。根据第二段“Hnrary President f Harvard University, Larry Bacw is admired fr his decades f distinguished leadership in higher educatin. (哈佛大学的名誉校长拉里·巴科,因其在高等教育领域数十年的杰出领导力而受到尊敬。)”可知,Lawrence S. Bacw工作的领域是教育。故选C项。
    细节理解题。根据第三段“Named ne f Time’s mst influential peple in 2009, he has received such hnrs as Spain’s Gld Medal fr Merit in Fine Arts, the Knex Fundatin Classical Music Award, and the Internatinal Sciety fr the Perfrming Arts’ Distinguished Artist Award. (2009年,他被《时代》杂志评为最具影响力的人物之一,他获得了西班牙美术功绩金奖、Knex基金会古典音乐奖和国际表演艺术协会的杰出艺术家奖。)”以及第四段“Jy Harj is a well-knwn pet, educatr, authr, playwright, and musician.(乔伊·哈乔是一位著名的诗人、教育家、作家、剧作家和音乐家。)”可知,Gustav Dudamel和Jy Harj的共同点是他们都是著名的音乐家。故选B项。
    细节理解题。根据第五段“Her many hnrs include a share f the Nbel Peace Prize in 2021 fr her effrts t encurage free expressin, t attack disinfrmatin, and t reflect misuse f pwer in her native cuntry, the Philippines. (她众多荣誉中包括2021年的诺贝尔和平奖,这是为了表彰她鼓励自由表达、攻击虚假信息以及反映其祖国菲律宾的权力滥用所做的努力。)”可知,Maria A. Ressa获得诺贝尔和平奖的原因是鼓励自由表达。故选B项。
    On March 20, I participated in the Dance Wrld Cup 2024 Krea Qualifiers. As a Krean student, I perfrmed a Chinese ethnic dance. Everyne wndered why, and my parents asked me, “Why didn’t yu perfrm ballet r traditinal Krean dance?” Well, this stry began when I was 5 years ld. At that time, my family mved t Dalian, Lianing. T develp a special skill, I explred varius after-schl classes. Amng all the ptins available t me, Chinese dance attracted me the mst. The nice dance studi and beautiful cstumes all seemed t call ut t me, making me eager t try everything.
    Learning Chinese dance was indeed challenging, especially when I was practicing the basics, which require a high level f physical flexibility, strength and accuracy. Fr example, practicing cmplicated steps repeatedly t achieve accuracy and crdinatin(协调)can be tiring. Hwever, the mment I mastered a dance rutine and perfrmed it nstage, I felt incredibly cnfident and jyful. Later, I had t return t Krea fr schl and say gdbye t Chinese dance. After I turned 15, I happened t meet a Chinese dance teacher wh had pened a studi in Krea. Withut dubt, I signed up in her classes. Althugh I struggled with sme f the difficult dance mves due t the lng break, my passin fr Chinese dance remained unchanged. Seeing myself in the dance cstume again in frnt f the mirrr, I felt like I had regained the unique cnfidence I had 10 years ag.
    In February, I decided t participate in the Dance Wrld Cup and perfrm a Chinese ethnic dance. I wn the gld medal in the cmpetitin’s wrld ethnic dance categry. Thrugh this cmpetitin, my lve fr Chinese dance grew even strnger, and I was delighted t shw Chinese culture t a brader Krean audience.
    4. What did the authr’s parents think abut her chice f dance?
    A. Wnderful.B. Acceptable.C. Inspiring.D. Surprising.
    5. What’s the authr’s difficulty in learning Chinese dance?
    A. Lacking cnfidence n stage.B. Adapting t the life rutine in China.
    C. Meeting high standards f the basics.D. Having t many after-schl classes.
    6. Why did the authr return t Chinese dance?
    A. T pen a dance studi in Krea.B. Fr her lve fr Chinese dance.
    C. T win a medal in the cmpetitin.D. Fr the ppularity f Chinese culture.
    7. What can be the best title fr the text?
    A. Embracing Chinese Culture in DanceB. Perfrming n a Wrldwide Stage
    C. Exchanges Between China and KreaD. Ups and Dwns f Chinese Dances
    【答案】4. D 5. C 6. B 7. A
    推理判断题。根据文中第一段“Everyne wndered why, and my parents asked me, “Why didn’t yu perfrm ballet r traditinal Krean dance?”(大家都很好奇,我的父母问我:“为什么不选择跳芭蕾舞或传统的韩国舞蹈呢?”)”可知,作者父母对她选择中国民族舞感到惊讶。故选D项。
    细节理解题。根据文中第二段“Learning Chinese dance was indeed challenging, especially when I was practicing the basics, which require a high level f physical flexibility, strength and accuracy.(学习中国舞蹈确实很有挑战性,尤其是当我在练习基本功时,这需要高水平的身体柔韧性、力量和准确性)”可知,作者学习中国舞的困难在于要达到基本功的高标准。故选C项。
    细节理解题。根据倒数第二段“Althugh I struggled with sme f the difficult dance mves due t the lng break, my passin fr Chinese dance remained unchanged(尽管由于长时间的休息,我在一些困难的舞蹈动作上挣扎,但我对中国舞蹈的热情依然不变).”可知,作者回归中国舞是因为对其的热爱。故选B项。
    主旨大意题。根据文中第一段“Everyne wndered why, and my parents asked me, “Why didn’t yu perfrm ballet r traditinal Krean dance?”(大家都很好奇,我的父母问我:“为什么不选择跳芭蕾舞或传统的韩国舞蹈呢?”)”、第二段“Learning Chinese dance was indeed challenging, especially when I was practicing the basics, which require a high level f physical flexibility, strength and accuracy.(学习中国舞蹈确实很有挑战性,尤其是当我在练习基本功时,这需要高水平的身体柔韧性、力量和准确性)”、倒数第二段“Althugh I struggled with sme f the difficult dance mves due t the lng break, my passin fr Chinese dance remained unchanged(尽管由于长时间的休息,我在一些困难的舞蹈动作上挣扎,但我对中国舞蹈的热情依然不变).”以及最后一段“In February, I decided t participate in the Dance Wrld Cup and perfrm a Chinese ethnic dance. I wn the gld medal in the cmpetitin’s wrld ethnic dance categry. Thrugh this cmpetitin, my lve fr Chinese dance grew even strnger, and I was delighted t shw Chinese culture t a brader Krean audience(在二月,我决定参加舞蹈世界杯并表演一段中国民族舞。我在比赛的世界民族舞类别中赢得了金牌。通过这次比赛,我对中国的舞蹈更加热爱,并且很高兴能向更多的韩国观众展示中国文化)”可知,文章围绕作者对中国民族舞的热爱展开,通过跳舞展示中国文化,A选项“Embracing Chinese Culture in Dance”(在舞蹈中拥抱中国文化)能很好地概括文意。故选A项。
    Children d nt laugh fr jy. Scientific studies, including my wn, shw that there is smething much deeper than jy in a child’s laughter. I find that it is clsely cnnected t brain and persnality develpment: children laugh fr very different reasns at different stages f develpment.
    Laughter begins sn after birth. Babies learn t laugh because they want t cpy their parents expressins, and t receive attentin and praise frm them. This is the way babies learn everything at first: thrugh cpying and receiving attentin and praise f adults arund them.
    But as they grw, they learn t distinguish their wn persn frm their parents and the wrld arund them. Once they begin t behave n their wn — frm age 2 t 5 — they begin t feel smething new fr the first time: certain things may seem cld, strange, r ut f place, and this shcks, cnfuses and amazes them. This is where laughter cmes in: after a mment f hesitatin, they understand that what seemed frightening r unexpected is actually harmless.
    Fr instance, a child laughs when they see their father with a funny clwn nse. Why? Because fr a secnd they felt embarrassed: that nse is nt a “live” nse. When they understand it was just dad’s jke, they calm dwn and laugh. They may als laugh when their lder brther makes a silly face, and the prcess is the same.
    Frm age 5 r 6 and up, children learn t handle abstract (抽象的) ideas, meaning they can grasp and “get” jkes. Befre that, they are at the earlier stage f being self-centered, which hinders their understanding f thers’ reasning. But nce they vercme it, their laughter prcess is the same as that f adults.
    These three stages f laughter develpment are gd indicatrs f child’s mental grwth and develpment.
    8. Why d babies laugh sn after birth?
    A. They are expressing their happiness.B. They are shwing their persnality.
    C. They are learning their parents’ behavir.D. They are giving praise t their parents.
    9. What’s the babies’ mental prcess f laughing frm age 2 t 5?
    A. They feel amazed, understand and laugh.B. They feel harmless, hesitate and laugh.
    C. They hesitate, feel frightened and laugh.D. They understand, feel shcked and laugh.
    10. Why des the authr mentin the father and the brther in paragraph 4?
    A. T give examples.B. T prvide methds.
    C T make cmparisns.D. T ffer suggestins.
    11. What des the underlined wrd “hinders” in paragraph 5 mean?
    A. Frms.B. Deepens.C. Reflects.D. Prevents.
    【答案】8. C 9. A 10. A 11. D
    细节理解题。根据第二段中“Laughter begins sn after birth. Babies learn t laugh because they want t cpy their parents expressins, and t receive attentin and praise frm them.(笑声在出生后不久就开始了。婴儿学会笑是因为他们想模仿父母的表情,并得到父母的关注和称赞)”可知,婴儿出生后不久就会笑是因为他们在学习父母的行为。故选C。
    细节理解题。根据第三段中“Once they begin t behave n their wn — frm age 2 t 5 — they begin t feel smething new fr the first time: certain things may seem cld, strange, r ut f place, and this shcks, cnfuses and amazes them. This is where laughter cmes in: after a mment f hesitatin, they understand that what seemed frightening r unexpected is actually harmless.(一旦他们开始独立行动(从 2 岁到 5 岁),他们就会开始第一次感受到一些新事物:某些事物可能看起来很冷、很奇怪或不合时宜,这让他们感到震惊、困惑和惊讶。这就是笑声的来源:经过片刻的犹豫,他们明白那些看似可怕或出乎意料的事情实际上是无害的)”可知,2岁至5岁婴儿在第一次感受到一些新事物时会惊讶,接着他们会明白那些看似可怕或出乎意料的事情实际上是无害的,然后他们会大笑。由此可知,2岁至5岁婴儿笑的心理过程是:惊奇、理解并大笑。故选A。
    推理判断题。根据第四段“Fr instance, a child laughs when they see their father with a funny clwn nse. Why? Because fr a secnd they felt embarrassed: that nse is nt a “live” nse. When they understand it was just dad’s jke, they calm dwn and laugh. They may als laugh when their lder brther makes a silly face, and the prcess is the same.(例如,当孩子看到父亲的滑稽小丑鼻子时,他们会笑。为什么?因为他们一瞬间感到尴尬:那鼻子不是“活”鼻子。当他们明白那只是爸爸的玩笑时,他们会冷静下来,笑起来。当他们的哥哥做鬼脸时,他们也可能会笑,过程是一样的)”可推知,第四段在举例子解释2岁至5岁婴儿笑的心理过程,故选A。
    词句猜测题。根据划线单词上文“Frm age 5 r 6 and up, children learn t handle abstract (抽象的) ideas, meaning they can grasp and “get” jkes. (从 5 岁或 6 岁起,孩子们开始学习处理抽象的概念,这意味着他们可以理解和“领会”笑话)”和划线单词所在句子“Befre that, they are at the earlier stage f being self-centered, which hinders their understanding f thers’ reasning.(在此之前,他们处于以自我为中心的早期阶段,这hinders他们理解他人的推理)”可知,儿童在5 岁或 6 岁前以自我为中心,这会阻碍他们理解他人的推理,过了这个阶段后,他们就开始学习处理抽象的概念,就可以理解和“领会”笑话。由此推知,划线单词意为“阻碍”,故选D。
    Wake up energetically at 6 am, exercise fr ver an hur after freshening up, and study prductively thrughut the day. This daily schedule is frequently featured in vlgs n scial media with the theme f “self-discipline (自律)”.
    But when trying ut such a schedule, many f us may feel lacking in energy. Is it just because we are lazy? Why d sme peple seem t have s much energy? There’s a whle lt yu can explre abut yur energy levels.
    Genetic differences, t start with, can significantly influence ur energy levels. A tiny part in ur DNA called SNPs can help t explain 8.4 percent f cases f feeling tired, accrding t a 2018 study.
    The fd yu eat als gives yu energy. Hwever, there’s an ften-frgtten element —vitamin D. A study published in 2019 in the jurnal Nutrients nted that lder adults with reduced vitamin D levels experienced state f being tired mre than thse with nrmal levels. Yu can get enugh amunt f it by sunbathing r having enugh vitamin-D-rich fds, such as fish, eggs and milk.
    Anther analysis published in Nutrients in 2020 fund that eating fds high in a certain fat is linked t t much daytime sleepiness. These fds prbably include sme f yur favrites: butter, cheese, ice cream, and fried fds.
    Even if a wrkut leaves yu in sweat and ut f breath, exercise can actually increase yur energy. ”When yu exercise, yu release hrmnes (激素),” US expert Sabrena J tld the Health website. “This hrmne actually tells ur bdies t frget feelings f pain and tiredness while helping bld flw t large muscles.” This “excitement” in yur bdy can last fr several hurs. Exercise helps, but nly t a pint. Thse wh exercise t frequently may experience negative impacts n their energy levels.
    12. What affects ur energy levels accrding t the 2018 study?
    A. Self-discipline.B. The daily schedule.
    C. Prductive study.D. A certain part f DNA.
    13. What did the study in 2019 find?
    A. Vitamin D is a majr energy surce.B. Peple feel sleepy due t a certain fat.
    C. Vitamin D levels is related t energy levels.D. Peple ften frget t have Vitamin D.
    14. What can we learn frm the last paragraph?
    A. The mre exercise, the better.B. Sweat has negative impacts n energy levels.
    C. Adjusting breath rate releases hrmnes.D. Prper exercise reduces feeling f tiredness.
    15. What des the text mainly talk abut?
    A. Ways t imprve energy levels.B. Elements influencing energy levels.
    C. Balanced nutrients in daily fds.D. Genetic differences benefiting ur health.
    【答案】12. D 13. C 14. D 15. B
    细节理解题。根据第三段中,2018年的研究“A tiny part in ur DNA called SNPs can help t explain 8.4 percent f cases f feeling tired (我们DNA中的一小部分称为SNPs,可以帮助解释8.4%的疲劳感案例)”表明,特定的DNA部分影响我们的精力水平。故选D项。
    细节理解题。根据第四段,2019年的研究“A study published in 2019 in the jurnal Nutrients nted that lder adults with reduced vitamin D levels experienced state f being tired mre than thse with nrmal levels (2019年发表在《营养素》杂志上的一项研究指出,维生素D水平较低的老年人比那些水平正常的老年人更容易感到疲倦)”可知,维生素D水平与精力水平有关。故选C项。
    推理判断题。最后一段中提到“exercise can actually increase yur energy(运动实际上可以增加你的精力)”和“This hrmne actually tells ur bdies t frget feelings f pain and tiredness while helping bld flw t large muscles. (这种激素实际上告诉我们的身体忘记疼痛和疲劳的感觉,同时帮助血液流向大肌肉群。)”可知,适当的运动可以减少疲劳感。故选D项。
    主旨大意题。根据第三段“Genetic differences, t start with, can significantly influence ur energy levels (首先,遗传差异可以显著影响我们的精力水平)”和第四段“The fd yu eat als gives yu energy (你吃的食物也给你提供能量)”可知,文章主要讨论了影响精力水平的因素,包括遗传、饮食、维生素D和运动,故选B项。
    阅读下面短文, 从短文后的选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。
    Hw t Get int Cllege
    The cllege admissin wrld can be mysterius. But experts urge students nt t panic. ___16___
    •Get an early start and finish high schl strng
    Clleges want t see that yu’ve fcused frm the start n getting the best pssible educatin yur high schl has t ffer. High schl shuldn’t just happen t yu. ___17___. Clleges like t see that a student is n an upward way where they shw cntinued imprvement particularly during their junir and senir years.
    •Challenge yurself respnsibly
    Admissin fficers attach imprtance t verall high schl GPA, grades in Advanced Placement r ther cllege-prepared classes, a careful curse plan and a student’s writing file r persnal paper. ___18___, accrding t a 2019 reprt frm the Natinal Assciatin fr Cllege Admissin Cunseling.
    • ___19___
    Clleges are lking fr students with rich experiences and varius interests. S dn’t just jin the clubs; make it cunt. After all what matters mst is that yur experiences are helping t transfrm yu in psitive ways and teaching yu valuable lessns and habits that will shape yu far beynd the cllege admissin prcess. Each experience is an pprtunity t grab.
    •Keep yur cllege list balanced
    Students shuld create a list f desired clleges that include a certain number f safety schls, target schls, reach schls and high-reach schls. ___20___, including yur safeties. They shuldn’t be n yur list if yu dn’t want t attend them.
    A. It’s imprtant nt t pstpne anything
    B. Thse are the tp factrs fr admissin
    C. Yu need t spend yur time wisely there
    D. Make full use f yur experiences in high schl
    E. Encurage students t take classes they’re interested in
    F. Yu shuld be thrilled t attend any f these schls n yur list
    G. Here are sme tips t slve the mystery f hw t get int cllege
    【答案】16. G 17. C 18. B 19. D 20. F
    根据上文“The cllege admissin wrld can be mysterius. But experts urge students nt t panic. (大学录取的世界可能很神秘。但专家们敦促学生不要惊慌。)”可知,紧接着需要一些提示来解开如何进入大学的神秘。因此,正确答案是 G. Here are sme tips t slve the mystery f hw t get int cllege (这里是一些解开如何进入大学的神秘性的提示)。
    在提到高中教育的重要性后,上文提到“High schl shuldn’t just happen t yu. (高中不应该只是发生在你身上的事情。)”,意味着学生需要积极参与并充分利用高中时间。因此,正确答案是 C. Yu need t spend yur time wisely there (你要睿智的花费你的时间)。
    在讨论挑战自己时,上文提到了“Admissin fficers attach imprtance t verall high schl GPA, grades in Advanced Placement r ther cllege-prepared classes, a careful curse plan and a student’s writing file r persnal paper. (招生官员重视整体高中GPA、大学预修课程或其他大学准备课程的成绩、仔细的课程计划以及学生的写作档案或个人论文。)”,紧接着指出了这些是录取的重要因素。因此,正确答案是 B. Thse are the tp factrs fr admissin (这些是录取的首要因素)。
    在讨论丰富的经验和多样的兴趣时,下文提到“S dn’t just jin the clubs; make it cunt. (所以不要只是加入俱乐部;要让它有价值。)”,意味着要充分利用高中的经历。因此,正确答案是 D. Make full use f yur experiences in high schl (充分利用你的高中经历)。
    在讨论大学列表的平衡时,下文提到“Students shuld create a list f desired clleges that include a certain number f safety schls, target schls, reach schls and high-reach schls. (学生应该创建一个包含一定数量的安全学校、目标学校、延伸学校和高延伸学校的大学列表。)”,并强调了列表上的学校应该是学生真正愿意去的。因此,正确答案是 F. Yu shuld be thrilled t attend any f these schls n yur list (你应该对去名单上的任何一所学校都感到兴奋)。
    阅读下面短文, 从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。
    At age eleven, I was diagnsed (诊断) with alpecia areata, a disease causing serius hair lss.
    At the wig (假发) shp, I was ___21___ t nly tw children’s wigs. I picked a light-brwn ne. Despite it being ___22___ and fitting lsely, I felt mre cnfident with it than withut it. “I ___23___ yur hair. It lks s pretty, ” friends said. Other kids wh didn’t knw my backgrund stry weren’t s ___24___ . They wuld laugh at me each time they saw me withut my ___25___ n.
    Years n, when I was 25, I met Kim wh was selling wigs. Made frm real human hair, Kim’s wigs were incredibly ___26___ and cmfrtable t wear. Yu culd even swim, play ___27___ r g n a rller-caster in them. They were that stable! “I really want t d wigs fr ___28___ ,” I tld Kim. “I dn’t want anyne t ___29___ what I did when I was yung.”
    S in January this year, we ___30___ the Lusta Children’s Prject, giving free wigs t kids with ___31___ hair lss. Watching the ___32___ n their faces as they put them n is amazing. “I lve it!” fur-year-ld Sasha, wh als lives with alpecia areata, smiled when I fitted her with a black wig. S far, we’ve ___33___ the lives f 10 families affected by hair lss, and we’re ___34___ t help mre.
    ___35___ my hair changed my life, but I’ve fund my life’s purpse!
    21. A. devtedB. ppsedC. cmparedD. limited
    22. A. riginalB. uncmfrtableC. uniqueD. mysterius
    23. A. respectB. fearC. lveD. hate
    24. A. kindB. cnfidentC. curiusD. serius
    25. A. catB. glassesC. wigD. makeup
    26. A. naturalB. typicalC. rmanticD. dramatic
    27 A. cardsB. tricksC. rlesD. sprts
    28. A. relativesB. kidsC. strangersD. vlunteers
    29. A. turn dwnB. cheer frC. g thrughD. care abut
    30. A. cmpletedB. cntinuedC. delayedD. started
    31. A. time-wastingB. medical-relatedC. wild-lkingD. wave-shaped
    32. A. nervusnessB. determinatinC. jyD. calm
    33. A. changedB. threatenedC. judgedD. selected
    34. A. excitedB. surprisedC. wrriedD. relaxed
    35. A. DesigningB. SellingC. CuttingD. Lsing
    【答案】21. D 22. B 23. C 24. A 25. C 26. A 27. D 28. B 29. C 30. D 31. B 32. C 33. A 34. A 35. D
    考查形容词词义辨析。句意:在假发店,我只能买到两顶儿童假发。A. devted忠诚的;B. ppsed反对的;C. cmpared比较的;D. limited有限的,受限的。由下文“t nly tw children’s wigs.”可知,作者在这家假发店只能买到两顶儿童假发,故选D。
    考查形容词词义辨析。句意:尽管戴着不舒服,又很松,但戴上它比不戴它让我感觉更自信。A. riginal最初的;B. uncmfrtable不舒服的;C. unique独特的;D. mysterius神秘的。由下文“fitting lsely”可知,假发很松,戴起来应该是不舒服的,故选B。
    考查动词词义辨析。句意:“我喜欢你的头发。它看起来很漂亮,”朋友们说。A. respect尊敬;B. fear害怕;C. lve喜欢;D. hate讨厌。由下文“It lks s pretty”可知,朋友都赞美作者的假发,即他们会说“我喜欢你的头发”,故选C。
    考查形容词词义辨析。句意:其他不知道我的背景故事的孩子就没那么友善了。A. kind友善的;B. cnfident自信的;C. curius好奇的;D. serius严肃的,认真的。由下文“They wuld laugh at me each time”可知,其他不了解作者情况的孩子会嘲笑作者,这说明他们不像作者的朋友一样友善,故选A。
    考查名词词义辨析。句意:每次他们看到我不戴假发,都会嘲笑我。A. cat大衣;B. glasses眼镜;C. wig假发;D. makeup化妆品。由上文“They wuld laugh at me each time they saw me withut my”可知,其他孩子看到作者不戴假发就会嘲笑作者,故选C。
    考查形容词词义辨析。句意:金的假发由真人头发制成,非常自然,佩戴起来舒适。A. natural自然的;B. typical典型的;C. rmantic浪漫的;D. dramatic戏剧化的。由上文“Made frm real human hair”可知,金卖的假发是由真人头发制成的,所以看起来非常自然,故选A。
    考查名词词义辨析。句意:你甚至可以戴着它游泳、做运动或者坐过山车。A. cards卡片;B. tricks玩笑;C. rles角色;D. sprts运动。由上文“swim”和下文“g n a rller-caster in them.”可知,此处在强调戴上假发很稳,由此可知,应是人们可以戴上假发游泳,做运动,或者坐过山车,故选D。
    考查名词词义辨析。句意:“我真的想给孩子做假发,”我告诉金。A. relatives亲戚;B. kids孩子;C. strangers陌生人;D. vlunteers志愿者。由下文“we_______ the Lusta Children’s Prject, giving free wigs t kids”可知,作者和金为孩子做假发,故选B。
    考查动词短语词义辨析。句意:我不想让任何人经历我小时候时所经历的一切。A. turn dwn拒绝;B. cheer fr为……欢呼;C. g thrugh经历;D. care abut关心,在意。由上文“They wuld laugh at me each time they saw me withut my ________n.”可知,作者小时候不戴假发时,经常受到其他孩子的嘲笑,作者想用真人头发为孩子做作假发,这是因为作者不想任何人经历作者小时候所经历的一切,故选C。
    考查动词词义辨析。句意:因此,今年 1 月,我们启动了 Lusta 儿童项目,为因医疗原因脱发的儿童免费提供假发。A. cmpleted完成;B. cntinued继续;C. delayed延迟;D. started启动。创办。由下文“the Lusta Children’s Prject,”可知,启动了Lusta 儿童项目,故选D。
    考查形容词词义辨析。句意:因此,今年 1 月,我们启动了 Lusta 儿童项目,为因医疗原因脱发的儿童免费提供假发。A.time-wasting浪费时间的;B. medical-related医学相关的;C. wild-lking凌乱的;D. wave-shaped波浪形状的。由下文““I lve it!” fur-year-ld Sasha, wh als lives with alpecia areata, smiled when I fitted her with a black wig(“我喜欢它!”当我为同样患有斑秃的四岁小女孩萨莎戴上黑色假发时,她笑了。)”可知,作者为为同样患有斑秃的四岁小女孩萨莎戴上黑色假发,由此可知,作者为因医疗原因脱发的儿童免费提供假发,故选B。
    考查名词词义辨析。句意:看到他们戴上它们时脸上的喜悦真是太棒了。A. nervusness紧张;B. determinatin决心;C. jy高兴;D. calm平静。由下文“I lve it!”可知,孩子们戴上假发很高兴,故选C。
    考查动词词义辨析。句意:到目前为止,我们已经改变了 10 个受脱发影响的家庭的生活,我们很高兴能够帮助更多人。A. changed改变;B. threatened威胁;C. judged判断;D. selected挑选。由下文“the lives f 10 families affected by hair lss”可知,作者和金给因医疗原因脱发的儿童免费提供假发,这使得孩子们很高兴,由此可知,他们改变了受脱发影响的家庭的生活,故选A。
    考查形容词词义辨析。句意:到目前为止,我们已经改变了 10 个受脱发影响的家庭的生活,我们很高兴能够帮助更多人。A. excited兴奋的;B. surprised惊讶的;C. wrried担忧的;D. relaxed放松的。由下文“t help mre”和上文提到作者和金已经改变了10个受脱发影响的家庭的生活,由此可知,他们很高兴能够帮助更多人,故选A。
    考查动词词义辨析。句意:脱发改变了我的生活,但我找到了生活的目标!A. Designing设计;B. Selling卖;C. Cutting切;D. Lsing丢失,失去。由第一段“At age eleven, I was diagnsed (诊断) with alpecia areata, a disease causing serius hair lss.”可知,作者因患有斑秃,导致严重脱发。故选D。
    Tai chi, an ancient martial art, is widely practiced nt nly in China ___36___ arund the wrld. Thugh there are n frmal data abut ___37___ number f tai chi learners all ver the wrld, the martial art can be said t have enjyed brad ppularity ver the years.
    Guillaume Large, a 44-year-ld tai chi enthusiast frm Brdeaux f France, ___38___ (practice) tai chi fr ver 20 years. Large gt a sprts ___39___ (injure) at a yung age and decided t start practicing tai chi at a lcal club in France as a way f recvery. Frm then n, he ___40___ (gradual) fell in lve with traditinal Chinese art. In 2007, Large and his fellws established an rganizatin, ___41___ aims t spread Chinese culture in France thrugh ___42___ (teach) tai chi, the Chinese language and ther aspects f the cuntry’s culture. In 2013, he started t learn tai chi frm Chen Ziqiang, a famus tai chi master in Wenxian cunty, Henan prvince. Since then, he has led French students ___43___ (cme) t study in Henan prvince almst every year. They get t receive ___44___ (persn) guidance frm the master and watch tai chi perfrmances there.
    “Nw French peple are becming increasingly fnd ____45____ Chinese culture, and I hpe ur relatinship culd get better and better,” Large said.
    【答案】36. but
    37. the 38. has practiced##has been practicing
    39. injury 40. gradually
    41. which 42. teaching
    43 t cme
    44. persnal
    45. f
    考查连词。句意:太极,这项古老的武术,不仅在中国,而且在全球范围内被广泛练习。这个句子使用了nt nly…but als…的并列结构,其中als可以省略,故填but。
    考查定冠词。句意:尽管没有关于全世界太极学习者数量的正式数据,但可以说这项武术多年来享有广泛的普及。the number f后面接名词,表示“……的数量”,故填the。
    考查现在完成时。句意:来自法国波尔多的44岁太极爱好者Guillaume Large已经练习太极超过20年。根据主语Guillaume Large是第三人称单数,结合时间状语“fr ver 20 years”,此处可使用现在完成时态表示已经练习太极20多年,也可用现在完成进行时,表示已经练习太极20多年,还将继续下去。故填has practiced/has been practicing。
    考查副词。句意:从那时起,他逐渐爱上了传统的中国艺术。修饰动词fell in lve with,需要副词形式,gradual的副词形式是gradually。故填gradually。
    考查定语从句。句意:2007年,Large和他的同伴们成立了一个组织,该设空处引导非限定性定语从句,先行词是an rganizatin,表示物,设空处指代先行词在从句中充当主语,故填which。
    考查非谓语动词。句意:从那时起,他几乎每年都带领法国学生来到河南省学习。这个句子考查了lead的固定用法“lead sb. t d”,意思是“引导某人做某事”,不定式作宾补,故填t cme。
    考查介词。句意:现在法国人越来越喜欢中国文化,我希望我们的关系能够越来越好。fnd是一个形容词,意思是“喜爱”,其固定用法是be fnd f。故填f。
    46. 假定你是李华,将在今年暑假参加一个乡村生活体验活动。请写封邮件邀请你的英国朋友James 一同前往,内容包括:
    1. 时间和地点;
    2. 活动安排和意义。
    1. 词数80左右;
    2. 可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。
    Dear James,
    Li Hua
    Dear James,
    I’m excited t share that I will take part in a rural life experience activity this summer vacatin. It will take place in a beautiful village in the cuntryside frm July 15th t July 30th.
    During the activity, we will have the chance t engage in varius agricultural tasks. This experience will nt nly allw us t enjy the charm f rural life but als help us understand the value f hard wrk and the imprtance f sustainable living.
    I believe it wuld be a fantastic experience fr bth f us. Wuld yu like t jin me?
    Lking frward t yur psitive reply.
    Li Hua
    参加:take part in → participate in
    机会:chance → pprtunity
    欣赏:enjy → appreciate
    重要性:imprtance → significance
    原句:I’m excited t share that I will take part in a rural life experience activity this summer vacatin. It will take place in a beautiful village in the cuntryside frm July 15th t July 30th.
    拓展句:I’m excited t share that I will take part in a rural life experience activity this summer vacatin, which will take place in a beautiful village in the cuntryside frm July 15th t July 30th.
    【点睛】【高分句型1】I’m excited t share that I will take part in a rural life experience activity this summer vacatin.(运用了that引导的宾语从句)
    【高分句型2】During the activity, we will have the chance t engage in varius agricultural tasks.(使用了动词不定式作定语)
    第二节(满分 25分)
    47. 阅读下面短文,根据所给情节进行续写,使之构成一个完整的故事。
    On arriving hme after schl, Dean rushed int his rm, shut the dr and turned n his cmputer.
    Like many teenage bys, 17-year-ld Dean was addicted t the digital wrld, spending cuntless hurs n his cmputer playing games and surfing the Internet. The nly sunds were the clicking f his keybard and the ccasinal excited shut. Days passed, and Dean’ grades began t suffer. He skipped meals, lst sleep, and ignred his friends. His eyes were always red and dull as if he were lst in anther wrld.
    Dean’s parents, seeing the wrsening situatin, repeatedly advised him t take a break and fcus n his studies. Hwever, their wrds fell n deaf ears. The frequent cnflicts between Dean and his parents grew increasingly tense, leading t a vilent argument ne day.
    “Yu’re always n that cmputer! When are yu ging t d smething prductive with yur life?” shuted Dean’s father, a mixture f cncern and anger in his vice.
    Dean sat in his chair, eyes fixed n the screen. He didn’t even lk up as he replied, “I’m fine. I’m happy.”
    The father rushed tward Dean and firmly turned dwn the cmputer.
    “N! Why did yu d that?” Dean yelled, jumping t his feet. His heart punded with a mix f anger and panic.
    “Because yu need t get ut f this virtual wrld and start living in the real ne!” the father shuted, his vice shaking.
    A wave f anger swept ver Dean. “Yu dn’t understand! This is my life!” He strmed ut f the huse, vwing (发誓) never t return.
    He went int a nearby Internet cafe (网吧). There he spent the next three days and nights lst in the thrill f gaming.
    1. 续写词数应为150 左右;
    2. 请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。
    Paragraph 1:
    As the days passed, Dean gradually used up his pcket mney.
    Paragraph 2:
    In the depths f his despair (绝望), a familiar vice called ut t him.
    【答案】Paragraph 1:
    As the days passed, Dean gradually used up his pcket mney. The thrill f gaming began t fade, replaced by a grwing sense f unease and hunger. The Internet cafe, nce a haven, nw felt cramped and suffcating. His eyes, nce glued t the screen, nw felt heavy and strained, a cnstant reminder f his excessive indulgence. He culdn’t ignre the pangs f guilt that gnawed at his cnscience, knwing that he had abandned his respnsibilities and the peple wh cared fr him.
    Paragraph 2:
    In the depths f his despair, a familiar vice called ut t him. It was his mther, her vice tinged with wrry but als with unwavering lve. “Dean, it’s time t cme back,” she said sftly, tears glistening in her eyes. The wrds pierced thrugh Dean’s fg f anger and addictin, reminding him f the warmth and cmfrt that awaited him at hme. Fr the first time in days, he felt a pang f lnging fr the real wrld, fr the peple wh cared fr him. Slwly, he std up, turning ff the cmputer fr the last time, ready t face the challenges f the real wrld with renewed determinatin.
    ①代替:replace/substitute fr
    【点睛】【高分句型1】He culdn’t ignre the pangs f guilt that gnawed at his cnscience, knwing that he had abandned his respnsibilities and the peple wh cared fr him. ( 第一个that引导的是定语从句、第二个that引导的是宾语从句、现在分词knwing作状语)
    【高分句型2】The wrds pierced thrugh Dean’s fg f anger and addictin, reminding him f the warmth and cmfrt that awaited him at hme.( 运用了现在分词reminding作状语)
    【高分句型3】Fr the first time in days, he felt a pang f lnging fr the real wrld, fr the peple wh cared fr him. (运用了动名词lnging作宾语、wh引导的定语从句)

    贵州省遵义市2023-2024学年高一下学期7月期末考试英语试卷(Word版附解析): 这是一份贵州省遵义市2023-2024学年高一下学期7月期末考试英语试卷(Word版附解析),共33页。试卷主要包含了 B, Wh is the man?等内容,欢迎下载使用。

    2024东营高一下学期期末考试英语含解析: 这是一份2024东营高一下学期期末考试英语含解析,共33页。试卷主要包含了 本试卷由四部分组成, 考生必须保持答题卡的整洁等内容,欢迎下载使用。

    2024商洛高一下学期期末考试英语含解析: 这是一份2024商洛高一下学期期末考试英语含解析,共34页。






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