16 读后续写 人物 外貌特征描写 英语满分作文模版---读后续写万能句型写作速成技能突破加模板与练习
一 身材
二 脸庞、面颊
三 眼睛、睫毛、眉毛
四 鼻子、下巴
五 句子翻译练习
第一部分 外貌性格
Part 1表示人物身材
1.优美的身段 a graceful figure
2.身材魁梧的人 a well-built man
3.消瘦的身材a skinny figure
4.修长的身体 a slim figure
5.发育良好的身体a well-develped figure
6.仪表堂堂 an impsing/a dashing/a handsme/a striking figure
7.形体很好 have a gd figure
8.中等身材an average build
9.丰满的身材 plump figure
10.瘦小的身材 slight figure
11.矮壮的身材 stcky figure
She had a little thin face and a little thin bdy, thin light hair and a sur expressin.
He’s tall and handsme but with a pair f thick glassed.
Part 2 表示脸庞、面颊
圆圆的脸 rund face;
椭圆的脸 val face;
方脸square face
长脸 lng face
瘦削的脸 thin (lean) face
胖脸fleshy face
浮肿的脸puffy face
憔悴的面容 haggard face
布满皱纹的脸 wrinkled (lined) face
长满粉刺的脸pimpled face
泪珠布满的脸tear-stained face
长满雀斑的脸freckled face
麻脸 pck-marked face
眉清目秀的脸蛋finely-cut face
面目端正的脸regular face
丑脸 disfigured face
媚人的脸 charming face
刮得精光的脸clean-shaved face
黝黑的面孔 swarthy face
晒黑的脸 sunburned face
秀丽的脸sweet face
铁板的面孔 a stern face
红润的双颊 rsy cheeks
丰满的双颊chubby cheeks
苍白的双颊 pale cheeks
粉红的双颊 pink cheeks
红光满面的双颊ruddy cheeks
深陷的双颊hllw (sunken) cheeks
刮得精光的脸颊clean-shaven cheeks
涂脂抹粉的脸颊ruged cheeks
胡须满面的双颊stubby cheeks
布满皱纹的双颊wrinkled cheeks
She has a rund face and wide eyes.
His sun-burnt face and arms and his slim, strng bdy are just like thse f millins f Chinese farmers, fr whm he has struggled fr the past five decades.
His face lked dreadful, white and red and swllen, and he was gasping and chking
She even lked rather pale.
Part 3 表示眼睛 睫毛 眉毛
乌黑的/灰色的/蔚蓝色/深棕色的/淡褐色/ dark /gray /green/blue /brwn/hazel eyes
睁得圆圆的/鼓起来的/深陷的/凹陷的眼睛/充满血丝的wide-pen/bulging /deep-set/sunken/bldsht eyes
They (代指 eyes) were large and scared and lifted implringly t the fair by fficer’s face.
David was a little by with impudent blue eyes and a turn -up nse,and Mary hated him.
细细的/浓密的/笔直的/短睫/弯/睫毛 thin/thick/strait/shrt/curving eyelashes
浓眉bushy eyebrws;
粗眉shaggy eyebrws;
弓形眉毛arched eyebrws;
描画过的眉毛penciled eyebrws
James frwned and cndescended t lk at her.
Part 4 表示鼻子 下巴 额头
鹰钩鼻子 an aquiline (hked) nse;
扁鼻子 flat nse;
翘鼻子 snub nse;
笔直的鼻子 straight nse
Her hair was like curly silk and she had a delicate little nse which seemed t be disdaining things,and she had large laughing eyes.
宽大的额头 a brad frehead;
突起的额头 a dmed frehead;
高高的额头 a high frehead;
宽阔的额头 an pen frehead;
窄小的额头 a narrw frehead;
双下巴(形容胖)a duble chin
尖尖的下巴 a pinted chin
圆圆的下巴 a rund chin
翘起的下巴 a prtruding chin
1. And when Mary threw herself int a passin and beat and kicked her,she lked mre frightened.
2. Nthing was dne in its regular rder and several f the native servants seemed missing ,while thse whm Mary saw slunk r hurried abut with ashy and scared faces.
没有什么是竟然有序的并且有一些本地的仆人好像失踪了,Mary 看到一些脸色惨白的仆人偷偷摸摸地或急匆匆地溜走。
3. “I dn’t like it,” she said t herself. “I dn’t like it,” and she pinched her thin lips mre tightly tgether. "
4. Mary’s lips pinched themselves tgether.
5. In spite f his invalid back Clin sat up in bed in quite a healthy rage.
Part 2 表示性格、品格
1.务实的 be dwn-t-earth
2.脱颖而出stand ut frm the crwd
3.保守的性格 cnservative persnalities
4.缺乏责任感、lack f respnsibility
5.具有……的美德:with the virtue f
6.责任感 sense f respnsibility
7.一个专心致志进行探索的科学家 a scientist bent n making a discvery
8.高素质、有经验的老师 highly qualified,well-experienced teaching staff
9.光明的前途 prmising future
10.关于……很无知 be ignrant abut
11.具有对教学过程敏锐的洞察力 armed/equipped with a keen insight int the teaching prcess
12.性格果断 be f a determined character
13.乐观和有抱负的 be ptimistic and ambitius
14.脾气好的人 a gd-humred/gd-natured persn
15.完人 a faultless/perfect persn
16.知名人士 a ntable persnage
17.一个从事专门职业的人 a prfessinal persn
18.有诚实的好名声 have an excellent character fr hnesty
19.一个疑心重的人 a suspicius persn
20.天资高的人 a talented persn
21.有抱负的人 an ambitius persn
22.留胡须的人a bearded man
23.聪明人 an intellectual persn
24.个性强的人 a man f fine persnality
25.个性迷人的女人 a wman f engaging fascinating persnality
26.有突出的个性 have striking persnalities
27.温和可爱的个性 lvable and gd-natured persnality
28.容易相处的人 an easy persn t deal with
29.冷酷无情的人 a cld-blded man
30.成年人 a full-grwn man
31.性情和善的男子 a gd-natured man
32.心肠冷酷的人a hard-hearted man
33.有前途的青年 a prmising yung man
34.严肃的年轻人 a serius yung man
35.头脑简单的人 a simple-minded man
36.能说会道的人a smth-spken man
37.消息灵通/见多识广的人 a well-infrmed man
没有出息的人 a wrthless character
说话直率的人an ut-spken man
有教养的女子 a cultured wman
相貌平平的女人 a hmely wman
单身女人 a single wman
伟大的历史人物 a great histrical character
44.未婚妇女 an unmarried wman
45.品格正直的人 a man f upright character
46.无辜/无邪的人 an inncent man
47.一位多才多艺的女子 an accmplished yung wman
48.二十岁刚出头的姑娘 a girl in her early twenties
49.动人的姑娘 an attractive girl
50.浪漫的人 a rmantic figure
Part 3 表示人物日常活动
1.常常发生的事 a frequent ccurrence
2.费时的 time-cnsuming
3.让某人记忆犹新 remain fresh in ne's memry
4.一件有益身心的事情 an enchanting mental and physical business
5.省钱省时间 be less time-cnsuming and mre ecnmical
6.占线 the line is busy/the number is engaged
7.需要紧急处理 require urgent attentin
8.值得珍藏的经历 a truly memrable experience
9.回忆高中生活的美好时刻recall the sweet mment f ne's high schl life
经受起起落落 g thrugh ups and dwns
11.通知某人……infrm sb. f sth.
12.跟某人通电话 speak t sb. ver the phne
13.在会上发表演讲 address a meeting
14.有某人的电话 be wanted n the phne
15.叫某人接电话 get sb. n the phne
16.接通电话 get thrugh
17.拿起听筒 pick up the phne随堂配练
第二部分 外貌性格句子翻译练习
1. 她看起来是如此的无情和顽固地冷淡以至于他们不知道该怎么去考虑她。
4. 她用手捂住耳朵,感到恶心和发抖。
5. 她觉得自己好像也要大发脾气似的。
6. 她现在一点也笑不出来了。
7. 泪水从他的脸上流下来,他浑身发抖。
8. 他静静地躺了一会儿,大滴大滴的泪珠从他脸上滚落下来,弄湿了枕头。
9. Lily望着他那可怜的、疲倦的小脸和红肿的眼睛,心都软了下来。
10. 他是一位枯瘦、驼背的老人,一个无牙的微笑和一缕长到肚脐的白胡子。
11. 他的容颜饱经风霜,而雪白浓眉下那双乌黑的眼睛,就像可以瞬间燃起烈火的煤炭。
12. 我看着他走上舞台。中等身材、健壮结实、浅黄色的头发垂在前额。
13. 他身材高大挺拔,他有一头灿烂金发,脸庞年轻俊美,大胆无畏,洋溢着欢欣。双眼锐利明亮,声音悦耳动听,眉宇间存驻智慧,双手中蕴握力量。
14. 她们的指甲很长,抛光成粉红色或橙色,她们的嘴唇像郁金香一样红。
15. 亨利有一张消瘦的面孔、膝盖骨突出的膝盖、乌黑的头发和一对翠绿的眼睛。
17. 他骨瘦如柴。
18. 他仍比别人矮一个头。
19. 那位老园工有一双粗硬起茧的手。
20. 一个身材瘦削,十分活跃的人,尽管略微驼背,弯弓着身子,还是显得高挑。
21. 他身材修长,双臂强健有力,长着一头浓密的金黄色头发,脸上带着一种不可思议的微笑。
22. 两个人表面上不一样的地方是,她神态自若,冷静沉着,而他却面红耳赤,连脖子根都红了。
23. 他满头白发,身体显得虚弱。
25. 她面色白皙,体态轻盈,有一双大而圣洁的蓝眼睛和一头浓密的金发。
26. 她吃了一惊。那个生硬、结巴的粗汉子消失了。但那不合身的衣服,布满伤疤的双手和晒黑的脸膛却依然如故。
28. 她长着奶油般的皮肤,修长的肩和一头黑色的卷发。
29. 旅店老板的妻子光着脚,穿着肮脏的罩衣,头发乱蓬蓬的,亲自迎接她的客人。
30. 这美丽的姑娘两颊都有酒窝。
She lked s stny and stubbrnly uninterested that they did nt knw what t think abut her.
She was a stut wman, with very red cheeks and sharp black eyes.
Her black dress made her lk yellwer than ever, and her limp light hair straggled frm under her black crepe hat.
She put her hands ver her ears and felt sick and shivering.
She felt as if she shuld like t fly int a tantrum herself。
She was nt laughing nw by any means
The tears were streaming dwn his face and he shk all ver.
He lay still fr a minute, thugh great tears streamed dwn his face and wet the pillw.
Lily lked at his pr little tired face and swllen eyes and her heart relented.
He was a gaunt,stping ld man with a tthless smile and a white beard that drpped t his navel.
In his aged face under great snwy brws his dark eyes were set like cals that culd leap suddenly int fire.
I watch him as he makes his way tward the stage. Medium height, stcky build, ashy blnd hair that fall in waves ver his frehead.
He was tall and straight; his hair was f shining gld,his face fair and yung and fearless and full f jy; his eyes were bright and keen, and his vice like music; n his brw sat wisdm, and in his hand was strength.
Their nails were lng, plished pink r range, their lips red as tulips.
Henry had a thin face, knbbly knees, black hair, and bright green eyes.
He was a gaunt,stping ld man with a tthless smile and a white beard that drpped t his navel.
He was nthing but a bag f bnes.
He was still a head shrter than thers.
The ld gardener has hrny hands.
A slim active man wh seems tall, althugh he stps a little and flds up n himself.
He was slim, with pwerful arms and thick blnd hair. He had an incredible smile.
22. The difference between them lay in that she was cl and self-pssessed while his face flushed t the rts f the hair.
23. His hair was sht with grey.
24. Miriam is a girl with big gray eyes and glden hair.
25. She was a pale, ethereal creature, with wide, spiritual blue eyes and a wealth f glden hair.
26. She was started. The raw, stumbling lut was gne. The ill-fitting clthes, battered hands, and sunburned face remained.
27. Mary is a tall, blnde wman, slender, and stately and beautiful.
28. She has creamy skin and shulder-length, dark ringlets.
29. The inn-keeper’s wife, her feet bare, her hair untidy, her bluse dirty, came herself t meet her guests.
30. This pretty girl has dimples n her cheeks.
18 读后续写 实用谚语格言名言警句描写 英语满分作文---读后续写万能句型写作速成技能突破加模板与练习: 这是一份18 读后续写 实用谚语格言名言警句描写 英语满分作文---读后续写万能句型写作速成技能突破加模板与练习,共10页。
17 读后续写 自然风景描写 英语满分作文---读后续写万能句型写作速成技能突破加模板与练习: 这是一份17 读后续写 自然风景描写 英语满分作文---读后续写万能句型写作速成技能突破加模板与练习,共9页。
16 读后续写 人物 外貌特征描写 英语满分作文模版---读后续写万能句型写作速成技能突破加模板与练习: 这是一份16 读后续写 人物 外貌特征描写 英语满分作文模版---读后续写万能句型写作速成技能突破加模板与练习,共11页。