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    这是一份青海省西宁市大通回族土族自治县2024-2025学年高三上学期开学摸底考试(25-L-038C)英语,文件包含青海省西宁市大通回族土族自治县2024-2025学年高三上学期开学摸底考试25-L-038C英语试题docx、青海省西宁市大通回族土族自治县2024-2025学年高三上学期开学摸底考试25-L-038C英语试题pdf、青海省西宁市大通回族土族自治县2024-2025学年高三上学期开学摸底考试25-L-038C英语试题答题卡docx、青海省西宁市大通回族土族自治县2024-2025学年高三上学期开学摸底考试25-L-038C英语试题写作评分细则docx、青海省西宁市大通回族土族自治县2024-2025学年高三上学期开学摸底考试25-L-038C英语试题写作评分细则pdf、青海省西宁市大通回族土族自治县2024-2025学年高三上学期开学摸底考试25-L-038C英语试题答题卡pdf、青海省西宁市大通回族土族自治县2024-2025学年高三上学期开学摸底考试25-L-038C英语试题答案docx、青海省西宁市大通回族土族自治县2024-2025学年高三上学期开学摸底考试25-L-038C英语试题答案pdf、青海省西宁市大通回族土族自治县2024-2025学年高三上学期开学摸底考试25-L-038C英语试题听力mp3等9份试卷配套教学资源,其中试卷共52页, 欢迎下载使用。

    (犜犲狓狋 1 )
    M : W here is Jen nifer ? Its 11 :00 a m . T he m eetin g should have started an hour ago .
    W : She calle d earlier . All the sub way trains have been canceled ,so she had to take a taxi . But its stuck in traffic .
    (犜犲狓狋 2 )
    W : L ook at this house . Books are all over the flo or ,and dirty plates are in the sin k . D o w e liv e in a zoo ?
    M :I have exa m s soon .I dont have tim e to do anything but read .
    (犜犲狓狋 3 )
    M : H ardly a w eek goes by without there bein g an accident on this road .
    W : C ars go too fast . Its too narro w for the m to travel at that speed .
    M : So m ething should be done or so m eone w ill be badly h urt .
    (犜犲狓狋 4 )
    M : H i , L o uise . H o w is little A m y today ? Its a lovely na m e you chose for your baby .
    W : T hanks . M y husband said we should c all her Eliza beth ,after his m other ,but I thought it sounded oldfashioned .
    (犜犲狓狋 5 )
    W : M y laptop has stopped w orking . Can I access m y cloud driv e fro m your co m puter to print out m y report ?
    M : Sure , but did you kno w you can access it through your phone ?
    W : Y o ure rig ht . W hy did nt I think of that ?
    (犜犲狓狋 6 )
    W : W hat can you tell m e , doctor ?
    M : M olly , yo ure a perfectly health y young w o m an .
    W : T h ats good to hear , but then w hy do I have this pain ?
    M : T he m ain proble m w ith your hand is caused by too m uch typing . Y ou only need to stop doin g that for a
    m onth or tw o .
    (犜犲狓狋 7 )
    W : M y first article has been p u blished in a fa m ous science m agazine . T hey are goin g to send m e a s p ecial copy
    on Friday , but it w ill be a v aila ble in the shops three days later .Im so glad that they have chosen it to be on
    the front cover .
    M : C o n gratulatio ns ! Y ou deserve to be recognized . I w ill read it on Saturday w hen the children are at th eir
    grandparents . W hat are the contents of the article ?
    W : D o nt you re m e m ber ? Its the one about the ato m .
    M : Like the ato m bo m b ?
    W : N o ,its about ho w they fu nctio n . I have suggested a ne w theory w hic h scientists all around the w orld are
    no w acceptin g .
    M :I kno w ,Im just teasing . W ill I understand it ? Is it very tech nical ?
    W :It is , but there are pictures to help ex plain it .
    M : G ood .I fin d I absorb infor m atio n better if there are vis u al aids to help .
    (犜犲狓狋 8 )
    M : H ey , M andy .Im ready to go out to eat .I kno w yo ure tire d of M exica n food . W ould you lik e to try that
    T hai restaurant tonight ?
    W :Id lik e to , but T hai food alw ays has so m any peanuts and Im allergic to the m .
    M :I w o uld nt mind cooking at m y house , plus m y father can help w ith g rillin g B B Q on the g rill .
    W : T hat sounds so nice for tonight .
    M : W hat should w e take ho m e fro m the super m arket ?
    W : L ets get so m e pasta .Im eatin g veg etaria n food only this w eek ,so you can pic k out the m eat .
    M : O K . A lso Im still on m y diet ,so lets leave out chocolate ,ice crea m and all dessert tonight .
    【!"#$%&'(· *( *)】 25 - L - 038 C
    !"#$%& ) 1 +4
    }M : All rig ht . Can you driv e us there ?
    W : M y car is at w ork . W e can eith er w alk or take the train .
    M : T he trains are too cro w ded at this tim e of the evening .It see m s that theres only one ch oice left .
    W : O K ,lets go !
    (犜犲狓狋 9 )
    M : O h , h ello S usie . H ey , w h ats the m atter ? Y ou look upset .
    W : M r .Jackson ,I ca nt fin d C h arlie any w here .I havent seen him since this m orning .
    M : O h , no . T h ats terrible !
    W : T his is so u nlike him .I just ca m e ho m e fro m the park and I n oticed that our front gate w as open .
    M : W ell ,I did see him playing on your front grassland e arlier today .I think the gate w as closed then ,though .
    H ave you spoken to the other neig h bors on the street ? M aybe theyve seen him .
    W : Y eah , but nobody else has seen him .I think the m ail m an m ust have forgotten to close the gate .
    M : H ave you thought about creatin g a “m issin g ” poster ?
    W : Y es . B ut m y parents havent gotten back fro m w ork yet . Can you help m e ?
    M : Of course . First , you need a picture of him ,so people kno w w hat he looks lik e . T hen you should m entio n
    so m e other im portant infor m atio n about him . H o w old is he ?
    W : H es 12 years old ,so he is nt e x actly young any m ore . H e has long w hite h air and he d oesnt see very w ell .
    H e also has a s m all bro w n spot on his back .
    (犜犲狓狋 10 )
    W : M any things in our every day liv es w ould have see m ed lik e m a gic to previous generatio ns . T hin k of that
    s m all device w e all love .It lets tw o people on op posite sides of the globe talk to each other . O r ,that box
    w ith little people livin g inside of it — at least our distant ancestors w ould guess so ,if they ever sa w a television .
    B ut the tech n olo gies sho w n as im possible in m ovies and books fro m just 40 years ago are no w real . T hat w as
    w hen the H olly w ood space trend of the 1980s happened .I perso nally re m e m ber w atching those fil m s w hen
    they ca m e out . Clearly , they m issed the m ark for w hat the far future w ill look lik e . Its obvious that
    scie n tific progress is m ovin g faster today than people have ever seen .
    E very generatio n in history has thought about his o w n tim e . A person born in 1000 A D could probably
    understand the w orld if he w oke up fiv e hundred years later . T hings w ould be different ,but they w ould still
    m ake sense . B ut ,can you im agine a person fro m 1500 A D w aking up today ?
    T he other side of this q uestio n is this : H o w m uch change is too m uch for us to han dle ? T his is an issue
    society has never serio u sly thought about ,since w e have never seen such rapid transfor m atio n in the w orld .
    W hile I a m at the age of sixty ,I still cannot guess w hat the w orld w ill look lik e if I reach m y 90s .
    1 ~ 5 B C A C A 6 ~ 10 A C A C B 11 ~ 15 A B C B C 16 ~ 20 A B B B A
    12345672。 289:;<=>?@ABCDEFGHI。
    21 .D MN 犛狅狀犵犽狉犪狀
    JHK/L。 4HO“Songkran is a cele bratio n m arking the T hai N e w Y ear ...In 2023 ,
    it kicked off on A p ril 13 .”
    22 .B MN 犎 狅犾犻
    JHK/L。 4HO“T his a ncient tra ditio n m arks the end of winter and honors the victory of
    good over bad .”PQ,-。
    RKSTL。 4 H O “Passover is celebrated for seven or eig ht days in reflectio n of the
    23 .C M N 犘犪狊狊狅狏犲狉
    s ufferin g .”PRT,UEHICVW6X3YZ[\C。
    12345]^2。 >aa b c d e f g h C i j k,
    289:_`= Bou Sa m nang
    l = m n C p q
    rstuvwxCyz。 {|“}~C€V”\=‚ƒC„…。
    †‡ˆ‰L。 MNŠ‹†Œ“T he race w as long decided ,and it w as raining cats and dogs .”PRT,Bou
    24 .A
    CwŽ=。 Sa m nang
    JH K / L。 M N ) ‘ ’ “T he athlete said later that she w as ... surprised that the video caused such
    25 .B
    great e x cite m ent .”
    JHK/ L。 M N ) “ ’ “...he w as proud of her for re m inding everyone that sports are about m ore
    26 .D
    than win ning and losin g .”PQ,N orodo m Siha m oni
    【!"#$%&'(· *( *)】 25 - L - 038 C
    !"#$%& ) 2 +4
    } RKSTL。 žw2、Ÿ 3 M N ) ¡ ’ “‘I tried to reach the finis h lin e because I w anted to sho w
    27 .C
    people that in life ,even though w e go a bit slo w or fast , w e w ill reach our d estin atio n all the sa m e ,’she said
    in an intervie w . ‘E ven if w ere in last place ,even if the w eather is terrible ,even if it feels lik e w e ca nt do
    it , w e should not give up .’”PRT,Bou Sa m nang
    12345¦§¨©。 ª«¥¬­#®¯°±²³ ´。 ± µ ¶ ·、¸ ¹ º » ¼ ½ U ¾“¿  À Á ”
    C Ã
    JHK/L。 MN)"’“W hen Z hai w as having tro u ble fin din g staff for his restaurant in the su m m er
    28 .B
    of 2021 , he bought a Bella B ot fro m P udu R o b otics .” P Q,Li Z hai
    3 È l É ¢ Ê Á Â Ë Ì Í ) 4 Î ª «
    JHK/L。 MN)‘’“‘Econo m ics are on the side of robots . T he cost of hu m an labor w ill contin ue
    29 .C
    to rise , but tech nology cost w ill fall .’”PQ,D en nis R eynolds
    R K S T L。 M N ) “ ’ “A nd 58 % of guests surveyed said R ita did nt im prove th eir o verall
    30 .D
    ex perience .”ºÒc4’“‘W e dont go to a restaurant to be served by tech nology . W e go for the ex perience
    of bein g served by hu m ans ,’ m any of the diners said .”PRT,¸¹½ª«¥ÁÂˢӗC3ÔÕ¥Ö×Ø。
    ÙLSTL。 žw2,Úe3MN)¡’“B ut are robot w aiters goin g to be accepted in the w orld ? ”
    31 .A
    12345ãä2。 åæçèO鎃 “ê ¢ ë " ì”í î,ï ð • l,
    U E ñ ò > ¦ ó ì ô P õ ö ÷
    RKSTL。 Èl“‘W ealth y fa m ilies can rarely contin ue to be ric h for three generatio ns .’”“...fa m ily
    32 .A
    w ealth could not pass three generatio ns .”º “‘go fro m shirtsleeves to shirtsleeves ’”C ú û Ž 3 “ü”,
    È ý
    ôPõ3“ü”Cþÿ。 shirtsleeves
    JHK/ L。 M N ) " ’ “W hile m any of th eir grandparents and parents never co m pleted u niv ersity ,
    33 .C
    m ost of the m have attended the bestk no w n u niv ersities abroad ,often in A m erica .”PQ,
    JHK/L。 MN)*’“Instead ,after they take charge of the businesses ,they usually try to esta blis h
    34 .D
    rules and reg ulatio ns in th eir fa m ily businesses ...”
    U ! + , 4 ì C æ K & - F . / æ K 0 1 C
    P Q,
    JHK/L。 MNÒc4’“T o preserve th eir fa m ily businesses ,they have to learn a thing or tw o fro m
    35 .B
    th eir elders .”
    12345î?2。 289:;<=@A¦Bà、ÃC¦zDC'E。
    M N F Œ “. . .travelin g gives you the op portu nity to step a w ay fro m your busy schedule to clear your
    36 .D
    mind and center yo urself .”PQ,D
    ºFc“It also keeps your brain activ e as you learn and explore
    37 .C MNX’KÙL犐 犿 狆狉狅狏犲狊 犿 犲狀狋犪犾 犺犲犪犾狋犺
    ne w places ,...”PQ,C G“L³M¯NOPÓ>\”IJ。
    PFc“T raveling offers a great relief fro m ...” 38 .F MNX’KÙL 犔 犲狋狊 狔狅狌 犱犻狊犮狅 狀 狀犲犮狋 犳狉狅 犿 狔狅狌狉 犱 犪犻犾狔 犾犻犳犲
    MNFŒ“N e w ex periences can often brin g forth ne w challen ges .”PQ,
    39 .G
    X F . @ A ¦ z D X Y C Z [
    P\]ƒ^, G“@A¦_`、¦ab¦n¼4#®Põöc¥de”IJ。
    y G
    40 .A y A
    žw’PQ,ý’_`C3@A¦Bà、¦zDöfÃ¥5Cghi, G“j!ghi”IJ。
    12345]^2。 >„lómœnpqCyz。
    289:_`=Øk}‚C D ave H ughes
    MNFŒ“It w as relatively out of the w ay ,”º k 2 P Q,r s t ¢ ; — (mind )Ø u > v & k b w。
    41 .A
    C_PQ,f\ʀ‚ƒ(lo nely )。
    42 .D MNk4’ H ughes
    MNFc“I really w anted to m ake a (n ) w ith an anim al of any kind ”PQ,H ughes
    43 .B
    E†D(pet )。
    Èlf‡ˆ‰Š.UE‹Œ23¾Ž(con nection )。
    44 .C
    4,‘{’C=(sho w ed up )4“”¼P•C–l。
    45 .A
    d3,H ughes
    46 .D
    【!"#$%&'(· *( *)】 25 - L - 038 C
    !"#$%& ) 3 +4
    } MN F c “Its to be out there alo ne .”P Q,H ughes
    47 .C
    • l,
    | “ – l š P f 4 › ‰ Š ƒ E œ
    (co m panionship )。
    f\ʂ‚C4E¥ž>ŸPe=(scary )。
    48 .A
    49 .C Ê=2022 +3 ¢9
    U“–lPf4 ¡(lived )
    I。 ýcz¢£=。
    ¤Ž’¥¦(searched )。
    50 .B d3 H ughes
    51 .C U!Dc H ughes
    >§¦CëxO,f#®-—ÊefCl¨。 CR©Ãª=«À(change )。
    9Œ,fÛ¬—­Ê(re alize )‹Œ®¯ƒ C°<±>。 U3|“–l²fC³´(gift )。
    52 .D
    53 .A
    >§¦|“–lCµ¶,H ughes •­=¢·C¸ªD(w ildlife )。
    54 .C
    ¹fâºUE¦(ne w )»'ó,zö¼œ½¾¾。
    55 .A
    12345î?2。 289:;<=¿0VQ«ÀCÀ¨ÁÂ。
    'ÃĆ。 MNFcCÅƆPQ,U{S:ÇÈĆthe 。
    56 .the
    'ÀÉʁ†。 ˆ0XËЈPQ,ýE7‚²†C¢È=ðÌCÍÊ。
    57 .to fig ht
    58 .lo w er MNFŒCÙ]†even ýE67lo w
    'ÃÎφCYZÐ。 ºË—PQ, CYZÐlo w er 。
    'Á†Có©P9É4Ñ。 U{^`C3¹„zž,y 7 4 Ò C > ó;
    59 .req uires
    Ó È l 9 Ê 3  Ô † Õ
    Ê,y7‚²†C)"¥Ö×ÆÎ=requires 。
    60 .w here/ho w
    'ÃԆØÛË。 ˆ0XËЈPQ,XFÙÚ C 3 4 E Û Ê Û Ë,Ü Û Ë O Ô · Í Ê;
    M N
    ˗, b ho w 。
    XFP7Ý$ކ w here
    61 .vario us/v arie d
    'ÆÎßà。 ˆ0XËЈPQ, CÈÊ,
    ‚dž>ýEð w ays
    y7‚²Ô† C Î Ï †
    Î= vario us
    b v arie d 。
    64 .response (s )
    'ÆÎßà。 P Q, C Û Ê,
    MNFŒCÈĆthe ‚ Ç † ð ; † of
    y 7 ‚ ²  † C Ô †
    Î=response (s )。
    O ne possible version :
    D ear Peter ,
    I have received your e m ail and tried to enter you in the tra ditio n al C hinese p aintin g clu b at school .
    U nfortunately ,the clu b is alread y full .
    T he good ne w s is that in the neighborhood there is a clu b that provides m ore ch oices ,including tra ditio n al
    C hinese p aintin g , w ritin g and other related activities . Best of all , m ost of the courses are free and you can study
    w ith local ex perts and residents .I think it is a really good op portu nity to learn C hinese culture .
    Please let m e kno w if you w ould lik e m e to assist you in sig nin g up for any of these courses .
    Best wishes !
    Y ours ,
    Li H ua
    O ne possible version :
    犃狊 狋犺犲 狀犻犵犺狋 狑 犲狀狋 狅狀 , 犐 犱犲犮犻犱犲犱 狋狅 犱狅 狊狅 犿 犲狋犺犻狀 犵 狋狅 犿 犪犽犲 犻狋 狌 狆 . I picked up the phone and calle d her
    half w ay across the w orld . A s I w aite d for her to pic k up , m y concerns kept gro wing every second . Fin ally she
    w as on the phone . W ithout w aitin g for her “H ello ”,I said , “Its m e .I just w ant to tell you I really m iss you .
    I kno w w e arent as close as so m e sisters , but that d oesnt m ean Im not m issin g you a ton .”
    犉 狅狉 犪 犾狅狀 犵 狋犻犿 犲 狋犺犲狉犲 狑 犪狊 狀狅狋犺犻狀犵 犫狌狋 狊犻犾犲狀犮犲 狅狀 狋犺犲 狅狋犺犲狉 犲狀犱 狅犳 狋犺犲 犾犻狀犲 . Fin ally she spoke . H er v oice
    sounded as though it ca m e fro m nearby . “Iv e been sittin g here ,all alo ne ,thinking about you guys back ho m e , too . Y our v oice m akes m e feel as though I w ere rig ht there w ith you ,” she said very q uickly just as I did . “I
    【!"#$%&'(· *( *)】 25 - L - 038 C
    !"#$%& ) 4 +4
    }'Ã;†。in ad ditio n —l“áé”,lâÈÕÊ。
    62 .In
    'ÀÉʁ†。 ˆ0 X Ë ã ä P Q,
    63 .pro vidin g I m proved ecosyste m s ‚ Ç † . e å æ 9 Ê
    C9É^ y7‚²†CC>ˆ†Î=çè9 ðÍÊ , , 。
    ± > å æ ®
    65 .be carried Èlcarry out
    ƒi©†,y†S7éÎ be 。
    .solutio ns
    ± > å æ ® C  Û ^ ,y 7 ÷  Ê ©。
    Ü F Œ

    2022-2023学年青海省西宁市大通回族土族自治县高三下学期开学摸底考试英语试题含解析+听力: 这是一份2022-2023学年青海省西宁市大通回族土族自治县高三下学期开学摸底考试英语试题含解析+听力,文件包含青海省西宁市大通回族土族自治县2022-2023学年高三下学期开学摸底考试英语试题原卷版docx、青海省西宁市大通回族土族自治县2022-2023学年高三下学期开学摸底考试英语试题解析版docx等2份试卷配套教学资源,其中试卷共47页, 欢迎下载使用。

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