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    第I卷(客观题 共70分)
    听力测试 (本大题共20小题,每小题1分,共20分)
    第一部分 听对话回答问题
    本部分共有10道小题,每小题你将听到一段对话,每段对话听两遍。在听每段对话前,你将有5秒钟的时间阅读题目; 听完后,你仍有5秒钟的时间选择你认为最合适的备选答案。在听到“嘀”的信号后,进入下一小题。
    1. Hw will the girl and her mther g t Beijing?
    A B C
    2. When are the tw speakers ging t the bank?
    A B C
    3. Which drink des Lisa want?
    A B C
    4. What is Peter’s favurite hbby?
    A B C
    5.Hw much des the ty ship cst?
    A. 300 yuan. B. 100 yuan. C. 200 yuan.
    6. What des Raymnd think abut Nancy’s dress?
    A. It is t lng fr her. B. He likes the new style. C. He likes lng dresses.
    7. What will Millie d first?
    A. Ask her mther if she can g. B. G t the z. C. Stay at hme.
    8. Why des Jhn dislike Linda’s hair?
    A. It is yellw. B. The red hair is difficult t wash. C. It is very shrt.
    9. Hw ften des the bus cme?
    A. Every 3 minutes. B. Every 5 minutes. C. Every 8 minutes.
    10. What des Simn really need?
    A. Sme water and fd. B. Sme clthes. C. Sme medicine.
    第二部分 听对话和短文回答问题(10分)
    11.Why did the man quarrel(争吵)with his neighbur?
    A. Her children were very nisy. B. Her dg ften went t his rm.
    C. She played lud music.
    12. Hw was the prblem slved?
    A. The wman agreed t turn the sund dwn. B. The wman agreed t sell her dg.
    C. The wman agreed t talk with her children abut gd manners.
    13. A. near my schl B. in the centre f twn C. near my hme
    14. A. bks, magazines and CDS B. newspapers and e-bks. C. bks nly
    15. A. three weeks B. tw weeks C. ne mnth
    16. Why was Christine inviting Timmy t a party?
    A. It was Hallween. B. It was New Year. C. It was her birthday.
    17. What was Timmy ging t be?
    A. Mnkey King. B. A king. C. A ghst.
    18. Why did Timmy g t the sweet shp?
    A. Because he wanted t buy a present fr Christine.
    B. Because he wanted t buy sme sweets fr mther.
    C. Because Christine was in the shp.
    19. What did the little children in the shp d?
    A. They laughed at Timmy. B. They cried very ludly. C. They went ut f the shp.
    20. Which f the fllwing is NOT true?
    A. Timmy ran ut f the shp. B. Timmy’s cstume was t gd.
    C. The shpkeeper did nt shut at Timmy.
    二、单项选择 在 A 、B 、C 、D 四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。
    21. ____ persn like him wn’t be simply happy with ___ prgress that has been made.
    A. The; a B. A; the C. The; / D. The; the
    22. The ending f the stry was s surprising and fully went _________my imaginatin.
    A. acrss B. ver C. thrugh D. beynd
    23. Have yu ever seen the film ______ the nvel Carl ?
    A. is based n B. was based inC. based nD. basedin
    24. ---May I g t the cinema with yu tnight?
    ---I’m afraid nt, _______ yu have finished yur hmewrk.
    if B. unless C. until D. since
    25. I felt cnfident that ur schl basketball team __________ the match the next time.
    A.will win B. wuld win C. is winning D. wins
    26.It is ____ fine weather tday _____ there are s many peple playing in the park.
    A. s; that B. / ; s that C. such; that D. such a; that
    27. It’s knwn _____ all that Xi’an is famus _________ Terra Ctta Warrirs(兵马俑).
    A. t; fr B. t; as C. fr; fr D. fr; as
    28.The number f peple invited______ fifty, but a number f them______ absent fr reasns.
    A.were; was B. was; was C. was; were D. were; were
    29.The girl was late and she ________ an excuse which made her bss even angrier.
    A. brught up B. put up C. made up D. tk up
    30.I knw all f yu are interested in science. Culd yu tell me ________?
    A. Hw d hrses knw the way B. when will UFOs appear next time
    C. where was the kind f plant fund D. hw elephants cmmunicate with each ther
    31. When I came int the rm, I fund _______ n the flr, unable t mve.
    A. him lying B. him lie C. he lying D. he lie
    32. —We are nt allwed t bring any snacks at the sprts meeting.
    A.Neither are we B. Neither d we C. S are we D. S d we
    33.---All the peple f Yixing still need t wrk tgether t make ur city mre beautiful.
    ---That’s it . _______.
    A . Practice makes perfect B. Many hands make light wrk.
    C. When in Rme, d as the Rmans d D. A friend in need is a friend indeed.
    34.--- Hw d yu find the dcumentary DAVID Prfile (国宝档案).
    --- ________. I can’t think t highly f it.
    A.It all depends B. N ne knws fr certain
    C. It is nt my cup f tea D. It’s really wnderful

    三、完形填空 先通读下面的短文,掌握其大意,然后在每小题所给的四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。(本大题共10小题,每小题1 分,共10分)
    This Father’s Day certainly seems different t me. My ___35___ as a father during the pandemic(大流行病) has taught me smething new and special abut fatherhd.
    I’m a phtgrapher and have t travel frm time t time. ___36___, living in islatin (隔离) brught me clser t my sn Dieg. We ___37___ every crner f the huse tgether: reading n the sfa, watching mvies in the bedrm and grilling n the rf. Nw instead f always yelling, “Mmmy, Mmmy,” my sn screams, “Daddy!” That makes me ___38___. I’m s thankful fr this unexpected gift f a deeper ___39___ with my sn.
    On ur first day f freedm after tw mnths f islatin, I discvered Dieg didn’t knw ___40___ very well. While visiting a park in the city, I nticed that he was even afraid f ants. S my wife and I planned a trip t the ___41___. My father jined us and, fr a cuple f days, we three-my father, my sn and I-fund urselves walking in the wds.
    The pandemic allwed me t take the time t understand what it means t be a father, with the hnr and duty t pass n my parents’ teachings t my sn. Of curse, I really ___42___ the time I spent wrking in the field f phtgraphy. But I’ve ___43___ a lt f time with my family, especially with my ____44____. I used t think that withut phtgraphy, I was nthing. Nw I see that, withut lve, I am less than nthing.
    35. A. knwledgeB. prmise C. experience D. perfrmance
    36. A. UsuallyB. Hpefully C. Strangely D. Luckily
    37. A. enjyedB. cleared C. searched D. decrated
    38. A. wrriedB. excited C. angry D. surprised
    39. A. cmmunicatinB. relatinship C. temperature D. memry
    40. A. pepleB. sciety C. nature D. art
    41. A. beachB. museum C. streets D. muntains
    42. A. imagineB. frget C. drp D. miss
    43. A. gainedB. killed C. wasted D. saved
    44. A. wifeB. sn C. father D. mther
    四、阅读理解 阅读下面短文,然后根据短文内容,在每小题所给的四个选项中选出最佳答案。(本大题共13小题,每小题2分,共26分)
    45.Hw lng des the shw last fr?
    10 days. B. 11 days . C. 12 days . D. 13 days.
    46.On Fridays , yu can watch the shw at ________.
    10:00 am B. 7:30 pm C. 2:00 pm D. 9:30 pm
    47.Hw much des a family f fur prbably spend n the tickets ?
    220 yuan fr Sectin C tickets fr the 9:00 am shw.
    220 yuan fr Sectin C tickets n weekends
    Arund 300 yuan fr Sectin B tickets fr the night shw.
    Arund 700 yuan fr Sectin A tickets n Mnday .
    Fr his eleventh birthday, Lin was given a gift that wuld shape his life. On that day his father tk him t the Children’s Activity Centre and said he culd chse any curse that interested him. There was just ne requirement: Lin wuld have t prmise t study it fr at least ne year.
    T that pint Lin had had many hbbies, but nne kept his interest fr mre than a week r tw. His mum nce gave him a bag f stamps t begin stamp cllecting. That hbby lasted a week. Then his father gt him sme paints hping that Lin’s artistic side wuld shine thrugh. Thse paints were nw under his bed, still unpened. This time Lin’s parents wuld let him decide.
    Lin’s eyes mved dwn the nticebard that listed all the curses n ffer. He stpped at “Phtgraphy”. He liked the idea f taking beautiful pictures but the ntice said that each student needed their wn camera. Althugh Lin’s family weren’t pr, they weren’t rich either, and a camera cst a lt f mney. He cntinued lking.
    The next curse t catch his eye was “Language Art”. He didn’t even knw what that meant. His father explained that it taught peple hw t make public speeches. Lin, a shy by, culd think f nthing wrse.
    Then he saw it. “Cking” sunded like smething he’d like t d. It was inexpensive and cnvenient (方便), it culd be dne alne and it was als creative.
    Because f Lin’s hbby histry, his dad had dubts, but he agreed. Much t his parents’ surprise, Lin kept his prmise. He studied cking at the Centre every Saturday, and practised at hme, making delicius meals fr his family. Everyne lked frward t birthdays, when they culd eat his cakes. Lin gt great happiness frm the pleasure his fd brught t thers.
    The mnths turned t years but his hbby never changed again.
    Nw Lin is an adult and runs a successful restaurant. When custmers say they enjy his meal, he silll gets the same pleasure he did as a child, and remembers the special gift he received all thse years ag.
    48.Which f the fllwing best describes Lin’s interest in cking?
    A. lt nly lasted fr a shrt time. B. It seemed t match his character.
    C. It was frced n him by his parents. D. It develped slwly ver many mnths.
    49.Which f the fllwing shws the right rder f Lin’s stry?
    a. Lin picked up cking as his hbby.
    b. Lin received a bag f stamps, but he shwed little interest in it.
    c. Lin pened a restaurant and it became a success.
    d. Lin’s family enjyed cakes made by Lin and were happy with his fd.
    A. a-c-b-d.B. b-a-c-d.C. b-a-d-c.D. a-b-d-c.
    50.What is the best title fr the passage?
    A. A Strict FatherB. A Changeable By C. The Fun f CkingD. The Birthday Gift
    Fr a whle day, frget abut the clck. Eat when yu’re hungry and sleep when yu’re tired. What d yu think will happen?
    Yu may be surprised t find that yur day is much like mst ther days. Yu’ll get hungry when yu nrmally(正常地)eat and tired when yu nrmally sleep. Even thugh yu dn’t knw what time it is, yur bdy des.
    These types f daily life are called circadian rhythms(生理节律), and they are mre than just habits. Inside ur bdies are several clcklike systems that fllw a 24-hur cycle. Thrughut the day and night, ur inner clcks directly change in temperature, bdy chemicals, hunger, sleepiness and mre.
    Everyne’s rhythms are different, which is why yu might like t stay up late while yur sister always wants t g t bed early. But n the whle, everyne is prgrammed t feel tired at night and energetic during the day.
    Learning abut ur bdy clcks may help scientists understand why prblems arise when we act ut f step with ur circadian rhythms. Fr example, travelling acrss time znes(时区) can make peple wake up in the middle f the night. Regularly staying up late can make kids d wrse in tests.
    “There is a grwing sense that when we eat and when we sleep are imprtant parts f hw healthy we are,” says Steven Shea, directr f the Sleep Disrders Prgram at Brigham and Wmen’s Hspital in Bstn. One way t learn abut hw ur bdy clcks wrk is t mess them up and see what happens. That’s what scientist Frank Scheer and his wrkmates did in a recent study.
    Staying up night after night, their studies suggest, culd make kids extra hungry and mre likely t gain weight. And regularly sleeping t little, Scheer says, may be ne cause f the recent increase in childhd besity(肥胖症).
    51. What will happen if yu frget abut the clck accrding t the passage?
    A. Yu will feel stressed. B. Yu will behave as usual.
    C. Yur bdy will nt knw what time it is. D. Yu will get hungry mre easily.
    52. Mike feels energetic at midnight while Tm feels sleepy. What advice wuld be given by the writer?
    A. Bth shuld see a dctr. B. Tm shuld see a dctr.
    C. Bth shuld take it easy. D. Mike shuld have a watch.
    53. What can the writer talk abut next?
    A. Other examples f what peple will d when their bdy clcks g wrng.
    B. Medicine that can keep peple frm putting n weight.
    C. Why it is imprtant t have a nrmal bdy clck.
    D. What circadian rhythms are.
    Where in the wrld can yu take an hur’s train ride, and pass a frest, a Lndn street, a scene frm the Wild West, and a burning building that never burns dwn? There’s nly ne place, and that’s Hllywd, in Califrnia. The scenes yu see frm the turist train are film sets(布景) in the Universal Studis, ne f the ldest and largest mvie cmpanies(公司) in the USA.
    A visit t Universal Studis brings back memries f great days f Hllywd, the films and the stars. But they are nly memries. Hllywd isn’t quite the same as it used t be. Csts have gne up and cnfidence has gne dwn. Mvie-makers are afraid t spend their mney n expensive new ideas. Instead, they repeat ld nes.
    The film industry is changing fast. Teenagers still g ut t the mvies. The theatre is a gd place t meet friends away frm hme. But lder peple mstly stay hme t watch series, like Dynasty have becme as imprtant t Hllywd as expensive mvies. These “sap pera”, as they are called, shw rich, pwerful families living in beautiful hmes and wearing beautiful clthes. But the actrs and actresses are nearly all middle-aged, like many f the peple wh watch them.
    Thugh it is sap peras that are keeping the film-makers f Hllywd in Business, big films are still being made in America. But mre and mre f them are made utside Hllywd. New Yrk is the mst imprtant new center, but there are many thers as well. Mvie-makers have realized that they dn’t need Hllywd any mre. Mdern cameras and real huses instead f expensively made cpies in a studi. Other states, especially Flrida and Texas, are wrking hard t take the film business away frm Califrnia. They are ffering better wrking cnditins and lwer cst.
    But Hllywd is fighting back. The state f Califrnia is trying hard t keep its best-knwn industry.
    54. Frm the passage, we knw Universal Studis is ___________.
    A. a very large park B. a busy Lndn street
    C. a famus mvie cmpany D. an ld Hllywd mvie
    55. The mvie industry in Califrnia isn’t as successful as befre because _____________.
    A. yung peple dn’t g t mvie theatres any mre
    B. there is strng cmpetitin frm ther states
    C. its mvie cmpanies are in need f yung stars
    D. the state hasn’t put a develpment plan int actin
    56. Which f the fllwing seems t be a threat(威胁)t Hllywd?
    A. The use f mdern cameras and ther equipment
    B. The interest f middle-aged film stars
    C. The making f TV series like Dynasty
    D. The expensively made cpies f scenes
    57. The passage mainly tells us ______________.
    A. smething abut the film industy in the USA
    B.the imprtance f sap peras in hllywd
    C. the gd ld days f Hllywd
    D. the film business in Califrnia
    第II卷(主观题 共50分)
    五、词汇运用 (本大题共8小题,每小题1分,共8分)
    (A) 根据句意和汉语注释,在答题卡对应题号的横线上,写出单词的正确形式。
    58. Peple all ver the wrld are lking frward t a __________ (持久的) peace.
    59.The fans are waiting fr the tw famus _________(女演员),Sun Li and Bai Lu.
    60. The experienced captain suggested _______ (控制) the speed f the ship first in the strm.
    61. _________ (无论何时) I failed t d smething, my mther always let me have anther try.
    62.That night I slept _____________ (peace) fr the first time in recent mnths .
    63.Nbdy knws the famus __________(music) well because he seldm shares his wrks
    64. The _________(centre) gvernment has tried t cntrl the schl district husing market.
    65.The twins wanted t be ___________(direct) when they were yung.
    六、动词填空 用括号内所给动词的适当形式填空,并将答案写在答题卡对应题号
    横线上。 (大题共8小题,每小题1分,共8分)
    66.It is the third time he ____________ (read) the nvel called The Devtin f Suspect X .
    67.—Where is yur father?
    —He has drunk t much and_________ (lie) in the sfa.
    68. _________ (make) himself heard, he spke as ludly as he culd in the hall.
    69. The tickets yu are lking frward t_______ (sell) ut sn if yu dn’t rder them nw.
    70. Last Tuesday the yung man________(jg) alng the street when a car suddenly hit him.
    71. Hw did yu have yur car_________ (repair) n the highway.
    72. —Did yu sleep well last night?
    —Oh, n. T much nise utside the htel almst ___________(drive) me mad.
    73. D yu knw hw much difficulty Wmen’s Vlleyball Team has _______ (win) the match?
    七、阅读填空 先通读下面的短文,然后根据短文内容,在文章后表格的空格内填入一个最恰当的单词。(本大题共5小题,每小题1分,共5分)
    Many runners feel that music makes exercise mre enjyable. Hwever, they might nt knw that scientists have fund sme kinds f music can imprve peple's energy by 15%. This was discvered by Dr. Cstas Karagerghis at a Brunel University's Schl f Sprt and Educatin. Karagerghis has wrked with rganizatins such as Nike and with many champin (冠军) athletes. In the study, 30 peple listened t exciting music by Queen, the Red Ht Chili Peppers and Madnna. They did exercise at the same time.
    When they are ding exercise in time with the music, peple shw higher energy levels. Even when they are ding very hard exercise, they are cnfident abut hw they felt. When peple are ding exercise, their nerves (神经) send messages saying that their bdy is getting tired. Hwever, when they are listening t music at the same time, these messages are stpped. This is because the music causes part f the brain (大脑) t send different messages t the bdy that make it feel happy and relaxed.
    Different types f music can have different effects (影响) n different peple. The effect f sme music can als depend n hw tiring the exercise is. Outging persns like faster and luder kinds music better while shy persns dn't want t wrry t much and s have better results when music makes them feel relaxed.
    Thugh music helps runners enjy exercise, remember nt t turn up the music t lud while wrking ut, r it will harm yur hearing. When listening t music, peple run faster than usual —ften withut realizing it. It might cause traffic accidents if yu are running alng the city rad with the headphnes.
    八、完成句子 按所给的汉语,用英语完成下列句子,并将答案写在答题卡对应题号的横线上。(本大题共6小题,每小题1.5分,共9分)
    Watching TV t much is just______________________________fr the teenagers.
    D yu knw if the cncert r be recrded and sent ut later?
    She culdn’t stp_________________________the beautiful scenes f Lijiang River.
    It’s said that __________________________________________________painting.
    She lks s beautiful ___________________________________ a film star by us.
    Culd yu tell me ___________________________________________________?
    九、书面表达 (本大题共20分)
    假设你们校英文校刊 21st Century in N.1 Schl 开设有HAVE YOUR SAY 一栏,请仔细阅读本期该栏的征稿函,然后以张华的名义用英语写一篇稿件,寄给校刊编辑谈谈你的看法:
    At 21st Century in N 1 Schl we’d like yu t share yur ideas abut ur schl. This time, in HAVE YOUR SAY, yu can let ther kids knw what yu think f Culture Week in ur schl.
    What d yu think f Culture Week?
    What d yu think f this week’s theme(主题): Music?
    What activity/ activities d yu suggest?
    Lking frward t yur early reply.
    Abut ur schl’s culture week
    Dear sir,
    I’m glad t share my ideas abut Culture Week in ur schl. ______________________
    Yurs faithfully,
    Zhang HuaTwn Library
    The library is 13 .
    It has 14 .
    Hw lng
    I can keep them fr 15 .
    Stryline(故事情节): A grup f clever dgs perate cars t wrk , play , and party.
    Dates : Mar 20 – Mar 31
    Mn- Fri : 11:00am, 3:00pm,7:30pm
    Sat- Sun: 9:00am, 4:00pm, 8:30pm
    Place : Children’s Theatre f Charltte
    Duratin (时长): 70 minutes
    Ticket Prices : Sectin A : 170-190 yuan
    Sectin B : 120-130 yuan
    Sectin C : 80 yuan
    Family packages : 220 yuan fr fur Sectin C tickets ( 11:00am, 3:00pm shws )
    Ntice : Enjyed by ages 4 and up
    Music imprves energy levels
    Exercise and music
    ※ Music can help peple ________ (74) exercise.
    ※ Listening t exciting music can make peple's energy 15% mre than usual.
    Nerve cmmunicatin "stpped"
    ※ The bdy ___________ (75) the messages f being tired frm the
    nerve when ding exercise.
    ※ Hwever, music helps stp the nerve sending the messages f being
    tired t the bdy.
    Different effects
    ※ The effect f sme music depends n hw tiring the exercise is.
    ※ Outging persns ________(76) fast and lud music t slw music.
    ※ Shy persns will feel less ___________ (77) when the music makes
    them relaxed.
    ※ Lud music will be ____________ (78) t yur hearing.
    ※ Running with headphnes may cause traffic accidents.
    参考答案及评分说明 2023.12
    第 I 卷(客观题共70分)
    一、听力测试 (本大题共20小题,每小题1分,共20分)
    1-5 CABAC 6-10 AABCA 11-15 CABAB 16-20 ACABC
    二、单项选择 (本大题共14小题,每小题1分,共14分)
    21-25 BDCBB 26-30 CACCD 31-34 AABD
    三、完形填空 (本大题共10小题,每小题1分,共10分)
    35-39 CDABB 40-44 CDDAB
    四、 阅读理解 (本大题共13小题,每小题2分,共26分)
    45-47 CBD 48-50 BCD 51-53 BCA 54-57 CBAA
    五、词汇运用 (本大题共8小题,每小题1分,共8分)
    58. lasting 59. actresses 60. cntrlling 61.Whenever
    62. peacefully63.musician 64.central 65. directrs
    六、动词填空 (本大题共8小题,每小题1分,共8分)
    66. has read 67. is lying 68. T make 69. will be sld
    70. was jgging 71. repaired 72. drve 73. winning
    七、 阅读填空 (本大题共5小题,每小题1分,共5分)
    74. enjy 75. receives 76. prefer 77. wrried 78. harmful
    八、 完 成 句 子 (本大题共6小题,每小题1.5分,共9分)
    79. a waste f time
    80. will be cvered live
    81. falling in lve with
    82. neither f the twins has a gift fr
    83. that she is mistaken fr
    84. hw lng the chat shw has been ver
    九、 书面表达 (本大题共20分)
    One pssible versin:
    Abut ur schl’s culture week
    Dear sir
    I’m glad t share my ideas abut Culture Week in ur schl. I think Culture Week is very
    meaningful and helpful. I lve this week’s theme because music can help us relax and understand
    different cultures better.
    I suggest inviting sme famus musicians t talk abut music. We can als have a music cmpetitin, t. The winners f the cmpetitin will give a cncert n the playgrund. It can be an pen cncert and all the students can g t the cncert t enjy different types f music. It’ll be really fantastic. I hpe ur Culture Week will be a great success.
    Yurs faithfully
    Zhang Hua
    1. 本题总分为20分,按5个档次给分。
    2. 评分时,先根据短文的内容和语言初步确定其所属档次,然后以该档次的要求来衡量,确定或调整档次,最后给分。
    3. 短文须包括所有要点,并有适当发挥,补充信息须符合情境。
    4. 内容要点遗漏、句子语法结构错误、时态、语态误用,均为大错。其他错误(如冠词、介词、拼写、标点等方面的错误)均为小错。3处小错相当于1处大错。相同的错误,只扣1次。
    5. 词数少于80或多于110的,从总分中减去1分。
    档 次
    得 分
    错 误 情 况

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    江苏省无锡市宜兴市树人中学教育集团2023-2024学年八年级上学期12月调研测试英语试卷(月考): 这是一份江苏省无锡市宜兴市树人中学教育集团2023-2024学年八年级上学期12月调研测试英语试卷(月考),文件包含2023年八年级英语学科测试试卷docx、参考答案docx、答卷docx、初二英语阶段性练习听力录音202312mp3等4份试卷配套教学资源,其中试卷共14页, 欢迎下载使用。







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