所属成套资源:译林版英语八年级上册 教案
译林版英语八年级上册Unit 7 SeasonsReading 1教学设计教案
这是一份译林版英语八年级上册Unit 7 SeasonsReading 1教学设计教案,共8页。
8A Unit 7 Seasons 教学设计一、教学分析 二、教学过程三、教学反思教学内容Reading(第82页),本课时主要学习Reading A文章的内容。教材分析 Reading板块通过一篇描写四季的诗歌,体会诗歌的“意象美、语言美、音韵美”,让学生熟练掌握和运用一些功能用语,谈论喜欢的季节的一些特征以及喜欢的原因。为在Task板块有效地组织句子,写一篇描述最喜欢的季节的文章做好准备。学情分析 本单元的话题是四季,在welcome to the unit中,学生对四季的表达及特点已经进行了初探,因此学生对四季的话题是不陌生的。但由于诗歌的特殊性,学生们还不能理解诗歌的“音美、形美、意美”,教师们还需要用多种途径从深层次和高度上帮助学生理解这首诗歌,从而达到欣赏的目的。教学项目词汇: shower, pile, upon, shade, as, temperature, drop, rise词组: be full of, forget to grow, turn brown, fall into piles upon the ground, harvest crops, fly far away, among flowers 句型: What a perfect time to fly a kite!Farmers work to harvest crops, as the days are shorter and the temperature drops.课文: a poem about the seasons教学方法任务型教学法、学生中心教学法、多媒体教学、归纳教学法 教学目标语言知识To learn some useful words and expressions about the weather.语言技能To learn to describe the differences between seasons.语言运用To learn to use superlative to express preference about seasons.文化意识Poetry is the highest form of literature, the highest art, is the essence of all knowledge.情感态度To treasure our time, and make full use of our time, especially spring and morning.学习策略autonomic learning strategycooperative learning strategy教学重点To learn to describe the differences between seasons.教学难点To learn to use superlative to express preference about seasons.教学用具 Multimedia, recorder,pictures,chalk,blackboard时间教学步骤教师活动学生活动教学目的第1-2分钟Warming up(Enjoy a music)Play a music called“一年四季歌”for the students, then have a free talk:①Are you familiar with the music?②Do you like it ?③In English it is translated into…?④what does “Song of the year” tell?So together with the music, let’s go on our trip through the four seasons. Ok, today we’ll learn a poem about seasons of a year. Are you ready to learn it? First, open your book to page82.First listen to the music, then answer the questions.通过欣赏一首熟悉、轻快的儿歌“一年四季歌”导入,快速调动学生的学习兴趣,又自然过渡到本节课的话题上来。第3-6分钟Pre-reading(fast reading)1. Read through the poem, try to find out the tone of the poem, and what do you feel about the poem?2. Ask some questions:①After reading the poem, do you feel sad? Do you feel excited or other feelings? What do you feel about the poem? ②Do you feel stressed? ③Do you feel cheerful?④Do you feel hopeful?Good, so after reading the poem, I feel cheerful, relaxed and hopeful.3. Deal with some new words.① For the first reading, I think there’re some new words that stop you from understanding the poem, now pick them out.(e.g. pile. There’re some books on the desk, and put them together, we can say it a pile of books. And everyday you have a pile of homework to do, right? Of course, I have a pile of homework to correct…)1. read by themselves and feel the tone of the poem.2. answer the questions3. Pick out the new words that stop them from reading.e.g. I want to ask Line 10 of para 3 the word “s-h-a-d-e”…学生整体阅读诗歌感受诗歌的基调,不光为体会诗人想要表达的感情打下基础,也为之后理解本诗的语言、意象、以及表达方法指明了方向。解决诗词中的生词,为进一步理解诗歌扫清障碍。这种处理单词的方法,主要是使得学生的主体地位得以凸显,充分发挥老师的主导作用。第7-9分钟Pre-reading(lead in)1. Before we go into each part of this poem. I would like you to read a Chinese poem, I’ll show you. Have you ever heard about this poem? Have you ever learnt it?春江晚景(宋)苏轼竹外桃花三两枝,春江水暖鸭先知。蒌蒿满地芦芽短,正是河豚欲上时。2. After you read the poem emotionally, I think some pictures came into your mind. What kinds of pictures can you have?3. A good poem always have beautiful pictures in your mind. So we can see it, hear it, and feel it.1. Read the Chinese poem emotionally.2. Describe some pictures of the Chinese one by one.出示一幅春江晚景图,并欣赏其中的诗歌,让学生们通过熟知的中文诗,唤醒他们听觉、视觉、感觉中的细胞,为下文做了很好的铺垫。第10-39分钟While-reading(detailed-reading)一、About para.1-winter1. let’s go into out English poem. Let’s see it, hear it and feel it..① First of all, tell me what the season is in the first poem, say it together.② What can you see or feel in winter? Use your imagination, think about your winter days.2. listen to the poem① What can you feel from the first para.?② What do the birds do? Why?③ Do we people hope to have a warm and sunny day in winter?④ Can we fly to the south?3. Read the poem together.① Discuss in groups, try to find out the answer. Can you guess the writer’s feelings?二、About para.2-spring1. If the winter comes, will spring be far away?Now spring is coming, here’s the spring.① Do you like spring? Why?② What do you like to in spring?③ What does the writer want to do?2. Read by yourself, and try to find out the key word..① What does each line talk about?② What’s the weather like in this paragraph?③ What do people usually do?④What animals are mentioned?3. That’s the writer’s spring, we have warm weather, lovely animals and people, all kinds of activities. So what’s your feeling after you read about it? Discuss in groups.I think there’s a saying:The year’s at the spring, and day’s at the morn. ——Robert Browning① What does morn mean?②What does it mean in Chinese?So we should treasure our time and make full use of our time, especially spring and morning.三、About para.3-summer1. In spring light, here comes summer night. I think summer has a lot of good memories to you all, including me.Can you share your good summer memories with all of us?(E.g.: In summer, I can stay at home, I don’t have to get up early to go to the school, any other good memories? You can talk about it with your partners, and tell me your answer. I mean: good memories.)2. How is the writer’s summer memory? Read by yourself and try to find the key word again3. What mentioned in his sweet memories?4. Now I would like you to be the writer, can you add some more in this picture?5. If I were the writer, I would add a picture with a bed on it, because I can have a good rest.If you’re the writer, what other things can you think of?四、About para.4-autumn1. They are good memories. But good memories always fly away quickly. And we have to say goodbye.① What season is coming?② Tell me your own autumn, what can you see, hear, feel? 2. Read the last paragraph by yourself.① What are mentioned in the writer’s autumn?② What can you see and feel in autumn?③ What colour can you see in autumn?④ What are the farmers busy doing in autumn? What changes can people see or feel in autumn?Read the last two lines in the poem again and try to tell the writer’s real feeling between the lines.(discuss in groups)五About personificationSo till now we have went through the four seasons and feel the changes of the seasons. I’d like you to read the poem by heart, and tell which line or which part do you like best and why?① Can bees and flowers play like all the children?六、About the rhymes1. After listening and reading, can you feel the difference between the poem and other types of English articles? Read the Chinese poem again, and find out what is special about it. Pay attention to the last two words.Rhyme-知,枝,时2. Read and feel the rhymes.Do you think there’re rhymes in it, tell me…① What rhymes with what?② What kind of rhymes does it have?A. aabb B. abab C. abba D. aaab3. Read the poem aloud by yourself, try to feel the rhymes of the poem.I think poems just like music, and it has pleasant rhymes.诗歌是富有音乐感的韵律和有趣的思想的结合。Read carefully and answer the questions.Listen to the poem carefully, then answer the questions.Discuss in groups, try to guess the writer’s feelings Free talk about their own spring.Read by yourself, and try to find out the key word. Then answer some questions.Discuss in groups to say something about their feelings after reading it.Answer some questions about the Chinese poem.share their good summer memories with all of us?Read by themselves and try to find the key word againHelp the writer add some more in this picture.Free talk aboutTheir own autumn, like what they can see, hear and feel.Read the last paragraph by themselves and answer some questions.Group work:Read the last two lines in the poem again and try to tell the writer’s real feeling between the lines.read the poem by heart, and tell which line or which part do they like best and why?To find out the other personifications of the poemRead the Chinese poem again, and find out what is special about it. Read the English poem and find out what rhymes what, and what kind of rhymes it has.Read the poem aloud by themselves, try to feel the rhymes of the poem.本环节分六部分,前四部分是对文本进行分段处理。主要采用问题启发式,从时间、从空间、从机会、从活动,采用“小组合作”的基本组织形式,通过反复提问学生在诗中看到了什么?听到什么?感受到了什么?脑海中出现怎样的画面?通过调动学生的视觉、味觉、听觉等多种感官引导他们领会诗人的意图,感受诗的意境,深层次和高度上理解这首诗。比如在第三小节中,学生就不难发现有多种意象。这小节的中心词是sweet。使我们想到了夏日里香甜的冰淇林,既是嗅觉又是味觉意象,同时潺潺的流水,树荫,使我们不但有视觉意象又有听觉意象,多种意象的结合,使我们体会了作者甜蜜的夏日回忆,又勾起了学生对夏日美景美食美好时光的无限憧憬与向往。意象还通过明喻、暗喻、拟人等修辞手法体现出来,在学生对诗文的理解逐步深入以后,便提出让他们找出诗歌中最喜欢的诗句,将课堂再次交给学生,实现学生是课堂主人的理念。引出拟人的修辞手法。最后,学生在老师的引导下,反复诵读,由中文诗到英文诗,由外及内,由此及彼,逐步找出本篇诗歌的韵脚,及诗歌的所属形式。思路逐步清晰,学生也豁然开朗。再读时,所使用的押韵更能调动学生多种感官,感受诗歌的美。第40-43分钟Post-reading(competition time)Now it’s our competition time, I’d like you to read the poem in a group. You can choose the best part to read, and I’ll choose the best part voice.Read it correctly, clearly, loudly and emotionally.Have a competitionRead the poem emotionally in different groups.以比赛的形式激发了学生们赶学比拼的士气,在你争我赶的过程中加深了学生的印象,更有利于教学目标的达成。第44分钟ConclusionSo today we go through the seasons, and I think you put your heart into this poem, and feel the beauty of it, no matter what season it is, I wish you each season filled with beauty and love.对学生本堂课精彩习得的肯定与鼓励,又是对学生能积极面对及热爱各种生活环境的期许。第45分钟Homework采取多种形式诵读本篇诗歌;完成《初中英语读本》8A P102-103 阅读1 上面的练习。将课内外阅读相融合,有利于学生阅读能力提升及长远发展。
8A Unit 7 Seasons 教学设计一、教学分析 二、教学过程三、教学反思教学内容Reading(第82页),本课时主要学习Reading A文章的内容。教材分析 Reading板块通过一篇描写四季的诗歌,体会诗歌的“意象美、语言美、音韵美”,让学生熟练掌握和运用一些功能用语,谈论喜欢的季节的一些特征以及喜欢的原因。为在Task板块有效地组织句子,写一篇描述最喜欢的季节的文章做好准备。学情分析 本单元的话题是四季,在welcome to the unit中,学生对四季的表达及特点已经进行了初探,因此学生对四季的话题是不陌生的。但由于诗歌的特殊性,学生们还不能理解诗歌的“音美、形美、意美”,教师们还需要用多种途径从深层次和高度上帮助学生理解这首诗歌,从而达到欣赏的目的。教学项目词汇: shower, pile, upon, shade, as, temperature, drop, rise词组: be full of, forget to grow, turn brown, fall into piles upon the ground, harvest crops, fly far away, among flowers 句型: What a perfect time to fly a kite!Farmers work to harvest crops, as the days are shorter and the temperature drops.课文: a poem about the seasons教学方法任务型教学法、学生中心教学法、多媒体教学、归纳教学法 教学目标语言知识To learn some useful words and expressions about the weather.语言技能To learn to describe the differences between seasons.语言运用To learn to use superlative to express preference about seasons.文化意识Poetry is the highest form of literature, the highest art, is the essence of all knowledge.情感态度To treasure our time, and make full use of our time, especially spring and morning.学习策略autonomic learning strategycooperative learning strategy教学重点To learn to describe the differences between seasons.教学难点To learn to use superlative to express preference about seasons.教学用具 Multimedia, recorder,pictures,chalk,blackboard时间教学步骤教师活动学生活动教学目的第1-2分钟Warming up(Enjoy a music)Play a music called“一年四季歌”for the students, then have a free talk:①Are you familiar with the music?②Do you like it ?③In English it is translated into…?④what does “Song of the year” tell?So together with the music, let’s go on our trip through the four seasons. Ok, today we’ll learn a poem about seasons of a year. Are you ready to learn it? First, open your book to page82.First listen to the music, then answer the questions.通过欣赏一首熟悉、轻快的儿歌“一年四季歌”导入,快速调动学生的学习兴趣,又自然过渡到本节课的话题上来。第3-6分钟Pre-reading(fast reading)1. Read through the poem, try to find out the tone of the poem, and what do you feel about the poem?2. Ask some questions:①After reading the poem, do you feel sad? Do you feel excited or other feelings? What do you feel about the poem? ②Do you feel stressed? ③Do you feel cheerful?④Do you feel hopeful?Good, so after reading the poem, I feel cheerful, relaxed and hopeful.3. Deal with some new words.① For the first reading, I think there’re some new words that stop you from understanding the poem, now pick them out.(e.g. pile. There’re some books on the desk, and put them together, we can say it a pile of books. And everyday you have a pile of homework to do, right? Of course, I have a pile of homework to correct…)1. read by themselves and feel the tone of the poem.2. answer the questions3. Pick out the new words that stop them from reading.e.g. I want to ask Line 10 of para 3 the word “s-h-a-d-e”…学生整体阅读诗歌感受诗歌的基调,不光为体会诗人想要表达的感情打下基础,也为之后理解本诗的语言、意象、以及表达方法指明了方向。解决诗词中的生词,为进一步理解诗歌扫清障碍。这种处理单词的方法,主要是使得学生的主体地位得以凸显,充分发挥老师的主导作用。第7-9分钟Pre-reading(lead in)1. Before we go into each part of this poem. I would like you to read a Chinese poem, I’ll show you. Have you ever heard about this poem? Have you ever learnt it?春江晚景(宋)苏轼竹外桃花三两枝,春江水暖鸭先知。蒌蒿满地芦芽短,正是河豚欲上时。2. After you read the poem emotionally, I think some pictures came into your mind. What kinds of pictures can you have?3. A good poem always have beautiful pictures in your mind. So we can see it, hear it, and feel it.1. Read the Chinese poem emotionally.2. Describe some pictures of the Chinese one by one.出示一幅春江晚景图,并欣赏其中的诗歌,让学生们通过熟知的中文诗,唤醒他们听觉、视觉、感觉中的细胞,为下文做了很好的铺垫。第10-39分钟While-reading(detailed-reading)一、About para.1-winter1. let’s go into out English poem. Let’s see it, hear it and feel it..① First of all, tell me what the season is in the first poem, say it together.② What can you see or feel in winter? Use your imagination, think about your winter days.2. listen to the poem① What can you feel from the first para.?② What do the birds do? Why?③ Do we people hope to have a warm and sunny day in winter?④ Can we fly to the south?3. Read the poem together.① Discuss in groups, try to find out the answer. Can you guess the writer’s feelings?二、About para.2-spring1. If the winter comes, will spring be far away?Now spring is coming, here’s the spring.① Do you like spring? Why?② What do you like to in spring?③ What does the writer want to do?2. Read by yourself, and try to find out the key word..① What does each line talk about?② What’s the weather like in this paragraph?③ What do people usually do?④What animals are mentioned?3. That’s the writer’s spring, we have warm weather, lovely animals and people, all kinds of activities. So what’s your feeling after you read about it? Discuss in groups.I think there’s a saying:The year’s at the spring, and day’s at the morn. ——Robert Browning① What does morn mean?②What does it mean in Chinese?So we should treasure our time and make full use of our time, especially spring and morning.三、About para.3-summer1. In spring light, here comes summer night. I think summer has a lot of good memories to you all, including me.Can you share your good summer memories with all of us?(E.g.: In summer, I can stay at home, I don’t have to get up early to go to the school, any other good memories? You can talk about it with your partners, and tell me your answer. I mean: good memories.)2. How is the writer’s summer memory? Read by yourself and try to find the key word again3. What mentioned in his sweet memories?4. Now I would like you to be the writer, can you add some more in this picture?5. If I were the writer, I would add a picture with a bed on it, because I can have a good rest.If you’re the writer, what other things can you think of?四、About para.4-autumn1. They are good memories. But good memories always fly away quickly. And we have to say goodbye.① What season is coming?② Tell me your own autumn, what can you see, hear, feel? 2. Read the last paragraph by yourself.① What are mentioned in the writer’s autumn?② What can you see and feel in autumn?③ What colour can you see in autumn?④ What are the farmers busy doing in autumn? What changes can people see or feel in autumn?Read the last two lines in the poem again and try to tell the writer’s real feeling between the lines.(discuss in groups)五About personificationSo till now we have went through the four seasons and feel the changes of the seasons. I’d like you to read the poem by heart, and tell which line or which part do you like best and why?① Can bees and flowers play like all the children?六、About the rhymes1. After listening and reading, can you feel the difference between the poem and other types of English articles? Read the Chinese poem again, and find out what is special about it. Pay attention to the last two words.Rhyme-知,枝,时2. Read and feel the rhymes.Do you think there’re rhymes in it, tell me…① What rhymes with what?② What kind of rhymes does it have?A. aabb B. abab C. abba D. aaab3. Read the poem aloud by yourself, try to feel the rhymes of the poem.I think poems just like music, and it has pleasant rhymes.诗歌是富有音乐感的韵律和有趣的思想的结合。Read carefully and answer the questions.Listen to the poem carefully, then answer the questions.Discuss in groups, try to guess the writer’s feelings Free talk about their own spring.Read by yourself, and try to find out the key word. Then answer some questions.Discuss in groups to say something about their feelings after reading it.Answer some questions about the Chinese poem.share their good summer memories with all of us?Read by themselves and try to find the key word againHelp the writer add some more in this picture.Free talk aboutTheir own autumn, like what they can see, hear and feel.Read the last paragraph by themselves and answer some questions.Group work:Read the last two lines in the poem again and try to tell the writer’s real feeling between the lines.read the poem by heart, and tell which line or which part do they like best and why?To find out the other personifications of the poemRead the Chinese poem again, and find out what is special about it. Read the English poem and find out what rhymes what, and what kind of rhymes it has.Read the poem aloud by themselves, try to feel the rhymes of the poem.本环节分六部分,前四部分是对文本进行分段处理。主要采用问题启发式,从时间、从空间、从机会、从活动,采用“小组合作”的基本组织形式,通过反复提问学生在诗中看到了什么?听到什么?感受到了什么?脑海中出现怎样的画面?通过调动学生的视觉、味觉、听觉等多种感官引导他们领会诗人的意图,感受诗的意境,深层次和高度上理解这首诗。比如在第三小节中,学生就不难发现有多种意象。这小节的中心词是sweet。使我们想到了夏日里香甜的冰淇林,既是嗅觉又是味觉意象,同时潺潺的流水,树荫,使我们不但有视觉意象又有听觉意象,多种意象的结合,使我们体会了作者甜蜜的夏日回忆,又勾起了学生对夏日美景美食美好时光的无限憧憬与向往。意象还通过明喻、暗喻、拟人等修辞手法体现出来,在学生对诗文的理解逐步深入以后,便提出让他们找出诗歌中最喜欢的诗句,将课堂再次交给学生,实现学生是课堂主人的理念。引出拟人的修辞手法。最后,学生在老师的引导下,反复诵读,由中文诗到英文诗,由外及内,由此及彼,逐步找出本篇诗歌的韵脚,及诗歌的所属形式。思路逐步清晰,学生也豁然开朗。再读时,所使用的押韵更能调动学生多种感官,感受诗歌的美。第40-43分钟Post-reading(competition time)Now it’s our competition time, I’d like you to read the poem in a group. You can choose the best part to read, and I’ll choose the best part voice.Read it correctly, clearly, loudly and emotionally.Have a competitionRead the poem emotionally in different groups.以比赛的形式激发了学生们赶学比拼的士气,在你争我赶的过程中加深了学生的印象,更有利于教学目标的达成。第44分钟ConclusionSo today we go through the seasons, and I think you put your heart into this poem, and feel the beauty of it, no matter what season it is, I wish you each season filled with beauty and love.对学生本堂课精彩习得的肯定与鼓励,又是对学生能积极面对及热爱各种生活环境的期许。第45分钟Homework采取多种形式诵读本篇诗歌;完成《初中英语读本》8A P102-103 阅读1 上面的练习。将课内外阅读相融合,有利于学生阅读能力提升及长远发展。
