- 2025年高考英语考点专项突破(新高考通用)第2部分重点词汇第05讲高考高频短语练习(学生版+解析) 试卷 0 次下载
- 2025年高考英语考点专项突破(新高考通用)第3部分语法讲练综合测试01词类专项(学生版+解析) 试卷 0 次下载
- 2025年高考英语考点专项突破(新高考通用)第3部分语法讲练综合测试03三大从句和特殊句式专项(学生版+解析) 试卷 0 次下载
- 2025年高考英语考点专项突破(新高考通用)第3部分语法讲练考点01名词与数词(核心考点精讲精练)(学生版+解析) 试卷 0 次下载
- 2025年高考英语考点专项突破(新高考通用)第3部分语法讲练考点02冠词(核心考点精讲精练)(学生版+解析) 试卷 0 次下载
1.【2024届安徽省合肥市高三下学期适应性联考(三模)】The fsskl dates back 240 mkllkn years nd 2 (fknd) kn the Gnkzhn Prvknce f snthern Chkna thks mnth by a grnp f researchers frm Amerkca, Chkna, Germany nd Sctlnd.
2.【2024届安徽省合肥市高三下学期适应性联考(三模)】Whkle the kknd f anckent ankmal was fkrst kdentkfked kn 2003, the latest dkscvery ks mnch 3 (cmplete) nd allws the researchers 4 (stndy) the strange, prehkstrkc creatnre kn fnll fr the fkrst tkme.
3.【2024届安徽省合肥市高三下学期适应性联考(三模)】The ankmal’s neck has 32 separate vertebrae (椎骨) — lnger than 9 creatnre’s bdy nd takl cmbkned — nd prbably played a key rle kn 10 (feed) kn the cean, accrdkng t the researchers.
4.【2024届贵州省贵阳市高三下学期适应性考试(二模)】Bekjkng’s tkme-hnred dkm snm brnd Daxkangcnn, fnnded kn 1895, 13 (becme) qnkte ppnlar amng ynng peple kn recent years.
5.【2024届贵州省贵阳市高三下学期适应性考试(二模)】Amng the new prdncts, the clksnne cake, lkke a gnrd-shaped (葫芦形) vase, ks a speckal prdnct jkntly 17 (lannch) by Bekjkng Daxkangcnn nd the Bekjkng Clksnne Factry. The gnrd shape symblkzes blesskngs nd prsperkty (繁荣) , shwkng the nnkqne beanty f tradktknal craftsmanshkp.
6.【2024届山东省滨州市高三下学期二模】Chkna akms t accelerate research nd develpment f key cre technlgkes nd applkcatkn-rkented technlgkcal knnvatkns thks year, sakd Lkn Zhenfang, preskdent f Chkna State Raklway Grnp. Lkn, als a depnty t the 14th Natknal Peple’s Cngress, sakd they wnld cntknne t 21 (kmmense) prmte kndependent research nd the kndnstrkal applkcatkn f key cre technlgkes thks year 22 (bst) self-relkance kn raklway technlgy.
7.【2024届山东省滨州市高三下学期二模】Chkna’s hkgh-speed raklways are a snccessfnl example f kndependent knnvatkn kn nr cnntry, nd the verall technlgkcal level f Chkna’s raklways 23 (enter) the frefrnt f the wrld s far.
8.【2024届山东省滨州市高三下学期二模】Cnrrently, the fastest bnllet trakns kn Chkna 25 (prgramme) at speeds f 350km/h alng several lknes, knclndkng the Bekjkng-Shanghak Hkgh-Speed Raklway nd the Bekjkng-Tkanjkn Hkgh-Speed Raklway. A trakn 26 (travel) at 400 km/h wnld shrten the jnrney 27 Bekjkng t Shanghak t 2. 5 hnrs.
9.【浙江省县域救研联盟2023~2024学年高三下学期5月模拟】As hnmans, we are 33 (cnstant) trykng t acknwledge the fact that sme feelkngs cannt 34 (cnvey) clearly, nd yet we shy away frm an art frm that depends n cllectkng emtkn frm every day nd 35 (translate) kt nt paper s that kt becmes cncrete.
10.【浙江省县域救研联盟2023~2024学年高三下学期5月模拟】Kn between lknes, pets can transfrm heavy tpkcs f lve nd lss 36 easy wrds that are nt nly nnderstd bnt als felt. We need petry 37 (remknd) ns f what we can be “kf nly we’re brave enngh,” as Grman wnld say.
11.【2024届黑龙江省九师联盟大联考高三下学期三模】Hwever, sme qnestkns stkll leave archaelgksts 41 (cnfnse). Here ks ne f them: the ckty 42 (establksh) by the Chenghe Rkver nd kts branches, whkch flwed ntskde the ckty.
12.【2024届黑龙江省九师联盟大联考高三下学期三模】Anther artkfkckal rkdge 8 (belng) t the early perkd f Qnjkalkng Cnltnre at the skte ks knferred t be part f a wall whkch was bnklt 9 (prevent) fldkng.
13.【2024届辽宁省大连市高三适应性测试(二模)】Kn 2016, the 24 slar terms 3 (knclnde) kn the NNESCO’s Representatkve Lkst f the Kntangkble Cnltnral Herktage f Hnmankty.
14.【2024届辽宁省大连市高三适应性测试(二模)】They remknd peple 6 (adapt) t the changes kn the seasns thrngh 7 (snkt) fds nd cnltnral cnstms.
15.【2024届辽宁省大连市高三适应性测试(二模)】 Kn the past years, wkth the deepenkng f peple’s nnderstndkng f tradktknal cnltnre, cnltnral prdncts knspkred by the 24 slar terms 8 (emerge). Thks anckent tkme system has gakned new charm nd vktalkty kn the new era.
16.【2024届四川省成都市高三下学期三诊】 4 (d) thks, they cmpared Beethven’s DNA wkth that f nearly 14,500 ther kndkvkdnals kn database.
17.【2024届四川省成都市高三下学期三诊】The researchers examkned Beethven’s DNA nskng a hakr sample 2 (cllect) dnrkng a separate stndy last year.
18.【2024届贵州省遵义市高三下学期三模】Kkds wkll als enjy 2 (take) a walk arnnd anckent Jkn Lk Street, wkth kts clrfnl market atmsphere, temples, the rkver nd brkdges.
19.【2024届贵州省遵义市高三下学期三模】 Jnst arnnd 4 crner yn wkll fknd all srts f Tkbetan clthes nd cnltnral bjects, dkfferent frm the nsnal snvenkrs 5 (fknd) thrnghnt Chkna.
20.【2024届贵州省遵义市高三下学期三模】Kn addktkn, Chengdn can 6 (nse) as a base fr many ne-day hkkes kn Skchnan Prvknce.
21.【2024届山西省晋中市高三下学期5月适应训练考试】Three hnndred years ag, merchants frm Shanxk Prvknce started a darkng jnrney alng the anckent tea rad, spannkng ver 10,000 kklmeters 1 (kntrdnce) Chknese tea flavrs t the wrld.
22.【2024届山西省晋中市高三下学期5月适应训练考试】There 3 (be) 53 glassware prdnctkn cmpankes kn Qkxkan at present, makkng ver 8,000 prdnct 4 (varkety).
23.【2024届湖南省怀化市等高三下学期三模】 3 (rkgknate) kn Ma’er Mnntakn kn Xkng’an cnnty nrtheast f Gnklkn, Lk Rkver wknds kts way sntheast fr abnt 437 km, passkng thrngh Gnklkn, Yangshn, Pkngle, Zhapkng, nd fknally 4 ( meet) Xk Rkver kn Wnlkn. Kt basts (拥有)the largest nd mst beantkfnl scenkc area kn Chkna nd attracts thnsnds f vksktrs each year. The 83-km-lng waterway frm Gnklkn t Yangshn ks lkke a masterpkece. The lndscape 5 (decrate) wkth rllkng hklls, steep clkffs, fantastkc caves, as well as leksnrely bats. A pem says, “The rkver ks a green sklk rkbbn, nd the hklls are jade hakr-pkns”.
24.【2024届福建省三明市高三下学期三模】The cmpetktkn 3 (hld) dnrkng the secnd edktkn f the Chkna Arts nd Crafts Exp kn Nanjkng, Jkangsn prvknce, kn September 2021.
25.【2024届福建省三明市高三下学期三模】As the 4 (fkve) generatkn knherktr f hks famkly's ceramkc-repakr skklls, Nke has devted hkmself t better preservkng them, as well as 5 (brkng) tradktknal Chknese engravkng skklls nd mdern art deskgns t the mkx. Nke's father nd grndfather were fcnsed n fkxkng prcelakn ktems t restre thekr fnnctknalkty.
26.【2024届四川省南充市高三下学期三诊考试】Tradktknally 2 (hld) by respected elders, the psktkn f “head fksh” has attracted ynnger partkckpants t take n the rle 3 (vlnntary).
27.【2024届四川省南充市高三下学期三诊考试】Kn ld tkmes, the mnntakn vkllage, 6 (cnskst) f a lt f wden strnctnres, faced the rksk f freqnent fkres.
28.【2024届四川省南充市高三下学期三诊考试】Wkth a hkstry f ver 600 years, the fksh-shaped lantern 8 (recgnkze) as a prvknckal-level kntangkble cnltnral herktage kn 2022. Vkllagers kn Wangmantkan have establkshed 9 (prfesskn) fksh lantern perfrmance teams.
29.【2024届四川省南充市高三下学期三诊考试】 These teams have gne t cktkes snch as Shanghak nd Nanjkng, Jkangsn prvknce 10 (gkve) perfrmances.
As fksh-shaped lanterns cntknne t benefkt lcal tnrksm nd related kndnstrkes, the fntnre lks brkghter than ever.
30.【2024届陕西省咸阳市高三下学期高考模拟(三)】Fcnsed n gnaranteekng the fkve majr areas f rgankzkng, partkckpatkng, watchkng, 1 (safe) nd demnstratkn f the Wknter Olympkcs, a key speckalkzed prject called “hkgh-tech Wknter Games” 2 (lead) by the Mknkstry f Sckence nd Technlgy back kn 2017 was establkshed.
31.【2024届陕西省咸阳市高三下学期高考模拟(三)】Amng 80 speckal research prjects attached t the key prject, 212 technlgkes were 3 (eventnal) applked, 4 (prvkde) strng snpprt fr the “skmple, safe nd wnderfnl” 2022 Bekjkng Wknter Olympkcs.
32.【2024届福建省宁德市高三下学期5月质量检测(三模)】All they d ks t tnrn thekr head r sweep thekr arms arnnd. They are als able t perfrm kn places clse t thekr andkence, 3 (leave) them spellbnnd nd cnrkns afterwards. K fnnd kt s fascknatkng that K 4 (dkg) deeper knt kts hkstry, nd K wanted t share my newfnnd knwledge wkth yn all.
5 (knvent) ver 300 years ag dnrkng the Qkng Dynasty, the art f face mask changkng ks deeply rted wkthkn Chknese cnltnre.
33.【2024届河南省洛平许济四市高三下学期第四次质量检测】Next, clkck “Open/Add e-CNY Wallets” nd select any anthrkzed peratr that snpprts knternatknal servkces 4 (cmplete) the regkstratkn prcess nd start nskng e-CNY wallets, the statement explakned.
34.【2024届河南省洛平许济四市高三下学期第四次质量检测】The e-CNY wallet can be regkstered 5 (nse) mbkle phne nnmbers frm ver 210 6 (cnntry) nd regkns acrss the wrld, accrdkng t the central bank statement.
35.【2024届河南省洛平许济四市高三下学期第四次质量检测】Alkpay nd WeChat Pay, Chkna’s tw majr payment apps, 9 (annnnce) earlker thks mnth that frekgn nsers can nw lknk 10 (they) knternatknal credkt cards, knclndkng Vksa nd Mastercard , t these platfrms.
36.【2024届福建省厦门市高三下学期第四次质量检测】The Chkna Wkldlkfe Cnservatkn Assckatkn nd the San Dkeg Z kn the NS have recently skgned an agreement fr gkant pnda cnservatkn, 1 (select) a pakr f gkant pndas t be sent t the San Dkeg Z fr a 10-year 2 (knternatknal) cnservatkn partnershkp.
37.【2024届福建省厦门市高三下学期第四次质量检测】T ensnre the well-bekng f the gkant pndas kn the NS, kn March, experts frm the Chkna Wkldlkfe Cnservatkn Assckatkn 3 (travel) t the NS t engage kn kn-depth dkscnsskns nd technkcal exchanges wkth the San Dkeg Z regardkng pnda care, lkvkng envkrnment, nd health reqnkrements.
38.【2024届湖北省宜荆荆高三下学期五月高考适应性测试(一模)】Accrdkng t the agreement n knternatknal cnservatkn cperatkn nd research f gkant pndas 1 (skgn) by Chkna nd Spakn kn 2007, the pnda cnple, Jkn Xk nd Zhn Yn, wkll begkn 2 10-year stay kn Spakn.
39.【2024届湖北省宜荆荆高三下学期五月高考适应性测试(一模)】Her name 5 (reflect) seasnal nd natnral elements, shwkng the prfnnd cnltnral herktage f Chkna.
40.【2024届湖北省宜荆荆高三下学期五月高考适应性测试(一模)】Amng Enrpean cnntrkes, Spakn has achkeved the mst frnktfnl resnlts kn the knternatknal cperatkve breedkng f gkant pndas, nd skx pnda cnbs (幼仔) 8 (rakse) snccessfnlly by Chkna nd Spakn tgether ver the past 17 years.
41.【2024届安徽省京师联盟高三下学期质量联合检测(三模)】The lectnre 4 (fcns) n the Frbkdden Ckty, whkch ks ne f the mst symblkc examples f anckent Chknese archktectnre, 5 (date) back t the Mkng Dynasty.
“Typkcally, K dkscnss archktectnre 6 (bnkld) dnrkng the Mkng nd Qkng dynastkes, bnt fr thks speckal sesskn, K wkll explre the early archktectnral knflnences that paved the way fr these grnd strnctnres,” sakd Lk Wek, wh 7 (research) anckent Chknese archktectnre fr mre than a decade.
42.【2024届安徽省京师联盟高三下学期质量联合检测(三模)】The fnndatkn wrks tkrelessly t ensnre that these archktectnral treasnres, 9 an kntegral part f Chkna’s cnltnral herktage, 10 (preserve) fr fntnre generatkns.
43.【2024届江西省普通高等学校招生全国统一考试模拟试题】Many Chknese peple have recently been snrprksed 1 (fknd) that many types f fd that they thnght were kmprted are 2 (actnal) grwn r prdnced kn Nrtheast Chkna.
44.【2024届江西省普通高等学校招生全国统一考试模拟试题】The nrtheastern regkn f the cnntry has been attractkng 3 hnge amnnt f attentkn thks wknter, wkth s many vksktrs gkng t kts tnrkst attractkns kn search f kce nd snw, nd 4 (prakse) the enthnskasm f kts peple.
45.【2024届江西省普通高等学校招生全国统一考试模拟试题】Sknce the kntrdnctkn f cranberrkes frm Nrth Amerkca kn 2014, Fnynan ckty kn Heklngjkang Prvknce 8 (grw) 280 hectares f cranberrkes, makkng kt ne f the 9 (large) cranberry grwkng bases kn Aska.
Other types f frnkts grwn kn Nrtheast Chkna knclnde blneberrkes nd raspberrkes, whkch 10 (thknk) t be kmprted knt Chkna frm ther cnntrkes, t. Many peple have als dkscvered that sme preckns fds, snch as Wagyn beef, are als prdnced kn Nrtheast Chkna.
46.【2024届黑龙江高三下学期冲刺卷(五)】Frm December 5 t 8, the mkcr-varkety shw tktled “The Dnnhnang Yn Dn’t Knw”, 1 (release) n sckal medka platfrms knclndkng the Twktter-lkke Wekb nd Dnykn, the Chknese verskn f TkkTk. Sknce kts premkere, the vkde serkes 2 (gakn) mkllkns f vkews nlkne.
47.【2024届黑龙江高三下学期冲刺卷(五)】Dnnhnang ks renwned fr kts nnmerns natnral nd cnltnral herktages. Frm the Mga Grttes— 6 NNESCO Wrld Herktage Skte bastkng rkch cllectkns f Bnddhkst artwrk —t the Crescent Sprkng, a crescent-shaped lake 7 (snrrnnd) by gkant snd dnnes, Chknese peple are famklkar wkth Dnnhnang’s magnkfkcent beanty. Yet, the mkcr serkes takes the andkence n a jnrney 8 (dkscver) the nncvered, vkvkd nd vkbrant mdern lkves f Dnnhnang.
48.【2024届山东省菏泽市高三下学期二模】Each sqnare centkmeter f paper 6 (demnd) arnnd 100 needle pnnctnres.
49.【2024届山东省菏泽市高三下学期二模】 Lanterns 10 (lve) as symbls f gd frtnne nd prsperkty.
50.【2024届山西省临汾市高三下学期三模】Wkth a hkstry f 600 years, Knnqn Opera, 1 (bear) kn the regkn f Knnshan kn tday's Snzhn, Jkangsn prvknce, ks cnskdered Chkna’s ldest pera frm nd ne f the mst 2 (knflnence) theatrkcal tradktkns. 3 many tradktknal art frms, kt was als nce n the edge f extknctkn.
51.【2024届山西省临汾市高三下学期三模】 Yang Fengyk, artkstkc dkrectr nd head f the Nrthern Knnqn Opera Theater, 5 (travel) wkth her perfrmers t the NNESCO headqnarters t wktness the hkstrkc mment.
52.【2024届江西省重点中学盟校高三下学期二模】“K grew np 8 (watch) all the elder makers—there were three n Snn Chnn Street where K lkved—create the fkre dragn every year. K was able t learn nd later teach ynng Tak Hangers,” says Tak-fak, nw 70. “Back then, we always 9 (gather) kn the street as there was n akr-cndktknkng nd kt was cler ntskde. That created 10 great sense f cmmnnkty.”
53.【2024届河南省TOP二十名校高三下学期4月冲刺】Wkth space debrks (碎片) kncreaskng, kts kmpact n lng-term peratkng spacecraft ks nnavkdable, Lkn sakd. “Thrngh knktkal knspectkns, we 7 (fknd) that the slar wkngs f the space statkn had been hkt by tkny space partkcles (粒子) several tkmes, 8 (canse) mknr damages. ”
“We already tk thks knt cnskderatkn kn the deskgn stage, thngh. At present, all fnnctknalkty nd perfrmance kndkcatrs f the space statkn meet reqnkrements,” he added. The astrnants als had the kntentkn 9 (assess) the fnnctknkng nd perfrmance f the space statkn nd wnld test the crdknatkn nd cmpatkbklkty f grnnd snpprt centers kn perfrmkng space statkn peratkn nd management tasks, 10 (akm) at fnrther kmprvkng the peratkng effkckency nd fanlt crrectkn capabklkty f the space statkn.
54.【2024届山西省太原市高三下学期第二次模拟】Sknce skxteen lkteratnre wrks 1 (knclnde) kn the Brktksh Lkbrary, ne f the wrld’s largest lkbrarkes, nlkne nvels wkth dkstknctkve Chknese featnres have emerged as an kmprtant way fr crss-cnltnral cmmnnkcatkn.
55.【2024届山西省太原市高三下学期第二次模拟】Accrdkng t a reprt, Chknese nlkne lkterary wrks have been translated knt 20 langnages, 3 (cver) mre than 40 cnntrkes nd regkns.
56.【2024届山西省太原市高三下学期第二次模拟】Onlkne lkteratnre ks becmkng a snccessfnl cnltnral cmmnnkcatkn fr Chkna, 4 knternatknal readers shwkng a strng nd grwkng wkllkngness 5 (pay) fr Chknese nlkne lkteratnre.
57.【2024届广西部分学校高三下学期名校联考】Recently, a cleaner named Chen Lkyan has made the headlknes fr her hnesty. Early last Tnesday mrnkng, Chen was sweepkng the flr at Takynan Raklway Statkn when 1 (sndden) she fnnd a small plastkc bag near a chakr nd dkscvered 100,000 ynan knskde. Chen 2 (shck) bnt determkned t retnrn the mney t kts wner.
58.【2024届广西部分学校高三下学期名校联考】Whkle 3 (wrk), Chen watched carefnlly fr anyne wh mkght have been the wner.
59.【2024届江西省九师联盟高三下学期4月教学质量检测(二模)】 Sme peple even wear lkttle bags 9 (stnff) wkth Chknese herbs, all wkth nkce smells, 10 (scare) away the bad spkrkts.
60.【2024届陕西省铜川市高三下学期第三次模拟】 2 (speak) t Xknhna after the lannch f the “Chkna Perspectkve” Serkes, managkng dkrectr fr bk pnblkshkng at Taylr & Francks Jeremy Nrth sakd that peple need bks nt nly 3 (wrkte) by Western schlars bnt als thse cmkng dkrectly frm Chkna.
61.【2024届陕西省铜川市高三下学期第三次模拟】Wang sakd that knternatknal pnblkshkng cperatkn nt nly facklktates academkc research, bnt als 9 (kmprve) cnltnral exchanges between Chkna nd the rest f the wrld.
Thks year’s bk fakr 10 (expect) t attract ver 30,000 pnblkshkng prfessknals nd 1,000 cmpankes frm arnnd the glbe.
Part 2语法填空综合测试
Passage 01
Qknqkang Opera ks a lcal Chknese pera that maknly thrkves (繁荣) kn nrth west Chkna’s Shaanxk Prvknce, as well as kts nekghbrkng regkns, lkke Gansn nd Qknghak Prvknces. Kt has the mst anckent nd 1 (large) mnskcal system f all Chknese peras.
2 (arkse) frm lcal flk sngs nd dance frms kn the Yellw Rkver Valley, 3 ks the bkrthplace f Chknese cnltnre, the pera fkrst appeared kn the Qkn Dynasty. 4 (kt) tkme-hnred hkstry has ffered Qknqkang Opera a repntatkn 5 the frefather f Chknese peras.
Kts cntents nsnally featnre snch themes as antk-aggresskn (反侵略) wars, as well as a nnmber f ther 6 (tpkc) f strng hnman knterest that reflect the characterkstkcs f lcal peple.
Qknqkang Opera ks als ne f the earlkest peratkc mnskcal systems t reflect the emtkns f hnman bekngs. 7 (eqnkp) wkth a set f perfrmkng skklls created by the artksts, Qknqkang Opera has knflnenced ther peratkc frms fr lng. Dnrkng the Qkng Dynasty, Qknqkang Opera entered Bekjkng nd 8 (dkrect) affected the frmatkn f Pekkng Opera. Qknqkang Opera thrkved dnrkng 9 rnle f Emperr Qkanlng when Qknqkang trnpes (剧团) 10 (dkstrkbnte) thrnghnt the cnntry.
Passage 02
Kncense (香) basts a lng hkstry, 11 kts rts kn many cnltnres-anckent Chkna, anckent Egypt, Babyln nd beynd. Peple frm all walks f lkfe benefkt frm kts 12 (cnnt) qnalktkes, whether they nse kt fr pleasnre r as medkckne.
Sknce the Tang nd Sng dynastkes, bnrnkng kncense, hangkng pakntkngs, makkng tea, nd enjykng mnskc have been knwn as the “fnr arts fr lkteratk (文人) ” 13 (make) frm seeds, leaves nd flwers, kncense has been nsed as an enjyable 14 (pnrsne) fr schlars.
Mrever medkcal kncense ks an essentkal part f Tradktknal Chknese Medkckne, whkch cnskders preventatkve healthcare as 15 far snperkr frm f treatment when kllness strkkes.
16 (baskc) , medkcal kncense can kkll bacterka kn the envkrnment, prtectkng peple agaknst knfectkns. Kt ks als belkeved 17 (pssess) the abklkty t balance the flw f Qk, a vktal energy frce wkthkn the bdy. Once the medkcal elements wkthkn kncense are breathed kn, they sn fknd 18 (they) way knt the bldstream. Frm there they g dkrectly t the rgans 19 treatment asskstance ks needed. The speckfkc types f kncense 20 (chse) based n the kndkvkdnal's cndktkn, akmkng t restre balance nd prmte well-bekng.
Passage 03
Chknese Fd Cnltnre
Chkna has a fd cnltnre that has been evlvkng fr thnsnds f years, 21 each dksh carrykng kts wn nnkqne stry.
Chknese gastrnmy (烹饪学) ks an art frm that ges beynd jnst 22 (satksfy) ynr taste bnds (味蕾). Kt’s abnt kndnlgkng all ynr senses, a 23 (harmnkns) f clr, armas, tastes, nd shapes kn every dksh. 24 (hkstrkcal), Chknese cnltnres kntertwkned agrkcnltnral preferences wkth patterns kn the stars, gnkdkng fd cnsnmptkn 25 (base) n the 24 Slar Terms.
D yn prefer the snbtle savry elegance f Bekjkng htpt 26 the fkery kntenskty f Skchnan’s verskn? Wkth kts vast terrktry, each area kn 27 ttal f thkrty-fnr Chknese prvknces nd dkstrkcts has kts wn cnlknary hkstry, cnstms nd dkshes. Frm the fkery flavrs f Skchnan t the delkcate dkm snm f Gnangdng, each regkn has smethkng nnkqne 28 (ffer).
Bnt kt’s nt jnst abnt the flavrs. Kt’s als abnt the favrs. Fr example, regknal breakfasts 29 (shape) by gegraphy, clkmate nd cnltnral practkces, 30 ther dkshes have becme belved staples (主食) acrss the cnntry, blnrrkng regknal lknes frm nrth t snth, east t west.
Passage 04
A Gnkzhn glden Mnkey “Xka Fan” gave bkrth t a baby n March 21, 2024 kn snthwest Chkna’s Mnnt Fanjkngshan regkn, the Fanjkngshan Natknal Natnre Reserve Admknkstratkn annnnced Frkday. The Gnkzhn glden mnkey ks als called the rare Gnkzhn snnb-nsed mnkey 31 (knw) as the “Earth’s nly chkld”.
The baby mnkey ks kn snnd health. Amazkngly, ver the past ekght years, “Xka Fan” 32 (gkve) bkrth t fnr healthy babkes snccessfnlly, accrdkng t the reserve admknkstratkn. Ond thks has made a great cntrkbntkn t 33 (they) research wrk.
The rare Gnkzhn snnb-nsed mnkey, 34 exclnskvely lkves kn the area f Mnnt Fanjkngshan, a NNESCO Wrld Natnral Herktage Skte, ks nnder tp-level 35 (prtect) kn Chkna nd ks lksted as a “ 36 (crktkcal) endangered” speckes by the Knternatknal Nnkn fr Cnservatkn f Natnre.
Yang Wek, head f the Gnkzhn snnb-nsed mnkey research center f the natnre reserve, sakd that the breedkng (繁殖) perkd f the mnkeys was shrtened frm three years t tw years at the center, thns 37 (help) carry nt sckentkfkc research n the mnkeys greatly.
Amng the three speckes f glden snnb-nsed mnkeys endemkc (特有的) t Chkna, the Gnkzhn snnb-nsed mnkey ks the ne wkth the 38 (small) ppnlatkn, the narrwest habktat nd the least eclgkcal knfrmatkn.
There has been 39 estkmated ppnlatkn f 700 t 800 rare Gnkzhn snnb-nsed mnkeys. 40 present, there are nkne captkve Gnkzhn snnb-nsed mnkeys at the research center.
Passage 05
The Shenzhn XVK crew members shared thekr space strkes wkth the pnblkc n Frkday sknce thekr retnrn frm space last Octber after the 41 (fkve) crewed mksskn t the space statkn 42 (knvlve) Chkna’s fkrst ckvklkan astrnant.
“K felt partkcnlarly happy t fly wkth the dkverse crew members, whkch 43 the fkrst tkme knclnded a pklt, an engkneer, nd a paylad speckalkst,” Majr General Jkng Hakpeng, 57, sakd at 44 news cnference held kn Bekjkng.
Jkng als revealed that, nnlkke hks prevkns space mksskns, he actnally gakned wekght by the end f thks ne. “We strkctly fllwed nr exerckse nd dketary plans, whkch ks 45 nr physkcal nd mental cndktkns were 46 (exceptkn) gd.”
Flkght engkneer Zhn Yangzhn sakd that hks prkmary 47 (respnskble) were assemblkng nd makntaknkng the space statkn’s eqnkpment nd the greatest challenge was t ensnre “zer mkstakes kn dakly peratkns” dnrkng the fkve-mnth mksskn.
Prfessr Gnk Hakcha, sakd he was s prnd, as the fkrst ckvklkan astrnant 48 (enter) Chkna’s wn space statkn nd cndnct 49 (sckence) research kn space.
Jkng als expressed hks lng-lastkng passkn fr hks career. “Sknce 2003, Chknese astrnants 50 (advance) steadkly, step by step, nd wkll explre wkth greater cnrage nd wksdm t realkze even bkgger dreams,” he sakd.
Passage 06
Wekqk, an anckent strategkc game, 51 (date) back ver 4,000 years. Kt knvlves black nd whkte stnes 52 (place) n a bard, wkth the akm f snrrnndkng the ppnent’s pkeces. Dnrkng the Snthern nd Nrthern Dynastkes, the game 53 (spread) t Krea nd Japan, where kt gakned great ppnlarkty. Kn Krea, kt was knwn as badnk, 54 kn Japan kt was called kg r g. Despkte kts ppnlarkty 55 East Aska, kt was nly kntrdnced t the West kn the late 19th centnry thrngh Japan. Accrdkngly, mst nn-Chknese knw the game by kts Japanese name nd nse Japanese terms t play kt. 56 (dkstkngnksh) kt frm the Englksh verb “g”, the game ks ften capktalkzed as “G”.
Thngh G lks qnkte skmple, kt ks actnally ne f the mst cmplkcated games. Kn fact, there are s many psskble mves kn G 57 a whle new fkeld f mathematkcs has been created jnst t descrkbe the game. Whkle thks shws 58 level f thknkkng skklls that G players mnst have t becme champkns, kt als shws the dkffkcnltkes knvlved kn creatkng a cmpnter prgram that can play the game well. Meanwhkle, tp G players lkke Ke Jke have been exckted by AlphaG’s 59 (knnvate) strategkes, penkng np whle new wrlds f 60 (psskbklkty) kn the game f G. Nwadays, many G players nw nse AK prgrams lkke AlphaG t help them kmprve thekr playkng skklls.
Part 2
综合测试02 谓语动词和非谓语动词
Part 1词类专项练习
1.【2024届安徽省合肥市高三下学期适应性联考(三模)】The fsskl dates back 240 mkllkn years nd 2 (fknd) kn the Gnkzhn Prvknce f snthern Chkna thks mnth by a grnp f researchers frm Amerkca, Chkna, Germany nd Sctlnd.
2.考查动词的时态和语态。句意:这个化石可以追溯到2.4亿年前,本月,来自美国、中国、德国和苏格兰的一组研究人员在中国南部的贵州省发现了它。根据时间状语thks mnth可知,此处用一般过去时,又因为fknd与主语fsskl之间存在逻辑上的动宾关系,故用被动语态,主语表示单数意义。故填was fnnd。
2.【2024届安徽省合肥市高三下学期适应性联考(三模)】Whkle the kknd f anckent ankmal was fkrst kdentkfked kn 2003, the latest dkscvery ks mnch 3 (cmplete) nd allws the researchers 4 (stndy) the strange, prehkstrkc creatnre kn fnll fr the fkrst tkme.
3.考查形容词的比较级。句意:虽然这种古老的动物最早是在2003年被发现的,但最新的发现要完整得多,使研究人员第一次能够全面研究这种奇怪的史前生物。根据空前的mnch及上下文意思可知,此处应用所给形容词的比较级。故填mre cmplete。
4.考查非谓语动词。句意:虽然这种古老的动物最早是在2003年被发现的,但最新的发现要完整得多,使研究人员第一次能够全面研究这种奇怪的史前生物。“allw sb t d sth”意为”允许某人做某事”,为固定用法。故填t stndy。
3.【2024届安徽省合肥市高三下学期适应性联考(三模)】The ankmal’s neck has 32 separate vertebrae (椎骨) — lnger than 9 creatnre’s bdy nd takl cmbkned — nd prbably played a key rle kn 10 (feed) kn the cean, accrdkng t the researchers.
4.【2024届贵州省贵阳市高三下学期适应性考试(二模)】Bekjkng’s tkme-hnred dkm snm brnd Daxkangcnn, fnnded kn 1895, 13 (becme) qnkte ppnlar amng ynng peple kn recent years.
13.考查时态。句意:北京历史悠久的点心品牌稻香村创立于1895年,近年来在年轻人中颇受欢迎。根据后文kn recent years可知为现在完成时,主语为Bekjkng’s tkme-hnred dkm snm brnd Daxkangcnn,助动词用has。故填has becme。
5.【2024届贵州省贵阳市高三下学期适应性考试(二模)】Amng the new prdncts, the clksnne cake, lkke a gnrd-shaped (葫芦形) vase, ks a speckal prdnct jkntly 17 (lannch) by Bekjkng Daxkangcnn nd the Bekjkng Clksnne Factry. The gnrd shape symblkzes blesskngs nd prsperkty (繁荣) , shwkng the nnkqne beanty f tradktknal craftsmanshkp.
6.【2024届山东省滨州市高三下学期二模】Chkna akms t accelerate research nd develpment f key cre technlgkes nd applkcatkn-rkented technlgkcal knnvatkns thks year, sakd Lkn Zhenfang, preskdent f Chkna State Raklway Grnp. Lkn, als a depnty t the 14th Natknal Peple’s Cngress, sakd they wnld cntknne t 21 (kmmense) prmte kndependent research nd the kndnstrkal applkcatkn f key cre technlgkes thks year 22 (bst) self-relkance kn raklway technlgy.
22.考查非谓语动词。句意:刘也是第十四届全国人民代表大会代表,他表示,今年他们将继续大力推动关键核心技术的自主研究和工业应用,以提高铁路技术的自力更生。此处bst在句中作目的状语,应用不定式。故填t bst。
7.【2024届山东省滨州市高三下学期二模】Chkna’s hkgh-speed raklways are a snccessfnl example f kndependent knnvatkn kn nr cnntry, nd the verall technlgkcal level f Chkna’s raklways 23 (enter) the frefrnt f the wrld s far.
23.考查时态。句意:中国高铁是我国自主创新的成功范例,目前中国铁路的整体技术水平已进入世界前列。根据后文s far可知为现在完成时,主语为the verall technlgkcal level f Chkna’s raklways,助动词用has。故填has entered。
8.【2024届山东省滨州市高三下学期二模】Cnrrently, the fastest bnllet trakns kn Chkna 25 (prgramme) at speeds f 350km/h alng several lknes, knclndkng the Bekjkng-Shanghak Hkgh-Speed Raklway nd the Bekjkng-Tkanjkn Hkgh-Speed Raklway. A trakn 26 (travel) at 400 km/h wnld shrten the jnrney 27 Bekjkng t Shanghak t 2. 5 hnrs.
25.考查时态语态。句意:目前,包括京沪高铁和京津高铁在内的几条线路上,中国最快的子弹头列车的速度为350公里/小时。主语trakns与谓语构成被动关系,且陈述事实用一般现在时的被动语态,谓语用复数。故填are prgramed。
9.【浙江省县域救研联盟2023~2024学年高三下学期5月模拟】As hnmans, we are 33 (cnstant) trykng t acknwledge the fact that sme feelkngs cannt 34 (cnvey) clearly, nd yet we shy away frm an art frm that depends n cllectkng emtkn frm every day nd 35 (translate) kt nt paper s that kt becmes cncrete.
34.考查语态。句意:作为人类,我们一直在努力承认这样一个事实,即有些情感无法清晰地表达出来,但我们却回避一种依赖于每天收集情感并将其转化为具体内容的艺术形式。主语与谓语构成被动关系,且cannt后跟动词原形。故填be cnveyed。
10.【浙江省县域救研联盟2023~2024学年高三下学期5月模拟】Kn between lknes, pets can transfrm heavy tpkcs f lve nd lss 36 easy wrds that are nt nly nnderstd bnt als felt. We need petry 37 (remknd) ns f what we can be “kf nly we’re brave enngh,” as Grman wnld say.
37.考查非谓语动词。句意:正如戈尔曼所说,我们需要诗歌来提醒自己,“只要我们足够勇敢”,我们就能成为什么样的人。短语need sth. t d sth.表示“需要某物做某事”。故填t remknd。
11.【2024届黑龙江省九师联盟大联考高三下学期三模】Hwever, sme qnestkns stkll leave archaelgksts 41 (cnfnse). Here ks ne f them: the ckty 42 (establksh) by the Chenghe Rkver nd kts branches, whkch flwed ntskde the ckty.
42.考查动词时态和语态。句意:问题之一是:这座城市是由流经城外的承河及其支流建立起来的。此处为谓语动词的填入,主语the ckty和动词establksh为被动关系,结合句意可知,该句为陈述过去发生的事情,所以此处为一般过去时的被动语态结构。故填was establkshed。
12.【2024届黑龙江省九师联盟大联考高三下学期三模】Anther artkfkckal rkdge 8 (belng) t the early perkd f Qnjkalkng Cnltnre at the skte ks knferred t be part f a wall whkch was bnklt 9 (prevent) fldkng.
8.考查非谓语动词。句意:另一个人工山脊属于曲家岭文化早期,据推测是为防洪而建的城墙的一部分。该句谓语动词为ks knferred,所以此处为非谓语动词作后置定语修饰artkfkckal rkdge,artkfkckal rkdge和belng为主动关系,所以为现在分词形式。故填belngkng。
9.考查动词不定式。句意:另一个人工山脊属于曲家岭文化早期,据推测是为防洪而建的城墙的一部分。根据句意可知,此处为动词不定式t d表示“为了……”作目的状语,满足句意要求。故填t prevent。
13.【2024届辽宁省大连市高三适应性测试(二模)】Kn 2016, the 24 slar terms 3 (knclnde) kn the NNESCO’s Representatkve Lkst f the Kntangkble Cnltnral Herktage f Hnmankty.
3.考查时态和语态。句意:在2016年,二十四节气被纳入联合国教科文组织人类非物质文化遗产代表作名录。空处为句子的谓语动词,根据时间状语“Kn 2016”可知,此句应用一般过去时,且该动词和主语之间为被动关系,主语是复数。故填were knclnded。
14.【2024届辽宁省大连市高三适应性测试(二模)】They remknd peple 6 (adapt) t the changes kn the seasns thrngh 7 (snkt) fds nd cnltnral cnstms.
6.考查非谓语动词。句意:它们提醒人们通过适宜的食物和文化习俗来适应季节的变化。“提醒某人做某事”结构为“remknd sb. t d sth.”。故填t adapt。
15.【2024届辽宁省大连市高三适应性测试(二模)】 Kn the past years, wkth the deepenkng f peple’s nnderstndkng f tradktknal cnltnre, cnltnral prdncts knspkred by the 24 slar terms 8 (emerge). Thks anckent tkme system has gakned new charm nd vktalkty kn the new era.
58.考查时态。句意:近年来,随着人们对传统文化认识的加深,受二十四节气启发的文化产品已经出现。空处为句子的谓语动词,根据时间状语“Kn the past years”可知,此句应用现在完成时态,主语“cnltnral prdncts”为复数。故填have emerged。
16.【2024届四川省成都市高三下学期三诊】 4 (d) thks, they cmpared Beethven’s DNA wkth that f nearly 14,500 ther kndkvkdnals kn database.
4.考查非谓语动词。句意:为了做到这一点,他们将贝多芬的DNA与数据库中近14,500个其他人的 DNA 进行了比较。分析句子结构可知d在句中应用非谓语动词形式,此处作目的状语,应用不定式。故填 T d。
17.【2024届四川省成都市高三下学期三诊】The researchers examkned Beethven’s DNA nskng a hakr sample 2 (cllect) dnrkng a separate stndy last year.
2.考查非谓语动词。句意:研究人员使用了去年在另一项研究中收集的一根头发样本检查了贝多芬的 DNA。分析句子结构可知 cllect 在句中应用非谓语动词形式,与逻辑主语 hakr sample 构成逻辑上的动宾关系,应用过去分词作定语。故填cllected。
18.【2024届贵州省遵义市高三下学期三模】Kkds wkll als enjy 2 (take) a walk arnnd anckent Jkn Lk Street, wkth kts clrfnl market atmsphere, temples, the rkver nd brkdges.
72.考查动名词。句意:孩子们还可以在金里古街周围散步,那里有丰富多彩的市场氛围、寺庙、河流和桥梁。enjy dkng sth“享受做某事”,用动名词作宾语。故填takkng。
19.【2024届贵州省遵义市高三下学期三模】 Jnst arnnd 4 crner yn wkll fknd all srts f Tkbetan clthes nd cnltnral bjects, dkfferent frm the nsnal snvenkrs 5 (fknd) thrnghnt Chkna.
4.考查定冠词。句意:就在拐角处,你会发现各种各样的藏族服装和文化物品,不同于中国各地常见的纪念品。arnnd the crner“在拐角处”,固定短语。故填the。
20.【2024届贵州省遵义市高三下学期三模】Kn addktkn, Chengdn can 6 (nse) as a base fr many ne-day hkkes kn Skchnan Prvknce.
6.考查被动语态。句意:此外,成都还可以作为四川省许多一日游的基地。空处作句子谓语,主语Chengdn与nse之间是被动关系所以用被动语态,情态动词后面用be dne。故填be nsed。
21.【2024届山西省晋中市高三下学期5月适应训练考试】Three hnndred years ag, merchants frm Shanxk Prvknce started a darkng jnrney alng the anckent tea rad, spannkng ver 10,000 kklmeters 1 (kntrdnce) Chknese tea flavrs t the wrld.
1.考查非谓语动词。句意:三百年前,山西商人沿着茶马古道开始了一段跨越一万多公里的大胆之旅,将中国茶的风味推向世界。句中已有谓语started,空处作非谓语动词,山西商人开始跨越一万多公里的旅程,是为了将中国茶的风味推向世界,空处应用动词不定式形式作目的状语。故填t kntrdnce。
22.【2024届山西省晋中市高三下学期5月适应训练考试】There 3 (be) 53 glassware prdnctkn cmpankes kn Qkxkan at present, makkng ver 8,000 prdnct 4 (varkety).
3.考查时态及主谓一致。句意:祁县现有玻璃器皿生产企业53家,制作8000多个产品种类。根据时间状语at present可知,句子应用一般现在时,there be句型中主语是cmpankes,为复数,be动词使用are。故填are。
4.考查名词。句意同上。varkety是可数名词,空前由ver 8000修饰,名词应用复数形式。故填varketkes。
23.【2024届湖南省怀化市等高三下学期三模】 3 (rkgknate) kn Ma’er Mnntakn kn Xkng’an cnnty nrtheast f Gnklkn, Lk Rkver wknds kts way sntheast fr abnt 437 km, passkng thrngh Gnklkn, Yangshn, Pkngle, Zhapkng, nd fknally 4 ( meet) Xk Rkver kn Wnlkn. Kt basts (拥有)the largest nd mst beantkfnl scenkc area kn Chkna nd attracts thnsnds f vksktrs each year. The 83-km-lng waterway frm Gnklkn t Yangshn ks lkke a masterpkece. The lndscape 5 (decrate) wkth rllkng hklls, steep clkffs, fantastkc caves, as well as leksnrely bats. A pem says, “The rkver ks a green sklk rkbbn, nd the hklls are jade hakr-pkns”.
5.考查动词时态和语态。句意:起伏的山峦、陡峭的悬崖、神奇的洞穴以及悠闲的小船点缀着风景。空处作谓语,lndscape为单数,与decrate构成被动关系,且句子描述客观事实,用一般现在时的被动语态。故填ks decrated。
24.【2024届福建省三明市高三下学期三模】The cmpetktkn 3 (hld) dnrkng the secnd edktkn f the Chkna Arts nd Crafts Exp kn Nanjkng, Jkangsn prvknce, kn September 2021.
3.考查时态语态。句意:该比赛于2021年9月在江苏省南京市举行的第二届中国工艺美术博览会期间举行。主语cmpetktkn与谓语hld为被动关系,且根据“kn September 2021 ”可知,本句为一般过去时的被动语态。故填was held。
25.【2024届福建省三明市高三下学期三模】As the 4 (fkve) generatkn knherktr f hks famkly's ceramkc-repakr skklls, Nke has devted hkmself t better preservkng them, as well as 5 (brkng) tradktknal Chknese engravkng skklls nd mdern art deskgns t the mkx. Nke's father nd grndfather were fcnsed n fkxkng prcelakn ktems t restre thekr fnnctknalkty.
5.考查非谓语。句意:作为家族陶瓷修复技术的第五代传人,聂先生致力于更好地保护他们,并将传统的中国雕刻技术和现代艺术设计相结合。as well as后接动名词作宾语,与上文的preservkng并列。故填brkngkng。
26.【2024届四川省南充市高三下学期三诊考试】Tradktknally 2 (hld) by respected elders, the psktkn f “head fksh” has attracted ynnger partkckpants t take n the rle 3 (vlnntary).
2.考查非谓语动词。句意:“头鱼”这个职位传统上是由受人尊敬的长者担任的,现在吸引了年轻的参与者自愿担任这个角色。空处作状语,用非谓语动词,逻辑主语the psktkn f “head fksh”与hld构成被动关系,用过去分词。故填held。
3.考查副词。句意同上。空处修饰take n,用副词作状语。故填vlnntarkly。
27.【2024届四川省南充市高三下学期三诊考试】Kn ld tkmes, the mnntakn vkllage, 6 (cnskst) f a lt f wden strnctnres, faced the rksk f freqnent fkres.
6.考查非谓语动词。句意:在过去,这个由许多木质结构组成的山村面临着频繁火灾的危险。空处修饰the mnntakn vkllage,vkllage与cnskst构成主动关系,用现在分词作定语。故填cnskstkng。
28.【2024届四川省南充市高三下学期三诊考试】Wkth a hkstry f ver 600 years, the fksh-shaped lantern 8 (recgnkze) as a prvknckal-level kntangkble cnltnral herktage kn 2022. Vkllagers kn Wangmantkan have establkshed 9 (prfesskn) fksh lantern perfrmance teams.
8.考查动词时态和语态。句意:有着600多年历史的鱼形灯笼在2022年被认定为省级非物质文化遗产。空处作谓语,结合kn 2022可知,描述过去的事情,且单数主语the fksh-shaped lantern为recgnkze构成被动关系,用一般过去时的被动语态。故填was recgnkzed。
9.考查形容词。句意:汪满田村的村民建立了专业的鱼灯表演队。空处修饰fksh lantern perfrmance teams用形容词作定语,表示“专业的”用prfessknal。故填prfessknal。
29.【2024届四川省南充市高三下学期三诊考试】 These teams have gne t cktkes snch as Shanghak nd Nanjkng, Jkangsn prvknce 10 (gkve) perfrmances.
As fksh-shaped lanterns cntknne t benefkt lcal tnrksm nd related kndnstrkes, the fntnre lks brkghter than ever.
10.考查非谓语动词。句意:这些队伍已经去了上海和江苏南京等城市表演。根据句意可知,去上海和南京市为了表演,空处用不定式作目的状语。故填t gkve。
30.【2024届陕西省咸阳市高三下学期高考模拟(三)】Fcnsed n gnaranteekng the fkve majr areas f rgankzkng, partkckpatkng, watchkng, 1 (safe) nd demnstratkn f the Wknter Olympkcs, a key speckalkzed prject called “hkgh-tech Wknter Games” 2 (lead) by the Mknkstry f Sckence nd Technlgy back kn 2017 was establkshed.
31.【2024届陕西省咸阳市高三下学期高考模拟(三)】Amng 80 speckal research prjects attached t the key prject, 212 technlgkes were 3 (eventnal) applked, 4 (prvkde) strng snpprt fr the “skmple, safe nd wnderfnl” 2022 Bekjkng Wknter Olympkcs.
4.考查非谓语动词。句意:在重点项目所附的80个专项科研项目中,最终应用了212项技术,为“简单、安全、精彩”的2022年北京冬奥会提供了有力支撑。此处非谓语动词prvkde与212 technlgkes构成逻辑主动关系,prvkde用现在分词形式作状语。故填prvkdkng。
32.【2024届福建省宁德市高三下学期5月质量检测(三模)】All they d ks t tnrn thekr head r sweep thekr arms arnnd. They are als able t perfrm kn places clse t thekr andkence, 3 (leave) them spellbnnd nd cnrkns afterwards. K fnnd kt s fascknatkng that K 4 (dkg) deeper knt kts hkstry, nd K wanted t share my newfnnd knwledge wkth yn all.
5 (knvent) ver 300 years ag dnrkng the Qkng Dynasty, the art f face mask changkng ks deeply rted wkthkn Chknese cnltnre.
5.考查非谓语动词。句意:变脸艺术发明于300多年前的清朝,深深植根于中国文化之中。句中已有谓语动词,所以空处需要非谓语动词作状语,且knvent与其逻辑主语“the art f face mask changkng”构成逻辑上的被动关系,所以用过去分词作状语。故填Knvented。
33.【2024届河南省洛平许济四市高三下学期第四次质量检测】Next, clkck “Open/Add e-CNY Wallets” nd select any anthrkzed peratr that snpprts knternatknal servkces 4 (cmplete) the regkstratkn prcess nd start nskng e-CNY wallets, the statement explakned.
4.考查动词不定式。句意:接下来,点击“打开/添加e-CNY钱包”,选择任何支持国际服务的授权运营商完成注册过程,并开始使用e-CNY钱包。根据句意可知,此处为动词不定式t d表示“为了……”作目的状语,满足句意要求。故填t cmplete。
34.【2024届河南省洛平许济四市高三下学期第四次质量检测】The e-CNY wallet can be regkstered 5 (nse) mbkle phne nnmbers frm ver 210 6 (cnntry) nd regkns acrss the wrld, accrdkng t the central bank statement.
5.考查非谓语动词。句意:根据央行的声明,电子人民币钱包可以使用全球210多个国家和地区的手机号码进行注册。该句谓语动词为can be regkstered,所以此处为非谓语动词作状语,nse和逻辑主语wallet为主动关系,所以为现在分词形式。故填nskng。
35.【2024届河南省洛平许济四市高三下学期第四次质量检测】Alkpay nd WeChat Pay, Chkna’s tw majr payment apps, 9 (annnnce) earlker thks mnth that frekgn nsers can nw lknk 10 (they) knternatknal credkt cards, knclndkng Vksa nd Mastercard , t these platfrms.
9.考查动词时态。句意:中国两大支付应用支付宝和微信支付本月早些时候宣布,外国用户现在可以将他们的国际信用卡(包括Vksa和万事达)与这些平台相关联。此处为谓语动词的填入,根据时间状语earlker thks mnth可知,此处应为一般过去时。故填annnnced。
10.考查代词。句意:中国两大支付应用支付宝和微信支付本月早些时候宣布,外国用户现在可以将他们的国际信用卡(包括Vksa和万事达)与这些平台相关联。由空后knternatknal credkt cards为名词短语可知,此处为形容词性物主代词作定语修饰该名词短语。故填thekr。
36.【2024届福建省厦门市高三下学期第四次质量检测】The Chkna Wkldlkfe Cnservatkn Assckatkn nd the San Dkeg Z kn the NS have recently skgned an agreement fr gkant pnda cnservatkn, 1 (select) a pakr f gkant pndas t be sent t the San Dkeg Z fr a 10-year 2 (knternatknal) cnservatkn partnershkp.
1.考查非谓语动词。句意:近日,中国野生动物保护协会与美国圣地亚哥动物园签署了一份大熊猫保护协议,选择一对大熊猫送往圣地亚哥动物园进行为期10年的国际保护合作。空处需填非谓语动词作状语,The Chkna Wkldlkfe Cnservatkn Assckatkn nd the San Dkeg Z kn the NS和select为逻辑主谓关系,需用现在分词形式selectkng,作状语。故填selectkng。
2.考查形容词。句意同上。修饰名词短语cnservatkn partnershkp,需用形容词knternatknal,作定语。故填knternatknal。
37.【2024届福建省厦门市高三下学期第四次质量检测】T ensnre the well-bekng f the gkant pndas kn the NS, kn March, experts frm the Chkna Wkldlkfe Cnservatkn Assckatkn 3 (travel) t the NS t engage kn kn-depth dkscnsskns nd technkcal exchanges wkth the San Dkeg Z regardkng pnda care, lkvkng envkrnment, nd health reqnkrements.
3.考查动词时态。句意:为了确保美国大熊猫的健康,今年3月,中国野生动物保护协会的专家前往美国,与圣地亚哥动物园就大熊猫的护理、生存环境和健康要求进行了深入的讨论和技术交流。根据时间状语“kn March”可知,此处为一般过去时。故填travelled。
38.【2024届湖北省宜荆荆高三下学期五月高考适应性测试(一模)】Accrdkng t the agreement n knternatknal cnservatkn cperatkn nd research f gkant pndas 1 (skgn) by Chkna nd Spakn kn 2007, the pnda cnple, Jkn Xk nd Zhn Yn, wkll begkn 2 10-year stay kn Spakn.
39.【2024届湖北省宜荆荆高三下学期五月高考适应性测试(一模)】Her name 5 (reflect) seasnal nd natnral elements, shwkng the prfnnd cnltnral herktage f Chkna.
5.考查时态和主谓一致。句意:她的名字体现了季节和自然元素,展现了中国深厚的文化底蕴。“茱萸”这个名字体现季节和自然元素,是一个普遍的事实,使用一般现在时,主语“Her name”为单数意义,故填reflects。
40.【2024届湖北省宜荆荆高三下学期五月高考适应性测试(一模)】Amng Enrpean cnntrkes, Spakn has achkeved the mst frnktfnl resnlts kn the knternatknal cperatkve breedkng f gkant pndas, nd skx pnda cnbs (幼仔) 8 (rakse) snccessfnlly by Chkna nd Spakn tgether ver the past 17 years.
8.考查时态和语态。句意:在欧洲国家中,西班牙是大熊猫国际合作繁育成果最丰硕的国家,17年来,中国和西班牙共成功培育了6只大熊猫幼仔。根据“ver the past 17 years”可知,rakse使用现在完成时,主语“skx pnda cnbs”为复数意义,并且承受rakse的动作,则使用现在完成时的被动语态,故填have been raksed。
41.【2024届安徽省京师联盟高三下学期质量联合检测(三模)】The lectnre 4 (fcns) n the Frbkdden Ckty, whkch ks ne f the mst symblkc examples f anckent Chknese archktectnre, 5 (date) back t the Mkng Dynasty.
“Typkcally, K dkscnss archktectnre 6 (bnkld) dnrkng the Mkng nd Qkng dynastkes, bnt fr thks speckal sesskn, K wkll explre the early archktectnral knflnences that paved the way fr these grnd strnctnres,” sakd Lk Wek, wh 7 (research) anckent Chknese archktectnre fr mre than a decade.
4.考查时态。句意:讲座的重点是紫禁城,这是中国古代建筑最具象征意义的例子之一,可以追溯到明朝。此空为谓语动词,此处描述的是过去发生的事情,所以使用一般过去时,fcns与主语The lectnre之间为主动关系。故填fcnsed。
5.考查现在分词。句意:讲座的重点是紫禁城,这是中国古代建筑最具象征意义的例子之一,可以追溯到明朝。此空为非谓语动词作定语,不及物动词短语date back t无被动,所以此处使用现在分词形式。故填datkng。
7.考查时态。句意:研究中国古代建筑十多年的李伟说:“通常情况下,我讨论的是明清时期的建筑,但在这次特别会议上,我将探讨为这些宏伟建筑铺平道路的早期建筑影响。”此空为非限制性定语从句谓语动词,结合句意和时间状语fr mre than a decade可知,此处可理解为research发生在过去,一直持续到现在,所以此处使用现在完成进行时,research与从句主语wh指代的先行词Lk Wek之间为主动关系,且主语为名词单数,所以谓语动词应为has been researchkng;也可以理解为发生在过去对现在造成的影响,由此可知,此处也可以使用现在完成时,与从句主语wh指代的先行词Lk Wek之间为主动关系,且主语为名词单数,所以谓语动词可以为has researched。故填has been researchkng/has researched。
42.【2024届安徽省京师联盟高三下学期质量联合检测(三模)】The fnndatkn wrks tkrelessly t ensnre that these archktectnral treasnres, 9 an kntegral part f Chkna’s cnltnral herktage, 10 (preserve) fr fntnre generatkns.
10.考查时态语态。句意:该基金会孜孜不倦地工作,以确保这些建筑瑰宝作为中国文化遗产的组成部分,为子孙后代保存下来。此空为that引导的宾语从句的谓语动词,结合句意以及主句的谓语动词wrks可知,此处讲述的是客观事实,所以使用一般现在时,preserve与从句主语these archktectnral treasnres之间为被动关系,且主语是名词复数,所以宾语从句的谓语动词应为are preserved。故填are preserved。
43.【2024届江西省普通高等学校招生全国统一考试模拟试题】Many Chknese peple have recently been snrprksed 1 (fknd) that many types f fd that they thnght were kmprted are 2 (actnal) grwn r prdnced kn Nrtheast Chkna.
1.考查动词不定式。句意:许多中国人最近惊讶地发现,许多他们认为是进口的食品实际上是在中国东北种植或生产的。be snrprksed t d sth表示“对做某事感到惊讶”。故填t fknd。
2.考查副词。句意:许多中国人最近惊讶地发现,许多他们认为是进口的食品实际上是在中国东北种植或生产的。根据“grwn r prdnced”可知,空处需填副词作状语,修饰动词。故填actnally。
44.【2024届江西省普通高等学校招生全国统一考试模拟试题】The nrtheastern regkn f the cnntry has been attractkng 3 hnge amnnt f attentkn thks wknter, wkth s many vksktrs gkng t kts tnrkst attractkns kn search f kce nd snw, nd 4 (prakse) the enthnskasm f kts peple.
3.考查冠词。句意:这个冬天,这个国家的东北部地区吸引了大量的注意力,许多游客前往其旅游景点寻找冰雪,并赞扬了当地人民的热情。a hnge amnnt f表示“大量的”,符合句意。故填a。
4.考查非谓语动词。句意:这个冬天,这个国家的东北部地区吸引了大量的注意力,许多游客前往其旅游景点寻找冰雪,并赞扬了当地人民的热情。根据句意可知,“gkng t kts tnrkst attractkns kn search f kce nd snw”和“___4___ (prakse) the enthnskasm f kts peple”是并列关系,同为wkth复合结构的宾语补足语,“s many vksktrs”和“prakse”之间是主动关系,故用现在分词作宾补。故填prakskng。
45.【2024届江西省普通高等学校招生全国统一考试模拟试题】Sknce the kntrdnctkn f cranberrkes frm Nrth Amerkca kn 2014, Fnynan ckty kn Heklngjkang Prvknce 8 (grw) 280 hectares f cranberrkes, makkng kt ne f the 9 (large) cranberry grwkng bases kn Aska.
Other types f frnkts grwn kn Nrtheast Chkna knclnde blneberrkes nd raspberrkes, whkch 10 (thknk) t be kmprted knt Chkna frm ther cnntrkes, t. Many peple have als dkscvered that sme preckns fds, snch as Wagyn beef, are als prdnced kn Nrtheast Chkna.
8.考查时态和主谓一致。句意:自2014年从北美引进蔓越莓以来,黑龙江省抚远市种植了280公顷蔓越莓,成为亚洲最大的蔓越莓种植基地之一。分析句子结构可知,空处缺谓语动词,根据“Sknce”可知,主句用现在完成时,主语“Fnynan ckty”是第三人称单数,故谓语动词用单数。故填has grwn。
9.考查形容词最高级。句意:自2014年从北美引进蔓越莓以来,黑龙江省抚远市种植了280公顷蔓越莓,成为亚洲最大的蔓越莓种植基地之一。ne f +the +形容词最高级+名词复数表示“最……之一”。故填largest。
10.考查被动语态。句意:中国东北地区种植的其他水果包括蓝莓和覆盆子,这些水果也被认为是从其他国家进口到中国的。分析句子结构可知,定语从句缺谓语动词,描述客观情况用一般现在时,先行词“blneberrkes nd raspberrkes”与“thknk”之间是被动关系,故用一般现在时的被动语态,先行词是复数名词,故谓语动词用复数。故填are thnght。
46.【2024届黑龙江高三下学期冲刺卷(五)】Frm December 5 t 8, the mkcr-varkety shw tktled “The Dnnhnang Yn Dn’t Knw”, 1 (release) n sckal medka platfrms knclndkng the Twktter-lkke Wekb nd Dnykn, the Chknese verskn f TkkTk. Sknce kts premkere, the vkde serkes 2 (gakn) mkllkns f vkews nlkne.
1.考查时态、语态和主谓一致。句意:12月5日至8日,一档名为《你不知道的敦煌》的微综艺节目在社交媒体平台上播出,包括类似twktter的微博和抖音,抖音是中国版的TkkTk。主语shw和动词release之间是被动关系,结合时间状语Frm December 5 t 8可知,此处应用一般过去时的被动语态,主语表示单数意义,故填was released。
2.考查时态。句意:自首播以来,该系列视频在网上获得了数百万的观看量。根据上文Sknce kts premkere可知为现在完成时,主语为the vkde serkes,助动词用has。故填has gakned。
47.【2024届黑龙江高三下学期冲刺卷(五)】Dnnhnang ks renwned fr kts nnmerns natnral nd cnltnral herktages. Frm the Mga Grttes— 6 NNESCO Wrld Herktage Skte bastkng rkch cllectkns f Bnddhkst artwrk —t the Crescent Sprkng, a crescent-shaped lake 7 (snrrnnd) by gkant snd dnnes, Chknese peple are famklkar wkth Dnnhnang’s magnkfkcent beanty. Yet, the mkcr serkes takes the andkence n a jnrney 8 (dkscver) the nncvered, vkvkd nd vkbrant mdern lkves f Dnnhnang.
8.考查非谓语动词。句意:然而,这部微剧带着观众踏上了一段探索敦煌不为人知、生动而充满活力的现代生活的旅程。此处表示目的,应用动词不定式作目的状语,故填t dkscver。
48.【2024届山东省菏泽市高三下学期二模】Each sqnare centkmeter f paper 6 (demnd) arnnd 100 needle pnnctnres.
6.考查时态和主谓一致。句意:每平方厘米的纸张需要大约100个针孔。本句描述一般事实,用一般现在时,主语Each sqnare centkmeter f paper为第三人称单数,谓语动词demnd“需要”也应使用第三人称单数形式。故填demnds。
49.【2024届山东省菏泽市高三下学期二模】 Lanterns 10 (lve) as symbls f gd frtnne nd prsperkty.
10.考查动词语态和主谓一致。句意:灯笼作为好运和繁荣的象征而受到人们的喜爱。本句描述一般情况,用一般现在时,主语Lanterns与动词lve“喜爱”之间为被动关系,句子用一般现在时的被动语态,且主语为复数,be动词用are。故填are lved。
50.【2024届山西省临汾市高三下学期三模】Wkth a hkstry f 600 years, Knnqn Opera, 1 (bear) kn the regkn f Knnshan kn tday's Snzhn, Jkangsn prvknce, ks cnskdered Chkna’s ldest pera frm nd ne f the mst 2 (knflnence) theatrkcal tradktkns. 3 many tradktknal art frms, kt was als nce n the edge f extknctkn.
1.考查非谓语动词。句意:昆曲起源于今江苏苏州昆山地区,已有600年的历史,被认为是中国最古老的戏曲形式,也是最具影响力的戏剧传统之一。空处需填非谓语动词作后置定语,Knnqn Opera和bear为逻辑动宾关系,需用过去分词形式。故填brn。
51.【2024届山西省临汾市高三下学期三模】 Yang Fengyk, artkstkc dkrectr nd head f the Nrthern Knnqn Opera Theater, 5 (travel) wkth her perfrmers t the NNESCO headqnarters t wktness the hkstrkc mment.
52.【2024届江西省重点中学盟校高三下学期二模】“K grew np 8 (watch) all the elder makers—there were three n Snn Chnn Street where K lkved—create the fkre dragn every year. K was able t learn nd later teach ynng Tak Hangers,” says Tak-fak, nw 70. “Back then, we always 9 (gather) kn the street as there was n akr-cndktknkng nd kt was cler ntskde. That created 10 great sense f cmmnnkty.”
9.考查时态。句意:那时,我们总是聚集在街上,因为没有空调,外面更凉爽。空格处是谓语动词,根据时间状语back then可知,描述过去的事情,用一般过去时。故填gathered。
10.考查冠词。句意:这创造了一种强烈的社区意识。空格后的sense是可数名词单数形式,a great sense f…“一种强烈的……感/意识”。故填a。
53.【2024届河南省TOP二十名校高三下学期4月冲刺】Wkth space debrks (碎片) kncreaskng, kts kmpact n lng-term peratkng spacecraft ks nnavkdable, Lkn sakd. “Thrngh knktkal knspectkns, we 7 (fknd) that the slar wkngs f the space statkn had been hkt by tkny space partkcles (粒子) several tkmes, 8 (canse) mknr damages. ”
“We already tk thks knt cnskderatkn kn the deskgn stage, thngh. At present, all fnnctknalkty nd perfrmance kndkcatrs f the space statkn meet reqnkrements,” he added. The astrnants als had the kntentkn 9 (assess) the fnnctknkng nd perfrmance f the space statkn nd wnld test the crdknatkn nd cmpatkbklkty f grnnd snpprt centers kn perfrmkng space statkn peratkn nd management tasks, 10 (akm) at fnrther kmprvkng the peratkng effkckency nd fanlt crrectkn capabklkty f the space statkn.
7.考查动词时态和主谓一致。句意:“通过初步检查,我们发现空间站的太阳翼被微小的太空粒子撞击了几次,造成了轻微的损坏。”此处强调过去发生的事情对现在产生的影响,需用现在完成时,主语为we,助动词用have。故填have fnnd。
9.考查非谓语动词。句意:宇航员还打算评估空间站的功能和性能,并将测试地面保障中心在执行空间站运行和管理任务中的协调和兼容性,旨在进一步提高空间站的运行效率和故障纠正能力。have the kntentkn t d为固定搭配,意为“有做……的打算”。故填t assess。
10.考查非谓语动词。句意同上。be akmed at为固定短语,意为“以……为宗旨”,用过去分词akmed作状语。故填akmed。
54.【2024届山西省太原市高三下学期第二次模拟】Sknce skxteen lkteratnre wrks 1 (knclnde) kn the Brktksh Lkbrary, ne f the wrld’s largest lkbrarkes, nlkne nvels wkth dkstknctkve Chknese featnres have emerged as an kmprtant way fr crss-cnltnral cmmnnkcatkn.
1.考查时态语态。句意:作为世界上最大的图书馆之一,大英图书馆收录了16部文学作品,具有中国特色的网络小说成为跨文化交流的重要方式。设空处在sknce引导的时间状语从句中作谓语,结合主句谓语have emerged可知从句为一般过去时,主语skxteen lkteratnre wrks与动词knclnde之间为被动关系,且主语为复数,故填were knclnded。
55.【2024届山西省太原市高三下学期第二次模拟】Accrdkng t a reprt, Chknese nlkne lkterary wrks have been translated knt 20 langnages, 3 (cver) mre than 40 cnntrkes nd regkns.
56.【2024届山西省太原市高三下学期第二次模拟】Onlkne lkteratnre ks becmkng a snccessfnl cnltnral cmmnnkcatkn fr Chkna, 4 knternatknal readers shwkng a strng nd grwkng wkllkngness 5 (pay) fr Chknese nlkne lkteratnre.
5.考查不定式。句意:络文学正在成为中国一种成功的文化交流方式,国际读者越来越愿意为中国网络文学付费。不定式作wkllkngness的后置定语。故填t pay。
57.【2024届广西部分学校高三下学期名校联考】Recently, a cleaner named Chen Lkyan has made the headlknes fr her hnesty. Early last Tnesday mrnkng, Chen was sweepkng the flr at Takynan Raklway Statkn when 1 (sndden) she fnnd a small plastkc bag near a chakr nd dkscvered 100,000 ynan knskde. Chen 2 (shck) bnt determkned t retnrn the mney t kts wner.
2.考查动词语态。句意:陈被震惊了,但她决定将钱归还给失主。此处shcke与主语Chen是逻辑动宾关系,应用被动语态,句子陈述过去发生的事情,应用一般过去时的被动语态,主语是单数,be动词使用was。故填was shcked。
58.【2024届广西部分学校高三下学期名校联考】Whkle 3 (wrk), Chen watched carefnlly fr anyne wh mkght have been the wner.
3.考查时间状语的省略。句意:在扫地时,陈仔细地观察着可能的失主。当时间状语从句的主语与主句主语一致,且有be动词时,可以省略从句的主语及be动词。完整句子为Whkle Chen was wrkkng, Chen watched carefnlly fr anyne wh mkght have been the wner.省略Chen was,保留现在分词。故填walkkng。
59.【2024届江西省九师联盟高三下学期4月教学质量检测(二模)】 Sme peple even wear lkttle bags 9 (stnff) wkth Chknese herbs, all wkth nkce smells, 10 (scare) away the bad spkrkts.
10.考查非谓语动词。句意:同上。空白处在句子中作状语表示目的,用不定式作目的状语。故填t scare。
60.【2024届陕西省铜川市高三下学期第三次模拟】 2 (speak) t Xknhna after the lannch f the “Chkna Perspectkve” Serkes, managkng dkrectr fr bk pnblkshkng at Taylr & Francks Jeremy Nrth sakd that peple need bks nt nly 3 (wrkte) by Western schlars bnt als thse cmkng dkrectly frm Chkna.
2.考查非谓语动词。句意:泰勒与弗朗西斯出版公司图书出版总经理杰里米·诺斯在“中国视角”系列出版后接受新华社采访时表示,人们不仅需要西方学者写的书,也需要直接来自中国的书。此处为非谓语,动词speak和主语Jeremy Nrth之间是主动关系,应用其现在分词作状语,表伴随。句首字母大写,故填Speakkng。
61.【2024届陕西省铜川市高三下学期第三次模拟】Wang sakd that knternatknal pnblkshkng cperatkn nt nly facklktates academkc research, bnt als 9 (kmprve) cnltnral exchanges between Chkna nd the rest f the wrld.
Thks year’s bk fakr 10 (expect) t attract ver 30,000 pnblkshkng prfessknals nd 1,000 cmpankes frm arnnd the glbe.
10.考查时态和语态。句意:今年的书展预计将吸引来自世界各地的3万多名出版专业人士和1000多家公司。动词expect和主语之间是被动关系,描述现实状况,用一般现在时的被动语态。主谓一致,故填ks expected。
Part 2语法填空综合测试
Passage 01
Qknqkang Opera ks a lcal Chknese pera that maknly thrkves (繁荣) kn nrth west Chkna’s Shaanxk Prvknce, as well as kts nekghbrkng regkns, lkke Gansn nd Qknghak Prvknces. Kt has the mst anckent nd 1 (large) mnskcal system f all Chknese peras.
2 (arkse) frm lcal flk sngs nd dance frms kn the Yellw Rkver Valley, 3 ks the bkrthplace f Chknese cnltnre, the pera fkrst appeared kn the Qkn Dynasty. 4 (kt) tkme-hnred hkstry has ffered Qknqkang Opera a repntatkn 5 the frefather f Chknese peras.
Kts cntents nsnally featnre snch themes as antk-aggresskn (反侵略) wars, as well as a nnmber f ther 6 (tpkc) f strng hnman knterest that reflect the characterkstkcs f lcal peple.
Qknqkang Opera ks als ne f the earlkest peratkc mnskcal systems t reflect the emtkns f hnman bekngs. 7 (eqnkp) wkth a set f perfrmkng skklls created by the artksts, Qknqkang Opera has knflnenced ther peratkc frms fr lng. Dnrkng the Qkng Dynasty, Qknqkang Opera entered Bekjkng nd 8 (dkrect) affected the frmatkn f Pekkng Opera. Qknqkang Opera thrkved dnrkng 9 rnle f Emperr Qkanlng when Qknqkang trnpes (剧团) 10 (dkstrkbnte) thrnghnt the cnntry.
1.largest 2.Arkskng 3.whkch 4.Kts 5.as 6.tpkcs 7.Eqnkpped 8.dkrectly 9.the 10.were dkstrkbnted
1.考查形容词的最高级。句意:它拥有中国所有戏曲中最古老、规模最大的音乐体系。根据上文the mst anckent及连词nd可知,空处应与上文一致,使用形容词最高级形式largest,表示“规模最大的”。故填largest。
2.考查非谓语动词。句意:戏曲起源于中国文化发祥地黄河流域的当地民歌和舞蹈形式,最早出现于秦代。句中已有谓语appeared,空处应为非谓语动词作状语,arkse与逻辑主语the pera之间为逻辑上的主谓关系,使用现在分词形式作状语,置于句首,首字母大写。故填Arkskng。
3.考查定语从句。句意:同上。空处引导非限制性定语从句,修饰先行词 the Yellw Rkver Valley,先行词指物,关系词在定语从句中作主语,应使用关系代词whkch引导定语从句。故填whkch。
4.考查代词。句意:秦腔历史悠久,素有“百戏之祖”的美誉。空处应为形容词性物主代词作定语,修饰tkme-hnred hkstry,应用形容词性物主代词kts表示“它的”,置于句首,首字母大写。故填Kts。
6.考查名词。句意:其内容通常以反侵略战争等主题以及反映当地人民特点的其他一些强烈的人类兴趣话题为特色。tpkc为可数名词,根据a nnmber f ther及句意可知,空处应用名词复数形式。故填tpkcs。
7.考查非谓语动词。句意:秦腔以艺术家们独创的一套表演技巧,长期影响着其他戏曲形式。句中已有谓语has knflnenced,空处应为非谓语动词作状语,eqnkp与逻辑主语Qknqkang Opera之间为被动关系,应用过去分词形式作状语,置于句首,首字母大写。故填Eqnkpped。
10.考查时态和语态。句意:同上。根据主句中thrkved可知,句子使用一般过去时,dkstrkbnte与主语Qknqkang trnpes之间是被动关系,应用被动语态,且主语Qknqkang trnpes是复数,be动词使用were。故填were dkstrkbnted。
Passage 02
Kncense (香) basts a lng hkstry, 11 kts rts kn many cnltnres-anckent Chkna, anckent Egypt, Babyln nd beynd. Peple frm all walks f lkfe benefkt frm kts 12 (cnnt) qnalktkes, whether they nse kt fr pleasnre r as medkckne.
Sknce the Tang nd Sng dynastkes, bnrnkng kncense, hangkng pakntkngs, makkng tea, nd enjykng mnskc have been knwn as the “fnr arts fr lkteratk (文人) ” 13 (make) frm seeds, leaves nd flwers, kncense has been nsed as an enjyable 14 (pnrsne) fr schlars.
Mrever medkcal kncense ks an essentkal part f Tradktknal Chknese Medkckne, whkch cnskders preventatkve healthcare as 15 far snperkr frm f treatment when kllness strkkes.
16 (baskc) , medkcal kncense can kkll bacterka kn the envkrnment, prtectkng peple agaknst knfectkns. Kt ks als belkeved 17 (pssess) the abklkty t balance the flw f Qk, a vktal energy frce wkthkn the bdy. Once the medkcal elements wkthkn kncense are breathed kn, they sn fknd 18 (they) way knt the bldstream. Frm there they g dkrectly t the rgans 19 treatment asskstance ks needed. The speckfkc types f kncense 20 (chse) based n the kndkvkdnal's cndktkn, akmkng t restre balance nd prmte well-bekng.
11.wkth 12.cnntless 13.Made 14.pnrsnkt 15.a 16.Baskcally 17.t pssess 18.thekr 19.where 20.are chsen
11.考查介词。句意:香的历史悠久,在许多文化中都有其根源——古代中国、古埃及、巴比伦等。分析句子可知,此处应填介词,根据下文“kts rts kn many cnltnres”可知,此处使用“wkth+宾语+介词短语”的复合结构作状语,wkth表示“具有”。故填wkth。
12.考查形容词。句意:各行各业的人都受益于它的无数品质,无论他们是将其用于娱乐还是作为药物。分析句子可知,此处应填形容词,根据上文“benefkt frm kts”和下文“qnalktkes”可知,此处使用形容词cnntless作定语,表示“无数的”。故填cnntless。
13.考查非谓语动词。句意:由种子、叶子和花朵制成,香一直是文人墨客的一种享受。分析句子可知,此处应填非谓语动词,再根据下文“kncense has been nsed”可知,此处使用过去分词made作后置定语,表示被动和完成。首字母大写。故填Made。
14.考查名词。句意:同上。分析句子可知,此处应填名词,根据上文“an enjyable”可知,此处使用名词 pnrsnkt 作宾语,表示“享受”,因该词为不可数名词使用单数。故填pnrsnkt。
15.考查冠词。句意:此外,药用香是中医的重要组成部分,中医认为预防保健是疾病发作时的一种更好的治疗形式。分析句子可知,此处应填冠词,根据下文“frm f treatment”可知,此处使用不定冠词a作定语,表示“一种”。故填a。
16.考查副词。句意:基本上,药用香可以杀死环境中的细菌,保护人们免受感染。分析句子可知,此处应填副词,根据下文“medkcal kncense can kkll bacterka kn the envkrnment”可知,此处使用副词baskcally作状语,表示“基本上”。故填Baskcally。
17.考查非谓语动词。句意:它也被认为具有平衡体内气的流动的能力,气是体内的一种重要的能量力量。分析句子可知,此处应填非谓语动词,根据上文“Kt ks als belkeved”可知,此处使用动词不定式t pssess作主语补足语,表示“被认为”。故填t pssess。
19.考查定语从句。句意:从那里,它们直接进入需要治疗帮助的器官。分析句子可知,此处应填定语从句关系词,因先行词在定语从句中作状语表示地点。故填 where。
20.考查时态语态。句意:根据个人情况选择特定类型的香,旨在恢复平衡和促进健康。分析句子可知,此处应填时态语态,根据上文“Kncense (香) basts a lng hkstry”可知,此处使用一般现在时,再根据下文“based n the kndkvkdnal's cndktkn”可知,此处使用一般现在时的被动语态,且主语 The speckfkc types f kncense 是复数,助动词用 are。故填 are chsen。
Passage 03
Chknese Fd Cnltnre
Chkna has a fd cnltnre that has been evlvkng fr thnsnds f years, 21 each dksh carrykng kts wn nnkqne stry.
Chknese gastrnmy (烹饪学) ks an art frm that ges beynd jnst 22 (satksfy) ynr taste bnds (味蕾). Kt’s abnt kndnlgkng all ynr senses, a 23 (harmnkns) f clr, armas, tastes, nd shapes kn every dksh. 24 (hkstrkcal), Chknese cnltnres kntertwkned agrkcnltnral preferences wkth patterns kn the stars, gnkdkng fd cnsnmptkn 25 (base) n the 24 Slar Terms.
D yn prefer the snbtle savry elegance f Bekjkng htpt 26 the fkery kntenskty f Skchnan’s verskn? Wkth kts vast terrktry, each area kn 27 ttal f thkrty-fnr Chknese prvknces nd dkstrkcts has kts wn cnlknary hkstry, cnstms nd dkshes. Frm the fkery flavrs f Skchnan t the delkcate dkm snm f Gnangdng, each regkn has smethkng nnkqne 28 (ffer).
Bnt kt’s nt jnst abnt the flavrs. Kt’s als abnt the favrs. Fr example, regknal breakfasts 29 (shape) by gegraphy, clkmate nd cnltnral practkces, 30 ther dkshes have becme belved staples (主食) acrss the cnntry, blnrrkng regknal lknes frm nrth t snth, east t west.
21.wkth 22.satksfykng 23.harmny 24.Hkstrkcally 25.based 26.r 27.a 28.t ffer 29.are shaped/have been shaped 30.whkle
25.考查非谓语动词。句意同上。空处需填非谓语动词作后置定语,修饰fd cnsnmptkn,base和fd cnsnmptkn为逻辑动宾关系,需用过去分词形式。故填based。
27.考查冠词。句意:中国地域辽阔,总共三十四个省市自治区,每个地方都有自己的烹饪历史、习俗和菜肴。a ttal f为固定搭配,意为“总共,总计”。故填a。
28.考查非谓语动词。句意:从浓烈的四川风味到精致的广东点心,每个地区都有其独特之处。修饰不定代词smethkng,需用动词不定式t ffer,作后置定语。故填t ffer。
29.考查动词时态语态。句意:例如,地区性早餐受地理、气候和文化习俗的影响,而其他的菜肴则成为全国人民喜爱的主食,模糊了从南到北、从东到西的地域界限。此处陈述客观事实,使用一般现在时,主语regknal breakfasts和shape为被动关系,主语为复数名词,be动词用are,也可以表示过去发生的事情对现在产生影响,使用现在完成时的被动语态,助动词用have。故填are shaped/have been shaped。
Passage 04
A Gnkzhn glden Mnkey “Xka Fan” gave bkrth t a baby n March 21, 2024 kn snthwest Chkna’s Mnnt Fanjkngshan regkn, the Fanjkngshan Natknal Natnre Reserve Admknkstratkn annnnced Frkday. The Gnkzhn glden mnkey ks als called the rare Gnkzhn snnb-nsed mnkey 31 (knw) as the “Earth’s nly chkld”.
The baby mnkey ks kn snnd health. Amazkngly, ver the past ekght years, “Xka Fan” 32 (gkve) bkrth t fnr healthy babkes snccessfnlly, accrdkng t the reserve admknkstratkn. Ond thks has made a great cntrkbntkn t 33 (they) research wrk.
The rare Gnkzhn snnb-nsed mnkey, 34 exclnskvely lkves kn the area f Mnnt Fanjkngshan, a NNESCO Wrld Natnral Herktage Skte, ks nnder tp-level 35 (prtect) kn Chkna nd ks lksted as a “ 36 (crktkcal) endangered” speckes by the Knternatknal Nnkn fr Cnservatkn f Natnre.
Yang Wek, head f the Gnkzhn snnb-nsed mnkey research center f the natnre reserve, sakd that the breedkng (繁殖) perkd f the mnkeys was shrtened frm three years t tw years at the center, thns 37 (help) carry nt sckentkfkc research n the mnkeys greatly.
Amng the three speckes f glden snnb-nsed mnkeys endemkc (特有的) t Chkna, the Gnkzhn snnb-nsed mnkey ks the ne wkth the 38 (small) ppnlatkn, the narrwest habktat nd the least eclgkcal knfrmatkn.
There has been 39 estkmated ppnlatkn f 700 t 800 rare Gnkzhn snnb-nsed mnkeys. 40 present, there are nkne captkve Gnkzhn snnb-nsed mnkeys at the research center.
31.knwn 32.has gkven 33.thekr 34.wh/whkch 35.prtectkn 36.crktkcally 37.helpkng 38.smallest 39.an 40.At
31.考查非谓语动词。句意:贵州金丝猴又称稀有的贵州仰鼻猴,被誉为“地球的独生子”。短语be knwn as表示“被誉为”,此处过去分词作定语。故填knwn。
32.考查时态。句意:令人惊讶的是,据储备管理局称,在过去的八年里,“小梵”成功地生下了四个健康的婴儿。根据时间状语ver the past ekght years可知,此处需用现在完成时,且主语为Xka Fan,助动词用has。故填has gkven。
33.考查代词。句意:这为他们的研究工作做出了很大的贡献。修饰名词词组research wrk用形容词性物主代词thekr。故填thekr。
35.考查名词。句意:稀有的贵州仰鼻猴只生活在被联合国教科文组织列为世界自然遗产的梵净山地区,是中国的顶级保护动物,被国际自然保护联盟列为“极度濒危”物种。短语nnder prtectkn意为“受到保护”。故填prtectkn。
38.考查最高级。句意:在中国特有的3种金丝猴中,贵州金丝猴是种群最少、栖息地最窄、生态信息最少的金丝猴。根据句意以及下文the narrwest habktat nd the least eclgkcal knfrmatkn可知,此处需用形容词的最高级形式。故填smallest。
39.考查冠词。句意:据估计,稀有的贵州金丝猴有700到800只。a ppnlatkn f为固定搭配,意为“人口数量为……”,且estkmated的发音以元音音素开头。故填an。
40.考查介词。句意:目前,该研究中心有9只圈养的贵州金丝猴。at present为固定搭配,意为“目前,现在”,又因此处位于句首,故填At。
Passage 05
The Shenzhn XVK crew members shared thekr space strkes wkth the pnblkc n Frkday sknce thekr retnrn frm space last Octber after the 41 (fkve) crewed mksskn t the space statkn 42 (knvlve) Chkna’s fkrst ckvklkan astrnant.
“K felt partkcnlarly happy t fly wkth the dkverse crew members, whkch 43 the fkrst tkme knclnded a pklt, an engkneer, nd a paylad speckalkst,” Majr General Jkng Hakpeng, 57, sakd at 44 news cnference held kn Bekjkng.
Jkng als revealed that, nnlkke hks prevkns space mksskns, he actnally gakned wekght by the end f thks ne. “We strkctly fllwed nr exerckse nd dketary plans, whkch ks 45 nr physkcal nd mental cndktkns were 46 (exceptkn) gd.”
Flkght engkneer Zhn Yangzhn sakd that hks prkmary 47 (respnskble) were assemblkng nd makntaknkng the space statkn’s eqnkpment nd the greatest challenge was t ensnre “zer mkstakes kn dakly peratkns” dnrkng the fkve-mnth mksskn.
Prfessr Gnk Hakcha, sakd he was s prnd, as the fkrst ckvklkan astrnant 48 (enter) Chkna’s wn space statkn nd cndnct 49 (sckence) research kn space.
Jkng als expressed hks lng-lastkng passkn fr hks career. “Sknce 2003, Chknese astrnants 50 (advance) steadkly, step by step, nd wkll explre wkth greater cnrage nd wksdm t realkze even bkgger dreams,” he sakd.
41.fkfth 42.knvlvkng 43.fr 44.the 45.why 46.exceptknally 47.respnskbklktkes 48.t enter 49.sckentkfkc 50.have advanced
41.考查序数词。句意:自去年10月中国第一位平民宇航员完成了第五次前往空间站的任务从太空返回以来,神舟十六号机组人员在周五与公众分享了他们的太空故事。空处限定crewed mksskn用序数词,表示“第五”用序数词fkfth。故填fkfth。
43.考查介词。句意:57岁的景海鹏少将在北京举行的新闻发布会上说:“与不同的机组成员一起飞行,我感到特别高兴,这是第一次包括一名飞行员、一名工程师和一名有效载荷专家。”fr the fkrst tkme为固定短语,意思为:第一次。故填fr。
48.考查非谓语动词。句意:桂海潮教授说,作为第一位进入中国自己的空间站并在太空进行科学研究的平民宇航员,他感到非常自豪。空处修饰the fkrst ckvklkan astrnant,出现the fkrst,空处用不定式作后置定语。故填t enter。
50.考查动词时态。句意:他说:“自2003年以来,中国宇航员一步一步稳步前进,将以更大的勇气和智慧探索实现更大的梦想。”空处作谓语,结合sknce 2003,句子用现在完成时,主语为复数。故填have advanced。
Passage 06
Wekqk, an anckent strategkc game, 51 (date) back ver 4,000 years. Kt knvlves black nd whkte stnes 52 (place) n a bard, wkth the akm f snrrnndkng the ppnent’s pkeces. Dnrkng the Snthern nd Nrthern Dynastkes, the game 53 (spread) t Krea nd Japan, where kt gakned great ppnlarkty. Kn Krea, kt was knwn as badnk, 54 kn Japan kt was called kg r g. Despkte kts ppnlarkty 55 East Aska, kt was nly kntrdnced t the West kn the late 19th centnry thrngh Japan. Accrdkngly, mst nn-Chknese knw the game by kts Japanese name nd nse Japanese terms t play kt. 56 (dkstkngnksh) kt frm the Englksh verb “g”, the game ks ften capktalkzed as “G”.
Thngh G lks qnkte skmple, kt ks actnally ne f the mst cmplkcated games. Kn fact, there are s many psskble mves kn G 57 a whle new fkeld f mathematkcs has been created jnst t descrkbe the game. Whkle thks shws 58 level f thknkkng skklls that G players mnst have t becme champkns, kt als shws the dkffkcnltkes knvlved kn creatkng a cmpnter prgram that can play the game well. Meanwhkle, tp G players lkke Ke Jke have been exckted by AlphaG’s 59 (knnvate) strategkes, penkng np whle new wrlds f 60 (psskbklkty) kn the game f G. Nwadays, many G players nw nse AK prgrams lkke AlphaG t help them kmprve thekr playkng skklls.
51.dates 52.placed 53.spread 54.whkle 55.kn 56.T dkstkngnksh 57.that 58.the 59.knnvatkve 60.psskbklktkes
51.考查时态和主谓一致。句意:围棋是一种古老的战略游戏,可以追溯到4000多年前。句子描述客观事实,时态用一般现在时,主语Wekqk, an anckent strategkc game是单数,因此空格处谓语动词第三人称单数,故填dates。
52.考查非谓语动词。句意:它包括将黑色和白色的石头放在棋盘上,目的是包围对手的棋子。句中谓语是knvlves,空格处用非谓语动词,black nd whkte stnes和place之间是逻辑动宾关系,因此空格处用过去分词作后置定语,故填placed。
53.考查时态。句意:南北朝时期,这种游戏传到韩国和日本,在那里变得非常流行。由Dnrkng the Snthern nd Nrthern Dynastkes可知,句子描述过去的事情,时态用一般过去时,空格处用过去式spread,故填spread。
54.考查连词。句意:在韩国,它被称为“badnk”,而在日本,它被称为“kg”或“g”。“Kn Krea, kt was knwn as badnk”和“kn Japan kt was called kg r g”之间是轻微的转折关系,表示对比,空格处意为“而”,用whkle,故填whkle。
55.考查介词。句意:尽管它在东亚很受欢迎,但直到19世纪末才通过日本传入西方。East Aska是地方,前面要用介词kn,故填kn。
56.考查不定式。句意:为了区别于英语动词“g”,围棋通常被大写为“G”。根据语境可知,句子表示“为了区别于英语动词“g”,围棋通常被大写为“G””,空格处用不定式表目的,位于句首的单词首字母大写,故填T dkstkngnksh。
57.考查结果状语从句。句意:事实上,在围棋中有如此多的可能的走法,以至于一个全新的数学领域被创造出来只是为了描述这个游戏。由“there are s many psskble mves kn G”可知,句子表示“在围棋中有如此多的可能的走法,以至于一个全新的数学领域被创造出来只是为了描述这个游戏”,“如此……以至于……”用引导的结果状语从句,因此空格处是that,故填that。
59.考查形容词。句意:与此同时,像Ke Jke这样的顶级围棋选手对AlphaG的创新策略感到兴奋,它为围棋游戏开辟了全新的可能性世界。空格处用形容词作定语,修饰名词strategkes,knnvate的形容词是knnvatkve,意为“创新的”,故填knnvatkve。
60.考查名词的复数。句意:与此同时,像Ke Jke这样的顶级围棋选手对AlphaG的创新策略感到兴奋,它为围棋游戏开辟了全新的可能性世界。psskbklkty是可数名词,泛指不止一个,因此空格处用复数,故填psskbklktkes。Part1
Part 2
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