2021届高考英语阅读高频词汇复习(十八) 学案
目录 | 内容 |
Exercise 1 | 阅读高频词汇梳理与解析 |
Exercise 2 | 高考英语阅读理解练习 |
Exercise 3 | 新题型写作练习 |
Exercise 1:高频词汇梳理与解析
① apparent a. 显然的,明白的
② appetite[ˈæpɪtaɪt] n. 胃口;欲望
③ deposit[dɪˈpɒzɪt] n. 存款,定金 v.存放,储蓄
④ deputy[ˈdepjuti] n. 副职,代表
⑤ derive[dɪˈraɪv] vt. 取得,得到;(from)起源于
⑥ descend[dɪˈsend] v. 下来,下降
⑦ essential[ɪˈsenʃl] a. 必不可少的;本质的
⑧ estimate[ˈestɪmeɪt; ˈestɪmət] n./vt. 估计,估量
⑨ evaluate[ɪˈvæljueɪt] vt. 评估,评价
⑩ exceed[ɪkˈsiːd] vt. 超过,越出
⑪ exceedingly[ɪkˈsiːdɪŋli] ad. 非常,极其
⑫ exclaim[ɪk'skleɪm; ek-] v. 呼喊,大声说
⑬ exclude[ɪkˈskluːd] vt. 把...排斥在外,不包括
⑭ exclusive[ɪkˈskluːsɪv] a. 独有的,排他的
⑮ excursion[ɪkˈskɜːʃn] n. 远足
⑯ flash[flæʃ] vi. 闪光,闪耀
⑰ flee[fliː] vi. 逃走
⑱ flexible[ˈfleksəbl] a. 易弯曲的
⑲ glimpse[ɡlɪmps] n. 一瞥,一看
⑳ glorious[ˈɡlɔːriəs] n. 光荣的,极好的
21 glory[ˈɡlɔːri] n. 光荣,荣誉
22 golf[ɡɒlf] n. 高尔夫球运动
23 hence[hens] ad. 因此,所以;今后,从此
24 herd[hɜːd] n. 兽群,牧群
25 highlight[ˈhaɪlaɪt] vt. 强调,突出
26 hydrogen[ˈhaɪdrədʒən] n. 氢
27 missile[ˈmɪsaɪl] n. 导弹
28 mission[ˈmɪʃn] n. 使命;代表团
29 mist[mɪst] n.薄雾
30 noticeable[ˈnəʊtɪsəbl] a. 显而易见到
31 notify[ˈnəʊtɪfaɪ] vt. 通知,告知
32 notion[ˈnəʊʃn] n. 概念;意图,想法
33 resemble[rɪˈzembl] vt. 像,类似于
34 reveal[rɪˈviːl] vt. 揭露
35 revenue[ˈrevənjuː] n. 收入,岁入;税收
Exercise 2 高考英语阅读理解练习
Artificial intelligence(AI) technology may soon be a useful tool for doctors.It may help them better understand and treat diseases like liver cancer in ways that were never before possible.
Rishi Rawat,who teaches AI at the University of Southern California in Los Angeles,is part of a team of scientists researching how AI and machine learning can more easily recognize cancerous growths in the liver.Rawat provides information about cancer cells to a computer.He says,“You can put the data into them and they will learn the patterns and the pattern recognition that’s important for making decisions.”
David Agus is another researcher.He believes that machines are not going to take the place of doctors.“Computers will not treat patients,but they will help make certain decisions and look for things that the human brain can’t recognize by itself.”
Once a confirmed cancerous growth is removed,doctors still have to treat the patient to reduce the risk of cancer returning.The form of treatment depends on the kind of cancer.Nowadays,researchers take a thin piece of tissue(组织),put it on a small piece of glass and add color to see the cells better.That process could take days or even longer.Scientists say artificial intelligence can do something better than just count cells.Through machine learning,it can recognize complex patterns or structures,and learn how the cells are organized.
The hope is that machines will soon be able to make a quick identification of cancer that is free of human mistakes.Agus says the process could be done for almost no cost in the developing world and that having a large amount of information about patients is important for a machine to effectively do its job in medicine.
The researchers of the university are now only studying liver cancer.But doctors predict artificial intelligence will one day make a difference in all forms of cancer.
1.What can AI do with the help of the information provided by the researchers?
A.Recognize cancer patterns.
B.Treat liver cancer.
C.Collect useful information.
D.Store cancerous cells.
2.What can we learn about AI?
A.It will be able to replace doctors.
B.Patients are unlikely to be cancerous again with its help.
C.It is making a difference in taking care of patients.
D.It can recognize cancer more accurately.
3.What’s the author’s attitude towards the future of AI?
A.Optimistic. B.Doubtful. C.Curious. D.Cold.
4.What is the best title for the text?
A.AI Is Used to Treat Cancers
B.AI May Compete with Doctors
C.AI May Make Doctors Better
D.AI Is Better at Curing Cancers
Exercise 3 新题型写作练习
读后续写 阅读下面短文,根据所给情节进行续写,使之构成一个完整的故事。
“Wanted: Violin. Can’t pay much. Contact…”
I rarely read the classified advertisements, so why did I notice that one? I laid the paper on my lap and closed my eyes, remembering what had happened many years before, during the Great Depression when my family struggled to make a living on our farm. I, too, had wanted a violin.
When my older twin sisters began showing an interest in music, Harriet Anne learned to play Grandma’s piano, while Suzanne turned to Daddy’s violin. Simple tunes became lovely melodies. My baby brother danced; Daddy hummed and Mother whistled. I just listened.
When my arms grew long enough, I tried to play Suzanne’s violin. Oh, how I wanted one! But I knew it was out of the question.
One evening as the twins played in the school orchestra. I closed my eyes tight to capture the picture firmly in my mind. Someday, I’ll sit up there, I vowed silently.
It was not a good year. At harvest the crops didn’t bring as much as we had hoped. Yet even though times were hard, I couldn’t wait any longer to ask, “Daddy, may I have a violin of my own?”
“Can’t you use Suzanne’s?”
“I’d like to be in the orchestra too, and we can’t both use the same violin at the same time.”
Daddy’s face looked sad. That night, and many following nights, I heard him remind God in our family prayers, “… and Lord, Mary Lou wants her own violin.”
One evening we all sat round the table. The twins and I studied. Mother sewed and Daddy wrote a letter to his friend, George Finkle, in Columbus, Ohio. Mr Finkle, Daddy said, was a fine violinist.
When Daddy received a letter from Columbus a few weeks later, he asked me, “Mary Lou, do you want to go with me to visit Mr Finkle?”
He drove us to Columbus and we came to a fine, old house. A tall man opened the door. He and Daddy heartily shook hands, both talking at once.
“Mary Lou, I’ve been hearing things about you. Your Daddy has arranged a surprise for you!” He picked up a case, opened it, lifted out a violin and started to play. The melody surged and spoke like waterfalls. Oh, to play like him, I thought.
Finishing the piece, he turned to Daddy. “I found it in a pawnshop(当铺)for seven dollars. It’s a good violin. Mary Lou should be able to make a beautiful music with it.” Then he handed the violin to me.
1. 所续写短文的词数应为150左右;
2. 应使用5个以上短文中标有下划线的关键词语;
3. 续写部分分为两段,每段的开头语已为你写好;
4. 续写完成后,请用下划线标出你所使用的关键词语。
Paragraph 1:
I noticed the tears in Daddy’s eyes as I finally comprehended. It was mine!
Paragraph 2:
I forced my thoughts to the present and read again the advertisement.
Paragraph 1:
I noticed the tears in Daddy’s eyes as I finally comprehended. It was mine! “It’s beautiful.” I said, barely breathing. I knew Daddy’s prayer, and mine, had been answered. Back home, I practiced daily, feeling no tiredness. When I was ready to join the school orchestra, I trembled with excitement. Daddy and Mother smiled proudly in the audience at their little girl who held her cherished violin for the whole world to admire. The years seemed to run more swiftly then. I packed my violin in its case and stepped into the grown-up world. Nurse’s training, marriage, working, bringing up four daughters filled my years. Yet none of my children cared about the violin.
Paragraph 2:
I forced my thoughts to the present and read again the advertisement. Laying the paper aside, I went to find my violin. And I dialed the number. Later that afternoon, an old car stopped in my driveway. A man in his thirties with a young girl knocked on the door. “I’ve been praying someone would answer my advertisement. My daughter wants a violin so badly.” He said, “How much are you asking?” “Seven dollars,” I said. I handed the case to the girl. She opened the case and touched the violin lightly as it caught the glow of the late-afternoon sun. Then she threw her arms round her smiling father.